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Topic: Influences
RainbowTrout's photo
Sun 02/19/12 06:10 AM
Battered women have really influence me a lot. Usually this one I hug in the mornings sometimes lets go of the hug first but this morning was different. Before she left me crying and telling me he better quit hitting me I told her that if she ever gets sick and tired of being sick and tired come to see us. The nurse agree with me that make up is for making a woman look pretty and not really for hiding the bruises.

no photo
Sun 02/19/12 07:42 AM

I have always been curious to learn new things but it has nothing to do with my childhood or how I was raised. The military helped me to explore even more new things and explore who I am. They were my biggest influence.

Yes! I would have thought you would say the military! The military people who I have known as neighbors seem to have an uncanny ability to form a family of friends where ever they go....also seem to have a lot of opportunities made available to them

no photo
Sun 02/19/12 07:43 AM
or an adjective

as in Love Potion 99smitten

no photo
Sun 02/19/12 07:45 AM

Who am I?
Do I know me?
Am I me?

Everything changed me
I couldn't change anything
still they think I shall change....

yes the equal and opposite reactionflowerforyou

for the good I thinkflowers

navygirl's photo
Sun 02/19/12 11:24 AM

I have always been curious to learn new things but it has nothing to do with my childhood or how I was raised. The military helped me to explore even more new things and explore who I am. They were my biggest influence.
all the navy tought me was how to hold my liquor...or not laugh

Yeah, they taught me how to drink too. I learned how to use tools so I was able to renovate my house. They also taught me the discipline to keep fit. Its all good. bigsmile

navygirl's photo
Sun 02/19/12 11:29 AM

I have always been curious to learn new things but it has nothing to do with my childhood or how I was raised. The military helped me to explore even more new things and explore who I am. They were my biggest influence.

Yes! I would have thought you would say the military! The military people who I have known as neighbors seem to have an uncanny ability to form a family of friends where ever they go....also seem to have a lot of opportunities made available to them

This is so true. I have never had a problem traveling by myself as I seem to meet some terrific people. I think because we do so may different jobs in the military; we are pretty versatile so more opportunities are available.

no photo
Sun 02/19/12 11:41 AM

or an adjective

as in Love Potion 99smitten

oops - wrong thread - sorry

Shy_Emo_chick's photo
Sun 02/19/12 09:15 PM
My influences have been mainly people in the music industry. Though one actress i admire is Marilyn Monroe. Not because she was popular, but because i like the dresses she wears. Another influence for me, has been Madonna. I just like how she's so fearless. Geri Halliwell is another one. Also, baby spice, and posh spice. Notice how it's all the vampy types? lol. Any artsy, or gothic stuff comes from me myself. Someone once said to me "You're the happiest goth i've ever seen!", lol. Well SOMEONE has to be. I certainly don't to be grumpy, that's for sure. I've always been a very creative person, and have my own idea's. I write songs and other stuff. If someone asked me to, say, make up a situation for a movie, or a book, i probably could.

PacificStar48's photo
Sun 02/19/12 10:09 PM
Hmmm I am not sure what influenced me. I know i did my darndest to be anything but like my guardian but I can't say I really copied my likes to please anyone but myself. I could live along side the military but there is no way I could take orders so it is good thing I wasn't but I like doing a varitety of thing and not being micromanaged so someone who could lock me up for not doing what they wanted would be bad news.

no photo
Mon 02/20/12 06:55 AM

Battered women have really influence me a lot. Usually this one I hug in the mornings sometimes lets go of the hug first but this morning was different. Before she left me crying and telling me he better quit hitting me I told her that if she ever gets sick and tired of being sick and tired come to see us. The nurse agree with me that make up is for making a woman look pretty and not really for hiding the bruises.

yes I agree - make up is not made for that purpose - are you in a mandatory report position? (don;t answer that)

it just sounds like something that should be reported to authorities -

no photo
Mon 02/20/12 07:02 AM

My influences have been mainly people in the music industry. Though one actress i admire is Marilyn Monroe. Not because she was popular, but because i like the dresses she wears. Another influence for me, has been Madonna. I just like how she's so fearless. Geri Halliwell is another one. Also, baby spice, and posh spice. Notice how it's all the vampy types? lol. Any artsy, or gothic stuff comes from me myself. Someone once said to me "You're the happiest goth i've ever seen!", lol. Well SOMEONE has to be. I certainly don't to be grumpy, that's for sure. I've always been a very creative person, and have my own idea's. I write songs and other stuff. If someone asked me to, say, make up a situation for a movie, or a book, i probably could.

awesome! Yes Marilyn Monroe is one of my favorite actresses, possibly my favorite

I also like Madonna - I listen to her music - but I also really just admire her

as far a being influenced by the industry...not sure about that - early on prolly singers like Grace Slick & Carly Simon

more recently I am hard to influence! Neil Young has been an influence on my thinking so has Van Halen, REM, Tracy Chapman of course, Bonnie Raitt....I have listened to so much music in my lifetime that it is almost impossible to remember all of the influences

some really influenced me - others I already was in sync with what they were saying anyway

PacificStar48's photo
Mon 02/20/12 07:41 AM

Battered women have really influence me a lot. Usually this one I hug in the mornings sometimes lets go of the hug first but this morning was different. Before she left me crying and telling me he better quit hitting me I told her that if she ever gets sick and tired of being sick and tired come to see us. The nurse agree with me that make up is for making a woman look pretty and not really for hiding the bruises.

This is a terrible position to be in. I think some people just get ground down to their situation and when they have tried and failed to find an out a few times it is even harder for them to leave.

Sadly what is offered to women who want to leave abusive situations is pretty dismal. Affordable houseing doesn't exist and the job market is pretty dismal. With the crazy school schedules day care is a joke. If you leave even an older kid at home after school all bets are off as to what will go on.

What is sad to me is the number of women who are getting beat on by their kids. You tell a kid to do their homework, make their own bed, or turn the music down they are libal to beat you down like a video game.

Of course I offered to pay a mother of three to work six hours shifts around her kids school hours helping care for my Dad and in six days work she was late four and came to work in disco clothes burned out once.

Can't say for the women you talk to I have to wonder if they make their own misery. You pick a guy you know has a drug and alcohol history, three previous "families", spends more on his motercycle than he has in retirement you have to know you are in for trouble sooner or later. Especially when the woman spend more on running to the casino and and an over priced makeup party so the guy drives to work on bald tires. But if you qestion either person they say they love their spouses.

Thu 02/23/12 06:08 PM

i've done the opposite of what i've seen the whole world do.

That just means that you were 100% influenced by the world.

no photo
Thu 02/23/12 06:28 PM
Bikers down the street....mostly, as I stated before......

but the clowns at the Circus had a hand in it too!!!!!

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