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Topic: what should I do?
potcperson's photo
Tue 02/07/12 12:57 PM
So I met this really nice guy online...and I'm starting to really like him...but he's catholic, and that goes against my religious belief to get involved with someone who isn't the same religion as me...what should I do?

no photo
Tue 02/07/12 01:03 PM
Hiya... Wots ur reasons for not going out with somone who has a different religion? and what religion are you?

On the face of it I would say that it can work, however it does depend on how different your religions are and if its likely to affect how u may raise kids (If planning on kids in the future), Family etc.

CowboyGH's photo
Tue 02/07/12 01:56 PM

Hiya... Wots ur reasons for not going out with somone who has a different religion? and what religion are you?

On the face of it I would say that it can work, however it does depend on how different your religions are and if its likely to affect how u may raise kids (If planning on kids in the future), Family etc.

Yes on the face of it I would say it will work as well. Why shouldn't it work? Does he not have enough compassion and understanding to understand you have your beliefs and they are yours? Or is he more pig headed to where he will try to change your beliefs? If he's understanding, why wouldn't it work? As long as neither of you try to force your beliefs on the other. Find a common ground to stand on.

xombiegirl's photo
Tue 02/07/12 02:09 PM
I'm lost your Both ChristAin

no photo
Tue 02/07/12 03:15 PM
Edited by Bushidobillyclub on Tue 02/07/12 03:15 PM
Its all about differences and similarities.

What is interesting (at least to me) is this journey of exploring the differences and similarities between religions lead me to be atheist.

Good luck!

DaddyTime's photo
Tue 02/07/12 03:18 PM
Edited by DaddyTime on Tue 02/07/12 03:19 PM
God supposedly works in mysterious ways, If that is the case maybe he brought you're two paths together for a reason. If this is the natural course of things who are we to question it..right?

potcperson's photo
Tue 02/07/12 04:58 PM
those are seem like very good answers....but are religions are totally different and it would affect how we raised kids.

DaddyTime's photo
Tue 02/07/12 04:59 PM

those are seem like very good answers....but are religions are totally different and it would affect how we raised kids.

No as you should let you're children grow and choose their own religion rather then force yours on them.

Redykeulous's photo
Tue 02/07/12 09:40 PM

Yes religions can be very different and difficult to explain to children, for example:

Children: This stupid kid at school said that Jesus only saved people on Earth and all the aliens from other planets are going to hell.

Parent 1: Well, We have to love and respect all people and not call them stupid.

Parent 2: But that doesn’t mean they can all get married only mommy’s and daddy’s can get married ?

Parent1: Never mind about that right now, it’s time to bury the statue upside down in the garden.


Youngest child: Why do we have to go to two different churches every week?

Older child: Because mommy and daddy can’t agree on if a Christmas tree is a pagan symbol or not.

Youngest child: Don’t tell them about the Easter Bunny, I don’t want to go to three churches


Child 1: Why can’t we go to a church where they speak English?

Parent 1: They do speak English but that’s at the second mass

Child 1: But when we go to the second mass they speak another language

Parent 2: That’s a different church honey

Parent 1: It’s not called a church, its called..

Child 2: It’s called a jibberish

Parent 2: No, that’s the language, and it’s not jibberish, it’s Yiddish

Child 2: Well it’s all jibberish to me

Child 1 (now crying): I just want to go somewhere they speak English, can’t we go were Jimmy’s family goes

Parent 1: Where does Jimmy’s family go

Child 2: They go to Denney’s and they get a whole breakfast, not just blood and crackers.

Parents – staring at each other accusingly (this is all your fault)

Yep, two religions can be confusing to a child. I say stick to your own kind, it makes it easier if the whole family subscribes to the same methods of indoctrination.

Did you really expect an answer from people you don't know? Then here's a real life story.

My oldest friend since I was born is Jewish - her husband is Catholic. They've been married for over 30 years and have three children.

The children got to experience two very different families (who also along with each other very well)and they went to both church and synagogue.

The only pressure was that they go together as a family to both. The children were allowed to decide if they wanted to follow one or the other religious paths or to find one on their own.

Two are Jewish, one practicing and one not. One was baptized a Christian, but she teaches her children about both religions and encourages them to learn about others.

As a whole, they are warm, kind, and loving, family, non-judgemental and supportive.

There is nothing wrong with diversity, but there is something wrong when a religion teaches segregation by superiority.

RKISIT's photo
Wed 02/08/12 04:06 AM
Ah 2 Jesus freaks in a denomination dispute,how cute.indifferent

no photo
Wed 02/08/12 06:15 AM

So I met this really nice guy online...and I'm starting to really like him...but he's catholic, and that goes against my religious belief to get involved with someone who isn't the same religion as me...what should I do?

you have to kick one of them to the curb ....either him or your beliefs

potcperson's photo
Wed 02/08/12 10:27 AM
thanks everyone. I chose my beliefs.

CowboyGH's photo
Wed 02/08/12 11:54 AM

thanks everyone. I chose my beliefs.

Very good to hear :). Not sure exactly what your beliefs are in specifics, but glad to hear you kept to your beliefs before anyone else.

potcperson's photo
Wed 02/08/12 01:28 PM

thanks everyone. I chose my beliefs.

Very good to hear :). Not sure exactly what your beliefs are in specifics, but glad to hear you kept to your beliefs before anyone else.

In a nutshell, my beliefs are that I should be with someone who is like general things but also in religious things.

CowboyGH's photo
Wed 02/08/12 01:34 PM

thanks everyone. I chose my beliefs.

Very good to hear :). Not sure exactly what your beliefs are in specifics, but glad to hear you kept to your beliefs before anyone else.

In a nutshell, my beliefs are that I should be with someone who is like general things but also in religious things.

Very true :).

potcperson's photo
Fri 02/10/12 07:24 PM
so the tables have turned slightly. He wants to make it work. But I'm scared, I don't want to hurt him...I really like what I know about him so far...I just hate it that he's catholic. Every time we talk, I say it can't work and he says we can at least try to make it work. I don't know what to do :(

Totage's photo
Fri 02/10/12 07:29 PM

So I met this really nice guy online...and I'm starting to really like him...but he's catholic, and that goes against my religious belief to get involved with someone who isn't the same religion as me...what should I do?

You know what you should do, and I'm not going to be one to tell you it's okay to go against your beliefs and give in to your fleshly desires. It's not a complicated issue.

RainbowTrout's photo
Fri 02/10/12 07:31 PM
Pray for them would be my choice. My spouse tried to fix me and I tried to fix her. It didn't work. I have found friends who like me but not my religion. I found this nice Atheist once that I really like but got infatuated with her. It kind of defeated the purpose of trying to save her. I was all fired up to try to save her but the problem got confused because of trying to save her soul got mixed up with trying to save her for me. My bad. I got selfish. It happens.:smile:

no photo
Fri 02/10/12 07:43 PM
God is not interested in what denomination you choose.

God is much more interested in establishing a Relationship

with you ...and with him ....and with ALL of us in fact.

In other words....God just wants to know if you both have

Invited His Son Jesus into your heart.

Cause thru believing and accepting Christ Jesus,is how we are

brought back into Relationship with God again.

And THEN God thru the Power of The Holy Spirit, will lead and Guide

you both in the right decision.


Ruth34611's photo
Fri 02/10/12 07:50 PM

Ah 2 Jesus freaks in a denomination dispute,how cute.indifferent


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