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Topic: Another Student In Trouble For His Beliefs
Lpdon's photo
Tue 01/24/12 07:24 PM
A 15-year-old Wisconsin boy who wrote an op-ed opposing gay adoptions was censored, threatened with suspension and called ignorant by the superintendent of the Shawano School District, according to an attorney representing the child.

Mathew Staver, the founder of the Liberty Counsel, sent a letter to Superintendent Todd Carlson demanding an apology for “Its unconstitutional and irrational censorship and humiliation” of Brandon Wegner.

Wegner, a student at Shawano High School, was asked to write an op-ed for the school newspaper about whether gays should be allowed to adopt. Wegner, who is a Christian, wrote in opposition. Another student wrote in favor of allowing gays to adopt.

Wegner used Bible passages to defend his argument, including Scripture that called homosexuality a sin.

You can read Wegner’s editorial by clicking here.

After the op-ed was published, a gay couple whose child attend s the high school, complained.

The school immediately issued an apology – stating Wegner’s opinion was a “form of bullying and disrespect.”

“Offensive articles cultivating a negative environment of disrespect are not appropriate or condoned by the Shawano School District,” the statement read. “We sincerely apologize to anyone we may have offended and are taking steps to prevent items of this nature from happening in the future.”

But Staver said what the school system did next was absolutely outrageous. He said the 15-year-old was ordered to the superintendent’s office where he was subjected to hours of meetings and was accused of violating the school’s bullying policy.

“The superintendent called him ignorant and said he had the power to suspend him,” Staver said. “He’s using his position to bully this student. This is absolutely the epitome of intolerance.”

Staver said the boy’s parents were never notified.

At one point, Staver said the superintendent gave him a chance to say he regretted writing the column.

“When Mr. Wegner stated that he did not regret writing it, and that he stood behind his beliefs, Superintendent Carlson told him that he ‘had got to be one of the most ignorant kids to try to argue with him about this topic,’” Staver said.

At that point, Staver said the superintendent told the boy that “we have the power to suspend you if we want to.”

The superintendent allegedly told Wegner that he was personally offended by Wegner’s column.

FOX News & Commentary offered Carlson a chance to address the allegations. He refused to submit to questions, but did say he would send a statement. That statement never arrived.

Staver said Wegner was not trying to cause problems or pick a fight.

“He was asked to write an article in the newspaper overseen by a faculty adviser,” he said, suspecting the superintendent was specifically outraged over the Bible verses Wegner had used.

“The superintendent wants everyone to accept homosexuality as normative and homosexual adoption as something that should be standard practices,” Staver said. “In doing so, he’s belittling the views and the biblical views of many people across this country. He is playing a zero-sum game. He’s not interested in dialogue. He wants to cram his view down the throat of everyone else and will not tolerate an opposing viewpoint.”

Staver said an apology from the superintendent may not suffice – and they may consider taking legal action.

“It was a very intimidating situation for this 15-year-old boy,” he said.”It was uncalled for. He crossed the line. It’s absolutely outrageous and he needs to apologize for his actions.”

Why would they even publish a hot button political subject in a school newspaper anyways. What does gay people adopting have to do with education or the school or school system. It doesn't. Who cares if gay people want to adopt, who cares if people are against it.

This whole situation has gone to far. Personally I support gay marriage and for them to be able to adopt, but I dont believe in is for their beliefs to be rammed down everyones throat's and when someone who is against it speaks out they get blasted, sued, beat up, labeled a hatemonger, arrested, suspended and or expelled.

IMO if they want the rights that they are fighting for they need to accept the criticism. It's ok for them to force their beliefs down peoples throats but when someone does they same against them they are up in arms.

Stick and Stones will break my bones but words will never hurt me. I am sick of all this Politically Correct BS.

boredinaz06's photo
Tue 01/24/12 07:31 PM

They're queer, they're here, get used to it!

tara48's photo
Tue 01/24/12 07:44 PM
That is true, but it sounds like the kid was set up to fail. they had an agenda and he was the fallout. what they did was wrong. Period!

Lpdon's photo
Tue 01/24/12 07:54 PM

That is true, but it sounds like the kid was set up to fail. they had an agenda and he was the fallout. what they did was wrong. Period!

Couldn't have said it better myself!

metalwing's photo
Tue 01/24/12 08:35 PM
What ever happened to freedom of speech?.....

Oh, that's right. It's not politically correct.

Dragoness's photo
Tue 01/24/12 08:42 PM

A 15-year-old Wisconsin boy who wrote an op-ed opposing gay adoptions was censored, threatened with suspension and called ignorant by the superintendent of the Shawano School District, according to an attorney representing the child.

Mathew Staver, the founder of the Liberty Counsel, sent a letter to Superintendent Todd Carlson demanding an apology for “Its unconstitutional and irrational censorship and humiliation” of Brandon Wegner.

Wegner, a student at Shawano High School, was asked to write an op-ed for the school newspaper about whether gays should be allowed to adopt. Wegner, who is a Christian, wrote in opposition. Another student wrote in favor of allowing gays to adopt.

Wegner used Bible passages to defend his argument, including Scripture that called homosexuality a sin.

You can read Wegner’s editorial by clicking here.

After the op-ed was published, a gay couple whose child attend s the high school, complained.

The school immediately issued an apology – stating Wegner’s opinion was a “form of bullying and disrespect.”

“Offensive articles cultivating a negative environment of disrespect are not appropriate or condoned by the Shawano School District,” the statement read. “We sincerely apologize to anyone we may have offended and are taking steps to prevent items of this nature from happening in the future.”

But Staver said what the school system did next was absolutely outrageous. He said the 15-year-old was ordered to the superintendent’s office where he was subjected to hours of meetings and was accused of violating the school’s bullying policy.

“The superintendent called him ignorant and said he had the power to suspend him,” Staver said. “He’s using his position to bully this student. This is absolutely the epitome of intolerance.”

Staver said the boy’s parents were never notified.

At one point, Staver said the superintendent gave him a chance to say he regretted writing the column.

“When Mr. Wegner stated that he did not regret writing it, and that he stood behind his beliefs, Superintendent Carlson told him that he ‘had got to be one of the most ignorant kids to try to argue with him about this topic,’” Staver said.

At that point, Staver said the superintendent told the boy that “we have the power to suspend you if we want to.”

The superintendent allegedly told Wegner that he was personally offended by Wegner’s column.

FOX News & Commentary offered Carlson a chance to address the allegations. He refused to submit to questions, but did say he would send a statement. That statement never arrived.

Staver said Wegner was not trying to cause problems or pick a fight.

“He was asked to write an article in the newspaper overseen by a faculty adviser,” he said, suspecting the superintendent was specifically outraged over the Bible verses Wegner had used.

“The superintendent wants everyone to accept homosexuality as normative and homosexual adoption as something that should be standard practices,” Staver said. “In doing so, he’s belittling the views and the biblical views of many people across this country. He is playing a zero-sum game. He’s not interested in dialogue. He wants to cram his view down the throat of everyone else and will not tolerate an opposing viewpoint.”

Staver said an apology from the superintendent may not suffice – and they may consider taking legal action.

“It was a very intimidating situation for this 15-year-old boy,” he said.”It was uncalled for. He crossed the line. It’s absolutely outrageous and he needs to apologize for his actions.”

Why would they even publish a hot button political subject in a school newspaper anyways. What does gay people adopting have to do with education or the school or school system. It doesn't. Who cares if gay people want to adopt, who cares if people are against it.

This whole situation has gone to far. Personally I support gay marriage and for them to be able to adopt, but I dont believe in is for their beliefs to be rammed down everyones throat's and when someone who is against it speaks out they get blasted, sued, beat up, labeled a hatemonger, arrested, suspended and or expelled.

IMO if they want the rights that they are fighting for they need to accept the criticism. It's ok for them to force their beliefs down peoples throats but when someone does they same against them they are up in arms.

Stick and Stones will break my bones but words will never hurt me. I am sick of all this Politically Correct BS.

Even though the child is ignorant, I don't agree that he should have been told so. There are more constructive ways to get that point across. Also this would be a great time for a teaching moment. Have a child of adoption to a gay couple come and speak at the school so everyone can be less ignorant.

msharmony's photo
Tue 01/24/12 09:31 PM
I dont understand why he was asked to write on 'whether gay couples should adopt' , if what they wanted was a paper on 'why gay couples should be allowed to adopt'

it was wrong to hold him responsible for doing what they asked, they should have been more specific about what they wanted if they were going to be so opposed to any non supportive point of view,,,,

Sin_and_Sorrow's photo
Tue 01/24/12 09:45 PM
This is retarded.

Did anyone actually read the boys article?

His case was rather well thought out.
The Bible verses he used?
Seriously, how can you hold that against him?

He referenced two verses both from Leviticus 18:22 and 20:13.

Which he used in a correct and proper reference.

"If a man lays with another man, or a woman does the same.."

Such is considered a 'sin' in the eyes of the man-written Bible of God.

President's place their hand on the bible when being sworn into office.. So, is he suppose to disregard that fact when presenting his case? No.

Before I continue just let me set the record straight, I rightly don't give a flying rats a** who you chose or do not choose to bed next to it. Furthermore, I don't rightly care if they can adopt or not if they are homo or straight. I hate seeing kids forever stuck as a product of the system. So.. that said..

The rest of that passage, however, is probably what caused an outrage: "..they shall be put to death."

A tad extreme, yes, however, if you are going to chastise a kid for quoting a bible used by millions of Christians? You're effin retarded.

He also had mentioned that according to most states laws; they are very strict restrictions on how can and cannot adopt with the fine print specifying that "Only two grown unmarried adults of stability or two married adults who are stable." This was counter-productive to his cause, since 'adults' doesn't specify gender.

90% of his argument is based off the Bible which is, in his words, what the U.S. Government is forged around. You swear under God during trials, political offices, etc. So, why should our laws, which are developed to take both our Constitution and Religion (via bible) into consideration. Therefore, overall, his entire article and defense is, by the standards of how we define and write our laws, is solid and legit.

Flip side.

Her counter debate was based off of statistics which follow more to my belief. 163 million orphans in the world.

So she sums it up, by basically, drilling home the idea that there are 163 million parent-less children in the world, so what is the big deal if the people taking them in are homosexual or not, it's taking them out of the system and giving them a chance to have a semi-normal life. (whatever that even is these days)

Her entire standpoint was based off the children's viewpoint.
His off of how it defiles the Bible to allow not only gay marriage, but gay adoption.

THAT said...

The school should smack themselves.

A. For having the kids right about a very touchy subject.

B. For flipping their lids over quoting a widely used historical document; a.k.a., the Bible.

C. For jumping down this kid's throat for doing exactly what he was told to do.

D. His actions were not sickening, and as far as context goes, he's spot on. They want to yell at someone, yell at who wrote the bible, not the one who quoted it to defend his case.


Sin_and_Sorrow's photo
Tue 01/24/12 09:48 PM

A 15-year-old Wisconsin boy who wrote an op-ed opposing gay adoptions was censored, threatened with suspension and called ignorant by the superintendent of the Shawano School District, according to an attorney representing the child.

Mathew Staver, the founder of the Liberty Counsel, sent a letter to Superintendent Todd Carlson demanding an apology for “Its unconstitutional and irrational censorship and humiliation” of Brandon Wegner.

Wegner, a student at Shawano High School, was asked to write an op-ed for the school newspaper about whether gays should be allowed to adopt. Wegner, who is a Christian, wrote in opposition. Another student wrote in favor of allowing gays to adopt.

Wegner used Bible passages to defend his argument, including Scripture that called homosexuality a sin.

You can read Wegner’s editorial by clicking here.

After the op-ed was published, a gay couple whose child attend s the high school, complained.

The school immediately issued an apology – stating Wegner’s opinion was a “form of bullying and disrespect.”

“Offensive articles cultivating a negative environment of disrespect are not appropriate or condoned by the Shawano School District,” the statement read. “We sincerely apologize to anyone we may have offended and are taking steps to prevent items of this nature from happening in the future.”

But Staver said what the school system did next was absolutely outrageous. He said the 15-year-old was ordered to the superintendent’s office where he was subjected to hours of meetings and was accused of violating the school’s bullying policy.

“The superintendent called him ignorant and said he had the power to suspend him,” Staver said. “He’s using his position to bully this student. This is absolutely the epitome of intolerance.”

Staver said the boy’s parents were never notified.

At one point, Staver said the superintendent gave him a chance to say he regretted writing the column.

“When Mr. Wegner stated that he did not regret writing it, and that he stood behind his beliefs, Superintendent Carlson told him that he ‘had got to be one of the most ignorant kids to try to argue with him about this topic,’” Staver said.

At that point, Staver said the superintendent told the boy that “we have the power to suspend you if we want to.”

The superintendent allegedly told Wegner that he was personally offended by Wegner’s column.

FOX News & Commentary offered Carlson a chance to address the allegations. He refused to submit to questions, but did say he would send a statement. That statement never arrived.

Staver said Wegner was not trying to cause problems or pick a fight.

“He was asked to write an article in the newspaper overseen by a faculty adviser,” he said, suspecting the superintendent was specifically outraged over the Bible verses Wegner had used.

“The superintendent wants everyone to accept homosexuality as normative and homosexual adoption as something that should be standard practices,” Staver said. “In doing so, he’s belittling the views and the biblical views of many people across this country. He is playing a zero-sum game. He’s not interested in dialogue. He wants to cram his view down the throat of everyone else and will not tolerate an opposing viewpoint.”

Staver said an apology from the superintendent may not suffice – and they may consider taking legal action.

“It was a very intimidating situation for this 15-year-old boy,” he said.”It was uncalled for. He crossed the line. It’s absolutely outrageous and he needs to apologize for his actions.”

Why would they even publish a hot button political subject in a school newspaper anyways. What does gay people adopting have to do with education or the school or school system. It doesn't. Who cares if gay people want to adopt, who cares if people are against it.

This whole situation has gone to far. Personally I support gay marriage and for them to be able to adopt, but I dont believe in is for their beliefs to be rammed down everyones throat's and when someone who is against it speaks out they get blasted, sued, beat up, labeled a hatemonger, arrested, suspended and or expelled.

IMO if they want the rights that they are fighting for they need to accept the criticism. It's ok for them to force their beliefs down peoples throats but when someone does they same against them they are up in arms.

Stick and Stones will break my bones but words will never hurt me. I am sick of all this Politically Correct BS.

Even though the child is ignorant, I don't agree that he should have been told so. There are more constructive ways to get that point across. Also this would be a great time for a teaching moment. Have a child of adoption to a gay couple come and speak at the school so everyone can be less ignorant.

It's not ignorance.

If you are taught that the Bible is the Word of God.
You believe strongly in that faith.
And find something is ignoring that belief and faith.
While at the same time.
They swear people into office.
Use this book in courtrooms.

How is not viable to hold an active stand against that which defiles your belief and, basically, spits on it?

No, I'm not religious.
No, I'm not homophobic.

Lpdon's photo
Tue 01/24/12 09:57 PM

What ever happened to freedom of speech?.....

Oh, that's right. It's not politically correct.

Have you seen the movie PCU? It is one of Jeremy Piven, David Spade and Jon Favreau's first movies and it is funnier then hell, also George Clinton, Jake Busey, Chris Young and Megan Ward. It also really hit's on the politically correct topic and everyone protesting EVERYTHING.

It's worth seeing if you haven't.

Lpdon's photo
Tue 01/24/12 09:58 PM

A 15-year-old Wisconsin boy who wrote an op-ed opposing gay adoptions was censored, threatened with suspension and called ignorant by the superintendent of the Shawano School District, according to an attorney representing the child.

Mathew Staver, the founder of the Liberty Counsel, sent a letter to Superintendent Todd Carlson demanding an apology for “Its unconstitutional and irrational censorship and humiliation” of Brandon Wegner.

Wegner, a student at Shawano High School, was asked to write an op-ed for the school newspaper about whether gays should be allowed to adopt. Wegner, who is a Christian, wrote in opposition. Another student wrote in favor of allowing gays to adopt.

Wegner used Bible passages to defend his argument, including Scripture that called homosexuality a sin.

You can read Wegner’s editorial by clicking here.

After the op-ed was published, a gay couple whose child attend s the high school, complained.

The school immediately issued an apology – stating Wegner’s opinion was a “form of bullying and disrespect.”

“Offensive articles cultivating a negative environment of disrespect are not appropriate or condoned by the Shawano School District,” the statement read. “We sincerely apologize to anyone we may have offended and are taking steps to prevent items of this nature from happening in the future.”

But Staver said what the school system did next was absolutely outrageous. He said the 15-year-old was ordered to the superintendent’s office where he was subjected to hours of meetings and was accused of violating the school’s bullying policy.

“The superintendent called him ignorant and said he had the power to suspend him,” Staver said. “He’s using his position to bully this student. This is absolutely the epitome of intolerance.”

Staver said the boy’s parents were never notified.

At one point, Staver said the superintendent gave him a chance to say he regretted writing the column.

“When Mr. Wegner stated that he did not regret writing it, and that he stood behind his beliefs, Superintendent Carlson told him that he ‘had got to be one of the most ignorant kids to try to argue with him about this topic,’” Staver said.

At that point, Staver said the superintendent told the boy that “we have the power to suspend you if we want to.”

The superintendent allegedly told Wegner that he was personally offended by Wegner’s column.

FOX News & Commentary offered Carlson a chance to address the allegations. He refused to submit to questions, but did say he would send a statement. That statement never arrived.

Staver said Wegner was not trying to cause problems or pick a fight.

“He was asked to write an article in the newspaper overseen by a faculty adviser,” he said, suspecting the superintendent was specifically outraged over the Bible verses Wegner had used.

“The superintendent wants everyone to accept homosexuality as normative and homosexual adoption as something that should be standard practices,” Staver said. “In doing so, he’s belittling the views and the biblical views of many people across this country. He is playing a zero-sum game. He’s not interested in dialogue. He wants to cram his view down the throat of everyone else and will not tolerate an opposing viewpoint.”

Staver said an apology from the superintendent may not suffice – and they may consider taking legal action.

“It was a very intimidating situation for this 15-year-old boy,” he said.”It was uncalled for. He crossed the line. It’s absolutely outrageous and he needs to apologize for his actions.”

Why would they even publish a hot button political subject in a school newspaper anyways. What does gay people adopting have to do with education or the school or school system. It doesn't. Who cares if gay people want to adopt, who cares if people are against it.

This whole situation has gone to far. Personally I support gay marriage and for them to be able to adopt, but I dont believe in is for their beliefs to be rammed down everyones throat's and when someone who is against it speaks out they get blasted, sued, beat up, labeled a hatemonger, arrested, suspended and or expelled.

IMO if they want the rights that they are fighting for they need to accept the criticism. It's ok for them to force their beliefs down peoples throats but when someone does they same against them they are up in arms.

Stick and Stones will break my bones but words will never hurt me. I am sick of all this Politically Correct BS.

Even though the child is ignorant, I don't agree that he should have been told so. There are more constructive ways to get that point across. Also this would be a great time for a teaching moment. Have a child of adoption to a gay couple come and speak at the school so everyone can be less ignorant.

Nothing ignorant about it. They don't need the GLAAD propaganda shoved down everyone's throat.

Sin_and_Sorrow's photo
Tue 01/24/12 10:00 PM
Edited by Sin_and_Sorrow on Tue 01/24/12 10:01 PM

“The superintendent called him ignorant and said he had the power to suspend him,” Staver said. “He’s using his position to bully this student. This is absolutely the epitome of intolerance.”

Suspend him for what exactly? It is a editorial debate. They picked a serious topic. You should expect these type of results especially when you have someone who holds a very firm religious faith. It's like forcing the Amish to have something technological in their lives. It would cause an outrage because it is against their beliefs no matter how many Amish actually supported it.

“When Mr. Wegner stated that he did not regret writing it, and that he stood behind his beliefs, Superintendent Carlson told him that he ‘had got to be one of the most ignorant kids to try to argue with him about this topic,’” Staver said.

As he shouldn't. It is his firm belief. It doesn't make him ignorant. It makes him loyal to his own religious faith. Loyalty is not the same as ignorance.

“It was a very intimidating situation for this 15-year-old boy,” he said.”It was uncalled for. He crossed the line. It’s absolutely outrageous and he needs to apologize for his actions.”

..this is like demanding a gay person not to be gay.
It is the same exact concept. You are telling him not to believe in his religion. Stupid moron...

Why would they even publish a hot button political subject in a school newspaper anyways. What does gay people adopting have to do with education or the school or school system. It doesn't. Who cares if gay people want to adopt, who cares if people are against it.

This whole situation has gone to far. Personally I support gay marriage and for them to be able to adopt, but I dont believe in is for their beliefs to be rammed down everyones throat's and when someone who is against it speaks out they get blasted, sued, beat up, labeled a hatemonger, arrested, suspended and or expelled.

Well, I don't support or anything, I just really don't care.
As to why? It's called an editorial debate. It shows your ability to collect your facts, express your opinion, and not totally degrade the opposition through attacks. IMO, they both did exactly that. The issue is, they chose one of the worst topics to have two 15 year old debate over.

IMO if they want the rights that they are fighting for they need to accept the criticism. It's ok for them to force their beliefs down peoples throats but when someone does they same against them they are up in arms.

Stick and Stones will break my bones but words will never hurt me. I am sick of all this Politically Correct BS.


If you want to be gay, be gay.

If you expect everyone to just simply 'accept' it.
You're naive and gay.

Simple as that.

If blacks aren't officially 'free' from the aspects of racism.
Jews aren't officially 'free' from the aspects of racism.
Among others.. makes you think you just simply get a free pass?

Ladylid2012's photo
Tue 01/24/12 11:03 PM
I'd be raising hell if it were my kid!!

Sin_and_Sorrow's photo
Tue 01/24/12 11:04 PM

I'd be raising hell if it were my kid!!

Holla sistah!

*high fives*


Lpdon's photo
Wed 01/25/12 12:19 AM

I'd be raising hell if it were my kid!!

Why because he wrote the article or got in trouble?

RKISIT's photo
Wed 01/25/12 05:09 AM
Anyone at anytime can say or do what they want no matter if it's breaking the rules or not period,but there will be good and bad consequences.Just when you pick a touchy subject to show your disapproval of in public you're going to have to expect reaction.

Freedom of speech goes both ways,you're entitled to it and so is the opposing side also.

no photo
Wed 01/25/12 05:39 AM much for a free thinking society..spock

no photo
Wed 01/25/12 06:15 AM
They said it was "bullying". The only people that it's okay to bully are bullies.

Sin_and_Sorrow's photo
Wed 01/25/12 06:49 AM

They said it was "bullying". The only people that it's okay to bully are bullies.

..that actually confused me.

Does that mean they are saying the kid who wrote it was a bully?

If so, how the eff is that bullying? o.o

no photo
Wed 01/25/12 06:51 AM

They said it was "bullying". The only people that it's okay to bully are bullies.

..that actually confused me.

Does that mean they are saying the kid who wrote it was a bully?

If so, how the eff is that bullying? o.o

That's what the article says, the kid was threatened and insulted for being a bully.

But Staver said what the school system did next was absolutely outrageous. He said the 15-year-old was ordered to the superintendent’s office where he was subjected to hours of meetings and was accused of violating the school’s bullying policy.

“The superintendent called him ignorant and said he had the power to suspend him,” Staver said. “He’s using his position to bully this student. This is absolutely the epitome of intolerance.”

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