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Topic: Another Student In Trouble For His Beliefs
Sin_and_Sorrow's photo
Wed 01/25/12 08:25 AM

They said it was "bullying". The only people that it's okay to bully are bullies.

..that actually confused me.

Does that mean they are saying the kid who wrote it was a bully?

If so, how the eff is that bullying? o.o

That's what the article says, the kid was threatened and insulted for being a bully.

But Staver said what the school system did next was absolutely outrageous. He said the 15-year-old was ordered to the superintendent’s office where he was subjected to hours of meetings and was accused of violating the school’s bullying policy.

“The superintendent called him ignorant and said he had the power to suspend him,” Staver said. “He’s using his position to bully this student. This is absolutely the epitome of intolerance.”

See. Still not entirely clear.

Let me get this right.

The 15-year old was accused of being a bully.

So, in retaliation, the Superintendent then bullied him, right?

no photo
Wed 01/25/12 05:15 PM
Just skimmed the comments... is this actually a topic we all agree on?

yellowrose10's photo
Wed 01/25/12 05:21 PM
Well the kid was asked to write an article about whether gays should be allowed to adopt. He did, from his own beliefs....which this subject is mostly opinion based any way.

If they wanted it to say what they wanted, they should have written it.

Whether someone agrees with what the boy believes or not....he did the assignment as asked and he should have a right to his beliefs just as the other side of this subject has a right to their beliefs.

I would rather my son (when he was in school) see as many sides to a topic as possible

Ladylid2012's photo
Wed 01/25/12 05:26 PM

I'd be raising hell if it were my kid!!

Why because he wrote the article or got in trouble?

Because of the way he was treated, got in trouble.

The topic should not have been open to discussion..or writing if
each weren't permitted to express their views without condemnation!

yellowrose10's photo
Wed 01/25/12 05:28 PM

The topic should not have been open to discussion..or writing if
each weren't permitted to express their views without condemnation!

where is that "like" button when you need it? laugh

metalwing's photo
Thu 01/26/12 06:56 AM
Where is the main stream media when our freedom of speech is being attacked? It is on the side of whatever view of the world they find "correct".explode

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