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Topic: The Problem With Evolution?
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Wed 02/08/12 02:55 PM

Cowboy wrote:

Christianity is a monotheism because we WORSHIP one God. There is ONE supreme being.

Cowboy, are you saying that you FINALLY UNDERSTAND

NOW ,that God The Father , God the Son ,and God the Holy Spirit

(The 3 Persons of the Godhead) are ONLY ONE ENTITY?

Or in other words,ONE SUPREME BEING?

Because in the past ,you have ALWAYS stated that you did NOT

believe That the The Father, Son, and Holy Sprit are ONLY ONE


So...Which is it that you believe now....

We worship one supreme being. God the father through Jesus Christ, for Jesus is the path to the father. No one comes to the father but THROUGH him.

So ...are you now saying that you DO believe The

Father, Son ,and Holy Spirit is ONLY ONE ENTITY ...or ONE SUPREME BEING?? ?

yes or no...

They are one God yes. But still not one "entity". For again if they were one "entity" Jesus wouldn't have been able to pray to the father or even speak to his father. And if he spoke of his father in third person form, he would be lying.

Cowboy,One SUPREME BEING or ONE ENTITY , mean the same thing.

So you still do NOT believe then as all christians do..., that

God The Father, God The Son, and God The Holy Spirit ARE ONLY ONE


Yet, just a few minutes ago, you stated you DID beleive in One

Supreme Being....yet just now again, you say you DON'T

beleive The Father Son, Holy Spirti are ONLY ONE ENTITY....

and that is why there is always confusion in your posts.

no photo
Wed 02/08/12 03:10 PM
Edited by MorningSong on Wed 02/08/12 03:19 PM

Evolution is defined as reproduction with variation. The mechanism involved detail the theory of evolution.

Your misunderstanding is that you clearly think evolution is only the extreme examples, but its not only those examples but every single reproductive change with variation that occurs.

Once enough change occurs between two groups they become difference species.

These are the facts of evolution. If you want to argue against evolution you need to know what it actually is first.

This does seem to be a problem when one has learned about evolution from creationist websites and articles.

For myself I had learned the arguments against evolution long before I actually learned about evolution theory itself. I remember hearing about the changes needed for the woodpecker to be successful and being amazed and appalled and immediately skeptical of evolution, but what I actually knew of evolution was only the straw man arguments used against it.

Once enough change occurs between two groups they become difference species.

Changes can occur WITHIN any ONE SPECIES ...and

therefore , there can be many different SUB-SPECIES WITHIN



NO SPECIES ( or sub-species within that one species) HAS EVER










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Wed 02/08/12 03:13 PM
Edited by Bushidobillyclub on Wed 02/08/12 03:30 PM
Morning star you are ignoring the definition of species used above, if you have an alternate definition we should get it out in the open.

Make sure it is a working definition and not just examples, or categorization.

Its interesting to me that the only refutations even attempted are to compare species with millions and millions of years of genetic separation and then throw your hands up saying I cannot imagine how they shared an ancestor (or if you put it the way creationists do, how one can come from the other, which isn't what evolution says at all, hence the typical straw man)

Here is an example of a phylogenetic tree.

http://evolution.berkeley.edu/evosite/evo101/IICTreebuilding.shtml <<<--- information on how scientists build phylogenetic trees.

Where the branches meet is a shared ancestor. The evidence for this is astounding. One major component of the evidence is genetics.

There is NO reason each of these modern species should share foundational genes at all if they did not have a common ancestor. (If you could theorize a reason, and then prove even only a single example you would have an excellent shot at falsifying evolution . . good luck with that)

Once you witness reproduction with variation, and realize even through such mundane examples as dog breeding that change occurs and it is carried through somehow via reproduction then is becomes clear that the shared genes among these species is because of a shared ancestor. This is only the tip of the iceburg for the evidence for evolution.

What I do to help visualize the tree better is imagine every single pixel along the line represents hundreds of thousands if not millions and millions of individuals all breeding and passing along changes in the genes until a branch occurs which denotes reproductive isolation of some kind. Then you get genetic divergence. If you do not visualize the millions and possible billions of individual life forms it becomes easy to misunderstand how the small changes can become big changes, and it becomes easy to think DOGS CANT BECOME CATS!

That is right dogs did not evolve from cats, they both evolved from MUCH earlier shared mammalian ancestors that probably didn't look much dog or cat like . . .

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Wed 02/08/12 04:19 PM

Praying is nothing more then speaking to the father,

but you keep forgetting to reveal who the Father prays to ...he pray to no one...but yet Jeswus prays to him....and that is he is God and why Jesus isn't

CowboyGH's photo
Wed 02/08/12 04:22 PM

Cowboy wrote:

Christianity is a monotheism because we WORSHIP one God. There is ONE supreme being.

Cowboy, are you saying that you FINALLY UNDERSTAND

NOW ,that God The Father , God the Son ,and God the Holy Spirit

(The 3 Persons of the Godhead) are ONLY ONE ENTITY?

Or in other words,ONE SUPREME BEING?

Because in the past ,you have ALWAYS stated that you did NOT

believe That the The Father, Son, and Holy Sprit are ONLY ONE


So...Which is it that you believe now....

We worship one supreme being. God the father through Jesus Christ, for Jesus is the path to the father. No one comes to the father but THROUGH him.

So ...are you now saying that you DO believe The

Father, Son ,and Holy Spirit is ONLY ONE ENTITY ...or ONE SUPREME BEING?? ?

yes or no...

They are one God yes. But still not one "entity". For again if they were one "entity" Jesus wouldn't have been able to pray to the father or even speak to his father. And if he spoke of his father in third person form, he would be lying.

Cowboy,One SUPREME BEING or ONE ENTITY , mean the same thing.

So you still do NOT believe then as all christians do..., that

God The Father, God The Son, and God The Holy Spirit ARE ONLY ONE


Yet, just a few minutes ago, you stated you DID beleive in One

Supreme Being....yet just now again, you say you DON'T

beleive The Father Son, Holy Spirti are ONLY ONE ENTITY....

and that is why there is always confusion in your posts.

"Christians" do not believe them to be one "entity". And I do not teach/discuss what "Christians" in exact teach persay. I teach/spread what the scriptures say. "Christianity" is an organization, it is man made. I follow Jesus and the scriptures, not man made products of his teachings.

CowboyGH's photo
Wed 02/08/12 04:23 PM

Praying is nothing more then speaking to the father,

but you keep forgetting to reveal who the Father prays to ...he pray to no one...but yet Jeswus prays to him....and that is he is God and why Jesus isn't

How does that show Jesus is not God?

Do not tempt the lord thy God.

no photo
Wed 02/08/12 04:33 PM

Praying is nothing more then speaking to the father,

but you keep forgetting to reveal who the Father prays to ...he pray to no one...but yet Jeswus prays to him....and that is he is God and why Jesus isn't

How does that show Jesus is not God?

Do not tempt the lord thy God.

Jesus prayed to the Father....so why didn't the Father pray to Jesus

that question generally pops the faithful into reality

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Wed 02/08/12 04:36 PM
Edited by MorningSong on Wed 02/08/12 05:17 PM
Cowboy wrote:

"Christians" do not believe them to be one "entity". And I do not teach/discuss what "Christians" in exact teach persay. I teach/spread what the scriptures say. "Christianity" is an organization, it is man made. I follow Jesus and the scriptures, not man made products of his teachings.

Cowboy..... ALLLL CHRISTIANS (those who are born

again believers .... which btw, is the definition of what a

christian is), believe God The Father, God the Son, and God the

Holy Spirit are ONLY ONE ENTITY !!!

or in other words...ONE SUPREME BEING!!!

To believe OTHERWISE as YOU do , is what is UNBIBLICAL.

I thought perhaps that you finally understood this BASIC

FUNDAMENTAL TRUTH of the BIBLE(since you said so earlier today,

but then only to turn right around once more just a few minutes

later, and say you DON'T believe they are ONE ENTITY ).ohwell

So... it is obvious that you still DON'T understand even this very

Basic Fundamental Truth of the Bible yet....and that is, that The

Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are ONLY ONE ENTITY( or in other



CowboyGH's photo
Wed 02/08/12 08:14 PM

Cowboy wrote:

"Christians" do not believe them to be one "entity". And I do not teach/discuss what "Christians" in exact teach persay. I teach/spread what the scriptures say. "Christianity" is an organization, it is man made. I follow Jesus and the scriptures, not man made products of his teachings.

Cowboy..... ALLLL CHRISTIANS (those who are born

again believers .... which btw, is the definition of what a

christian is), believe God The Father, God the Son, and God the

Holy Spirit are ONLY ONE ENTITY !!!

or in other words...ONE SUPREME BEING!!!

To believe OTHERWISE as YOU do , is what is UNBIBLICAL.

I thought perhaps that you finally understood this BASIC

FUNDAMENTAL TRUTH of the BIBLE(since you said so earlier today,

but then only to turn right around once more just a few minutes

later, and say you DON'T believe they are ONE ENTITY ).ohwell

So... it is obvious that you still DON'T understand even this very

Basic Fundamental Truth of the Bible yet....and that is, that The

Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are ONLY ONE ENTITY( or in other



which btw, is the definition of what a

christian is), believe God

No it is not. Here is the definition of what a Christian is brought to you by Webster.

Christian - one who professes belief in the teachings of Jesus Christ

Has absolutely nothing to do with any other belief beside the belief in our "Christ" eg., "Christ"ian.

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Wed 02/08/12 09:11 PM
Edited by MorningSong on Wed 02/08/12 09:15 PM
Cowboy...The Bible teaches that God is ONE SUPREME BEING.


Even unbelievers " get" this.

The teachings of JESUS LINE UP with what the bible says...

and does NOT CONTRADICT what the bible says.

And To argue otherwise is foolish.

And just sad.ohwell

AdventureBegins's photo
Wed 02/08/12 10:03 PM

if evolution is not an acceptable theory to the faithful....then why according to the bible does God have hands and legs and other assorted body parts ....clearly he must have "evolved" them for some need

according to the bible God created Man in his own image which is proof that God has body parts

that God needed body parts or had body parts is an indication that God was under the jurisdiction of the laws of physics or some other force stronger than himself which place limitations on his movements and required or forced him to use extentions or develop appendages

so evolution since it is only a theory can be argued or denied by the faithful ....but there is no getting around that one question

why does God have hands and legs

Hello Funches!waving

In spite of the use of anthropomorphisms in Genesis, it is not hard to understand that the author was referring to history...This worked for "the church" until "science" intervened and compromise became necessity......."A necessary evil"flowerforyou

except...after Adam and Eve took from the fruit...God said...."they have become like us"...which is an indication that anthropomorphisms were not being used

also the use of anthropomorphisms in the bible unless done within a "teaching" or a "parable story" would turn the bible into a book of fables and not the true word of God ....

which is why the book of Genesis during the six days of creation would not have been told in any other form but The Truth ...

because anything but the truth,.... is a lie

except...after Adam and Eve took from the fruit...God said...."they have become like us"...which is an indication that anthropomorphisms were not being used

We became like them for we learned right from wrong.

Before then, they were like little kids and innocent. Little kids tend to take things that are not theirs, they tend to hit one another until taught differently, ect. They do not know good and evil. Has nothing to do with our physical structure.

Genesis 3:22
22And the LORD God said, Behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil: and now, lest he put forth his hand, and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live for ever

nope...remember God made Man in his image....so it's not about right and wrong it's about why God has hands and legs

Cowboy.. as for your anaolgy using kids....do you intend to toss your kids into a fire if they disobey you .....so that you can listen to them wail and grash their teeth?

Is not my place to judge one's eternal well being. But what you say is irrelevant anyways. God does not throw any child into anything. Children of God will have eternal life, the rest eternal death. Not all of us are children of God. You are born first of the flesh, then that is where the term "born again" comes into play. When one is born again, they have been reborn a child of God.

Cowboy ALL are sons and daughters of god.

I offer proof.

Your Greatest Father (by lineage) is Adam.

His father is God.

You are the Son of God.

As is Funches.

AdventureBegins's photo
Wed 02/08/12 10:08 PM
"They are one God yes. But still not one "entity". For again if they were one "entity" Jesus wouldn't have been able to pray to the father or even speak to his father. And if he spoke of his father in third person form, he would be lying."

Surely you see the truth of this.

The United States of America is One entity (comprized of a multitude of smaller entity).

Jesus and God can indeed be One entity. (and yet Jesus still be but the son of a man).

no photo
Thu 02/09/12 05:38 AM

Cowboy ALL are sons and daughters of god.

I offer proof.

Your Greatest Father (by lineage) is Adam.

His father is God.

You are the Son of God.

As is Funches.

we are not the sons and daughters of God ...only Adam Eve and Cowboy are...oops... I meant only Adam Eve and Satan are

According To The Belief:

God fertilized dirt which spawn him a son named Adam
God and Adam spawn a love child name Eve
God commanded Adam and Eve to spawn Mankind through incest and through a womb
God commands Eve and The Holy Spirit to spawn a child which he later adopt as his "Begotton Son"

this is why only Adam and Eve and the Angels are the true son and daughter of God and why the rest of Mankind, the Nephilim and Jesus are the end results of inbreeding which God later deem to be a sin

but none of this explains why God himself has arms and legs...The Theory of Evolution is of course only a theory but it gives the only viable explanation as to why God have appendages ...that God evolved them

Sin_and_Sorrow's photo
Thu 02/09/12 05:46 AM

but none of this explains why God himself has arms and legs...The Theory of Evolution is of course only a theory but it gives the only viable explanation as to why God have appendages ...that God evolved them

...who states 'God' himself has arms or legs, if no one can even draw a picture of him?

Maybe he is just a ball of light with a voice.

Jesus, well, that's different.

Even outside that, who are you to say he wasn't 'created' with them?
You make it as though he 'evolved' into gaining them, but where's it state that he didn't already have them?

Maybe he didn't 'need' them but wouldn't change the fact he already 'had' them.

no photo
Thu 02/09/12 05:58 AM

You make it as though he 'evolved' into gaining them, but where's it state that he didn't already have them?

the bible makes reference that he has them...my question was why do he need them if they are not a result of evolution

Sin_and_Sorrow's photo
Thu 02/09/12 06:03 AM

You make it as though he 'evolved' into gaining them, but where's it state that he didn't already have them?

the bible makes reference that he has them...my question was why do he need them if they are not a result of evolution

..and I answered that.

CowboyGH's photo
Thu 02/09/12 06:13 AM

Cowboy...The Bible teaches that God is ONE SUPREME BEING.


Even unbelievers " get" this.

The teachings of JESUS LINE UP with what the bible says...

and does NOT CONTRADICT what the bible says.

And To argue otherwise is foolish.

And just sad.ohwell

How can you say such things?

"This is my son, in whom I'm well pleased."

This is my SON, not this is my arm, this is my leg, this is my shoulder, ect, but this is my SON. Two different entities. But yes, they are ONE "God", for we worship one God.

CowboyGH's photo
Thu 02/09/12 06:20 AM

"They are one God yes. But still not one "entity". For again if they were one "entity" Jesus wouldn't have been able to pray to the father or even speak to his father. And if he spoke of his father in third person form, he would be lying."

Surely you see the truth of this.

The United States of America is One entity (comprized of a multitude of smaller entity).

Jesus and God can indeed be One entity. (and yet Jesus still be but the son of a man).


USA would fall into this definition of entity
- an organization (as a business or governmental unit) that has an identity separate from those of its members

And this is the definition showing Jesus to be a separate "entity" then God the Father
- independent, separate, or self-contained existence

There is no definition that coincides with what MorningSong is saying. Two beings can not be one entity eg., Jesus and his father. But they are one God eg., one authority over us.

CowboyGH's photo
Thu 02/09/12 06:27 AM

Cowboy ALL are sons and daughters of god.

I offer proof.

Your Greatest Father (by lineage) is Adam.

His father is God.

You are the Son of God.

As is Funches.

we are not the sons and daughters of God ...only Adam Eve and Cowboy are...oops... I meant only Adam Eve and Satan are

According To The Belief:

God fertilized dirt which spawn him a son named Adam
God and Adam spawn a love child name Eve
God commanded Adam and Eve to spawn Mankind through incest and through a womb
God commands Eve and The Holy Spirit to spawn a child which he later adopt as his "Begotton Son"

this is why only Adam and Eve and the Angels are the true son and daughter of God and why the rest of Mankind, the Nephilim and Jesus are the end results of inbreeding which God later deem to be a sin

but none of this explains why God himself has arms and legs...The Theory of Evolution is of course only a theory but it gives the only viable explanation as to why God have appendages ...that God evolved them

God fertilized dirt which spawn him a son named Adam
God and Adam spawn a love child name Eve
God commanded Adam and Eve to spawn Mankind through incest and through a womb
God commands Eve and The Holy Spirit to spawn a child which he later adopt as his "Begotton Son"

Not true. "Adam" is not a singular noun. It's translates into MANKIND. It is a singular noun as a title for all of mankind which is plural, not one person.

And eve had nothing to do with the birth of Jesus. That was Marry and the Holy Ghost.

CowboyGH's photo
Thu 02/09/12 06:30 AM

if evolution is not an acceptable theory to the faithful....then why according to the bible does God have hands and legs and other assorted body parts ....clearly he must have "evolved" them for some need

according to the bible God created Man in his own image which is proof that God has body parts

that God needed body parts or had body parts is an indication that God was under the jurisdiction of the laws of physics or some other force stronger than himself which place limitations on his movements and required or forced him to use extentions or develop appendages

so evolution since it is only a theory can be argued or denied by the faithful ....but there is no getting around that one question

why does God have hands and legs

Hello Funches!waving

In spite of the use of anthropomorphisms in Genesis, it is not hard to understand that the author was referring to history...This worked for "the church" until "science" intervened and compromise became necessity......."A necessary evil"flowerforyou

except...after Adam and Eve took from the fruit...God said...."they have become like us"...which is an indication that anthropomorphisms were not being used

also the use of anthropomorphisms in the bible unless done within a "teaching" or a "parable story" would turn the bible into a book of fables and not the true word of God ....

which is why the book of Genesis during the six days of creation would not have been told in any other form but The Truth ...

because anything but the truth,.... is a lie

except...after Adam and Eve took from the fruit...God said...."they have become like us"...which is an indication that anthropomorphisms were not being used

We became like them for we learned right from wrong.

Before then, they were like little kids and innocent. Little kids tend to take things that are not theirs, they tend to hit one another until taught differently, ect. They do not know good and evil. Has nothing to do with our physical structure.

Genesis 3:22
22And the LORD God said, Behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil: and now, lest he put forth his hand, and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live for ever

nope...remember God made Man in his image....so it's not about right and wrong it's about why God has hands and legs

Cowboy.. as for your anaolgy using kids....do you intend to toss your kids into a fire if they disobey you .....so that you can listen to them wail and grash their teeth?

Is not my place to judge one's eternal well being. But what you say is irrelevant anyways. God does not throw any child into anything. Children of God will have eternal life, the rest eternal death. Not all of us are children of God. You are born first of the flesh, then that is where the term "born again" comes into play. When one is born again, they have been reborn a child of God.

Cowboy ALL are sons and daughters of god.

I offer proof.

Your Greatest Father (by lineage) is Adam.

His father is God.

You are the Son of God.

As is Funches.

True that we are all sons and daughters of God. But that doesn't mean all know's their father.

1 John 3

1Behold, what manner of love the Father hath bestowed upon us, that we should be called the sons of God: therefore the world knoweth us not, because it knew him not.

2Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that, when he shall appear, we shall be like him; for we shall see him as he is.

3And every man that hath this hope in him purifieth himself, even as he is pure.

4Whosoever committeth sin transgresseth also the law: for sin is the transgression of the law.

5And ye know that he was manifested to take away our sins; and in him is no sin.

6Whosoever abideth in him sinneth not: whosoever sinneth hath not seen him, neither known him

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