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Topic: wat easily breaks up a relatnshp.money or sex
earthytaurus76's photo
Sun 12/25/11 01:24 AM
Neither. Its trust issues.

unsure's photo
Sun 12/25/11 05:34 AM

RainbowTrout's photo
Sun 12/25/11 06:02 AM
Lack of friendship.

no photo
Sun 12/25/11 07:00 AM

Wat easily breaks up a relatnshp money or sex

None of the above.

The human mind is responsible for human action. It is the lack of intelligence, one cannot blame environmental variables.

The mind, being responsible for human action, present and planned future.

One measure of an individual is how far into the future their present actions are aimed at. That is called a person's depth.

Some people never end relationships because they live for future results--and learn to live with present pain.

what a load of bolax my friend.

"Intelligence" by what measure?

"One measure of an individual is how far into the future their present actions are aimed at. That is called a person's depth."

No it isnt. The concept of time is not applicable. If you are hungry/starving your mind will (should perhaps) focus on much shorter timescales than someone, say, planning their pension at 23 in the western world. How long is the future?......You dont f88cking know DO YOU!

The depth of a person has nothing to do with how far they think into the future.

My answer to this question, amd almost every one on this site is "Who f&cking cares?"

...and I challenge you all (readers) to show me something different.

...especially if you are a girl (hey, come on, its a dating site after all and I need to show my colours).

I dont really mean to beat on you either Trouty dude. You have your viewpoint but if you post your opinion on the web then you need to be ready for a counterstrike. I hope this will serve as an attitude adjustment for you though. Cos I'm just getting started

oldsage's photo
Sun 12/25/11 07:33 AM

Relationships break up over power struggles.

Money and sex have nothing to do with it.

So, money and sex are the weapons?

Yes, basically.

Lady said it quite well.

But be it sex or money, I think it takes a major breakdown in communication to cause break ups.

prashant01's photo
Sun 12/25/11 07:39 AM

Wat easily breaks up a relatnshp money or sex

Solely depends on person to person.

Individual's Priorities matters.

grizz11952001's photo
Sun 12/25/11 11:41 AM
both lol but ive seen alot of women date a man just because he has alot of money an not for what he is.smokin

actionlynx's photo
Sun 12/25/11 12:53 PM

Wat easily breaks up a relatnshp money or sex

None of the above.

The human mind is responsible for human action. It is the lack of intelligence, one cannot blame environmental variables.

The mind, being responsible for human action, present and planned future.

One measure of an individual is how far into the future their present actions are aimed at. That is called a person's depth.

Some people never end relationships because they live for future results--and learn to live with present pain.

what a load of bolax my friend.

"Intelligence" by what measure?

"One measure of an individual is how far into the future their present actions are aimed at. That is called a person's depth."

No it isnt. The concept of time is not applicable. If you are hungry/starving your mind will (should perhaps) focus on much shorter timescales than someone, say, planning their pension at 23 in the western world. How long is the future?......You dont f88cking know DO YOU!

The depth of a person has nothing to do with how far they think into the future.

My answer to this question, amd almost every one on this site is "Who f&cking cares?"

...and I challenge you all (readers) to show me something different.

...especially if you are a girl (hey, come on, its a dating site after all and I need to show my colours).

I dont really mean to beat on you either Trouty dude. You have your viewpoint but if you post your opinion on the web then you need to be ready for a counterstrike. I hope this will serve as an attitude adjustment for you though. Cos I'm just getting started

I don't like having to do this, but...

You, FF, are the one who needs an attitude adjustment. Someone may be wrong, and you may be right, but you don't have to get all angry and confrontational about it.

You say they have a right to a viewpoint. Then you should discuss the difference in viewpoint rather than being combative. Disagreement does not give you the right to go on a full scale attack.

By coming into this thread, and attempting to start an argument, you ARE showing your true colors. You show your selfishness, intolerance, indignation, and righteous anger.

And to answer your posited question:

I care. The OP cares. If it helps people to understand what causes break ups, then we can take steps to avoid a break up when it really matters to us. We can do that by self-improvement. We can't all just coast through life expecting things to fall exactly into place. Being happy in life takes work, not just to achieve happiness but to maintain it.

Take a chill pill. Don't act like someone's post was a personal attack on you when it clearly wasn't.

navygirl's photo
Sun 12/25/11 02:18 PM
Perhaps I misunderstood the question from the Op. I didn't think she was asking about all the reasons a relationship ends; I think she was asking which reason of the two that she asked; money or sex would break up a relationship.spock

no photo
Sun 12/25/11 03:00 PM

I don't like having to do this, but...

You, FF, are the one who needs an attitude adjustment. Someone may be wrong, and you may be right, but you don't have to get all angry and confrontational about it.

You say they have a right to a viewpoint. Then you should discuss the difference in viewpoint rather than being combative. Disagreement does not give you the right to go on a full scale attack.

By coming into this thread, and attempting to start an argument, you ARE showing your true colors. You show your selfishness, intolerance, indignation, and righteous anger.

And to answer your posited question:

I care. The OP cares. If it helps people to understand what causes break ups, then we can take steps to avoid a break up when it really matters to us. We can do that by self-improvement. We can't all just coast through life expecting things to fall exactly into place. Being happy in life takes work, not just to achieve happiness but to maintain it.

Take a chill pill. Don't act like someone's post was a personal attack on you when it clearly wasn't.



navygirl's photo
Sun 12/25/11 03:05 PM

both lol but ive seen alot of women date a man just because he has alot of money an not for what he is.smokin

Men have a lot of money? Where are they? Do they really exist or is it a myth like Santa Claus? Haven't met a single one in my lifetime that has had a lot of money or for that fact that can pay their own way on a date where we go Dutch. Guess they are already spoken for eh? rofl

no photo
Sun 12/25/11 03:35 PM
Edited by FatFreddy on Sun 12/25/11 03:39 PM

I don't like having to do this, but...

yes you do, it fills you with the desire to 'save the underdog'. Your own righteous anger. Lets face it, its safer than running in front of a truck to save some womans poodle to prove you have a valiant heart. But I respect that.

You, FF, are the one who needs an attitude adjustment. Someone may be wrong, and you may be right, but you don't have to get all angry and confrontational about it.


You say they have a right to a viewpoint. Then you should discuss the difference in viewpoint rather than being combative. Disagreement does not give you the right to go on a full scale attack.

Thats not full scale.

By coming into this thread, and attempting to start an argument, you ARE showing your true colors. You show your selfishness, intolerance, indignation, and righteous anger.

different day, different colours. Like a kaleidoscope. I have demonstrated a selfish, intolerant, indignant facet of a much more complex whole.

I care.

Do you really? I mean REALLY?

The OP cares.

You have a point.

If it helps people to understand what causes break ups, then we can take steps to avoid a break up when it really matters to us.

I'm not so sure you can.

We can do that by self-improvement.

Interesting theory.

We can't all just coast through life expecting things to fall exactly into place.

It depends what your expectations are...

Being happy in life takes work, not just to achieve happiness but to maintain it.

All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.

Take a chill pill. Don't act like someone's post was a personal attack on you when it clearly wasn't.


actionlynx's photo
Sun 12/25/11 03:43 PM
FF, you're not even worth my time.

People who like to argue are merely seeking to manipulate others.

Please note, I did not criticize your views or opinions but rather the manner in which you chose to enter the thread. You chose to enter by casting dispersion on others, and by using strong language.

I'm not about to go back and forth with you on this. After all, that's what you want.

motowndowntown's photo
Sun 12/25/11 03:57 PM
Some folks will trade sex for money.

Some will trade money for sex.

When either feels they are not getting a good deal, the relationship ends.

no photo
Sun 12/25/11 04:03 PM

FF, you're not even worth my time.

People who like to argue are merely seeking to manipulate others.

Please note, I did not criticize your views or opinions but rather the manner in which you chose to enter the thread. You chose to enter by casting dispersion on others, and by using strong language.

I'm not about to go back and forth with you on this. After all, that's what you want.

If you truly believed what you say above, you would not have posted another reply.

You like to argue, how are you trying to manipulate me? Or is it others who are reading this that you may wish to impress upon them the idea of how PC you are, how educated, how kind, how valiant, how upright an internet citizen you are.

Yeah my bad on the language. Its meant more as a form of punctuation for emphasis rather than an agressive, insulting tirade though.

I dont mind either way if you reply or not. At least it provoked a reaction and stimulated a response from you though. Shame you arent a girl.

RainbowTrout's photo
Sun 12/25/11 04:03 PM

Perhaps I misunderstood the question from the Op. I didn't think she was asking about all the reasons a relationship ends; I think she was asking which reason of the two that she asked; money or sex would break up a relationship.spock

Good point.:smile: But it is a real good question that I think that anyone who might of broke up a relationship or who was dumped in a relationship might have encountered. It could be asked like a chicken or egg question though, too. Like what part of a relationship went first the money issue or the sex issue. For some relationship the money issue comes first since sex is merely not the problem because of raging hormones in some healthy physical relationships. One can simply be unaware of the money issue because the sex is so good so to speak. But as the relationship deteriorates if one is with a materialistic person where the relationship is not based on friendship one can become aware that the problem of money can become an issue because the materialistic person one is involved simply can't be satisfied no matter how much money tries to give to the relationship. Hence the spiraling descent of the relationship whereby the sex was once was good is fueled by the proportional lack of money and the proportional lack of sex.:smile:

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