Topic: Luv2roknrolls Biotch Club, SIGN UP NOW!!!! - part 4 | |
I don't know where the biotchy smelling salts went to, but i biotchy found this...will this biotchy do??
OK biotchy biotches, and basnastardly bastards, its biotchy time for biotchy ROLL CALL... in no biotch particular order.... Docbiotch Ashbasnastard Hippiebasnastard Ladybiotch Irishbasnastard Kahurangibiotch Jemarebiotch Dodobasnastard Alookatbasnastard Deltabasnastard Rawrrbiotch Boonebasnastard Cheerbasnastard Pyxxiebiotch Kissablebiotch Troublebiotch Txbiotch Ghostbasnastard Gearheadbasnastard Biotchy keep in mind, biotches and basnastards, those NOTbiotchy showing up, for biotchy roll call, will biotchy be biothcy flogged, or, possibly BIOTCHY BEHEADED! DO I BIOTCHY MAKE MYSELF BIOTCHY CLEAR???? |
>>>> sits with hands folded for a second before typing, raises one hand and types with the other (not an easy thing to do). ..... " BIOTCHIN HERE" |
>>>> sits with hands folded for a second before typing, raises one hand and types with the other (not an easy thing to do). ..... " BIOTCHIN HERE" I should of biotchy guessed that you would be the first biotch here. So biotchy faithful! May I biotchy consider you, as one of my biothcy biotches, second to the Biotch and Basnastard Kingdom thrown, since TXbiotch no longer comes here? |
Hey, I can live with being Biotchin #2, as long as I'm not last in the Biotchin food line By then all the good stuff is gone
Hey, I can live with being Biotchin #2, as long as I'm not last in the Biotchin food line By then all the good stuff is gone its biotchy first biotchy come, first biotchy serve, in the biothcy food line. Only I can biotchy take cuts!! |
As per the list, im on #2
dang it all to biotchy biotchy and back again...
Biotchin here for biotchy sake |
OK biotchy biotches, and basnastardly bastards, its biotchy time for biotchy ROLL CALL... in no biotch particular order.... Docbiotch Ashbasnastard Hippiebasnastard Ladybiotch Irishbasnastard Kahurangibiotch Jemarebiotch Dodobasnastard Alookatbasnastard Deltabasnastard Rawrrbiotch Boonebasnastard Cheerbasnastard Pyxxiebiotch Kissablebiotch Troublebiotch Txbiotch Ghostbasnastard Gearheadbasnastard Biotchy keep in mind, biotches and basnastards, those NOTbiotchy showing up, for biotchy roll call, will biotchy be biothcy flogged, or, possibly BIOTCHY BEHEADED! DO I BIOTCHY MAKE MYSELF BIOTCHY CLEAR???? |
I got 2 biotchy biotches and a basnastardly basnastard, at roll call! THAT IS BIOTCHY F***N PATHETIC! *The queen goes to her chambers, and slams her door* |
I got 2 biotchy biotches and a basnastardly basnastard, at roll call! THAT IS BIOTCHY F***N PATHETIC! *The queen goes to her chambers, and slams her door* |
Edited by
Sat 05/19/12 09:41 AM
I can't get no damn respect.., My Queen You know fully well that "AL" comes before "AS" .., so in what order were you thinking of while you were making up this roll call list.. damn.., Do I have to run around in here stalking naked to get some respect and attention.
Im not ready to be beheaded untill you show me your boitchy bewbs
Didn't you hear me biotchy screaming and yelling whilst I changed my bloody biotchy bandages?
That nearly hurts as much as a beheading! |
I can't get no damn respect.., My Queen You know fully well that "AL" comes before "AS" .., so in what order were you thinking of while you were making up this roll call list.. damn.., Do I have to run around in here stalking naked to get some respect and attention. Are you biotchy blind Alookatbasnastard! It biotchy says, "in no particular order". Pfffffffft! |
Edited by
Sat 05/19/12 04:49 PM
Im not ready to be beheaded untill you show me your boitchy bewbs HOW MANY BIOTHCY TIMES DO I BIOTCHY HAVE TO TELL YOU BIOTHCY THIS? BIOTCHY BEWB, AS IN BIOTCHY SINGULAR, BIOTCHY ONE, BIOTCHY................................ |
I got 2 biotchy biotches and a basnastardly basnastard, at roll call! THAT IS BIOTCHY F***N PATHETIC! *The queen goes to her chambers, and slams her door* Cool!!...i can go back to reading the biotchy newspaper, and all it's biotchy cartoons |
Didn't you hear me biotchy screaming and yelling whilst I changed my bloody biotchy bandages? That nearly hurts as much as a beheading! MAKE IT BIOTCHY TO BIOTCHY ROLL CALL, UNLESS YOUR BIOTCHY DEAD, THERE BIOTCHY IS NO BIOTCHY DAMN EXCUSE, OR YOU WILL BIOTHCY BE DEAD, BECAUSE I WILL BIOTCHY BEHEAD YOUR BASNASTARDLY AZZ.....AGAIN! |
I got 2 biotchy biotches and a basnastardly basnastard, at roll call! THAT IS BIOTCHY F***N PATHETIC! *The queen goes to her chambers, and slams her door* Cool!!...i can go back to reading the biotchy newspaper, and all it's biotchy cartoons Biotchy Kahurangibiotch made it here! BUT YOUR BIOTCHY LATE!! STEP IT UP, BIOTCHY BIOTCH! |
Edited by
Sat 05/19/12 06:00 PM
I was doing the biotchy crossword...and I'm never biotchy late until i biotchy arrive. Now what's a biotchy 6 letter word for biotchy fishwife??
Edit because i forgot the biotchy for |