Topic: 'Jew-hate stems from conflict'
Bestinshow's photo
Mon 12/12/11 02:59 PM

A recent study reports that 46 percent of all Gazan children suffer from acute anemia.

There are reports that the sonic booms associated with Israeli overflights have caused widespread deafness, especially among children. Gazan children need thousands of hearing aids.
Its fairly obvious they do not care for children the truth or justice.
neither do you,or you'd be horrified at Suicide Bombers and the Hamas-Leaders indoctrinating Children into that Suicide-Cult!sick sick sick sick
It would seem to me they are desperate to sacrafice themselves for what they believe to be an injustice.

Israel on the other hand wont even fund their own battles and has the US taxpayer foot the bill.

I am still trying to decide who is more noble.

no photo
Mon 12/12/11 03:04 PM

If only Hamas really cared about their children. They could have
peace and prosperity but instead they prefer slow suicide.

It is not in Israels interest to have peace

Do you believe Hamas wants peace?

Optomistic69's photo
Mon 12/12/11 03:05 PM
Edited by Optomistic69 on Mon 12/12/11 03:07 PM

The statistics gathered on children—half of Gaza’s population is under the age of 17—are increasingly grim.

About 45 percent of children in Gaza have iron deficiency from a lack of fruit and vegetables, and 18 percent have stunted growth.

Do you think Hamas cares about the children in Gaza?


Not much they could do to prevent the Depleted Uranium raining down on those children Dec/Jan 08/09..

Not forgetting the 400 children who were murdered.

no photo
Mon 12/12/11 03:11 PM
Wow, so you're actually sticking up for Hamas and saying they care about the children in Gaza?

Optomistic69's photo
Mon 12/12/11 03:17 PM

Wow, so you're actually sticking up for Hamas and saying they care about the children in Gaza?

Hamas mean absolutely nothing to medrinker

Your Government are talking to Hamas.

Like the British Talked to the I R A

You have to talk to your enemies.

Hamas are the official elected power in Gaza

no photo
Mon 12/12/11 03:19 PM
Do you feel they are not terrorists?

Optomistic69's photo
Mon 12/12/11 03:22 PM

Do you feel they are not terrorists?

No difference between them and Menachim Begins Irgun

s1owhand's photo
Mon 12/12/11 03:23 PM

If only Hamas really cared about their children. They could have
peace and prosperity but instead they prefer slow suicide.

It is not in Israels interest to have peace



no photo
Mon 12/12/11 03:25 PM

Do you feel they are not terrorists?

No difference between them and Menachim Begins Irgun

The answer to the question should be yes or no. I'll try once more, worded a little differently for us. It's a very simple answer. Do you feel Hamas are terrorists?

Optomistic69's photo
Mon 12/12/11 03:30 PM
You don't like the answer I gave you......tough

no photo
Mon 12/12/11 03:33 PM
I'll take that as a no, you don't think they're terrorists.

s1owhand's photo
Mon 12/12/11 03:34 PM
Let me translate. Opto acknowledges that Hamas are terrorists
but he does not take issue with their bigotry and religious
hatred. He does not repudiate Hamas' killing of innocent women
and children on purpose.

The only purpose of these multiple Jew-bashing Israel-bashing
threads is to demonize Israel and Jews.

Optomistic69's photo
Mon 12/12/11 03:38 PM
Edited by Optomistic69 on Mon 12/12/11 03:41 PM
Seems to be a difference of opinion between the opposition drinker

@ s1o
The only purpose of these multiple Jew-bashing Israel-bashing
threads is to demonize Israel and Jews.

That is what you would like them to bedrinker

s1owhand's photo
Mon 12/12/11 03:40 PM
Nah we both accept that you are not concerned about Hamas terrorist
acts and your main intention is to spread antisemitism and bash Israel.

no photo
Mon 12/12/11 03:45 PM

Nah we both accept that you are not concerned about Hamas terrorist
acts and your main intention is to spread antisemitism and bash Israel.

That does seem to be the case here.

Optomistic69's photo
Mon 12/12/11 03:49 PM
The Israelis in Gaza, like the American forces in Iraq and Afghanistan, are foolishly breeding the next generation of militants and Islamic radicals. Jihadists, enraged by the injustices done by Israel and the United States

s1owhand's photo
Mon 12/12/11 03:58 PM

The Israelis in Gaza, like the American forces in Iraq and Afghanistan, are foolishly breeding the next generation of militants and Islamic radicals. Jihadists, enraged by the injustices done by Israel and the United States


The only remedy for bigotry, intolerance and those who kill innocent
people on purpose is to confront them.

Israel like the United States is confronting those who are attacking
them. They are rightfully standing up against those who are killing
their citizens.

The only thing that enrages Hamas and Al-Qaeda is their own religious hatred of Jews and Americans.

no photo
Mon 12/12/11 04:07 PM
(just to state my personal stance, I believe both Hamas and Israel have done much wrong to each other and both are to blame for the violence. the more violence there is the more the other side retaliates and the more the other side counter-retaliates and on and on and on)

The only thing that enrages Hamas and Al-Qaeda is their own religious hatred of Jews and Americans.

so do you believe that Islam and ONLY Islam and NOTHING else is to blame for the palestinian's attacks against Israel? Do they have NO other reason to fight?

Optomistic69's photo
Mon 12/12/11 04:07 PM
Last One For The Nightdrinker

Israel seeks to break the will of the Palestinians to resist. The Israeli government has demonstrated little interest in diplomacy or a peaceful solution. The rapid expansion of Jewish settlements on the West Bank is an effort to thwart the possibility of a two-state solution by gobbling up vast tracts of Palestinian real estate. Israel also appears to want to thrust the impoverished Gaza Strip onto Egypt

Lovely Bit Of Real Estate and of course an Opening to the sea For The State Of Palestine Gaza.

Gaza is the thorn in the side of Israel.

The West Bank has been subdued but Gaza will stand drinker :banana:

We Will Not Go Down In Gaza Tonight Lyrics

A blinding flash of white light
Lit up the sky over Gaza tonight
People running for cover
Not knowing whether they're dead or alive

They came with their tanks and their planes
With ravaging fiery flames
And nothing remains
Just a voice rising up in the smoky haze

We will not go down
In the night, without a fight
You can burn up our mosques and our homes and our schools
But our spirit will never die

We will not go down
In Gaza tonight

Women and children alike
Murdered and massacred night after night
While the so-called leaders of countries afar
Debated on who's wrong or right

But their powerless words were in vain
And the bombs fell down like acid rain
But through the tears and the blood and the pain
You can still hear that voice through the smoky haze

We will not go down
In the night, without a fight
You can burn up our mosques and our homes and our schools
But our spirit will never die
We will not go down
In Gaza tonight

s1owhand's photo
Mon 12/12/11 05:12 PM

(just to state my personal stance, I believe both Hamas and Israel have done much wrong to each other and both are to blame for the violence. the more violence there is the more the other side retaliates and the more the other side counter-retaliates and on and on and on)

The only thing that enrages Hamas and Al-Qaeda is their own religious hatred of Jews and Americans.

so do you believe that Islam and ONLY Islam and NOTHING else is to blame for the palestinian's attacks against Israel? Do they have NO other reason to fight?

Yes, There is no reason to fight except for religious hatred.
If Hamas etc. put down their weapons and accepted the Jewish State
of Israel then there would be peace for all the parties involved
and they could all build a lasting and prosperous peace.

There is no reason for Hamas and Hezbollah to kill innocent
Israeli civilians except for their own hatred. They are prisoners
only of their own intolerance.

The Palestinians do not wish to accept a Jewish State and this is
why they fight even though the Israelis have given up so much land.
But this is not a fight about land. It is a fight about the
acceptance of Israel as a Jewish State.