Topic: medical-marijuana outlets to close in 45 days | |
What happened to states rights? Fother mucking Feds. they are violating state laws that is why they are being shut down. |
Edited by
Fri 10/07/11 05:29 PM
what about this though? "Even licensed outlets operating under the 1996 voter-approved medical-marijuana law are subject to the federal crackdown. California's four U.S. attorneys plan an announcement Friday."
How are they subject to that? Either way though, at some point common sense has to kick in. A lot of these laws whether they be state run or federal, shouldn't have ever been laws anyway. They don't really deserve respect or obedience IMO. If they won't listen to us, we must MAKE them listen by refusing to play their games. |
The Obama administration has ordered all medical-marijuana dispensaries in California to shut down within 45 days or they will be prosecuted and have their property confiscated for violating federal drugs laws, the Associated Press reports. Even licensed outlets operating under the 1996 voter-approved medical-marijuana law are subject to the federal crackdown. California's four U.S. attorneys plan an announcement Friday. AP says the federal prosecutors have notified at least 16 pot shops or their landlords. I really wish people would not believe all the garbage, it makes for a lot of having to repeat oneself. Believe me the feeling is mutual. |
Edited by
Fri 10/07/11 05:41 PM
What happened to states rights? Fother mucking Feds. they are violating state laws that is why they are being shut down. Well I would not know about California state laws. I was under the impression that the businesses were legal and the Feds were overriding state laws. So what state laws are they violating and why then, can't the state handle the situation. Why bring in the feds? The O.P. stated: they will be prosecuted and have their property confiscated for violating federal drugs laws, the Associated Press reports. |
Well I would not know about California state laws. I was under the impression that the businesses were legal and the Feds were overriding state laws. So what state laws are they violating and why then, can't the state handle the situation. Why bring in the feds? |
Well I would not know about California state laws. I was under the impression that the businesses were legal and the Feds were overriding state laws. So what state laws are they violating and why then, can't the state handle the situation. Why bring in the feds? I see what is going on. The people who are mad about medical-marijuana being voted on passed are basically hassling the businesses with petty regulations and zoning laws. Just like the Republicans kicking up a fuss every time a democrat gets voted into office of President. They are sore losers. ![]() Jerks. ![]() |
What happened to states rights? Fother mucking Feds. they are violating state laws that is why they are being shut down. Well I would not know about California state laws. I was under the impression that the businesses were legal and the Feds were overriding state laws. So what state laws are they violating and why then, can't the state handle the situation. Why bring in the feds? The O.P. stated: they will be prosecuted and have their property confiscated for violating federal drugs laws, the Associated Press reports. It is federal law that the shops follow the state laws or the feds will shut them down and raid them. |
Well I would not know about California state laws. I was under the impression that the businesses were legal and the Feds were overriding state laws. So what state laws are they violating and why then, can't the state handle the situation. Why bring in the feds? I see what is going on. The people who are mad about medical-marijuana being voted on passed are basically hassling the businesses with petty regulations and zoning laws. Just like the Republicans kicking up a fuss every time a democrat gets voted into office of President. They are sore losers. ![]() Jerks. ![]() Pretty much, as I said above, if they aren't gonna listen to the people, we need to MAKE them. The best way to do that? Completely ignore them. They have only as much power as we give them. If we give none, they have none. |
Well I would not know about California state laws. I was under the impression that the businesses were legal and the Feds were overriding state laws. So what state laws are they violating and why then, can't the state handle the situation. Why bring in the feds? I see what is going on. The people who are mad about medical-marijuana being voted on passed are basically hassling the businesses with petty regulations and zoning laws. Just like the Republicans kicking up a fuss every time a democrat gets voted into office of President. They are sore losers. ![]() Jerks. ![]() Pretty much, as I said above, if they aren't gonna listen to the people, we need to MAKE them. The best way to do that? Completely ignore them. They have only as much power as we give them. If we give none, they have none. Yea that'll do it... ![]() ![]() |
Well I think that if a state legalized the plant (and it is a plant, not a drug) then they should stop wasting time fighting over the law that has been passed.
They should stop being such poor losers. It is a waste of time and money. |
Well I would not know about California state laws. I was under the impression that the businesses were legal and the Feds were overriding state laws. So what state laws are they violating and why then, can't the state handle the situation. Why bring in the feds? I see what is going on. The people who are mad about medical-marijuana being voted on passed are basically hassling the businesses with petty regulations and zoning laws. Just like the Republicans kicking up a fuss every time a democrat gets voted into office of President. They are sore losers. ![]() Jerks. ![]() Pretty much, as I said above, if they aren't gonna listen to the people, we need to MAKE them. The best way to do that? Completely ignore them. They have only as much power as we give them. If we give none, they have none. Yea that'll do it... ![]() ![]() And it's exactly that type of attitude that gives them their power. If we let their power go unchecked, then we have no right to complain when they abuse it. We are at fault at that point for not stopping them. |
The dispensaries they say are being targeted are within 600 yards of a school. It is a state law any operation be beyond that limit. Now if it turns out they are past the 600 Yards? They are lying through their teeth! There are dispensaries that operate in the shadows though. Those are the ones the FED really wants. But this is the real problem. Federal law thanks to Randolph Hurst (BURN IN HELL M*****FU***R!!!
![]() But I think Obama is actually trying to attack all clinics. My money is on what he said in his speech. He said "ALL DISPENSARIES MUST CLOSE IN 45 DAYS OR..." property seizure, incarceration, yadda yadda yadda. Notice how he said ALL? San Diego is just enforcing compliance. The Fed though??? I smell Bullshitte from the east again. Obama is ego tripping! Instead of trying to rally us in our times of need he self servingly wants to go after dispensaries instead of tackling the world bank, China, and other real concerns of ours. "Look at me, I am so bold and strong," (COUGH COUGH STRONG SMELLING COUGH COUGH!) Obama is so full of himself (Cough cough full of shitte, GAAAAK Cough cough) he has permanent bad breath. ![]() ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^this won't help.^^ He sure can change his tune. First he gives the banks money and NOW he blames them??? This guy's opinion flops around more than a fish out of water. ![]() ![]() Think of the Carrier as America. The burning plane is our economy. Doesn't the thought of what is to come give you chills? And the best part, people put hope in the president having the power to effect change. Well, I don't think he really has the respect of the Military. So where does he have power? BATF, DEA, FBI, and Secret Service. He can sick those dogs on anyone. God only knows who the CIA really works for. But as far as leveraging congress, he does not have their respect and evidently he is alienating party members too. All is not unity among the DNC these days. Obama had no power to do anything. He will go down a patsy. CONGRESS IS THE HEAD OF THE SNAKE but it has two heads. Obama doesn't have the balls to do what really needs to be done. He has to shut congress down for some maintenance. He has to affect arrests. He needs to drop the bomb on their azzes and force elections of things we need changed like Congressional and House Term Limits! Term Limits on Judges! A removal of their special Social Security. Ending Foreign Aid until we are solvent again. Terminating all trade imbalances and penalizing China for their attacks on our economy and intellectual properties. Give out weapons to Afghans and get the hell out of their country. Let them take their homes back for a change. Take all of our troops and put them in Iraq and have a big pull out, RIGHT THROUGH IRAN! Also we need more bio-fuels and more battery and power generation research. EDUCATION IS FALLING APART! WE ARE BEHIND THE TIMES! THAT IS SUPER DUPER NOT GOOD!!! WE NEED 'NOT FOR PROFIT' HEALTHCARE AND INSURANCE!!!! These are just a few things America NEEDS to address immediately! |
Of all the problems we are facing today they want to pick on a plant?
A PLANT! I heard a rumor that Obama was being blackmailed, which is not a surprise. He should just come out of the closet if he is gay. Wouldn't that be awesome? A flaming gay homosexual black president. COME OUT OF THE CLOSET OBAMA!! |
Another problem Obama has caused!!
There are so many people that depend on Mariuana for medical use and they will suffer without it.It helps with Crohn's Disease to cancer patients. At least contact your legislators please if you can do nothing else. |
Of all the problems we are facing today they want to pick on a plant? A PLANT! I heard a rumor that Obama was being blackmailed, which is not a surprise. He should just come out of the closet if he is gay. Wouldn't that be awesome? A flaming gay homosexual black president. COME OUT OF THE CLOSET OBAMA!! JEannie I dont think they are picking on the plant, they are picking on ILLEGAL (for profit, dispersed near schools,,etc) sale of the plant |
Edited by
Sat 10/08/11 12:22 AM
Only reason it's illegal? They aren't making money of it. No cut, no good. That and the health benefits too, that would also cost them money. As if we could get healthier this way, then we wouldn't need their drugs. So either way it boils down to money.
Further, to me there is one difference between their drug pushing and ours. Theirs is legal. That's it. |
I have often pondered the difference in how drug dealers are viewed over something as little as whether they paid millions to earn a degree for those who could afford to pay the price for their 'knowledge' or whether they just went to the street for anyone who was desperate enough
I have viewed tham all as 'drug dealers' as well, but its interesting how society outright abhors one and worships the other,,, |
Edited by
Sat 10/08/11 01:25 AM
I think that is a product of conditioning, much like with other issues related to politics and government. We are constantly bombarded with and fed dose after dose of media propaganda that presents the idea the government approved drugs are good, and non government approved are bad. It has created this group think mentality, to where people have a difficult time seeing anything beyond what they are being told.
So basically it's brainwashing that is the core reason for such a paradigm on either side of the issue, as many have eaten that up. |
Sen. Obama has publicly promised to end the federal raids on state medical marijuana patients and their caregivers. Sen. Obama also voted against an amendment in the U.S. Senate that was intended to undermine state medical marijuana laws.
......... On July 21, 2007 at a town hall meeting in Manchester, New Hampshire, a GSMM staffer asked Sen. Obama if he would end the raids. Sen. Obama replied: "The Justice Department going after sick individuals using this as a palliative instead of going after serious criminals makes no sense." .......... On August 21, during a campaign event in Nashua, New Hampshire, Sen. Obama was asked by GSMM volunteer and seriously ill Nashua resident Scott Turner if he would end the federal raids on medical marijuana patients like him. Sen. Obama replied: "I would not have the Justice Department prosecuting and raiding medical marijuana users. It's not a good use of our resources. ------------------------------------------------------------------ so much for those campaign renderings |
Obama Medical Marijuana Policies Now Worse Than Bush: DPA
Despite the Obama Administration's promise to respect state law and leave medical marijuana patients alone, its attack on patients and providers operating legally under state law is rapidly escalating. ........ The Treasury Department is now forcing banks in Colorado to close accounts of medical marijuana businesses operating legally under state law. ........ The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) now says it will not recognize legitimate business expenses of dispensaries and is requiring owners to pay taxes required of no other businesses; the result will be closure of the most well regulated dispensaries, and the loss of millions of dollars in tax revenue for local governments -- not exactly a wise move during the middle of the greatest economic crisis since the Great Depression. And the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) last week ruled that state-sanctioned medical marijuana patients cannot legally possess firearms. .......... "Barack Obasma is betraying promises made when he ran for president and turning his back on the sensible policies announced during his first year in office," Nadelmann said. "Instead of encouraging state and locals authorities to regulate medical marijuana distribution in the interests of public safety and health, his administration seems determined to re-criminalize as much as possible. "It all adds up to bad policy, bad politics and bad faith," Nadelmann said. -------------------------------------------------------------------- now more lies and deceit to get your votes stop electing democrats and republicans they are the two worst terrorist groups our constitution faces |