Topic: what exactly does "a few extra pounds" mean?
Simonedemidova's photo
Sat 09/24/11 10:58 PM

who cares about weight?
no one.
i think it's size that people get worried about.

This is kind of true but I mean I don't want an 180 pound woman even if she is all muscle lol XD. But I will admit depending on height and bf % 20 pound difference in 2 women can be nothing and the heavier one could look better.

Back to the original question. I think if it wasn't a dating site "a few extra pounds" would be vanity pounds. Somewhere between 5-15. Though I have seen people put "average" when they were above "a few extra pounds".

Why lie? People can see you are lying by the picture. Lying on the profile is definitely a bad start. The only thing I think it would do is give you expose to the guys that limit weight in advanced search, but then it kind of ruins advanced search because there are all these people lying in their profiles. If you don't fit someones requirements lying about it isn't gonna make them change their mind when they can see a pic. Just waste their time.

Wouldn't you want someone that takes you for you anyway?

I wouldnt want anyone who didnt think i was beautiful just the way I am. I wouldnt go losing a bunch of weight for them either. Chances are it would all come back anyways..if they cant love me now, then they probably dont care about personality much, i mean, if you are gorgeous....guys like you, regardless of personality. but if you are few extra pounds. . . personality doesnt matter either it's a lose lose I guess.

navygirl's photo
Sat 09/24/11 11:23 PM
Edited by navygirl on Sat 09/24/11 11:33 PM

i'm sorry... but if i was like 2-5 pounds over, i would just mark average... i think if someone goes out of their way to mention they have a few extra pounds, then its a noticeable amount

I guess its each person's perspective of extra or average. When I am average; then I am right in my weight category; a few extra for me would be up to 5 pounds. In the military; anything over 5 pounds was considered obese.

navygirl's photo
Sat 09/24/11 11:31 PM

I would think between 2 and 5 would be a few extra pounds.

navy u just make me feel guilty maybe I shoud get back in the gym......sad2

You shouldn't feel guilty but working out is good for you whether you lose weight or not. I actually have never gone to a gymn and just work out in my basement. I was about 40 pounds overweight after my car accident as I couldn't walk for 4 years. I lost it with exercise and just changing my eating habits. I don't diet as diets just don't work. And really; weight doesn't matter as long as you are healthy. These charts they put out about your weight and height are just plain silly. They don't account for large bone mass, or muscles. If I was to be the weight for my height; I would look like I was anorexic.

Simonedemidova's photo
Sun 09/25/11 12:04 AM
Im so tall, people never guess my weight. If i was shorter, they would call me obese with my weight but I stretch it out...

kelp1961's photo
Sun 09/25/11 12:08 AM

Im so tall, people never guess my weight. If i was shorter, they would call me obese with my weight but I stretch it out...

I'm not fat..I am just short for my weight..:smile:

Simonedemidova's photo
Sun 09/25/11 12:10 AM

Im so tall, people never guess my weight. If i was shorter, they would call me obese with my weight but I stretch it out...

I'm not fat..I am just short for my weight..:smile:

Exactly:wink: I am not skinny, Im just really tall...

kelp1961's photo
Sun 09/25/11 12:11 AM
This makes me think about my 20 something self...the sad thing is..I thought I was fat then... a few extra pounds I think is relative to age as well as to height...middle age brings a whole new set of rules...I am finding.

Simonedemidova's photo
Sun 09/25/11 12:19 AM

This makes me think about my 20 something self...the sad thing is..I thought I was fat then... a few extra pounds I think is relative to age as well as to height...middle age brings a whole new set of rules...I am finding.

Yes, yes it does, and it's not called "settling" its called, Im more mature now, and I know what I really want...laugh :wink: :wink:

josie68's photo
Sun 09/25/11 01:11 AM

This makes me think about my 20 something self...the sad thing is..I thought I was fat then... a few extra pounds I think is relative to age as well as to height...middle age brings a whole new set of rules...I am finding.

Yes, yes it does, and it's not called "settling" its called, Im more mature now, and I know what I really want...laugh :wink: :wink:


to me a few extra pounds is not way overweight but not trim taught and terrific..Just somewhere still in the healthy range but maybe bordering on nearly not healthy

74Drew's photo
Sun 09/25/11 02:57 AM

it's a ridiculously ambiguous category

mostly it's used by people who are afraid to admit to themselves that they're fat. it somehow feels better to them when they lie to themselves about how large they really are.

if they realize that they can't pull off "a few extra pounds", they usually don't answer the question at all.

there are a few people out there who really are "a few extra pounds", but not as many as those claiming that they're "a few extra pounds".

. . .

From the way you talk here, most women are too fat for you. laugh

i don't disagree.
but my preference doesn't make my statement any less accurate.

a few extra pounds should be a few extra pounds over what is considered average for one's height based on a health body fat percentage, not what's considered average for us fat @$$ americans.

people know if they're overweight or not. i know that i'm well over the "a few extra pounds" mark. i don't sugar coat it or lie to myself and say "oh, you're about average." or "you're just a few pounds overweight." BS, i'm a good 40 pounds overweight and i know it. just because i carry it well doesn't mean that it's an okay weight to be.

. . .

romee's photo
Sun 09/25/11 04:22 AM
i know my weight has gone up and down a few times! and right now i'm more than a few pounds but i try to exercise but i feel if a woman can't eccept me for me then she can just keep walking!shades

no photo
Sun 09/25/11 06:14 AM

I would think between 2 and 5 would be a few extra pounds.

navy u just make me feel guilty maybe I shoud get back in the gym......sad2

You shouldn't feel guilty but working out is good for you whether you lose weight or not. I actually have never gone to a gymn and just work out in my basement. I was about 40 pounds overweight after my car accident as I couldn't walk for 4 years. I lost it with exercise and just changing my eating habits. I don't diet as diets just don't work. And really; weight doesn't matter as long as you are healthy. These charts they put out about your weight and height are just plain silly. They don't account for large bone mass, or muscles. If I was to be the weight for my height; I would look like I was anorexic.

well, I do need to be careful of what I eat. I have never been tiny but it would not hurt me to lose a dress size. I have pretty well adjusted my eating habits to reflect that I no longer train for 5ks but slip up once in a great while with a candy bar or some fries - I have been trying to stick to a walking and biking program...just don;t feel very motivated just now. But I get out there most days.....usually if things in my life are going well I feel motivated to get my workouts in but if I'm stressed I lose motivation to exercize- ironically at the time it would do more good because it does help to reduce stress

no photo
Sun 09/25/11 09:01 AM

it's a ridiculously ambiguous category

mostly it's used by people who are afraid to admit to themselves that they're fat. it somehow feels better to them when they lie to themselves about how large they really are.

if they realize that they can't pull off "a few extra pounds", they usually don't answer the question at all.

there are a few people out there who really are "a few extra pounds", but not as many as those claiming that they're "a few extra pounds".

. . .

From the way you talk here, most women are too fat for you. laugh

i don't disagree.
but my preference doesn't make my statement any less accurate.

a few extra pounds should be a few extra pounds over what is considered average for one's height based on a health body fat percentage, not what's considered average for us fat @$$ americans.

people know if they're overweight or not. i know that i'm well over the "a few extra pounds" mark. i don't sugar coat it or lie to myself and say "oh, you're about average." or "you're just a few pounds overweight." BS, i'm a good 40 pounds overweight and i know it. just because i carry it well doesn't mean that it's an okay weight to be.

. . .

Like I said before, if you're worried about how fat someone is before you meet them, ask for a full length picture. You can then see what they actually look like.

As for what is an ok weight to be, that's something you'll need to decide for yourself.

no photo
Sun 09/25/11 09:09 AM

who cares about weight?
no one.
i think it's size that people get worried about.

This is kind of true but I mean I don't want an 180 pound woman even if she is all muscle lol XD. But I will admit depending on height and bf % 20 pound difference in 2 women can be nothing and the heavier one could look better.

Back to the original question. I think if it wasn't a dating site "a few extra pounds" would be vanity pounds. Somewhere between 5-15. Though I have seen people put "average" when they were above "a few extra pounds".

Why lie? People can see you are lying by the picture. Lying on the profile is definitely a bad start. The only thing I think it would do is give you expose to the guys that limit weight in advanced search, but then it kind of ruins advanced search because there are all these people lying in their profiles. If you don't fit someones requirements lying about it isn't gonna make them change their mind when they can see a pic. Just waste their time.

Wouldn't you want someone that takes you for you anyway?

When I'm looking at a guy's profile, as long as they have clear, up to date pictures, that's being honest enough about what they look like. It's when they have old or out of focus pictures that I start to wonder.

Most men here don't look at profiles anyway. They just look at pictures.

msharmony's photo
Sun 09/25/11 09:34 AM
I think its about self perception.

Sometimes people out and out lie, but other times they are just expressing how they 'see themself'.

I know many people who think they are gorgeous who just seem average to me. I know others who think they are average but I think they are gorgeous.

Self identification is not necessarily a lie because we dont agree with it, its just an expression of how someone views themself.

Simonedemidova's photo
Sun 09/25/11 10:24 AM

i know my weight has gone up and down a few times! and right now i'm more than a few pounds but i try to exercise but i feel if a woman can't eccept me for me then she can just keep walking!shades


no photo
Sun 09/25/11 10:28 AM

i know my weight has gone up and down a few times! and right now i'm more than a few pounds but i try to exercise but i feel if a woman can't eccept me for me then she can just keep walking!shades



I know I'm not a skinny girl. That's clear from my pictures. If a guy has issues with that, it's ok. We all have preferences. He can move onto the next person.

no photo
Sun 09/25/11 10:34 AM

i know my weight has gone up and down a few times! and right now i'm more than a few pounds but i try to exercise but i feel if a woman can't eccept me for me then she can just keep walking!shades



I know I'm not a skinny girl. That's clear from my pictures. If a guy has issues with that, it's ok. We all have preferences. He can move onto the next person.

I agree. It doesn't matter to me, really as for the most part as you get to know someone those kinds of things become less important - at least to me they do

no photo
Sun 09/25/11 10:34 AM

Im so tall, people never guess my weight. If i was shorter, they would call me obese with my weight but I stretch it out...

I'm not fat..I am just short for my weight..:smile:

Sneaksintoyourheart's photo
Sun 09/25/11 10:35 AM
my trouble is i'm tall an well kind of skinny most would say i'm thin but i can't help it cause i'm so tall i always say if they rather have me for my looks then what is inside of me then well they better move on to the next person