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joy4gud's photo
Sun 09/11/11 07:18 AM
Edited by joy4gud on Sun 09/11/11 07:26 AM
Matt 6:12 forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors.
Now God forgives our sins and relates with us as if we have never sin, and He ask us to do the same. Do we really forgive? When we forgive, do we still relate with them as if nothing has happen?

joy4gud's photo
Sun 09/11/11 07:32 AM
When they say sorry and u know they are truely sorry, do you still forgive and relates them as God did?

CowboyGH's photo
Sun 09/11/11 07:39 AM

Matt 6:12 forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors.
Now God forgives our sins and relates with us as if we have never sin, and He ask us to do the same. Do we really forgive? When we forgive, do we still relate with them as if nothing has happen?

Matthew 6:14

14For if ye forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you

CowboyGH's photo
Sun 09/11/11 07:44 AM

If I know someone to be sorry, how could I not forgive them?

Some people don't. Some people don't seem to be able to forgive for some reason.

joy4gud's photo
Sun 09/11/11 08:15 AM

If I know someone to be sorry, how could I not forgive them?

then what happen in a relationship where one cheated against his/her partner, and he/she is really sorry. Why don't we forgive and moveon with our love?

joy4gud's photo
Sun 09/11/11 08:16 AM

If I know someone to be sorry, how could I not forgive them?

then what happen in a relationship where one cheated against his/her partner, and he/she is really sorry. Why don't we forgive and moveon with our love?

joy4gud's photo
Sun 09/11/11 08:21 AM

Matt 6:12 forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors.
Now God forgives our sins and relates with us as if we have never sin, and He ask us to do the same. Do we really forgive? When we forgive, do we still relate with them as if nothing has happen?

Matthew 6:14

14For if ye forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you

matt. 6:15 but if ye forgive not their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses

joy4gud's photo
Sun 09/11/11 08:39 AM

If I know someone to be sorry, how could I not forgive them?

then what happen in a relationship where one cheated against his/her partner, and he/she is really sorry. Why don't we forgive and moveon with our love?

We do.

wow! Then why do married christains divorce? If not for unforgiveness.

no photo
Sun 09/11/11 08:49 AM

If I know someone to be sorry, how could I not forgive them?

then what happen in a relationship where one cheated against his/her partner, and he/she is really sorry. Why don't we forgive and moveon with our love?

When a guy cheats on you and is sorry,

do forgive him,

BUT move on....especially since you are not married to him


Cheaters have a tendency to cheat over and over again.

Walk in wisdom ,Precious.flowerforyou

And RUN from this guy.

God has much better in store for you.

Trust God for God's very Best for you.


joy4gud's photo
Sun 09/11/11 08:57 AM
Ok! That is clear enough for me.

joy4gud's photo
Sun 09/11/11 09:01 AM

If I know someone to be sorry, how could I not forgive them?

then what happen in a relationship where one cheated against his/her partner, and he/she is really sorry. Why don't we forgive and moveon with our love?

When a guy cheats on you and is sorry,

do forgive him,

BUT move on....especially since you are not married to him


Cheaters have a tendency to cheat over and over again.

Walk in wisdom ,Precious.flowerforyou

And RUN from this guy.

God has much better in store for you.

Trust God for God's very Best for you.


thanks flowerforyou

dan_aimi's photo
Sun 09/11/11 08:58 PM
When someone sins against God, God still forgives despite the fact that "sinners have the tendency to sin again". Forgiveness is never complete without totally forgetting the other persons wrong. When you forgive, I don't think it's right to start taking unnecessary precautions; such could be regarded as distrust. Thus, YOU HAVEN'T FORGIVEN.

joy4gud's photo
Sun 09/11/11 11:49 PM

When someone sins against God, God still forgives despite the fact that "sinners have the tendency to sin again". Forgiveness is never complete without totally forgetting the other persons wrong. When you forgive, I don't think it's right to start taking unnecessary precautions; such could be regarded as distrust. Thus, YOU HAVEN'T FORGIVEN.

that's my point, taking precautions.
God want us to forgive and forget like little children. happy

msharmony's photo
Mon 09/12/11 12:40 AM
Edited by msharmony on Mon 09/12/11 12:42 AM

When someone sins against God, God still forgives despite the fact that "sinners have the tendency to sin again". Forgiveness is never complete without totally forgetting the other persons wrong. When you forgive, I don't think it's right to start taking unnecessary precautions; such could be regarded as distrust. Thus, YOU HAVEN'T FORGIVEN.

I dont agree. I dont think God means us to forego caring for ourself. IF someone is beating you for instance, and saying they are sorry, should forgiviness demand you remain there to risk being beat again. I dont think forgiveness means we are to lose sight of and ignore the real risks posed by others. I think forgiveness just is a way of not holding it against them personally anymore.

God forgives with a type of KNOWING of our spirit, that we do not have about each other.

It is not enough to merely ASK forgiveness and not repent of the behavior,,,faith without works is dead and so is repentance/forgiveness. There has to be the ACTION Behind the word, the word itself is not enough.

I can know my ex was an adulterer and continues to be a womanizer, and still have forgiven him. My forgiveness didnt demand that I deny the truth of what he couldnt seem to control,, no matter how 'sorry' he was.

s1owhand's photo
Mon 09/12/11 01:20 AM
Edited by s1owhand on Mon 09/12/11 01:21 AM
Forgiveness is an interesting subject.

I agree with many in this thread that one forgives freely but that
does not extend to enduring the same negative behavior from your
partner on and on.

Forgiveness is like putting out the psychological garbage. If one
does not forgive but retains and harbors resentment then the
resentment gradually eats at them like an acid. It is a poison which
is very detrimental to inner peace.

Forgive one another. Let the resentment flow away. It cannot help you heal.
Once the resentment has passed then it is easy to see how to
proceed - trust may have been broken but it can be rebuilt
given time and effort.

It is possible to forgive the cheater and rebuild trust but
sometimes it is best to forgive the cheater and move on to a
better relationship with someone new who is really trustworthy.

Forgiveness comes first but it doesn't involve immediate
restoration of trust. It is the first step in the process
of rebuilding trust.

s1owhand's photo
Mon 09/12/11 01:29 AM
Psalm 32

1. Of David, a maskil Praiseworthy is he whose transgression is forgiven, whose sin is concealed.
2. Praiseworthy is the man to whom the Lord ascribes no iniquity and in whose spirit there is no guile.
3. When I was silent, my bones decayed with my moaning all day long.
4. For [both] day and night Your hand is heavy upon me; my freshness was transformed as in the droughts of summer, forever.
5. I would inform You of my sin, and I did not conceal my iniquity; I said, "I will confess my transgressions to the Lord," and You forgave the iniquity of my sin forever.
6. For this let every pious man pray to You at the time that You are found, only about a flood of vast waters [that] should not reach him.
7. You are a shelter for me, from an adversary You guard me; with songs of deliverance You encompass me forever,
8. "I will enlighten you and instruct you which way [to go]; I will wink My eye to you."
9. Be not like a horse, like a mule that does not discern; whose mouth must be held with bit and bridle, so that when he is being groomed, he does not come near you.
10. Many are the pains of the wicked, but as for him who trusts in the Lord- kindness will encompass him.
11. Rejoice with the Lord and exult, You righteous, and cause all those of upright hearts to sing praises.

joy4gud's photo
Mon 09/12/11 02:17 AM

When someone sins against God, God still forgives despite the fact that "sinners have the tendency to sin again". Forgiveness is never complete without totally forgetting the other persons wrong. When you forgive, I don't think it's right to start taking unnecessary precautions; such could be regarded as distrust. Thus, YOU HAVEN'T FORGIVEN.

I dont agree. I dont think God means us to forego caring for ourself. IF someone is beating you for instance, and saying they are sorry, should forgiviness demand you remain there to risk being beat again. I dont think forgiveness means we are to lose sight of and ignore the real risks posed by others. I think forgiveness just is a way of not holding it against them personally anymore.

God forgives with a type of KNOWING of our spirit, that we do not have about each other.

It is not enough to merely ASK forgiveness and not repent of the behavior,,,faith without works is dead and so is repentance/forgiveness. There has to be the ACTION Behind the word, the word itself is not enough.

I can know my ex was an adulterer and continues to be a womanizer, and still have forgiven him. My forgiveness didnt demand that I deny the truth of what he couldnt seem to control,, no matter how 'sorry' he was.

we know it is not easy to live with someone who will continue to do us wrong, but sometimes we have our own cross to carry, and i believe if we pray for them, God can change them, and i also believe if we find ourselfs in the wrong hand, and we ask God what to do he will not tell to leave.

joy4gud's photo
Mon 09/12/11 02:31 AM
Edited by joy4gud on Mon 09/12/11 03:26 AM

Forgiveness is an interesting subject.

I agree with many in this thread that one forgives freely but that
does not extend to enduring the same negative behavior from your
partner on and on.

Forgiveness is like putting out the psychological garbage. If one
does not forgive but retains and harbors resentment then the
resentment gradually eats at them like an acid. It is a poison which
is very detrimental to inner peace.

Forgive one another. Let the resentment flow away. It cannot help you heal.
Once the resentment has passed then it is easy to see how to
proceed - trust may have been broken but it can be rebuilt
given time and effort.

It is possible to forgive the cheater and rebuild trust but
sometimes it is best to forgive the cheater and move on to a
better relationship with someone new who is really trustworthy.

how do we know a good relationship? they all start with soft and gentle words.

Forgiveness comes first but it doesn't involve immediate
restoration of trust. It is the first step in the process
of rebuilding trust.


joy4gud's photo
Mon 09/12/11 03:29 AM

There are people who will use Gods name to try to trap you in harms way.

that's correct. God help us all

msharmony's photo
Mon 09/12/11 07:07 AM

When someone sins against God, God still forgives despite the fact that "sinners have the tendency to sin again". Forgiveness is never complete without totally forgetting the other persons wrong. When you forgive, I don't think it's right to start taking unnecessary precautions; such could be regarded as distrust. Thus, YOU HAVEN'T FORGIVEN.

I dont agree. I dont think God means us to forego caring for ourself. IF someone is beating you for instance, and saying they are sorry, should forgiviness demand you remain there to risk being beat again. I dont think forgiveness means we are to lose sight of and ignore the real risks posed by others. I think forgiveness just is a way of not holding it against them personally anymore.

God forgives with a type of KNOWING of our spirit, that we do not have about each other.

It is not enough to merely ASK forgiveness and not repent of the behavior,,,faith without works is dead and so is repentance/forgiveness. There has to be the ACTION Behind the word, the word itself is not enough.

I can know my ex was an adulterer and continues to be a womanizer, and still have forgiven him. My forgiveness didnt demand that I deny the truth of what he couldnt seem to control,, no matter how 'sorry' he was.

we know it is not easy to live with someone who will continue to do us wrong, but sometimes we have our own cross to carry, and i believe if we pray for them, God can change them, and i also believe if we find ourselfs in the wrong hand, and we ask God what to do he will not tell to leave.

I understand that belief. I also believe God can change people, I just think that we sometimes place too much expectation on God to the point of being too passive ourself, waiting on God to fix it. I think God helps those who help themself and we can pray for others to change while still making sure we allow harm not to come to ourself. There are many instances when God has told us to leave so that he CAN fix someone else, but we remain and enable them instead because we think there is flaw in leaving.

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