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Topic: Conservative Columnist Say Registering The Poor To Vote Is �
adj4u's photo
Tue 09/06/11 08:59 PM

maybe all those running for office must where a hockey mask and not have any public photos available

a lot of election results are slanted because of the appearance of those running

and how about making those that are running take a test on how govt is supposed to work

surprised Hockey maskshocked Isn't that Michael Myersscared scared scared scared waving

fits pretty good doesnt it

really scary

Dragoness's photo
Tue 09/06/11 09:03 PM

maybe all those running for office must where a hockey mask and not have any public photos available

a lot of election results are slanted because of the appearance of those running

and how about making those that are running take a test on how govt is supposed to work

surprised Hockey maskshocked Isn't that Michael Myersscared scared scared scared waving

fits pretty good doesnt it

really scary

Definitely can be.:wink: flowerforyou

fakey's photo
Thu 09/08/11 04:52 AM

One of the screwiest things about how the Senate works is with the filibuster rule. The phrase "majority rule" is meaningless, and Government is unable to do anything if one side wants to prevent all progress.

So true. Personally I am sick of the well organised vocal minorities dictating policy agendas to the generally complacent silent majority.

.....the squeaky wheel gets oiled!

boredinaz06's photo
Thu 09/08/11 08:32 AM

We have enough dumb people voting already, they're called liberals!

Lpdon's photo
Thu 09/08/11 11:50 AM

Some truth to the OP, but it doesn't go far enough. There should be a test before acquiring a voter registration-comprised of economics, US history, civics, and political philosophy.

Not, because what I consider stupid may not be what you consider stupid so who gets to decide who is stupid and who isn't?

Me? I have some real qualifications for ya.

Live in an all white neighborhood and ya can't vote. Would be a nice one for regulating out those white racists from the polls. Too bad for those who are guilty by association or circumstance. That would weed out some problems at the polls.

Or if you make more than 250,000 dollars a year, no vote. Because you are too biased towards the rich. That would eliminate some problems at the polls.

I will classify all of these people as stupid to fit into the stupid restrictions you want.

See how easy it works.....:thumbsup:

It would stop people for voting for someone just because they are black.

Dragoness's photo
Thu 09/08/11 12:02 PM

Some truth to the OP, but it doesn't go far enough. There should be a test before acquiring a voter registration-comprised of economics, US history, civics, and political philosophy.

Not, because what I consider stupid may not be what you consider stupid so who gets to decide who is stupid and who isn't?

Me? I have some real qualifications for ya.

Live in an all white neighborhood and ya can't vote. Would be a nice one for regulating out those white racists from the polls. Too bad for those who are guilty by association or circumstance. That would weed out some problems at the polls.

Or if you make more than 250,000 dollars a year, no vote. Because you are too biased towards the rich. That would eliminate some problems at the polls.

I will classify all of these people as stupid to fit into the stupid restrictions you want.

See how easy it works.....:thumbsup:

It would stop people for voting for someone just because they are black.

Actually if you read it, it would eliminate someone voting for a president just because he/she is white.

But it was to make a point.

adj4u's photo
Thu 09/08/11 02:59 PM
actually it would stop people for voting for any physical appearances

white black yellow skinny fat bald long hair business cut hair one arm no arms or legs even

should vote for ideas

not looks

also negative ads cost votes usually when it comes to my vote....if they have no better reason to get my vote than to bash the opponent then they must be worse prospect for the job

but hey what do i know

Seakolony's photo
Thu 09/08/11 04:43 PM
Voting for Presidents for looks? Has anyone actually looked at our Presidents? More likely for familiarity and names. Oh gag me are you people serious with the looks thing? Ye gads people. I think this thread just lost all its marbles.

msharmony's photo
Thu 09/08/11 04:50 PM

Some truth to the OP, but it doesn't go far enough. There should be a test before acquiring a voter registration-comprised of economics, US history, civics, and political philosophy.

Not, because what I consider stupid may not be what you consider stupid so who gets to decide who is stupid and who isn't?

Me? I have some real qualifications for ya.

Live in an all white neighborhood and ya can't vote. Would be a nice one for regulating out those white racists from the polls. Too bad for those who are guilty by association or circumstance. That would weed out some problems at the polls.

Or if you make more than 250,000 dollars a year, no vote. Because you are too biased towards the rich. That would eliminate some problems at the polls.

I will classify all of these people as stupid to fit into the stupid restrictions you want.

See how easy it works.....:thumbsup:

It would stop people for voting for someone just because they are black.

or just because they are 'republican' or 'democrat'

or just because they were in the military

or just because they are smart

or just because they are not smart( or what they would say was 'real')

...truly, I doubt many people vote for someone just because of any one thing, and anybody who does does a disservice to their right to vote

I bet people vote for the person who seems MOST likely to represent what is important to them,,,,end of story

msharmony's photo
Thu 09/08/11 04:51 PM

actually it would stop people for voting for any physical appearances

white black yellow skinny fat bald long hair business cut hair one arm no arms or legs even

should vote for ideas

not looks

also negative ads cost votes usually when it comes to my vote....if they have no better reason to get my vote than to bash the opponent then they must be worse prospect for the job

but hey what do i know


with the exception of health(Which can be indicative by age sometimes)

and some interest in hygiene and demeanor being present

,physicality should have nothing to do with it

and I tire of the 'why you shouldnt vote for...' ads too
I much prefer the 'why you should vote for me' candidates

Dragoness's photo
Thu 09/08/11 05:00 PM
The president doesn't have to run any negative ads. He is a shoe in as long as he can keep his believability. His opponents don't have any credibility.

msharmony's photo
Thu 09/08/11 05:01 PM
time will tell, I dont think there is any guarantee until the candidates begin to answer questions with their own mouths,,,

then the odds diminish greatly.....

adj4u's photo
Thu 09/08/11 08:54 PM
Edited by adj4u on Thu 09/08/11 09:36 PM

Voting for Presidents for looks? Has anyone actually looked at our Presidents? More likely for familiarity and names. Oh gag me are you people serious with the looks thing? Ye gads people. I think this thread just lost all its marbles.

have you looked at the loser of the election
kennedy beats

johnson beats

nixon beats
humphry mcgovern

ford beats
no one appointed to vp nixon resigns

carter beats

reagan beats

reagan beats

bush beats

clinton beats
bush dole

g w bush beats
gore kerry

obama beat

so yeah looks make a differnce

just a thought

Seakolony's photo
Fri 09/09/11 04:23 AM

Voting for Presidents for looks? Has anyone actually looked at our Presidents? More likely for familiarity and names. Oh gag me are you people serious with the looks thing? Ye gads people. I think this thread just lost all its marbles.

have you looked at the loser of the election
kennedy beats

johnson beats

nixon beats
humphry mcgovern

ford beats
no one appointed to vp nixon resigns

carter beats

reagan beats

reagan beats

bush beats

clinton beats
bush dole

g w bush beats
gore kerry

obama beat

so yeah looks make a differnce

just a thought

Okay the only two I can see is Kennedy amd Reagan but as for the rest the were all ugly as sin......and the winner was no better looking than the loser......and McCain was actually better looking if I had to be forced with a gun to head to pick than Obama which is just ewwww to even think about......it was sensationamism of the world view and what other countries thought that won Obama the election IMO...and I actually think Reagan won because he was a mezmerizing speaker living his life in front of the camera......and Kennedy won because name recognition and Jackie O. America was in love with Jackie O. She made JFK......not that America wasn't enthralled with the Kennedy family.......and honestly Geroge W. Won because of Reagan and they were giving his daddy a second chance and for the first time ever in history the electorial college votes beat out the popular vote don't forget Kerry was actually America's fav choice in the end when it was counted bush just got the bigger electorial votes and honestly if this happens I believe the peoples vote should be the actual victor in this.......Clinton won because he rocked the nation....dukakis was just a idiot in the media eye......

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