Topic: A Personal Walk with God | |
Miles, So in other words you're saying that your personal eccentricity is to believe that not only deliberate disobedience of God constitutes 'sin', but even a simply misunderstanding of the scriptures, or having been deceived by preachers who proclaim to know what the scriptures mean also constitutes a condition of 'sin' and is grounds for casting a person into the state of eternal damnation of everlasting punishment? But by your very on interpretations here, how or why should anyone believe your views? Perhaps it is your views that are a gross misunderstanding of these scriptures. Perhaps you are one of those that deceive people by teaching them misunderstandings of the scriptures? All you are basically telling people is that they can't TRUST anyone to have the word of God correct. And that would certainly include trusting YOU. Moreover you have quoted from the scriptures the following: 5 For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Messiah; and shall deceive many. Where has anyone came claiming to be the Messiah? Other than a few individual fruitcakes who actually got that idea from these very fables we haven't seen any major figure who has claimed to be the Messiah of these stories. In fact, it's highly questionable whether this man named Jesus or Yashua ever actually claimed to be "The Messiah". All we have are second-hand rumors that he might have vaguely implied that this might be the case. In fact, doesn't the story go that his disciples told him that there are rumors that he was the Messiah, and Jesus asked them, "What do you think" and they said, "We think you are", and Jesus replied, "Well don't tell anyone that until I'm dead and gone". ![]() In other words, Jesus was saying that he wanted no parts of any such rumors. ![]() ~~~~~ In any case, in order for me to accept your personal eccentricity I must believe that our creator will not only allow people to misunderstand his instructions to them, and be deceived about them by others, but he will also condemn those people to eternal damnation simply because they have misunderstood something or because they had been deceived. My personal eccentricity is to reply to you that it is my heartfelt conviction that any creator who would be so insensitive about people's sincerity that he would condemn those who merely misunderstand, or who have been deceived by others, would be far from righteous. Such a creator would be a totally insensitive jerk, IMHO. The creator can't go around blaming people for misunderstanding things, especially considering the fact that the Abrahamic religions themselves represent nothing more than a collection of extremely vague translated and transcribed scriptures that even the most sincere devoted believers can't agree what they mean. In short, even many of the most devoted believers would necessarily have grossly misunderstood interpretations of these scriptures. The Jews, the Muslims, the Catholics, and the myriad of Protestants who have protested against Catholicism in favor of worshiping their own personal eccentricities and interpretations of scriptures all have a different take on what these things say. So the vast majority of humans would be cast into a state of eternal damnation and everlasting punishment simply because they have misunderstood something. ![]() And I'm supposed to believe that on PURE FAITH? ![]() It'd rather have PURE FAITH that it's all rubbish, to be perfectly honest with you. ![]() That's my personal eccentricity. ![]() How many do you actually see being sent to eternal bliss.. total destruction. the fiery hell torment is an antient pagan thought that even the Pharoahs believed in. but torment forever is not for the flesh and blood.. sow me if u can.. Blessings..Miles Abra. lets lay down some ground rules. 1 to me this is a site to DISCUSS religion not try to belittle it. 2. My faith is very strong and these boards seem like a waist of time to listen to belittlement. 3. I am not trying to convert anyone.. its not my job.. my job u might say is to show my beliefs through my actions not words. words mean little to anyone who does not have an interest.. best to leave well enough alone. 4.. when i have time in a few days if you want to discuss with out the fairy tale.. more facts because who really knows anything.. we all hope and believe whatever but the unseen knowledge is a belief a faith. I have had little time for these boards and whats the use if neither one of us wants to try and understand the other. hope to hear from you.. Blessings of Shalom..Miles Shalom Abra. Been so busy but looks like things are getting back to normal. so if you want to ressurrect this thread and chat i would be happy to.. Blessings..Miles |
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Tue 09/20/11 12:23 AM
I think people will 'get away' from organized religion the same way they are trying to 'get away' from formal education.
I dont see it as an issue though because the numbers on the earth dictate that there will always be those with COMMON beliefs and foundational truths who will continue to congregate , discuss , and support, and even write books about them, and their source will continue to be some religious text or writing, in some way or another, whatever name they give it. Last I read nearly 1/3 of the world are Christians, and another 1/4 are muslim, I think people will give up those books about the same time they give up their countries 'constitutions' |
I think people will 'get away' from organized religion the same way they are trying to 'get away' from formal education. I dont see it as an issue though because the numbers on the earth dictate that there will always be those with COMMON beliefs and foundational truths who will continue to congregate , discuss , and support, and even write books about them, and their source will continue to be some religious text or writing, in some way or another, whatever name they give it. Last I read nearly 1/3 of the world are Christians, and another 1/4 are muslim, I think people will give up those books about the same time they give up their countries 'constitutions' Shalom msharmony How have you been? Hope all is going good for you. Common beliefs come from the Torah.. all 3 jewish, muslim and chr-stian. people would label me the name belief. thats ok and i am not speaking of you. If any of us who say we believe then we have to get to the heart of the matter and put personal feelings aside and strive for what we ourselves can prove.I know you look at the matter before us and ponder what is really real with a pure heart.striving and searching as we all do. I am glad to call you a friend because of that common goal.. Blessings of Shalom...Miles |
Last I read nearly 1/3 of the world are Christians, and another 1/4 are muslim, I think people will give up those books about the same time they give up their countries 'constitutions' Two things to consider here: First, those stats are naturally biased. Most people who live in a society will automatically go along with the religion of those societies. It's the easiest thing to do. Like they say, "When in Rome do as the Romans do". It just makes sense. Moreover, I know a LOT of pagans who present themselves as "Christians" to society at large, simply because they don't want the hassle that comes with not going along with the mainstream religion. Of course, this sort of thing is changing rapidly due to the Internet. People are quickly learning that there are a LOT of people out there who were doing precisely the same thing. But now people are starting to realize that there are far more people who actually question the mainstream religions than they had ever realized. ~~~~~~~ The second issue has to do with time. You say, "Last I read nearly 1/3 of the world are Christians, and another 1/4 are muslim" That's today. However, before Christianity and Islam were invented most people probably worshiped Zeus, Odin, Thor, Apollo, Athena, and any number of other gods. Not to mention Wanka Tanka who was worshiped by the North American Indians before the Christians moved in and murdered them all. ![]() So times change. Also like they say, "History is written by the victors", and the same goes for religions too. The people who conquer the world take their god-forsaken religions with them and shove them down the throats of the people they conquer and enslave. |
Last I read nearly 1/3 of the world are Christians, and another 1/4 are muslim, I think people will give up those books about the same time they give up their countries 'constitutions' Two things to consider here: First, those stats are naturally biased. Most people who live in a society will automatically go along with the religion of those societies. It's the easiest thing to do. Like they say, "When in Rome do as the Romans do". It just makes sense. Moreover, I know a LOT of pagans who present themselves as "Christians" to society at large, simply because they don't want the hassle that comes with not going along with the mainstream religion. Of course, this sort of thing is changing rapidly due to the Internet. People are quickly learning that there are a LOT of people out there who were doing precisely the same thing. But now people are starting to realize that there are far more people who actually question the mainstream religions than they had ever realized. ~~~~~~~ The second issue has to do with time. You say, "Last I read nearly 1/3 of the world are Christians, and another 1/4 are muslim" That's today. However, before Christianity and Islam were invented most people probably worshiped Zeus, Odin, Thor, Apollo, Athena, and any number of other gods. Not to mention Wanka Tanka who was worshiped by the North American Indians before the Christians moved in and murdered them all. ![]() So times change. Also like they say, "History is written by the victors", and the same goes for religions too. The people who conquer the world take their god-forsaken religions with them and shove them down the throats of the people they conquer and enslave. Shalom Abra Yes history is written by the victors. The jcians slaughter of the American Indian for this country is Evil.. someday i want to go to Plymouth Rock and protest thanksgiving with the Indians who do every year. We now call it thanksgiving when it should be Slaughter at the Rock day. Shalom..Miles |
I like my meetings. We are about the most unorganized group of people that I know of. We disagree so much on so many things but we do have a common purpose.
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Last I read nearly 1/3 of the world are Christians, and another 1/4 are muslim, I think people will give up those books about the same time they give up their countries 'constitutions' Two things to consider here: First, those stats are naturally biased. Most people who live in a society will automatically go along with the religion of those societies. It's the easiest thing to do. Like they say, "When in Rome do as the Romans do". It just makes sense. Moreover, I know a LOT of pagans who present themselves as "Christians" to society at large, simply because they don't want the hassle that comes with not going along with the mainstream religion. Of course, this sort of thing is changing rapidly due to the Internet. People are quickly learning that there are a LOT of people out there who were doing precisely the same thing. But now people are starting to realize that there are far more people who actually question the mainstream religions than they had ever realized. ~~~~~~~ The second issue has to do with time. You say, "Last I read nearly 1/3 of the world are Christians, and another 1/4 are muslim" That's today. However, before Christianity and Islam were invented most people probably worshiped Zeus, Odin, Thor, Apollo, Athena, and any number of other gods. Not to mention Wanka Tanka who was worshiped by the North American Indians before the Christians moved in and murdered them all. ![]() So times change. Also like they say, "History is written by the victors", and the same goes for religions too. The people who conquer the world take their god-forsaken religions with them and shove them down the throats of the people they conquer and enslave. I Agree, when it comes to beliefs, people will always congregate and those who can congregate with the most people will have a large number who just go along so as not to be left out this would also be true of a time where most believed in a 'personal walk with God' which didnt involve a bible so, in the end, I guess everyones walk(including christians) Will remain personal,, whatever the statistics or news blurbs say,,, |