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Topic: What are you ladies Looking for?
jayboy07's photo
Fri 07/13/07 05:24 AM
I see a few men on these forums that are looking for the possibilities of a serious relationship. I see ladies always wondering why they cannot find the right good man that is looking for a serious relationship.

Why are these guys still single? They are looking for what most women say they are looking for.

Please explain ladies...Im curious myself....

celticricket's photo
Fri 07/13/07 05:31 AM
My main hang-up is distance. I'll have a good convo with a guy that lives like 800 miles away from me. And also, it's a bit more difficult (for me, anyway) to become attracted to someone via the internet. I think sometimes I need just a little more substance before I can say, hey, I really think I'm into this guy. I have a lot of friends on this site who I think I could hang out with all the time in person, but it's a little more involved and difficult to find that special someone.

jayboy07's photo
Fri 07/13/07 05:34 AM
yea, i agree. Long Distance relationships have never worked for me. Im the kinda guy that actually wants to meet someone and look them in the eyes before I make a true decision if I really like them.

I have met and started to care for a few women Ive met online, but because of the distance thing I knew it wouldnt go any further.

But I have seen some guys saying they would travel for the right woman....what about that?

cvaughn34's photo
Fri 07/13/07 05:42 AM
Well, speaking for myself, I wouldn't have any problem with traveling...but there is always the point of what's going to happen in the long run. Do you move there eventually, or does she move here? It seems like that is an obstacle that is in a lot of peoples minds as well. On my part, traveling is no big deal to me, but moving would be out of the question. I am the one who cares for my mother, so moving would be out for me.

SweetU2Lover's photo
Fri 07/13/07 05:56 AM
To me, being willing to travel to see me isn't enough. I need that person to be in close proximity to me in order to have a relationship. I like someone I can talk to on a daily basis and see a couple times a week.

TxsGal3333's photo
Fri 07/13/07 07:48 AM
Well just because the guys that are here seem to be what all the women say they are looking for or vice a versa. Does not mean there are matches here for all appeal to others in a differnt way. There are a few here that do appeal to me but... then sometimes by reading the forums and the things some say you do find out and see the ones they talk to what actually appeals to them. And realize you are not what they are looking for therefore I keep it to myself. Why throw yourselves to the wolves. Some times it is better just to keep or leave things as friends and enjoy what ya do have.bigsmile

poohbear82's photo
Fri 07/13/07 07:52 AM
my issue is distance.. it seems that no one from Minnesota is intrested in and I'm just not sure if I could do a long distant relationship... I know I would not be able to relocate.. I am very close to my family and could never leave them and it wouldn't be fair of me to ask a guy to move his whole life for me

no photo
Fri 07/13/07 07:55 AM
Txs, you make a good point. Often, a profile by itself really doesn't give you all the information you need -- but you find out more, gradually, over time, by reading what the person says in their posts.

There have been a couple times when I saw a profile that left me with a very positive impression of the person, but the tone of their postings was diametrically opposed to the persona that seemed to be pervading the profile. And I had to stop and ask myself "Is this the kind of person I really want to start a dialogue with?" much less anything further....

Just because one man and one woman both claim they are looking for a serious relationship doesn't make them automatically compatible. There are so many other variables....and I think it takes longer to really get to "know" someone through this venue, than it would in person....

poohbear82's photo
Fri 07/13/07 07:56 AM
I totally agree with you lexdrinker

TxsGal3333's photo
Fri 07/13/07 07:58 AM
Hummmmmmmm distance is a factor all should consider before jumping into an online relationship for sure for someone in the end would have to move if it all worked out. Myself for the right one distance is not a problem only a bump in the road you must travel. Yeah I own my own house and my kids are here but grown. It would just have to be looked at on were each is in life and the solutions that could be agreed on when it comes to that point. But the way I see it LOVE HAS NO BOUNDRIES! Only the mind does!bigsmile flowerforyou

jayboy07's photo
Fri 07/13/07 12:21 PM
If you met someone online...and talked to them for a long think they are Mr./Mrs/ Perfect.....then u meet them, spend some time with them, two are falling in love.....but u 2 live 300 miles away from each other...

what would u do? Move? Let the love pass u by? Or try to make the Long distanc ething work? but for how long?

TxsGal3333's photo
Fri 07/13/07 12:28 PM
jayboy long distance love can only work out for a time how long is that time there is not set time it all depends on the two involved and what they can handle.

Myself if it was really love I would not let it pass by. LDR is not something two should start if they can not handle the situation. It is not easy at times but it can work. How long is up to each for me not long for I would want to be with the one I'm in-love with.

SheNerd's photo
Fri 07/13/07 07:14 PM
It all boils down to chemistry and physics and whether or not you enjoy th same things like longs walks on the beach, moonlit steam baths and diapering monkeys by the dawn's early light...

no photo
Fri 07/13/07 08:33 PM
well i understand one thing the women on here are great and i love talkin to them in the forums. and thats where i find out that im not what they are looking for. and like txs not throwing myself to the wolves.

midnightspcl's photo
Fri 07/13/07 08:35 PM
willing to relocate willing to travel why is it so hard to find the right women...

poohbear82's photo
Fri 07/13/07 08:49 PM
that is a lot of what if's so it's hard to say... I guess 300 miles isn't reall that far since i know some one who's girlfriend is about 150-200 miles from him and he has made it work thus far... it would all depend on how well we clicked... but the few guys that I have talked to that live in a different state are way more than 300 miles away and it would be hard to meet in person.. I can't just hop on a plane to go meet someone

alexiateigra's photo
Sat 07/14/07 06:09 PM
There isn't a simple formula for me. I'm not really looking for anything. I'm here to meet friends. I'm a strong believer that all relationships need a strong foundation built upon friendship.

SheNerd's photo
Sat 07/14/07 06:11 PM
A man who isn't afraid to show his feelings and bake me some strudel while wearing lederhosen.

YeaBigsexy's photo
Sat 07/14/07 06:12 PM
damitlaugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

no photo
Sat 07/14/07 06:14 PM
:angry: AND I'll take whats

:angry: grumble I always have to settle damm it!!!!!bigsmile lol

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