Topic: Ground Zero Mega Mosque renamed "Prayerspace" | |
i may be wrong, but it seems to me Islam is being the problem right now. it's not christian terrorists that are blowing up buildings all over the world. it's not Christians declaring jihad on all infidels, and am i right in assuming that an infidel is anyone that is not islamic? they want death to all Jews, they just haven't taken it as far as Hitler did, anyone that helps the Jews, and are looking at world domination. so i think we have a right to defend and prepare for an army of 100 million strong...
Edited by
Tue 08/09/11 01:45 PM
i may be wrong, but it seems to me Islam is being the problem right now. it's not christian terrorists that are blowing up buildings all over the world You missed this guy This radical christian terrorist blew up a building in very recent memory So yes, you may be wrong. You are in fact wrong on that account it's not Christians declaring jihad on all infidels
Both of the guys above did so, in fact the second one has a rather lengthy manifesto explaining why a crusade was in order they want death to all Jews, they just haven't taken it as far as Hitler did, anyone that helps the Jews, and are looking at world domination.
This is exactly what they are taught to think of us in the west. We are literally fighting two wars, occupying muslim countries because of the actions of criminal organisations we claim are harbored in those countries. They see us block and defile mosques in New York Michigan and South Carolina, in the name of retaliation. They see us burning the Koran and can not help but think that we would surely erase them from the world as you think that of them so i think we have a right to defend and prepare for an army of 100 million strong...
Only if you create it for them. The terrorists who attack us hope that we lash back at muslims and push more innocent muslims who would otherwise disagree and condemn their actions further and further from peace and closer to their own values Burning the Koran or protesters stopping a mosque from being built are not standing up against the tide... they are causing it. When you say things like this instead of looking to reach out to organisations of peaceful muslims you are becoming the pawn of Ossma Bin Laden, as he would have loved nothing more than to cause a greater and greater rift between islam and the west If that happened you will indeed face an army of one hundred million, but it will be an enemy of your creation |
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1) Do not attack/slam/insult others. You can discuss the message or topic, but not the messenger - NO EXCEPTIONS. If you are attacked by another user, use the Report Post link within that post. If you reciprocate instead, YOU will also be subject to the same consequences as the attacker. Defending yourself, defending a friend, etc. are NOT excuses. Violations of this rule are taken very seriously and may result in being banned without warning! Debate in a civil manner, Kim |
I have cleaned this topic up. Any insults or attacks after this point will receive warnings. 1) Do not attack/slam/insult others. You can discuss the message or topic, but not the messenger - NO EXCEPTIONS. If you are attacked by another user, use the Report Post link within that post. If you reciprocate instead, YOU will also be subject to the same consequences as the attacker. Defending yourself, defending a friend, etc. are NOT excuses. Violations of this rule are taken very seriously and may result in being banned without warning! Debate in a civil manner, Kim ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
okay, time for some common sense. Muslims have had a presence in Lower Manhattan for many years prior to the September 11 attacks. At least two mosques existed near the World Trade Center,[11][54][55][56] and several designated Muslim prayer rooms existed within the World Trade Center buildings.[57] |
okay, time for some common sense. Muslims have had a presence in Lower Manhattan for many years prior to the September 11 attacks. At least two mosques existed near the World Trade Center,[11][54][55][56] and several designated Muslim prayer rooms existed within the World Trade Center buildings.[57] Again proof that Muslim also will kill Muslim now! Right? Shiites and Sunni. Need I elaborate or is what happened and happening in Iraq not proof of this? Again it is not about a mosque going up but where. It also is about What happened before by the hands of WHOM. I think the saddest thing is that Islam promotes Brother killing Brother. A Fatwa issued in one day could lead to the death of their own because of them breaking some new Holy Edict UNKNOWINGLY! If I have to tolerate their presence they need to exercise some sympathy to the will of their neighbors. Not this one sides "tolerate us because you have to" crap. Like I said before, when I ask the HARD questions of Islamics I know they all get real offended just because I want an answer from them as to why it is so justifiable to do harm to those who wish them no harm even if they don't wish to be Islamic. It is not a distasteful question when the Quaran COMMANDS them to act so! They cannot stand answering questions that raise moral conflicts with the Quaran. If it had any other name we would call Islam a CULT because of this behavior! Any religion that prevents people from addressing moral dilemmas in open forum is just like the Catholic Church is! I was raised in a Lutheran grade school and taught the bible I was also taught to ask questions, a lot of them. And I had progressively had a lot of them. And at times I left the pastor of our church hung for an answer but at least he would tell me he had no answer that he could give me that would be truthful. Other times he would see a plot hole in some part of the scripture leading to a sermon the following Sunday by him on the very topic. I can see eye to eye with honesty. Now in Catholic High School I was expected to listen and obey like a good little robot. I seen the paganism going on deep enough for me to ask, "Why do we pray to Mary exactly? Isn't that wrong by the very bible you speak from?" followed by a litany of supporting passages from both old and New Testimate. I got sent to the office a LOT usually during my religion classes save one, comparative religions. Buddhism teaches many things but one of them is life is about living. Funny that Jesus Christ said the same thing. Buddhism and Tao teach balance in life. The concept of the Yin and Yang is more about the interplay of good and evil. But Asian teachings can also be wrapped in subtle metaphor. IN the bible there are parables but they are different from the commandments stated in it. It also has history of Judea in it too up to the time of Jesus's crucifixion and resurrection. The Quaran though is history and COMMANDMENT. It is a call to arms and it is not just a metaphor for the inner evil we must face. They put the blame on all that is not Islam and feel they can purge the world of evil if they get rid of all non conformists. There is a lot of reasons why tolerating their presence here stretches my patience. I view all people on an individual basis. A real person of any conscious would see what Islam is for itself and turn away from it. People can change. Some learn to grow beyond what others tell them. But in focus in this topic it isn't a matter of there being a mosque IN the WTC when it was standing. Islamics knocked down the WTC. Terrorism is a world wide tool of that religion and they are likewise by their own Quaran at war with us anyways. Doesn't the military tactic of infiltration mean anything to you. Is that not an applicable worry issue? If they (Islam) had any respect for America they would choose another spot. Where is the respect? We have to show it but not have any shown us? Little one sided don't you think? How would you take it if suddenly Scientology bombed your church and intended to build a Scientology center on the ground? Now granted Scientologists ARE NOT TERRORISTS but this is just an example. |
okay, time for some common sense. Muslims have had a presence in Lower Manhattan for many years prior to the September 11 attacks. At least two mosques existed near the World Trade Center,[11][54][55][56] and several designated Muslim prayer rooms existed within the World Trade Center buildings.[57] I JUST REMEMBERED! THIS IS HOW ISLAM JUSTIFIES THE ACCIDENTAL DEATHS OF FELLOW MUSLIMS! THEY WERE MARTYRED IN THE HOLY WAR! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
How would you take it if suddenly Scientology bombed your church and intended to build a Scientology center on the ground? Now granted Scientologists ARE NOT TERRORISTS but this is just an example.
Are you sure? ![]() ![]() |
Edited by
Tue 08/09/11 10:36 PM
Andybgood, are you a Christian?
If you are, then to me it looks like you are promoting a holy war yourself. If you aren't, then you are just a trouble maker. |
How would you take it if suddenly Scientology bombed your church and intended to build a Scientology center on the ground? Now granted Scientologists ARE NOT TERRORISTS but this is just an example.
Are you sure? ![]() ![]() Lord Zenu is the terrorist. He wants our souls! |
How would you take it if suddenly Scientology bombed your church and intended to build a Scientology center on the ground? Now granted Scientologists ARE NOT TERRORISTS but this is just an example.
Are you sure? ![]() ![]() Lord Zenu is the terrorist. He wants our souls! So does Jehovah. So does Allah. |
Andybgood, are you a Christian? If you are, then to me it looks like you are promoting a holy war yourself. If you aren't, then you are just a trouble maker. Raised Christian but no. My holy war is against religions that actively promote hate and violence. That is Islam. The Quaran declares Holy War against me. I didn't make any declarations like that. I am just responding to it. I turned my back on Jesus as my savior. He isn't. I am not going to accept the murder of a man to save me in the eyes of god. If being a good person isn't enough for god, well god can kiss my posterior. I don't need Jesus in my life. I do not need Mary or the saints. Like I say, if Islam adopts another teaching that doesn't include all the malice of the Quaran I can be more tolerant and accepting of them. They are the ones who need to act to end the violence cycle more than the rest of us. Why? It is the teachings of the Quaran that tells them to propagate violence against others. So far we have not had the mass rioting the Islamics like so much. England and France though... |
Hum... was closed yesterday
Andybgood, are you a Christian? If you are, then to me it looks like you are promoting a holy war yourself. If you aren't, then you are just a trouble maker. Raised Christian but no. My holy war is against religions that actively promote hate and violence. That is Islam. The Quaran declares Holy War against me. I didn't make any declarations like that. I am just responding to it. I turned my back on Jesus as my savior. He isn't. I am not going to accept the murder of a man to save me in the eyes of god. If being a good person isn't enough for god, well god can kiss my posterior. I don't need Jesus in my life. I do not need Mary or the saints. Like I say, if Islam adopts another teaching that doesn't include all the malice of the Quaran I can be more tolerant and accepting of them. They are the ones who need to act to end the violence cycle more than the rest of us. Why? It is the teachings of the Quaran that tells them to propagate violence against others. So far we have not had the mass rioting the Islamics like so much. England and France though... I don't know too much about the religion, but I think its pretty ignorant how they treat women. I think its time people gave up clinging to religions. King David and Abraham, Joshua, Jesus, all those so-called chosen people who left Egypt... none of that ever happened. Its all made up. |
So far we have not had the mass rioting the Islamics like so much.
This usually happens on Friday Afternoon, after prayers |
Andybgood, are you a Christian? If you are, then to me it looks like you are promoting a holy war yourself. If you aren't, then you are just a trouble maker. Raised Christian but no. My holy war is against religions that actively promote hate and violence. That is Islam. The Quaran declares Holy War against me. I didn't make any declarations like that. I am just responding to it. I turned my back on Jesus as my savior. He isn't. I am not going to accept the murder of a man to save me in the eyes of god. If being a good person isn't enough for god, well god can kiss my posterior. I don't need Jesus in my life. I do not need Mary or the saints. Like I say, if Islam adopts another teaching that doesn't include all the malice of the Quaran I can be more tolerant and accepting of them. They are the ones who need to act to end the violence cycle more than the rest of us. Why? It is the teachings of the Quaran that tells them to propagate violence against others. So far we have not had the mass rioting the Islamics like so much. England and France though... I don't know too much about the religion, but I think its pretty ignorant how they treat women. I think its time people gave up clinging to religions. King David and Abraham, Joshua, Jesus, all those so-called chosen people who left Egypt... none of that ever happened. Its all made up. The only way to end religion is through education. It is also cleaning up what America is for what it used to be. Once we were a respectable nation. If we could get that back there is a huge chance that we can lead by example, not force, and do to Islam what we did to Russia. I can contend strongly and argue at length it was Disneyland and blue jeans that did in Communism. You are aware American tourists wearing Levis in Russia would be offered what amounted to two months of a Russian's wages for a pair for the jeans they wore in damn near any condition. They just had to be Levis. the demand for goods they could not have strained life for the proletariat as the people demanded things they were not allowed to have. Yes other forces did contribute but to Russians in the Cold War visiting Disneyland was a dream for them. The Russians DID try to copy Disneyland but it fell short. It was the freedoms to buy what you want that put the final straw on the back of the camel of Communism. So to undo Islam you need to show the people a better way. Women need to be empowered to fight back and defend themselves. Then again what if all the women left? Islam would suddenly be looking pretty GAY! In the mean time though we need to fight them as they make war on us and do so without pity! Children are the easiest to get through too. The people in those regions want to live peaceful lives while others want to rule and control and use religion to try to bind their hearts and souls to them like good little slaves. |
Yes, we need to educate the women of Islam. That would destroy the entire male dominated religion.
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Yes, we need to educate the women of Islam. That would destroy the entire male dominated religion. ![]() ![]() I think that goes without saying in any culture/religion. there is nothing wrong, in my opinion, with gender roles which are centered in a true Caring/respectful feeling for each other. One can easily be the decisionmaker/protector, while the other is the nurturer/family glue,,,,it can be an awesome compliment. The problem is just in women not feeling they deserve to be treated in any way 'special'. Allowing ourself to believe that being lusted after is the same as being loved and that we should seek that type of love at all costs to our own self respect. I think we have to respect those we love, a lesson all can learn, and from that other relationships will naturally flourish. |
Yes, we need to educate the women of Islam. That would destroy the entire male dominated religion. ![]() ![]() I think that goes without saying in any culture/religion. there is nothing wrong, in my opinion, with gender roles which are centered in a true Caring/respectful feeling for each other. One can easily be the decisionmaker/protector, while the other is the nurturer/family glue,,,,it can be an awesome compliment. The problem is just in women not feeling they deserve to be treated in any way 'special'. Allowing ourself to believe that being lusted after is the same as being loved and that we should seek that type of love at all costs to our own self respect. I think we have to respect those we love, a lesson all can learn, and from that other relationships will naturally flourish. There is no love in a society where women are property! |
Yes, we need to educate the women of Islam. That would destroy the entire male dominated religion. ![]() ![]() I think that goes without saying in any culture/religion. there is nothing wrong, in my opinion, with gender roles which are centered in a true Caring/respectful feeling for each other. One can easily be the decisionmaker/protector, while the other is the nurturer/family glue,,,,it can be an awesome compliment. The problem is just in women not feeling they deserve to be treated in any way 'special'. Allowing ourself to believe that being lusted after is the same as being loved and that we should seek that type of love at all costs to our own self respect. I think we have to respect those we love, a lesson all can learn, and from that other relationships will naturally flourish. There is no love in a society where women are property! I agree, where women are 'only' property I know many men who treat their 'property' with tender care and attention (like their cars and toys) being genuinely cared for and cared about, is the whole point, whether it is done from a frame of mind of being CHERISHED 'property', or a CHERISHED 'partner', or a CHERISHED 'friend,,,, |