Topic: Ground Zero Mega Mosque renamed "Prayerspace" | |
Edited by
Thu 08/04/11 04:10 AM
It's the Mosque-in-your-Face prayer space!
:ugh: not illegal. distasteful, ignorant and needlessly provocative and counterproductive...and very insensitive though. They should not be so insensitive as to construct a large Islamic Center and Mosque at the foot of the 911 attacks IMO. Not good for anyone and there are many other potential sites. Perhaps they should consider just building it elsewhere. |
It's the Mosque-in-your-Face prayer space! :ugh: not illegal. distasteful, ignorant and needlessly provocative and counterproductive...and very insensitive though. They should not be so insensitive as to construct a large Islamic Center and Mosque at the foot of the 911 attacks IMO. Not good for anyone and there are many other potential sites. Perhaps they should consider just building it elsewhere. I think the in-your-face is the operative concept working here. |
uhuh, and in the 18 and 1900's Africans and caucasions were causing havoc on each other in AFRICA but my question was about here in AMERICA, today,,,,, WRONG! BLACKS SOLD BLACKS INTO SLAVERY! Get your historical facts straight! Also Islam is NOT a religion of Tolerance! Tolerance is given where it is shown! If I lived in New York I would be vandalizing the site of that proposed mosque. I also would be out to hurt and possibly maim anyone working on it! Can't you see this as a violation of the memory of what happened to us at the hands of Islamic "extremists?" You don't get it, do you? You don't seem to understand how Islam operates or the psychology behind what they do. It is a religion of fear, murder, and subjugation. So if they want to impose themselves upon us here they had better get ready for those of us who revile them and will do something to protect our homes and fellow citizens from them. Allow me to spell this out in clear English, they are INVADING US and trying to destroy our way of life and personal freedom in the name of Allah and Mohamed! Have you ever heard some of the crap these Imans speak? so you would want to maim anyone 'working' on a site you find offensive? doesnt sound too much different from the mindset of terrorists,,, but in any case, slavery isnt the only racial havoc that has occured in history,, and yes, whites did buy slaves in AFrica, and yes whites did have oppressionist regimes during Apartheid, and yes the races did cause havoc on each other in AFRICA but the topic I was actually discussing was AMERICANS today(including those of muslim faith) i just wanted to point out that you left off the blacks selling out blacks on your list there... ![]() |
uhuh, and in the 18 and 1900's Africans and caucasions were causing havoc on each other in AFRICA but my question was about here in AMERICA, today,,,,, WRONG! BLACKS SOLD BLACKS INTO SLAVERY! Get your historical facts straight! Also Islam is NOT a religion of Tolerance! Tolerance is given where it is shown! If I lived in New York I would be vandalizing the site of that proposed mosque. I also would be out to hurt and possibly maim anyone working on it! Can't you see this as a violation of the memory of what happened to us at the hands of Islamic "extremists?" You don't get it, do you? You don't seem to understand how Islam operates or the psychology behind what they do. It is a religion of fear, murder, and subjugation. So if they want to impose themselves upon us here they had better get ready for those of us who revile them and will do something to protect our homes and fellow citizens from them. Allow me to spell this out in clear English, they are INVADING US and trying to destroy our way of life and personal freedom in the name of Allah and Mohamed! Have you ever heard some of the crap these Imans speak? so you would want to maim anyone 'working' on a site you find offensive? doesnt sound too much different from the mindset of terrorists,,, but in any case, slavery isnt the only racial havoc that has occured in history,, and yes, whites did buy slaves in AFrica, and yes whites did have oppressionist regimes during Apartheid, and yes the races did cause havoc on each other in AFRICA but the topic I was actually discussing was AMERICANS today(including those of muslim faith) i just wanted to point out that you left off the blacks selling out blacks on your list there... ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
uhuh, and in the 18 and 1900's Africans and caucasions were causing havoc on each other in AFRICA but my question was about here in AMERICA, today,,,,, WRONG! BLACKS SOLD BLACKS INTO SLAVERY! Get your historical facts straight! Also Islam is NOT a religion of Tolerance! Tolerance is given where it is shown! If I lived in New York I would be vandalizing the site of that proposed mosque. I also would be out to hurt and possibly maim anyone working on it! Can't you see this as a violation of the memory of what happened to us at the hands of Islamic "extremists?" You don't get it, do you? You don't seem to understand how Islam operates or the psychology behind what they do. It is a religion of fear, murder, and subjugation. So if they want to impose themselves upon us here they had better get ready for those of us who revile them and will do something to protect our homes and fellow citizens from them. Allow me to spell this out in clear English, they are INVADING US and trying to destroy our way of life and personal freedom in the name of Allah and Mohamed! Have you ever heard some of the crap these Imans speak? so you would want to maim anyone 'working' on a site you find offensive? doesnt sound too much different from the mindset of terrorists,,, but in any case, slavery isnt the only racial havoc that has occured in history,, and yes, whites did buy slaves in AFrica, and yes whites did have oppressionist regimes during Apartheid, and yes the races did cause havoc on each other in AFRICA but the topic I was actually discussing was AMERICANS today(including those of muslim faith) i just wanted to point out that you left off the blacks selling out blacks on your list there... ![]() intentionally, the comparison was about people from 'different' groups causing harm to each other muslim V christian white V black,,, Male V female,,,, ,....get the theme there? yet I dont assume all whites are out to get blacks I dont assume all males are out to oppress females I dont assume all democrats want to suppress republicans and I dont assume all MUSLIMS want to see non muslims die,,,, |
uhuh, and in the 18 and 1900's Africans and caucasions were causing havoc on each other in AFRICA but my question was about here in AMERICA, today,,,,, WRONG! BLACKS SOLD BLACKS INTO SLAVERY! Get your historical facts straight! Also Islam is NOT a religion of Tolerance! Tolerance is given where it is shown! If I lived in New York I would be vandalizing the site of that proposed mosque. I also would be out to hurt and possibly maim anyone working on it! Can't you see this as a violation of the memory of what happened to us at the hands of Islamic "extremists?" You don't get it, do you? You don't seem to understand how Islam operates or the psychology behind what they do. It is a religion of fear, murder, and subjugation. So if they want to impose themselves upon us here they had better get ready for those of us who revile them and will do something to protect our homes and fellow citizens from them. Allow me to spell this out in clear English, they are INVADING US and trying to destroy our way of life and personal freedom in the name of Allah and Mohamed! Have you ever heard some of the crap these Imans speak? so you would want to maim anyone 'working' on a site you find offensive? doesnt sound too much different from the mindset of terrorists,,, but in any case, slavery isnt the only racial havoc that has occured in history,, and yes, whites did buy slaves in AFrica, and yes whites did have oppressionist regimes during Apartheid, and yes the races did cause havoc on each other in AFRICA but the topic I was actually discussing was AMERICANS today(including those of muslim faith) i just wanted to point out that you left off the blacks selling out blacks on your list there... ![]() intentionally, the comparison was about people from 'different' groups causing harm to each other muslim V christian white V black,,, Male V female,,,, ,....get the theme there? yet I dont assume all whites are out to get blacks I dont assume all males are out to oppress females I dont assume all democrats want to suppress republicans and I dont assume all MUSLIMS want to see non muslims die,,,, So if the Quaran says "It is acceptable to lie, cheat, steal from, murder, oppress and tax, subjugate and trod down on all infidels," and all Infidels are anyone NOT of the Islamic faith, and YOU are not Islamic, wouldn't that give you a reason to be concerned in the least bit? I sure in the hell feel worried. Now let us go back in history, lets say Gemrany. Circa 1936. None of the Jews believed Hitler was going to do to them what he said he was going to do. He spelled out he was going to wipe out Jews in Mein Kamph. And this was the will of one man backed by the Nazi party. How many Jews died because they didn't smell the smoke of the Fires of Hate? Yep, go ahead and be complacent. I learned complacency kills. How about you? So how about those Coptic Christians in Egypt? Bet they feel Islamic love these days. So I bet you feel just like the Catholic Church who has said nothing about the violence against them just like they kept their mouths shut about the murder of Jews at the hands of Germans in Nazi Germany. What about their rights to live? Or are you going to try to tell me again "Not all Islamics are like that?" True, not all of them are but then again my question is how true to their faith are they? And how long do they stay Islamic when they realize they are being lied too? Education is not Islam's friend! It sure didn't do any favors for Christianity! but then again Christians are not out to kill anyone. Also what do you know about "Mob Mentality?" Lok it up and then tell me how nice and peaceful Islam is. |
Im neither complacent nor paranoid.
I try to take people on THEIR behavior and not prejudge them by the behaviors of others. |
So if the Quaran says "It is acceptable to lie, cheat, steal from, murder, oppress and tax, subjugate and trod down on all infidels," and all Infidels are anyone NOT of the Islamic faith, and YOU are not Islamic, wouldn't that give you a reason to be concerned in the least bit? I sure in the hell feel worried. Where in the Quran does that quote come from? Just curious. |
So if the Quaran says "It is acceptable to lie, cheat, steal from, murder, oppress and tax, subjugate and trod down on all infidels," and all Infidels are anyone NOT of the Islamic faith, and YOU are not Islamic, wouldn't that give you a reason to be concerned in the least bit? I sure in the hell feel worried. Where in the Quran does that quote come from? Just curious. Off topic but good question. The Quran teaches that Muslims are superior to others: "Ye (Muslims) are the best of peoples evolved for mankind . . ." Surah 3:110. Muslims are forbidden to befriend Jews or Christians: "O ye who believe! Take not the Jews and the Christians for your friends and protectors. They are but friends and protectors to each other. And he amongst you that turns to them (for friendship) is one of them . . ." Surah 5:54. Islam instructs its adherents to fight until their opponents submit. Christians and Jews may be spared if they pay "Jizya" – a penalty tax – with willing submission: "Fight those who believe not in God nor the last day . . . Nor acknowledge the religion of truth, (even if they are) of the people of the Book, until they pay Jizya (tribute taxes) with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued" Surah 9:29. "Fight and slay the pagans wherever ye find them and seize them, beleaguer them, and lie in wait (ambush) for them in every strategem (of war) . . ." Surah 9:5 (also 2:193). For those who resist Islam – execution or mutilation is decreed: "The punishment of those who wage war against Allah and His apostle, and strive with might and main for mischief through the land is: execution or crucifixion, or the cutting off of the hands and feet from opposite sides or exile from the land . . ." Surah 5:36. Now, back to talking about the Tribute to the 9-11 terrorists, aka Mega-Mosque. ![]() |
So what is this thread about, an Islamic hate campaign?
yea, i hate the fact they even trying to put a mosque there...
So what is this thread about, an Islamic hate campaign? ssdd |
what i heard is that this 'mega' mosque is more than just a regular mosque. It has a prayer area for muslims, yeah, but doesn't it also have prayer/meditation areas for other faiths?
For muslims and others to be praying to their respective faiths under one roof sounds like a pretty big middle finger to the Islamic extremists. (unless of course, ALL muslims everywhere are terrorists, eh? ... pfft) |
So what is this thread about, an Islamic hate campaign? ssdd ![]() ![]() ![]() |
what i heard is that this 'mega' mosque is more than just a regular mosque. It has a prayer area for muslims, yeah, but doesn't it also have prayer/meditation areas for other faiths? For muslims and others to be praying to their respective faiths under one roof sounds like a pretty big middle finger to the Islamic extremists. (unless of course, ALL muslims everywhere are terrorists, eh? ... pfft) Indonesia, Sudan, Egypt, Yemen, what have they all in common? Islamic Majorities. Now what do they also have in common especially in recent history? Violence aimed at Churches and Christians. This includes murdering Christians. So you tell me, they might not all be terrorists but what happens when they have the majority and likewise the Mob Mentality takes over??? |
what i heard is that this 'mega' mosque is more than just a regular mosque. It has a prayer area for muslims, yeah, but doesn't it also have prayer/meditation areas for other faiths? For muslims and others to be praying to their respective faiths under one roof sounds like a pretty big middle finger to the Islamic extremists. (unless of course, ALL muslims everywhere are terrorists, eh? ... pfft) Indonesia, Sudan, Egypt, Yemen, what have they all in common? Islamic Majorities. Now what do they also have in common especially in recent history? Violence aimed at Churches and Christians. This includes murdering Christians. So you tell me, they might not all be terrorists but what happens when they have the majority and likewise the Mob Mentality takes over??? What you seem to be is afraid. Mob mentality works for any mob. Including Christians and Jews. These three religions are all fake religions based on fictitious characters. |
Edited by
Mon 08/08/11 10:15 AM
what i heard is that this 'mega' mosque is more than just a regular mosque. It has a prayer area for muslims, yeah, but doesn't it also have prayer/meditation areas for other faiths? For muslims and others to be praying to their respective faiths under one roof sounds like a pretty big middle finger to the Islamic extremists. (unless of course, ALL muslims everywhere are terrorists, eh? ... pfft) Indonesia, Sudan, Egypt, Yemen, what have they all in common? Islamic Majorities. Now what do they also have in common especially in recent history? Violence aimed at Churches and Christians. This includes murdering Christians. So you tell me, they might not all be terrorists but what happens when they have the majority and likewise the Mob Mentality takes over??? Mob mentality fueled violence is not a sole product of Islam or muslims. Christians have been just as guilty in the past. But it is not just a religious product either. Nazi germany for example. Mob violence against minorities has also occured due to racial motivations, political differences and countless other reasons. Sometimes the majority will act violently, other times they will lash out with lies, slurs and generalisations in an attempt to demonise them. Such mob mentalities often originates from fear or sheer blind ignorance. Sometimes both. |
>Such mob mentalities often originates from fear or sheer blind ignorance. Sometimes both.
This quite good. You do realize, you just described how Islam works. Women live in fear, and the blind, ignorant, horny Jihad's can't wait to die for Allah and his virgins |
>Such mob mentalities often originates from fear or sheer blind ignorance. Sometimes both. This quite good. You do realize, you just described how Islam works. Women live in fear, and the blind, ignorant, horny Jihad's can't wait to die for Allah and his virgins Have you ever talked with a muslim before? The muslims I'v met before were not at all horny, violent and the muslim women I'v met were not fearful ... so clearly not all followers of Islam are as you describe them. (shock horror) And of course you are aware that within the lable of 'muslim' there lies a vast number of different cultures. Extremists exsist within Islam, just as they exsist with every world view. And to look at the extremist minority and claim they represent the moderate majority is, well, stupid to the point of being mentally challenged. IMHO |
>Have you ever talked with a muslim before?
I actually knew a few in High School back in the 80's. Those folks would be apostates in Saudia Arabia, Iran, etc... Islam is not just American Muslims... Islam is fascist just like it Claims it IS... |