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Topic: And I wonder...
creativesoul's photo
Thu 07/12/07 11:11 AM
When two people have exchanged e-mails, talked on the phone, shared within, met even...enjoyed the other's company, when should there be the understanding of looking no further for another in a "romantic" way?

Not a single understanding...moreover, a shared one.

If there are two people involved with each other, sharing conversations which indicate future, talking with affection and growing beyond a purely friendship level... would it be realistic to believe that if there truly was a shared intention of continued growth...of future possibities, then neither would desire such conversations with someone other than those two?

Should it be acceptable that both can, will, and should continue to desire this same type of company with someone else? Friends are is not friendships that are in question...but communications with another that delve into things that are not just friendly or friendship endeavors...

Would it be safe to say that if such things existed then the intentions should also be re-evaluated? Questioned?

This indicates the lack of desire to be in a monogamous relationship does it not?

jade101's photo
Thu 07/12/07 11:22 AM
People are so very different what is monogamous to one may not be to another, flirting to one may not be to another. Communication with that someone special is the only way to clarify the answers. Because ones display of flirting and is playfulness with others does necessarily mean they do not respect and are not dedicated to a relationship. Some people relate differently than others, it is when one makes the commitment of not doing something that another would find offensive within the relationship does one violate. Perhaps with openness each will grow and see things from a perspective that is not only open to ones mind but ones soul.


no photo
Thu 07/12/07 11:34 AM
creativesoul That would be what you would think and I agree with you but some guys think they can just go on doing what they please. Leaving you feel like what is up with this? This is just not right. Follow your female intuition on that one because it will never fail you.

bobbyblue's photo
Thu 07/12/07 11:44 AM
I agree with you both but some especially males like to flirt and if it is your face some make the move.

Native_Grl39's photo
Thu 07/12/07 11:46 AM
Not unless they have communicated with one another that is what each wants is exclusivity!!!!!

It can never be assumed that is what both want...It has to be discussed...otherwise...If you haven't talked about are not exclusive...Has he ever indicated to you that he wants to be exsclusive or has no desire to talk or share the same kind of relationship that he has with you with any other person????

flowerforyou flowerforyou

bobbyblue's photo
Thu 07/12/07 11:46 AM
With female intuition----ther's the opposite to explore and conquer

creativesoul's photo
Thu 07/12/07 11:48 AM
Hello Jade... very open-minded response...much appreciated

Perhaps the notion of it sticks me...of course it does

It goes against my belief of a "pure" feeling... my acceptance of how dedication is defined...shared

It does not add comfort... it subtacts... leaving contentment standing all alone...unshared

To me, it is a direct indication of one's "need" for something more outside of a relationship...sexually based...perhaps emotionally as well... the sign of a "need" left unfulfilled... a "need" that I feel should be taken care of by the romantic interest...something outside of friendships and the rewards there-of....

Personally, I have never felt in such a way...therefore it is very hard for me to understand such a notion... I have always been completely dedicated in mind and in heart... believing that they are one in the same...should it be "pure"

This different perspective simply does not rest well within... and it is, I fear, of major consequence... a violation of heart... on the other side, it is a must... or a violation of the same proportion... it goes well beyond what I would consider a "trust" issue... I trust blindly, normally questioning little... but this sticks me...

How could one claim dedication or commitment of heart and mind, while venturing outside of a relationship for rewards that should be given through a relationship?

bobbyblue's photo
Thu 07/12/07 11:49 AM
Affairs go on all the time and very secretly done. Talking is the key and I agree but sometimes talk is cheap

Native_Grl39's photo
Thu 07/12/07 11:53 AM
I don't know..Obviously words come easy for some...BUT it is always actions that speak the real truth!!!!!

flowerforyou flowerforyou

nu2topcat's photo
Thu 07/12/07 11:56 AM
EXCUSE me what does MONO mean or am i just old fashioned

creativesoul's photo
Thu 07/12/07 11:59 AM
To so you know...I am a extemely deep thinking and open-minded who is very in tune to his heart...

However, some things just are not negotiable...they are a must see eye-to-eye kind of thing...

The discussions have between us have taken place concerning this... I will not force anyone to do anything... that would go against my definition of "pure"...

I just know that this condition will not allow my heart's full potential... therefore I struggle with how to handle the matter... fairly and justly for both of us...

adj4u's photo
Thu 07/12/07 12:07 PM
i would say till you discuss it

it is a possible thing for the other to

meet others

best to discuss it and know where ya stand

but hey what do i know

AmericanSundance2000's photo
Thu 07/12/07 12:10 PM
Okay, I admit I only read the first couple thoughts above but I think I got the jest of the question. Suggest: Instead of wondering where things are based on the intimacy you're sharing with another..... VOICE IT!

You're not in grade school anymore passing notes and hoping it isn't intercepted by the teach :)

We've been seeing each other for X length of time now and I feel things are pretty great between us. So much so that I feel comfortable in exploring things seriously with you without any outside interference..... Do you feel the same?

How's that for an example for breaking thru all your wondering thoughts :)

jade101's photo
Thu 07/12/07 12:15 PM
Creative, the only way you will know if the other person will bond and become in the relationship you talk about is, to express how you feel with that person. Then if there are choices to make each will make them and conform or not, we are bendable especially when there is desire and love included. However, we are breakable also, in these areas. That is where these boundaries need to be defined. Good luck to you and the one you pursue.

creativesoul's photo
Thu 07/12/07 12:16 PM
Thank you to all who have responded thus far....

For those who have not read this short discussion thoroughly, I re-iterate...

This has been discussed between us...openly laid out on the to speak...

There are two different views... admittedly, she is aware that hers does not coincide with most... including my own

I am very comfortable with my beliefs... not looking for anything other than to borrow as many eyes as I can... to learn as much as I can through the teacher...

The teacher being all of you...

jade101's photo
Thu 07/12/07 12:26 PM
Perhaps standing outside the "box" could be another way to learn fron one another. But of course each must willing to take chances and learn, ones own perspective without input from another could become immersed with cloudy doubt that one would have an open mind.
Oh geeeeeeeeeze I sound like frank, sorry frank Just one of those dazeohwell

Native_Grl39's photo
Thu 07/12/07 12:39 PM
Sorry creative for the slip!!!! LOL

Well if it has been discussed obviosly then she is either not being honest with you or you're right not ready for a monogomous relatioship!!!!!!!!!!

Either way...the fair way is to discuss it and if you both want different things...then probably to go your seperate ways!!!!!!!

flowerforyou drinker

adj4u's photo
Thu 07/12/07 12:52 PM
sorry for my not reading thoroughly

my bad

if you know wher ya stand

then i guess ya stand there

(don't tell but i have still not read thoroughly)

no photo
Thu 07/12/07 01:07 PM
I'm sorry too I'm totally humilliated. I didn't realize you were a guy.

Stanne's photo
Thu 07/12/07 01:15 PM
i always understood that when tou both have a true connection that question has no need to be asked.. you just naturally Know that its each other who consumes your thoughts

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