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Topic: What are the best policies for global peace?
Belushi's photo
Thu 07/12/07 12:11 AM
What new ideas are emerging in the pursuit of peace in a dangerous world?

The UN, under its new leader, is determined to establish a just and lasting peace all over the world. It has 100,000 peacekeepers on 18 missions.

The new British prime minister, Gordon Brown, says the UK will fulfil its UN obligations in Iraq. He says the involvement there has not increased the threat to Britain.

What new policies do you want to see in the pursuit of peace? Should the UN be empowered to make peace as well as to keep it? How should the US and the UK defend themselves against al Qaeda attack?

MissBehaving's photo
Thu 07/12/07 07:46 PM
noway I hope this isn't a first date question...noway

Hello lovelove

Belushi's photo
Fri 07/13/07 12:13 AM
Isnt this amazing ... ?

This has been up for 24 hours and apart from a lil' cutie saying hi, has NO ONE got any ideas?

You are all full of ideas on how to wage war, but not one of you has any ideas on waging peace?

bleeeeeurgh sad

no photo
Fri 07/13/07 12:16 AM
exquisitely delivered slow head?bigsmile

HangedMan's photo
Fri 07/13/07 12:18 AM
killing those that disagree with you?

Belushi's photo
Fri 07/13/07 12:18 AM

[looks for the kitchen towel, to get the coffee off the ceiling, the walls and the tv across the room]

davinci1952's photo
Fri 07/13/07 03:48 AM busy tonite?...pant pant....grrrrrrr....flowerforyou flowerforyou bigsmile bigsmile

xootbx's photo
Fri 07/13/07 04:10 AM
Amazing how many on here are against war, yet non post ideas of how to establish peace. More ironic, or should it be moronic?

davinci1952's photo
Fri 07/13/07 04:25 AM
xootbx....ok then...first idea of mine...get rid of the fascist administration we currently have and elect a constitutionalist like Ron Paul...that would be a start

joshyfox's photo
Fri 07/13/07 05:19 AM
I've got a great Idea for Global Peace... KILL EVERYONE! If there are no more people, there will be no wars.

I don't really mean that though... I just don't think world peace is possible unless we find something on another world to hate.

gardenforge's photo
Fri 07/13/07 08:48 AM
This thread shows that nobody has a clue about how to achieve world peace. That includes me. No matter who we elect, it will not bring about world peace. Hillary won't get it done, Obama won't get it done, Edwards won't get it done, Guliani won't get it done, McCain won't get it done, Fred Dalton won't get it done, and Ron Paul won't get it done. The UN is completely ineffective they couldn't organize and run an ice cream social let alone a peace keepiing force. The current peace philosophy runs the gamet from sittiing in a circle and singing Kumbya to nuking half the people in the world off the face of the planet. None of that will work either. If anybody has an actual plan, not just some political slogan or buzz word, I am open to suggestion because what we have done since history has been recorded hasn't worked.

no photo
Fri 07/13/07 10:59 AM
I know one huge first step to creating world peace, dismantle the UN.

joshyfox's photo
Fri 07/13/07 11:05 AM
I think a problem is instead of a leader, we get another politician. It might help to have someone who cares about the country more than their position of power.

gardenforge's photo
Fri 07/13/07 12:33 PM
if it were only this country peace would be fairly easy, unfortuantely there is the rest of the world out there and that complicated the hell out of the process. One group has been systematically slaughtering another since history has been recorded and probably before that. Mankind as a whole does not play well amoung themselves.

xootbx's photo
Fri 07/13/07 02:48 PM
World peace or even total peace in a single country is an illusion. Unless everyone is the same and thinks exactly the same and respondes exactly the same etc...

As long as there are difference there will be war, crime etc.

Davinci, you did not suggest anything on how to accomplish world peace, you just put forth yet another political agenda and nothing more.

davinci1952's photo
Fri 07/13/07 04:01 PM
ok...lets build schools instead of bombing them....let's have a real peace corps instead of blockades...

no photo
Fri 07/13/07 04:03 PM
i don't think there is any way to achieve world peace. wars and fighting are a part of human nature. when two sides can't compromise or when one side is unwilling to compromise because they want what they want they got to war to take it.

you would have to take all the negative parts of human nature away from man and that isn't going to happen.

davinci1952's photo
Fri 07/13/07 04:11 PM
these days its more about money & power than human nature...if there is a god he didnt create us to slaughter each other..that doesnt make sense

anoasis's photo
Fri 07/13/07 05:01 PM
What about each and every one of us convincing as many people as possible, one at a time, that there is no reason to hate or fear each other?

Or am I being crazily naive? But also, maybe "peace" is a relative term and not an absolute...

xootbx's photo
Fri 07/13/07 05:14 PM
anoasis, bingo you hit it on the head. Peace is relative.

There is not a single peaceful society on this planet, nor has there ever been. Man has always fought over something.

Davinci, all wars, violence throughout history has been over money, not in the dollar bill, but property, power over others, etc.

Building schools will not bring about peace. That is a naive notion. I point out the doctors in the UK that were arrested for the recent attacks.

It is like the concept of removing upper class, as soon as you do the middle class becomes the upper class and the lower class become the middle class and a new lower class will develop.
It is a matter of balance.
War will continue unabated, the difference will be what degree of war we tolerate.

Imagine a country with no crime, how many people would become criminals because now they have no job because crime was eliminated.

Again unless everyone is the same, not equal the same, then a perfect peace is impossible.

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