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Topic: is size everything- what are your opinions?
mamadragon's photo
Thu 04/28/11 08:27 AM
All I can really say is "who are we to judge others" and they say that animals are the sellor species.....they do not judge other animals by what they eat, how to where they sleep. Yet some humans are very happy to be very judgemental. if they seem happy...leave them alone, if they aren't taking yhe food out of your mouth ...leave them alone. We do not know what circumstances brought them to be that way...health issues maybe? Peopke talk about overweight people like they are a walking disease, yet nothing is said about the people walking around with every rib on display, or every vertebre sticking out...that to me is not appealing. Oh well...people who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones

Gossipmpm's photo
Thu 04/28/11 08:30 AM
I love You !!!!!:heart:

winterblue56's photo
Thu 04/28/11 10:26 AM

For me size comes from Genes. But naturally women after 30's start to gain weight they say. And some start to grow bigger after giving birth and its natural due to hormonal changes. And its up to the woman to if she wanted to remain fat or big or start losing weight but having proper diet or going to gym.

Most men like average body size but there are men whose head turns to other women when they saw their wives getting fat already and come to the point of having a mistress and so what advise always given to them is this: when you get married and have kids don't let down yourself love yourself take care of it. Nothing wrong with being fat or obese but for health reason its not really good to be obese since heart problem and diabetes most likely would occur.

losing weight and gaining weight are two problem in this world some would like to gain much and some would like to loss the factor contributing to it is genes, lifestyle and health reason.


msharmony's photo
Thu 04/28/11 10:58 AM

Hi all. So, I was wondering what everyone's opinions to weight and obesity are. I was in the park yesterday and saw a very overweight family. All six of them were huge. I felt a bit sad, but the kids looked happy. Anyway that's going off track. Should people just be accepted no matter what size they are? Does health not neccessarily mean happiness and that some bigger people like being big?

Personally, in the last year since leaving uni I have gone from a size ten to a twelve/fourteen and I hate it! Wish I had a bit more confidence like some other people have.

Guys are especially welcome to wade in with answers to the old debate: sexiest size for a woman and why?

Thanks for your answers,


should people be accepted? yes
should people accept their illnesses? yes
should people give up on trying to be their healthiest? no

weight is not necessarily correlated with health, but where it is I think people should be trying to get 'healthier'

people can be 'happy' with all types of illness, but I dont think that should necessarily mean that they settle for remaining ill..

GravelRidgeBoy's photo
Thu 04/28/11 12:11 PM

weight is not necessarily correlated with health, but where it is I think people should be trying to get 'healthier'
This is what I think a lot of people confuse, I know it sounds funny but there are skinny/fat people because they are thin but they have very little muscle so the only "meat on their bones" is actually soft fat. When people start working out they like to watch the scale when they should really be looking at their Body Fat Percentage (not to be confused with the Body Mass Index charts).

axl_rose40's photo
Thu 04/28/11 06:38 PM

I think you'll find that there are guys who like just skinny women and guys who aren't nearly as picky. Either way, you have to be able to be comfortable with yourself. Confidence is a turn on for many.

Feel good...think good... look good (at least most of the time) laugh

Different man different opinion and preference. Matter of finding one's match happy

Tessa02's photo
Thu 04/28/11 06:58 PM
Occassionally I guess there are medical reasons for being overweight. But, I do tend to worry about others kids when I'm guessing the parents are insisting they eat all their meals & pumping them up on sweets. Only time I start to put on weight is when I'm not working & gettiong enough excercise. I think too many people make excuses for obesity. But, hell if they're happy so be it. I come from an obese family myself so I have to watch my weight carefully as not to lead to diabetes, also runs in the family. Doing the opposite & becoming anerexic & bulimic. I've finally learned how to "maintain" my suggested weight. Now, if I could just tone it up a bit!!!

xoangelfacexo's photo
Thu 05/05/11 03:38 PM
I am a curvy girl. I :heart: my body. I am active and eat healthy most of the time...but these curves are mine and they arent going anywhere. I wouldnt change a thing. =)

TxsGal3333's photo
Thu 05/05/11 03:45 PM
Ohhh hell I'm a full figured woman I have curves either you like me or you don't. I'm good with who I'm take me as I'm or get the hell out of my way............bigsmile

Ladylid2012's photo
Thu 05/05/11 03:53 PM

Should people just be accepted no matter what size they are?

Everyone should be accepted for who they are....our bodies only house who we really are. Unfortunately our society caters to the beautiful,(overweight being considered not beautiful) we see it constantly in the media and the way the 'beautiful people' are presented.
Sexiest man alive every year...
worlds most beautiful woman title just given to Jlo...
Brad n Angelina, most beautiful coouple...

If your happy with you are then to hell with others
if your not happy then change it. It really is that simple..


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