Topic: Rise in Atheism
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Fri 04/22/11 11:52 AM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Fri 04/22/11 11:53 AM
I had a good friend that I worked with who was 38 years old. One day she came into work to pick up her check and she had six children with her. They were all her children.

I asked her "Are these all yours?"

She said "YES."

A man who worked there made what he thought was a sarcastic remark. He asked her: "Where are the rest of them?"

She said "The other two are at home."

She was serious. She had eight children at the age of 38! I asked her how that was even possible. She said she had gotten married and was pregnant at the age of 14.

At the age of 39 she divorced her husband and left him with the two youngest children and left to have her own life. Her other children were old enough to be on their own. At age 40 she was single, happy and got all involved with religion. She was "born again" in more ways than one.
laugh drinker

msharmony's photo
Fri 04/22/11 11:54 AM
Edited by msharmony on Fri 04/22/11 11:54 AM

I had a good friend that I worked with who was 38 years old. One day she came into work to pick up her check and she had six children with her. They were all her children.

I asked her "Are these all yours?"

She said "YES."

A man who worked there made what he thought was a sarcastic remark. He asked her: "Where are the rest of them?"

She said "The other two are at home."

She was serious. She had eight children at the age of 38! I asked her how that was even possible. She said she had gotten married and was pregnant at the age of 14.

At the age of 39 she divorced her husband and left him with the two youngest children and left to have her own life. Her other children were old enough to be on their own. At age 40 she was single, happy and got all involved with religion. She was "born again" in more ways than one.
laugh drinker

sounds like a plan,,lol

except the 'own life' part

no photo
Fri 04/22/11 11:56 AM

I had a good friend that I worked with who was 38 years old. One day she came into work to pick up her check and she had six children with her. They were all her children.

I asked her "Are these all yours?"

She said "YES."

A man who worked there made what he thought was a sarcastic remark. He asked her: "Where are the rest of them?"

She said "The other two are at home."

She was serious. She had eight children at the age of 38! I asked her how that was even possible. She said she had gotten married and was pregnant at the age of 14.

At the age of 39 she divorced her husband and left him with the two youngest children and left to have her own life. Her other children were old enough to be on their own. At age 40 she was single, happy and got all involved with religion. She was "born again" in more ways than one.
laugh drinker

sounds like a plan,,lol

except the 'own life' part

What is wrong with having your own life?

msharmony's photo
Fri 04/22/11 12:06 PM

I had a good friend that I worked with who was 38 years old. One day she came into work to pick up her check and she had six children with her. They were all her children.

I asked her "Are these all yours?"

She said "YES."

A man who worked there made what he thought was a sarcastic remark. He asked her: "Where are the rest of them?"

She said "The other two are at home."

She was serious. She had eight children at the age of 38! I asked her how that was even possible. She said she had gotten married and was pregnant at the age of 14.

At the age of 39 she divorced her husband and left him with the two youngest children and left to have her own life. Her other children were old enough to be on their own. At age 40 she was single, happy and got all involved with religion. She was "born again" in more ways than one.
laugh drinker

sounds like a plan,,lol

except the 'own life' part

What is wrong with having your own life?

until children are grown, parents lives are never fully 'their own', although they can have occasions which are about their own happiness, its never just their 'own' life,,,,

Abracadabra's photo
Fri 04/22/11 12:06 PM

This may be good for christians, they may be able to shut their feelings off in order to obey the word of god, but I have a different sense of right and wrong.

That's funny because in another thread a Christian posted a link to a site that "proves" that God exists. And one of their proofs was to point out that everyone has an innate sense of what's "right and wrong".

The problem with their so-called "proof" is that everyone does not agree on precisely what's "right or wrong".

So their supposed "proof of God" is actually a proof that the biblical account of God is necessarily false since all humans do not agree with what the authors of the bible feel is "right and wrong".

So their so-called "proof" actually proves that their religious doctrine is necessarily false, not the other way around.


Kleisto's photo
Fri 04/22/11 12:18 PM

what I said was the argument of 'how can it be wrong if it feels right' ,, has been used to justify many a morally questionable action....

Thats a pretty good argument.laugh As long as children or animals are not involved. Two consenting adults doing something that 'feels good' is their private business.

Lying and cheating may not be a nice thing to do, but there are always personal consequences. "The Church" and other people should just stay out of it. "God" does not get involved in the pretty affairs or 'sins' of humans. The law of attraction/vibration (karma) takes care of the situation. The law of Karma is automatic. YOU REAP WHAT YOU SOW.

in terms of mans laws, I agree,,

in terms of Gods, I disagree

we can break Gods laws in the privacy of our home, and we can do it consentually with others,,,,but it would still be breaking his law and the consequences for doing such would still stand

The only "God's" laws I recognize are the three Universal laws.

1. The law of Attraction
2. The science of creation
3. The Law of Allowing.

That stuff in the Bible are man's ideas of what they think God's laws are. If a person listens to their inner being, they will know what is right and what is wrong.

I recognize the ten commandments and the sermons that Jesus gave. I recognize , through example, the accounts of the bible. I agree that we know what is right and wrong but I think many times our core reference to right and wrong is TAINTED by social tradition and laws.

Could it not be argued that the Bible, Christianity, and really organized religion as a whole is social tradition also? How much of what we believe about God, or the creator comes from these things? I dare say quite a bit for a good section of the population.

everything is tradition, but not everything is in the tradition of the Word or what Gods designs were,,,,

But how can you say for sure that God's designs are what the Bible says? How do you know man isn't lying to you?

And why is thinking for yourself outside of the book so frowned upon in the religious sect? Maybe because those that hold the cards, realize if people did, their whole control system would have no power over the people anymore?

msharmony's photo
Fri 04/22/11 12:22 PM
Edited by msharmony on Fri 04/22/11 12:23 PM

what I said was the argument of 'how can it be wrong if it feels right' ,, has been used to justify many a morally questionable action....

Thats a pretty good argument.laugh As long as children or animals are not involved. Two consenting adults doing something that 'feels good' is their private business.

Lying and cheating may not be a nice thing to do, but there are always personal consequences. "The Church" and other people should just stay out of it. "God" does not get involved in the pretty affairs or 'sins' of humans. The law of attraction/vibration (karma) takes care of the situation. The law of Karma is automatic. YOU REAP WHAT YOU SOW.

in terms of mans laws, I agree,,

in terms of Gods, I disagree

we can break Gods laws in the privacy of our home, and we can do it consentually with others,,,,but it would still be breaking his law and the consequences for doing such would still stand

The only "God's" laws I recognize are the three Universal laws.

1. The law of Attraction
2. The science of creation
3. The Law of Allowing.

That stuff in the Bible are man's ideas of what they think God's laws are. If a person listens to their inner being, they will know what is right and what is wrong.

I recognize the ten commandments and the sermons that Jesus gave. I recognize , through example, the accounts of the bible. I agree that we know what is right and wrong but I think many times our core reference to right and wrong is TAINTED by social tradition and laws.

Could it not be argued that the Bible, Christianity, and really organized religion as a whole is social tradition also? How much of what we believe about God, or the creator comes from these things? I dare say quite a bit for a good section of the population.

everything is tradition, but not everything is in the tradition of the Word or what Gods designs were,,,,

But how can you say for sure that God's designs are what the Bible says? How do you know man isn't lying to you?

And why is thinking for yourself outside of the book so frowned upon in the religious sect? Maybe because those that hold the cards, realize if people did, their whole control system would have no power over the people anymore?

how do we know we arent living in a matrix, hooked to machines which feed into our brain everything we see and believe?

I recognize the fallibility of men and the vastness of what it is we dont know and understand, but at some point I decide upon a base of core beliefs and values upon which to try to get through this life

thinking outside the box is what leads me to my decisions about what is likely and unlikely to be truth regarding what the bible says,,,

It is most likely to me the bible was given as an educational resource to learn how to live a life more pleasing to God,,,

Dragoness's photo
Fri 04/22/11 04:53 PM

This is from a Christian site:

a letter from
your 17-year old

“Mom, dad, after my first semester at college, I have to tell you that I don’t believe in God anymore. Science has proven evolution to be true. The Bible is a book of fairy tales. There is no absolute right and wrong. I know this goes against your values, but I now believe in gay marriage and a woman’s right to choose. I don’t want to hurt you, but I have to be open and honest with you--I’m moving in with my girlfriend. This doesn’t change my love for you, and I hope you feel the same about me . . . .”

A 2007 survey in the U.S. showed that the number of 18-25 year olds who were atheist, agnostic or nonreligious had increased from 11 percent in 1986 to 20. [1]

What do you say to him? This site will tell you.

a woman’s right to choose.

I was reading this and this stuck out. This is a very strange comment. Women do choose or not choose, they have free will. This comment just struck me funny and thought I'd comment on it lol.

Not if the laws restrict her choices.

The OP was the most staged by a religious person writing I think I have ever seen. It is what they fear is going to happen to their youngsters who get "away" from their

msharmony's photo
Fri 04/22/11 04:57 PM

This is from a Christian site:

a letter from
your 17-year old

“Mom, dad, after my first semester at college, I have to tell you that I don’t believe in God anymore. Science has proven evolution to be true. The Bible is a book of fairy tales. There is no absolute right and wrong. I know this goes against your values, but I now believe in gay marriage and a woman’s right to choose. I don’t want to hurt you, but I have to be open and honest with you--I’m moving in with my girlfriend. This doesn’t change my love for you, and I hope you feel the same about me . . . .”

A 2007 survey in the U.S. showed that the number of 18-25 year olds who were atheist, agnostic or nonreligious had increased from 11 percent in 1986 to 20. [1]

What do you say to him? This site will tell you.

a woman’s right to choose.

I was reading this and this stuck out. This is a very strange comment. Women do choose or not choose, they have free will. This comment just struck me funny and thought I'd comment on it lol.

Not if the laws restrict her choices.

The OP was the most staged by a religious person writing I think I have ever seen. It is what they fear is going to happen to their youngsters who get "away" from their

what law in america specifically restricts women from choices?

no photo
Fri 04/22/11 05:02 PM

It could very well be that the religious doctrine is itself responsible for the rise in atheism.

Partly responsible, I agree - and it makes me sad. Its not logical to turn from the hypothetical God on the basis of 'religious doctrine'. If there were a God, that God would be no more responsible for ignorant religious teachings than it would be for ignorant nationalistic teachings, or smaller cults, or any other absurdity of human beings.

Sometimes the path you take is more important than where you arrive.

Dragoness's photo
Fri 04/22/11 05:05 PM

This is from a Christian site:

a letter from
your 17-year old

“Mom, dad, after my first semester at college, I have to tell you that I don’t believe in God anymore. Science has proven evolution to be true. The Bible is a book of fairy tales. There is no absolute right and wrong. I know this goes against your values, but I now believe in gay marriage and a woman’s right to choose. I don’t want to hurt you, but I have to be open and honest with you--I’m moving in with my girlfriend. This doesn’t change my love for you, and I hope you feel the same about me . . . .”

A 2007 survey in the U.S. showed that the number of 18-25 year olds who were atheist, agnostic or nonreligious had increased from 11 percent in 1986 to 20. [1]

What do you say to him? This site will tell you.

a woman’s right to choose.

I was reading this and this stuck out. This is a very strange comment. Women do choose or not choose, they have free will. This comment just struck me funny and thought I'd comment on it lol.

Not if the laws restrict her choices.

The OP was the most staged by a religious person writing I think I have ever seen. It is what they fear is going to happen to their youngsters who get "away" from their

what law in america specifically restricts women from choices?

The denial of access to abortion as an option.

AdventureBegins's photo
Fri 04/22/11 05:08 PM
there is no law denying access TO abortion.

there is only a law denying access to public funds for abortion.

Dragoness's photo
Fri 04/22/11 05:13 PM

there is no law denying access TO abortion.

there is only a law denying access to public funds for abortion.

Obviously you don't know what you speak of.

no photo
Fri 04/22/11 06:08 PM
what law in america specifically restricts women from choices?

In most states it is difficult for a woman to divorce her husband without coming up with about $800.00 or more. It used to be that she could claim she could not pay and get a reduced rate. Not any more.

This is restricting her from the freedom of being autonomous from a legal binding relationship. This can have many legal and financial complications. This is also very hard on the poor and discriminates against them.

This fact makes it a bad decision to get married in the first place, as getting into that contract is a lot easier than getting out of it. Women do not have as much protection from the law from an abusive man who she is still married to. He also has control of her personal property and her money and can steal from her and she cannot do anything about it. In some states a husband can even rape his wife and not be charged with it.

msharmony's photo
Fri 04/22/11 06:24 PM

what law in america specifically restricts women from choices?

In most states it is difficult for a woman to divorce her husband without coming up with about $800.00 or more. It used to be that she could claim she could not pay and get a reduced rate. Not any more.

This is restricting her from the freedom of being autonomous from a legal binding relationship. This can have many legal and financial complications. This is also very hard on the poor and discriminates against them.

This fact makes it a bad decision to get married in the first place, as getting into that contract is a lot easier than getting out of it. Women do not have as much protection from the law from an abusive man who she is still married to. He also has control of her personal property and her money and can steal from her and she cannot do anything about it. In some states a husband can even rape his wife and not be charged with it.

but that is law that pertains to EVERYONE. I was asking what CHOICES women are not given , spedifically, as women.

no photo
Fri 04/22/11 07:35 PM

what law in america specifically restricts women from choices?

In most states it is difficult for a woman to divorce her husband without coming up with about $800.00 or more. It used to be that she could claim she could not pay and get a reduced rate. Not any more.

This is restricting her from the freedom of being autonomous from a legal binding relationship. This can have many legal and financial complications. This is also very hard on the poor and discriminates against them.

This fact makes it a bad decision to get married in the first place, as getting into that contract is a lot easier than getting out of it. Women do not have as much protection from the law from an abusive man who she is still married to. He also has control of her personal property and her money and can steal from her and she cannot do anything about it. In some states a husband can even rape his wife and not be charged with it.

but that is law that pertains to EVERYONE. I was asking what CHOICES women are not given , spedifically, as women.

Women are discriminated against in a lot of ways, but I can't think of any particular laws off hand that specifically are about women.

AdventureBegins's photo
Fri 04/22/11 07:49 PM

there is no law denying access TO abortion.

there is only a law denying access to public funds for abortion.

Obviously you don't know what you speak of.

I am here becase my mother made a choice.

I reckon I do.

Law should never abrogate human rights.

Past present or future humans.

Mankind has not the authority to law in this realm.

mightymoe's photo
Fri 04/22/11 08:09 PM

really... explain hitlers actions, or dahmers, or stalins... everyone has a different idea of what is right and wrong...

This is true, but why would you ask me to explain Hitler's actions, or Dahmers, or Stalin's?

Do you think I can get into other people's minds?

Besides I said IF a person LISTENS TO THEIR INNER BEING...they will know right from wrong.

Some people don't even believe in any "inner being."
Some people are insane, some people are psychotic, some people just want power.

i was just pointing out that they listened to their inner mind, and look what it produced... while i agree with you, it does not work for everyone... some people need to be told what is right and what is wrong...

AdventureBegins's photo
Fri 04/22/11 08:11 PM
Who among us is wise enough to know what is right for another?

no photo
Fri 04/22/11 08:39 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Fri 04/22/11 08:43 PM

really... explain hitlers actions, or dahmers, or stalins... everyone has a different idea of what is right and wrong...

This is true, but why would you ask me to explain Hitler's actions, or Dahmers, or Stalin's?

Do you think I can get into other people's minds?

Besides I said IF a person LISTENS TO THEIR INNER BEING...they will know right from wrong.

Some people don't even believe in any "inner being."
Some people are insane, some people are psychotic, some people just want power.

i was just pointing out that they listened to their inner mind, and look what it produced... while i agree with you, it does not work for everyone... some people need to be told what is right and what is wrong...

I did not say "Listen to their mind." If you are insane, that obviously would not be a good thing to listen to. Brains and minds can be damaged and brain washed. Hitler was either insane, possessed by an inter-dimensional alien/being or had a brain disease.

Yes some people need to be told right from wrong. But that does not mean that they will obey. so....

What I said was if they knew how to listen to their inner being.... then they would know what was right.

Now I expect skeptics to say, there is no such thing as an "inner being." or I expect them to say "Prove it."

That is why I also said,

"Some people don't even believe in any "inner being."

So the question is: "What is your inner being?"

The answer is that it is your connection to All that is.
It is your connection to your non-physical self.
It is a very positive and very joyful feeling of being.

It is your God connection. It is your Love connection.

It is Love and Joy.