Topic: Rise in Atheism
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Thu 04/21/11 05:51 PM

MsHarmony writes:

religion was not so broadly defined as it has become now, if it was defined at all

there were customs and traditions AND the word of God, all customs and traditions did not have to come from God to be existent or covered in the Bible

I would be the very FIRST to agree with your view stated above. flowerforyou

But can you not see how that very observation destroys the doctrine entirely.

The reason being quite simple.

If you conceded that the Bible is a mixture of social customs and traditions AND the word of God, then all a gay person needs to do to validate their sexuality in the name of God, is to simply reject the part of the Bible that claims that God hates homosexuality as being a part of the bible that is mere social customs and traditions of the time.

Because that's basically what you are doing for the PARTS of the bible that you prefer to reject as mere "social customs of the time".

So once the doctrine has been recognized to basically be contaminated with the social traditions and opinions of men who lived at the time they wrote this stuff, then it become virtually meaningless as a doctrine that could be said to be "God instructions to mankind"

So you can't get anywhere with that argument, other than renounce the validity of your own religious doctrine.

All your saying is that each individual must choose which PARTS of the Bible are the "Word of God" and which PARTS are mere opinions of men that can be ignored or rejected.


Given that freedom I choose the following:

1. The story of Adam and Eve is a PART of the bible made up by men.
2. The story of the Great Flood is a PART of the bible made up by men.
3. The story of Jesus having been born of a virgin is made up by men.
4. The story of God speaking from a cloud is made up by men.
5. The story that Jesus rose from the dead is made up by men.

Where does this approach end?

I may as well just dismiss the whole thing as being made up by men if I'm going take that approach.

we can dismiss or accept whatever we want. My doctrine, as you call it , is in tact. It is a resource for learning which includes Gods commands, Jesus sermons, and the customs and traditions of those who lived in the time. I learn from the direct words of God and Jesus, and I also learn from the experiences of the people who lived in the times. Some actions seemed to end well for them, I would not be hesitant to emulate those actions. Some actiosn didnt end too well and I would be hesitant to duplicate those.

There is debate on why sodom was destroyed , and what is meant by 'sexually immoral' behavior, which Jesus condemned.

I believe it refers to homosexual activity, and so I err on the side of steering clear of it.

Ezekiel 16:48-56 (King James Version)

48 As I live, saith the Lord GOD, Sodom thy sister hath not done, she nor her daughters, as thou hast done, thou and thy daughters.

49 Behold, this was the iniquity of thy sister Sodom, pride, fulness of bread, and abundance of idleness was in her and in her daughters, neither did she strengthen the hand of the poor and needy.

50 And they were haughty, and committed abomination before me: therefore I took them away as I saw good.

51 Neither hath Samaria committed half of thy sins; but thou hast multiplied thine abominations more than they, and hast justified thy sisters in all thine abominations which thou hast done.

52 Thou also, which hast judged thy sisters, bear thine own shame for thy sins that thou hast committed more abominable than they: they are more righteous than thou: yea, be thou confounded also, and bear thy shame, in that thou hast justified thy sisters.

53 When I shall bring again their captivity, the captivity of Sodom and her daughters, and the captivity of Samaria and her daughters, then will I bring again the captivity of thy captives in the midst of them:

54 That thou mayest bear thine own shame, and mayest be confounded in all that thou hast done, in that thou art a comfort unto them.

55 When thy sisters, Sodom and her daughters, shall return to their former estate, and Samaria and her daughters shall return to their former estate, then thou and thy daughters shall return to your former estate.

56 For thy sister Sodom was not mentioned by thy mouth in the day of thy pride,

Kleisto's photo
Thu 04/21/11 05:59 PM

Kleisto writes:

Straights don't choose to be attracted to the opposite sex, so what makes you think gays or lesbians do?

Well, I'm basically agreeing with you on that. I don't thing gays or lesbians "choose" to be attracted to each other, it's just their natural desire.

Moreover, I see absolutely no "harm" in it.

And even Jesus used this kind of excuse when the Pharisees accused him of healing people by the power of Satan. Jesus said that nothing good can come from Satan lest Satan be divided and his kingdom fall.

Well, there's no "harm" in people of the same gender loving each other and being sexually intimate with each other. Therefore it cannot have come from Satan. It can only have come from God.

Besides, the biblical tales in their totality are a bit paradoxical when it come to this issue. From what I understand most everything I've read about God's angels is that they are bisexual. They can't have anything but homosexual sex if they are bisexual.

So if God is so homophobic why did he create homosexual angels?

I know you agree with me, I meant that comment towards those who are so against it.

And to the love thing, that's another argument. It makes no sense that a so called loving God would punish anyone for expressing their love to another person, be it same sex or opposite sex.

If God is love, and these people are showing that to their significant others, it would logically follow that the God of the Bible is false. It would be cruel and unwarranted to punish anyone for it, and there is no way that is God if He is love.

no photo
Thu 04/21/11 06:05 PM

atheism is ... simply having a lack of faith in any particular god-head model.

That is correct.

Perhaps it's the staunch requirements of proof that lead you to think that atheism is some type of continuum that can be adopted by degrees.

Thats not my view.

This is a semantic issue. According to your (correct) definition, anyone who lacks positive, definitive belief in a deity is an atheist. Obviously this leaves unstated one positions on 'know-ability', and leaves unstated whether or not one asserts the non-existence of any particular deity.

msharmony's photo
Fri 04/22/11 12:30 AM

Kleisto writes:

Straights don't choose to be attracted to the opposite sex, so what makes you think gays or lesbians do?

Well, I'm basically agreeing with you on that. I don't thing gays or lesbians "choose" to be attracted to each other, it's just their natural desire.

Moreover, I see absolutely no "harm" in it.

And even Jesus used this kind of excuse when the Pharisees accused him of healing people by the power of Satan. Jesus said that nothing good can come from Satan lest Satan be divided and his kingdom fall.

Well, there's no "harm" in people of the same gender loving each other and being sexually intimate with each other. Therefore it cannot have come from Satan. It can only have come from God.

Besides, the biblical tales in their totality are a bit paradoxical when it come to this issue. From what I understand most everything I've read about God's angels is that they are bisexual. They can't have anything but homosexual sex if they are bisexual.

So if God is so homophobic why did he create homosexual angels?

I know you agree with me, I meant that comment towards those who are so against it.

And to the love thing, that's another argument. It makes no sense that a so called loving God would punish anyone for expressing their love to another person, be it same sex or opposite sex.

If God is love, and these people are showing that to their significant others, it would logically follow that the God of the Bible is false. It would be cruel and unwarranted to punish anyone for it, and there is no way that is God if He is love.

love, attraction, and sex are three different things

adulterers show love too, pedohphiles show love,, anyone can hide behind LOVE as a reason for SEX , but it still doesnt justify the sex,,,

Kleisto's photo
Fri 04/22/11 02:23 AM

Kleisto writes:

Straights don't choose to be attracted to the opposite sex, so what makes you think gays or lesbians do?

Well, I'm basically agreeing with you on that. I don't thing gays or lesbians "choose" to be attracted to each other, it's just their natural desire.

Moreover, I see absolutely no "harm" in it.

And even Jesus used this kind of excuse when the Pharisees accused him of healing people by the power of Satan. Jesus said that nothing good can come from Satan lest Satan be divided and his kingdom fall.

Well, there's no "harm" in people of the same gender loving each other and being sexually intimate with each other. Therefore it cannot have come from Satan. It can only have come from God.

Besides, the biblical tales in their totality are a bit paradoxical when it come to this issue. From what I understand most everything I've read about God's angels is that they are bisexual. They can't have anything but homosexual sex if they are bisexual.

So if God is so homophobic why did he create homosexual angels?

I know you agree with me, I meant that comment towards those who are so against it.

And to the love thing, that's another argument. It makes no sense that a so called loving God would punish anyone for expressing their love to another person, be it same sex or opposite sex.

If God is love, and these people are showing that to their significant others, it would logically follow that the God of the Bible is false. It would be cruel and unwarranted to punish anyone for it, and there is no way that is God if He is love.

love, attraction, and sex are three different things

adulterers show love too, pedohphiles show love,, anyone can hide behind LOVE as a reason for SEX , but it still doesnt justify the sex,,,

Here we go with the tired adulterers and pedophiles argument again. I am so sick of that same thing being trotted out time and again to defend this being wrong. THEY ARE NOT THE SAME THING!

An adulterer shows love to someone else, while at the same time cheating on one who is committed to him or her. Pretty self explanatory why that one is wrong.

Pedophiles use young kids for sex, prey upon them. It is not consensual, the child is not really able to understand what is happening, much less stop it. Once again, easy to seeTwo why this is wrong as well.

Two gay men, or two lesbian women, who are committed to each other in a relationship, and choose to express it via sex, is entirely entirely different from either of the things described above. Who is being hurt? They love each other, there's no other man or woman in the picture elsewhere, and it's all consensual.

Forget about what a book tells you the truth is, and look at this logically for a second. If you do that, your argument falls apart for the reasons I have stated above.

msharmony's photo
Fri 04/22/11 08:34 AM

Kleisto writes:

Straights don't choose to be attracted to the opposite sex, so what makes you think gays or lesbians do?

Well, I'm basically agreeing with you on that. I don't thing gays or lesbians "choose" to be attracted to each other, it's just their natural desire.

Moreover, I see absolutely no "harm" in it.

And even Jesus used this kind of excuse when the Pharisees accused him of healing people by the power of Satan. Jesus said that nothing good can come from Satan lest Satan be divided and his kingdom fall.

Well, there's no "harm" in people of the same gender loving each other and being sexually intimate with each other. Therefore it cannot have come from Satan. It can only have come from God.

Besides, the biblical tales in their totality are a bit paradoxical when it come to this issue. From what I understand most everything I've read about God's angels is that they are bisexual. They can't have anything but homosexual sex if they are bisexual.

So if God is so homophobic why did he create homosexual angels?

I know you agree with me, I meant that comment towards those who are so against it.

And to the love thing, that's another argument. It makes no sense that a so called loving God would punish anyone for expressing their love to another person, be it same sex or opposite sex.

If God is love, and these people are showing that to their significant others, it would logically follow that the God of the Bible is false. It would be cruel and unwarranted to punish anyone for it, and there is no way that is God if He is love.

love, attraction, and sex are three different things

adulterers show love too, pedohphiles show love,, anyone can hide behind LOVE as a reason for SEX , but it still doesnt justify the sex,,,

Here we go with the tired adulterers and pedophiles argument again. I am so sick of that same thing being trotted out time and again to defend this being wrong. THEY ARE NOT THE SAME THING!

An adulterer shows love to someone else, while at the same time cheating on one who is committed to him or her. Pretty self explanatory why that one is wrong.

Pedophiles use young kids for sex, prey upon them. It is not consensual, the child is not really able to understand what is happening, much less stop it. Once again, easy to seeTwo why this is wrong as well.

Two gay men, or two lesbian women, who are committed to each other in a relationship, and choose to express it via sex, is entirely entirely different from either of the things described above. Who is being hurt? They love each other, there's no other man or woman in the picture elsewhere, and it's all consensual.

Forget about what a book tells you the truth is, and look at this logically for a second. If you do that, your argument falls apart for the reasons I have stated above.

your logic , not mine, and thats kewl

no, I didnt say pedophilic and adulterous are the same as homosexual activity

what I said was the argument of 'how can it be wrong if it feels right' ,, has been used to justify many a morally questionable action....

msharmony's photo
Fri 04/22/11 08:40 AM
Corinthians 6:9 Or do you not know that wrongdoers will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor men who have sex with men[a] 10 nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God

my logic just includes a different idea of wrongdoing,,,it is obvious to us what is 'wrong' with many things that seem to 'obviously' harm someone ELSE,, but my logic includes wrongs against ourself

which activities like drunkenness, idolatry, and sexual immorality (in my opinion, of course) are

no photo
Fri 04/22/11 08:42 AM
what I said was the argument of 'how can it be wrong if it feels right' ,, has been used to justify many a morally questionable action....

Thats a pretty good argument.laugh As long as children or animals are not involved. Two consenting adults doing something that 'feels good' is their private business.

Lying and cheating may not be a nice thing to do, but there are always personal consequences. "The Church" and other people should just stay out of it. "God" does not get involved in the pretty affairs or 'sins' of humans. The law of attraction/vibration (karma) takes care of the situation. The law of Karma is automatic. YOU REAP WHAT YOU SOW.

msharmony's photo
Fri 04/22/11 08:45 AM
Edited by msharmony on Fri 04/22/11 08:46 AM

what I said was the argument of 'how can it be wrong if it feels right' ,, has been used to justify many a morally questionable action....

Thats a pretty good argument.laugh As long as children or animals are not involved. Two consenting adults doing something that 'feels good' is their private business.

Lying and cheating may not be a nice thing to do, but there are always personal consequences. "The Church" and other people should just stay out of it. "God" does not get involved in the pretty affairs or 'sins' of humans. The law of attraction/vibration (karma) takes care of the situation. The law of Karma is automatic. YOU REAP WHAT YOU SOW.

in terms of mans laws, I agree,,

in terms of Gods, I disagree

we can break Gods laws in the privacy of our home, and we can do it consentually with others,,,,but it would still be breaking his law and the consequences for doing such would still stand

no photo
Fri 04/22/11 08:55 AM

what I said was the argument of 'how can it be wrong if it feels right' ,, has been used to justify many a morally questionable action....

Thats a pretty good argument.laugh As long as children or animals are not involved. Two consenting adults doing something that 'feels good' is their private business.

Lying and cheating may not be a nice thing to do, but there are always personal consequences. "The Church" and other people should just stay out of it. "God" does not get involved in the pretty affairs or 'sins' of humans. The law of attraction/vibration (karma) takes care of the situation. The law of Karma is automatic. YOU REAP WHAT YOU SOW.

in terms of mans laws, I agree,,

in terms of Gods, I disagree

we can break Gods laws in the privacy of our home, and we can do it consentually with others,,,,but it would still be breaking his law and the consequences for doing such would still stand

The only "God's" laws I recognize are the three Universal laws.

1. The law of Attraction
2. The science of creation
3. The Law of Allowing.

That stuff in the Bible are man's ideas of what they think God's laws are. If a person listens to their inner being, they will know what is right and what is wrong.

msharmony's photo
Fri 04/22/11 09:04 AM
Edited by msharmony on Fri 04/22/11 09:04 AM

what I said was the argument of 'how can it be wrong if it feels right' ,, has been used to justify many a morally questionable action....

Thats a pretty good argument.laugh As long as children or animals are not involved. Two consenting adults doing something that 'feels good' is their private business.

Lying and cheating may not be a nice thing to do, but there are always personal consequences. "The Church" and other people should just stay out of it. "God" does not get involved in the pretty affairs or 'sins' of humans. The law of attraction/vibration (karma) takes care of the situation. The law of Karma is automatic. YOU REAP WHAT YOU SOW.

in terms of mans laws, I agree,,

in terms of Gods, I disagree

we can break Gods laws in the privacy of our home, and we can do it consentually with others,,,,but it would still be breaking his law and the consequences for doing such would still stand

The only "God's" laws I recognize are the three Universal laws.

1. The law of Attraction
2. The science of creation
3. The Law of Allowing.

That stuff in the Bible are man's ideas of what they think God's laws are. If a person listens to their inner being, they will know what is right and what is wrong.

I recognize the ten commandments and the sermons that Jesus gave. I recognize , through example, the accounts of the bible. I agree that we know what is right and wrong but I think many times our core reference to right and wrong is TAINTED by social tradition and laws.

as in , smoking weed is 'wrong'(when it is just illegal)
or there is nothing 'wrong' with lying (because it isnt illegal, except under oath)

and the concept of consenting adults derives from the social definition of 'adult' at the time,,,so the same conscious that tells us ( at the age of 30 or 40) , if a 13 or 14 year old wants to have sex it is 'wrong' to oblige them

tells us when we are 16, that it is ok, we dont see it as 'wrong' because we are in the same age group,,,,and thats a social standard of OUR culture,,

no photo
Fri 04/22/11 09:44 AM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Fri 04/22/11 09:51 AM

what I said was the argument of 'how can it be wrong if it feels right' ,, has been used to justify many a morally questionable action....

Thats a pretty good argument.laugh As long as children or animals are not involved. Two consenting adults doing something that 'feels good' is their private business.

Lying and cheating may not be a nice thing to do, but there are always personal consequences. "The Church" and other people should just stay out of it. "God" does not get involved in the pretty affairs or 'sins' of humans. The law of attraction/vibration (karma) takes care of the situation. The law of Karma is automatic. YOU REAP WHAT YOU SOW.

in terms of mans laws, I agree,,

in terms of Gods, I disagree

we can break Gods laws in the privacy of our home, and we can do it consentually with others,,,,but it would still be breaking his law and the consequences for doing such would still stand

The only "God's" laws I recognize are the three Universal laws.

1. The law of Attraction
2. The science of creation
3. The Law of Allowing.

That stuff in the Bible are man's ideas of what they think God's laws are. If a person listens to their inner being, they will know what is right and what is wrong.

I recognize the ten commandments and the sermons that Jesus gave. I recognize , through example, the accounts of the bible. I agree that we know what is right and wrong but I think many times our core reference to right and wrong is TAINTED by social tradition and laws.

as in , smoking weed is 'wrong'(when it is just illegal)
or there is nothing 'wrong' with lying (because it isnt illegal, except under oath)

and the concept of consenting adults derives from the social definition of 'adult' at the time,,,so the same conscious that tells us ( at the age of 30 or 40) , if a 13 or 14 year old wants to have sex it is 'wrong' to oblige them

tells us when we are 16, that it is ok, we dont see it as 'wrong' because we are in the same age group,,,,and thats a social standard of OUR culture,,

Yes a lot of feelings of right and wrong are embedded within the culture. Some cultures have women getting married at 14 and even younger. Some even have sex at a younger age than that.

Kids today are physically ready willing and able to have sex and procreate physically at 12.... but they aren't ready for the responsibility. I think there are too many growth hormones in the food.

Kleisto's photo
Fri 04/22/11 10:17 AM

what I said was the argument of 'how can it be wrong if it feels right' ,, has been used to justify many a morally questionable action....

Thats a pretty good argument.laugh As long as children or animals are not involved. Two consenting adults doing something that 'feels good' is their private business.

Lying and cheating may not be a nice thing to do, but there are always personal consequences. "The Church" and other people should just stay out of it. "God" does not get involved in the pretty affairs or 'sins' of humans. The law of attraction/vibration (karma) takes care of the situation. The law of Karma is automatic. YOU REAP WHAT YOU SOW.

in terms of mans laws, I agree,,

in terms of Gods, I disagree

we can break Gods laws in the privacy of our home, and we can do it consentually with others,,,,but it would still be breaking his law and the consequences for doing such would still stand

The only "God's" laws I recognize are the three Universal laws.

1. The law of Attraction
2. The science of creation
3. The Law of Allowing.

That stuff in the Bible are man's ideas of what they think God's laws are. If a person listens to their inner being, they will know what is right and what is wrong.

I recognize the ten commandments and the sermons that Jesus gave. I recognize , through example, the accounts of the bible. I agree that we know what is right and wrong but I think many times our core reference to right and wrong is TAINTED by social tradition and laws.

Could it not be argued that the Bible, Christianity, and really organized religion as a whole is social tradition also? How much of what we believe about God, or the creator comes from these things? I dare say quite a bit for a good section of the population.

no photo
Fri 04/22/11 10:29 AM

what I said was the argument of 'how can it be wrong if it feels right' ,, has been used to justify many a morally questionable action....

Thats a pretty good argument.laugh As long as children or animals are not involved. Two consenting adults doing something that 'feels good' is their private business.

Lying and cheating may not be a nice thing to do, but there are always personal consequences. "The Church" and other people should just stay out of it. "God" does not get involved in the pretty affairs or 'sins' of humans. The law of attraction/vibration (karma) takes care of the situation. The law of Karma is automatic. YOU REAP WHAT YOU SOW.

in terms of mans laws, I agree,,

in terms of Gods, I disagree

we can break Gods laws in the privacy of our home, and we can do it consentually with others,,,,but it would still be breaking his law and the consequences for doing such would still stand

The only "God's" laws I recognize are the three Universal laws.

1. The law of Attraction
2. The science of creation
3. The Law of Allowing.

That stuff in the Bible are man's ideas of what they think God's laws are. If a person listens to their inner being, they will know what is right and what is wrong.

You break your law #3 with this statement:
"As long as children or animals are not involved."

I see your 3 laws and recognise that they are (wo)man-made, not very convicing...

mightymoe's photo
Fri 04/22/11 10:35 AM

what I said was the argument of 'how can it be wrong if it feels right' ,, has been used to justify many a morally questionable action....

Thats a pretty good argument.laugh As long as children or animals are not involved. Two consenting adults doing something that 'feels good' is their private business.

Lying and cheating may not be a nice thing to do, but there are always personal consequences. "The Church" and other people should just stay out of it. "God" does not get involved in the pretty affairs or 'sins' of humans. The law of attraction/vibration (karma) takes care of the situation. The law of Karma is automatic. YOU REAP WHAT YOU SOW.

in terms of mans laws, I agree,,

in terms of Gods, I disagree

we can break Gods laws in the privacy of our home, and we can do it consentually with others,,,,but it would still be breaking his law and the consequences for doing such would still stand

The only "God's" laws I recognize are the three Universal laws.

1. The law of Attraction
2. The science of creation
3. The Law of Allowing.

That stuff in the Bible are man's ideas of what they think God's laws are. If a person listens to their inner being, they will know what is right and what is wrong.

really... explain hitlers actions, or dahmers, or stalins... everyone has a different idea of what is right and wrong...

no photo
Fri 04/22/11 10:39 AM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Fri 04/22/11 10:41 AM
really... explain hitlers actions, or dahmers, or stalins... everyone has a different idea of what is right and wrong...

This is true, but why would you ask me to explain Hitler's actions, or Dahmers, or Stalin's?

Do you think I can get into other people's minds?

Besides I said IF a person LISTENS TO THEIR INNER BEING...they will know right from wrong.

Some people don't even believe in any "inner being."
Some people are insane, some people are psychotic, some people just want power.

Foliel's photo
Fri 04/22/11 10:51 AM
It could very well be that the religious doctrine is itself responsible for the rise in atheism. I, myself, found it very hard to live by a doctrine that tells me everything I do it wrong. Also found it hard to live by something that tells me I have free will as long as I do what God wants...

This may be good for christians, they may be able to shut their feelings off in order to obey the word of god, but I have a different sense of right and wrong.

My sister is a christian and she is thrilled that I have found a man to spend my life with. I do not doubt her religious convictions but I know that she loves me and wants to see me happy.

no photo
Fri 04/22/11 11:31 AM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Fri 04/22/11 11:32 AM

It could very well be that the religious doctrine is itself responsible for the rise in atheism. I, myself, found it very hard to live by a doctrine that tells me everything I do it wrong. Also found it hard to live by something that tells me I have free will as long as I do what God wants...

I have had conversations with some Christians about "free will" and I found that some of them get really annoyed with the idea of "free will."

They will tell your that you will is "wrong" and only God's will is "right."

Bull crap. They don't know what "God's will" is and they don't know what my will is.

This may be good for christians, they may be able to shut their feelings off in order to obey the word of god, but I have a different sense of right and wrong.

When you "shut your feelings off" that is when you shut yourself off from your inner being. Your emotions are your guidance system. They are what clue you in to what is right and what is wrong.

My sister is a christian and she is thrilled that I have found a man to spend my life with. I do not doubt her religious convictions but I know that she loves me and wants to see me happy.

What point is there to living your life = if it is not for finding love and happiness?

What right does any religious group of people have to steal a person's happiness and load them up with guilt or fear?

You can't think other people's thoughts or live other people's lives. You can't create other people's experiences or make their decisions for them based on your own vibrations and beliefs.

Live your own life, find your happiness and don't look back! It is your life to live, not theirs. Some people are so busy trying to control how other people live, they forget to find their own happiness.

I commend your sister, she wants you to be happy.

msharmony's photo
Fri 04/22/11 11:42 AM

what I said was the argument of 'how can it be wrong if it feels right' ,, has been used to justify many a morally questionable action....

Thats a pretty good argument.laugh As long as children or animals are not involved. Two consenting adults doing something that 'feels good' is their private business.

Lying and cheating may not be a nice thing to do, but there are always personal consequences. "The Church" and other people should just stay out of it. "God" does not get involved in the pretty affairs or 'sins' of humans. The law of attraction/vibration (karma) takes care of the situation. The law of Karma is automatic. YOU REAP WHAT YOU SOW.

in terms of mans laws, I agree,,

in terms of Gods, I disagree

we can break Gods laws in the privacy of our home, and we can do it consentually with others,,,,but it would still be breaking his law and the consequences for doing such would still stand

The only "God's" laws I recognize are the three Universal laws.

1. The law of Attraction
2. The science of creation
3. The Law of Allowing.

That stuff in the Bible are man's ideas of what they think God's laws are. If a person listens to their inner being, they will know what is right and what is wrong.

I recognize the ten commandments and the sermons that Jesus gave. I recognize , through example, the accounts of the bible. I agree that we know what is right and wrong but I think many times our core reference to right and wrong is TAINTED by social tradition and laws.

Could it not be argued that the Bible, Christianity, and really organized religion as a whole is social tradition also? How much of what we believe about God, or the creator comes from these things? I dare say quite a bit for a good section of the population.

everything is tradition, but not everything is in the tradition of the Word or what Gods designs were,,,,

msharmony's photo
Fri 04/22/11 11:42 AM

what I said was the argument of 'how can it be wrong if it feels right' ,, has been used to justify many a morally questionable action....

Thats a pretty good argument.laugh As long as children or animals are not involved. Two consenting adults doing something that 'feels good' is their private business.

Lying and cheating may not be a nice thing to do, but there are always personal consequences. "The Church" and other people should just stay out of it. "God" does not get involved in the pretty affairs or 'sins' of humans. The law of attraction/vibration (karma) takes care of the situation. The law of Karma is automatic. YOU REAP WHAT YOU SOW.

in terms of mans laws, I agree,,

in terms of Gods, I disagree

we can break Gods laws in the privacy of our home, and we can do it consentually with others,,,,but it would still be breaking his law and the consequences for doing such would still stand

The only "God's" laws I recognize are the three Universal laws.

1. The law of Attraction
2. The science of creation
3. The Law of Allowing.

That stuff in the Bible are man's ideas of what they think God's laws are. If a person listens to their inner being, they will know what is right and what is wrong.

I recognize the ten commandments and the sermons that Jesus gave. I recognize , through example, the accounts of the bible. I agree that we know what is right and wrong but I think many times our core reference to right and wrong is TAINTED by social tradition and laws.

as in , smoking weed is 'wrong'(when it is just illegal)
or there is nothing 'wrong' with lying (because it isnt illegal, except under oath)

and the concept of consenting adults derives from the social definition of 'adult' at the time,,,so the same conscious that tells us ( at the age of 30 or 40) , if a 13 or 14 year old wants to have sex it is 'wrong' to oblige them

tells us when we are 16, that it is ok, we dont see it as 'wrong' because we are in the same age group,,,,and thats a social standard of OUR culture,,

Yes a lot of feelings of right and wrong are embedded within the culture. Some cultures have women getting married at 14 and even younger. Some even have sex at a younger age than that.

Kids today are physically ready willing and able to have sex and procreate physically at 12.... but they aren't ready for the responsibility. I think there are too many growth hormones in the food.

lol, true, the food and the media are a deadly combination for our kids souls,,,