Topic: Boycott Moderation | |
I don't believe in moderation except when it comes to haircuts
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I have been watching this for a while now, and in my opinion it just doesn't work. Threads got removed because of nothing, only because people have the power to do so. I will not be here any longer until this has been resolved.
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Andrea and Belushi, i want to thank you for being mature anough to leave whenyou can not agree with the rules. I do not agree withthe idea of a boycott, and I am going to miss seeing both of you around immensely (yes belushi, even you lol. I may not agree with everything you say, but I listen to it, and think about it!) but I do respect your choice to leave without fighting or disrupting. If we had more people that were this mature, there would be no problem with the moderation system to begin with, in my opinion.
I hope you two come back sooner rather than later,as yuo will be dearly missed by many. ![]() |
what happens if we agree to let a thread stand. Then two people go at it like cat and dog on page 11 or 12. Then what happens? The battling continues and we have a slanging match ... therefore the moderation does not work.
please p[eople go read the thread I started that Mike spoke up in. I will find it again and post a link to it like before so you can go see his words directly. But to answer the question, above, we are still emailing Mike and Van if there is trouble in the thread after it has made it through moderation and they are continuing like before in those circumstances. |
I went ahead and bumped the thread with Mikes response back up tot he top of general, and here is a lonk for it for future use as well. |
OHH BY THE WAY I HAD OTHERS THAT VOTED ON A POEM OF MINE TO BE DELETED CALLED "MAKING LOVE" DO I THINK THEY WERE RIGTH NOO I DONT BUT IT GOT TO STAY BUT I ALSO E=-MAILED MIKE TO BRING IT TO THERE ATTENTION TO SEE WHY THE ONES VOTED THAT WAY. FOR IF THE SAME ONES KEEP IT UP IT WILL BACKFIRE FOR THEM. There are a few important rules and safeguards that you should also be aware of: 1) Only topics that violate our forum rules should be deleted. If a topic does not violate the forum rules, it should NOT be deleted, even if you disagree with the content or dislike the member posting the topic. 2) Vanchau and myself will periodically review topics that have been deleted and may undelete them if we feel they were deleted erroneously. We may also delete topics that members have voted to keep on the site. Basically, we reserve the right to make the final decision on all topics. 3) Members who continually vote incorrectly, i.e. deleting topics that should not be deleted or vice versa, will lose their moderator privileges. So if you're not moderating the site in the same manner that Vanchau and myself would, you won't be able to continue to moderate the forums. 4) The moderation system should NOT be used for your own personal agenda. Anyone who abuses the moderation system in this manner will be banned from the site. 5) If you feel the moderation system has been abused, please the Report Abuse button to notify us. We will investigate and take the appropriate actions. We're very excited about this new system, but we also realize that there may be some hiccups initially. We're going to be watching the forums closely over the next few weeks to make sure the moderation system is working as planned. If you see any issues, please just let us know - we would love to get your ideas and opinions so we can make sure the moderation system is working as well as possible. And of course, if you have any questions or concerns at all, please just let us know. We always love to hear your feedback, good or bad. Thanks everyone for all of your help in making JustSayHi the best dating site on the net! Sincerely, Mike and Vanchau Now if you took the time to read you will see they have taken in consideration the problems. But it is sad that adults on this site can not be trusted to do the right thing. Ohh the freedom of Speech spill well let me tell ya if you go out and curse someone out and throwing the vulgar words hate to tell ya but here in the states you can be ticketed for that if u shoot the bone to someone in public gueess what it is against the law to do so. Even with Freedom of Speech you can not go out and attack another for no reason. Besides HATE TO TELL YA but regardless were one is if there are rules it is there right to have you follow those rules or to leave the site on your own or they can remove you. Humm lets seee most RESTAURANT's in Texas can you smoke in them humm some areas still have smoking but in in those areas it is up to the owner of the Restaurant if they choose you can smoke in there's or not. Ohhh as far as arguing that starts on a thread those will be dealt with just like in the past you click on the abusers name report state why and guess what eithere Mike or Van will check it out. If one feels that a post being targeted how hard is it for you to send and E-mail just to bring it to there attention. No matter what the rules are tell me how can you knock a rule out with out given it a chance to see if it will work or not. For those that are abuseing there rights to delete a post guess what it will show Mike and Van who they are and well if they abuse the right they are given it will be taken away or they themselves will be BANNED.! I'm not saying this will work but just saying don't knock it till it has had a chance to prove itself. |
Thanx for explaining Texas...we are all adults here and I too think it will work given time...The ones who can't be adult about it will show themselves in due time and thus won't be able to moderate!!!!!!!!
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Mike and VC have a proven track record of listening to the members and of consistently doing what they believe is in the best interests of JSH as a whole. This is not a site where the guys in charge are invisible and inaccessible.
It's their site, they have every right to create rules. They also have every right to modify or remove those rules if and when they so choose. Having said that, I am uncomfortable with the idea of moderating. As I said in another thread, I am abstaining from the whole process, and not just because there is a very real potential for abuse. To vote to delete a poem (which is properly situated in the Poetry forum), or a "Hi, I'm new" post (properly situated in the New Members forum) shows that someone either does not understand the moderation process or has some other agenda. I understand the motivation behind attempting to set up a moderation system. I know of two sites where the forums are so nasty and contentious that it is pretty much impossible to use them, and I imagine VC and Mike would prefer not to see JSH's forums go that route. My point would be that the JSH forums were really not moving in that direction, anyway, though -- and, while there's nothing wrong with "preventative medicine," so to speak, I personally have to wonder about the need to address a problem that, for the most part, doesn't exist. I think the problem we are going to see is that some people are going to look at moderation as "Now I can get rid of posts (or posters) I don't like," rather than as what's best for JSH. There's a potential for an inherent conflict, within each individual, between "what I like" and "what is best for the site." I mean, I think TPAY threads are the biggest waste of time since Cocoa-Cola Blak, but I would never try to see them eliminated. And, as has been pointed out elsewhere, what do you do if the thread gets abusive 6 or 7 pages in? The system, as I understand it, is not set up to "retro-moderate." So then it goes back to reporting the abuse, which is what we had before anyway. I wouldn't leave JSH over it, there are too many people I like here, too many good things about the site. I trust Mike and VC to do the right thing. And it's not like I'm paying to be here. But I have seen the clique mentality, I have seen members, otherwise seemingly good and decent and caring people, defend a vulgar and egregious abuser simply because he was "one of their own" -- that mentality persists here, in a few -- I think it has lessened somewhat, but it is still there. And there are still those who can and will take a tool and bend it and twist it to suit their own purposes. Moderation, as a concept, may not be a bad idea. But if it exists at all, it should be in the hands of those who are QUALIFIED to moderate. Not everybody. I think we're already starting to see that not everyone makes a good mod. |
I agree 100% and so does the monkey.
Well said Lex!!!!
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Great, invisble is gone. Lost another friend. Whats the point tho "Oh I don't like this new thing so I will run away and hide and complain about it" Thats what 5 year olds do. Sure you can vote to delete it, but you can also vote to keep it. I think they forgot that one before they hit "deactivate".
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I just came back, I don't know the details of how this has been (or will be) abused, but I think its -awesome- that Mike/Van are experimenting with new ways to improve the site.
<--------throws a roll of toilet paper at Carrot!!!
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For those of you who the system just sucks - consider that Mike/Van will be revoking the moderator privileges of people who abuse it. Right now, they are giving everyone a fair chance to moderate, but as people abuse it, they will be taken off the list of moderators, and there will automatically be less abuse happening.
Plus, Mike and Van are open to specific improvements - if you think it can be done a little differently, and so done better, they will listen to your thoughts (under the 'feedback' section). |
Ooops.... "For those of you who THINK the system just sucks..."
Maybe I'm missing something somewhere. Is everyone free to vote on this moderation thingy, or has Mike and Van nominated certain members?
If it's only a select few, then could Mike/Van say why these people have been selected? If it's everybody, and threads are put up for deletion, do Mike or Van view themas well before deletion is finalised? But in any case it's worth giving it a try, even though I personnaly don't like it. ![]() |
Forums are a place to communicate ideas, love, or ideas of love. To muffle the sounds of freedom makes no sense. If there is not a moment to speak freely, there is not a moment to speak. Sad.....
Hummm the rules for the site and the whole moderation is explained there as well when you click on general the first ones that are locked in all need to read.
There is a differnce when one speaks freely and with respect than when one comes off as bashing others and rude and crude. If one can not be respectful as they speak it really don't matter for there words loose meaning and no one really hears what they say they only rememnber the bad things they did. Besides rules are everywhere don't see were all are against having rules. Do we not have them in our everyday lives? From the time we are born we live in our parents house are we free to curse them out call granny a whore and not do our chores. Hummm would think that if that had happen hummm Dad or Mom would have wore your ass out with a belt for sure. And why is that cause it is there house and there rules we follow when we grow up we then have our own rules in our homes with our kids. \ Humm so when all get there own website they can make there own rules. For the rules have not changed here at all. They are only trying out this new system in order to give them a little more help in taking care of problems before they get out of hand. They will still be here to dble check on problems that are brought to there attentinon. This is so they have more time to also add new features for us to enjoy and all free at that. All really need to read the rules then maybe more would understand what really is going on. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |