Topic: What would send you running... | |
Don't be an M&M, be a Smartie!
Sorry, a bit of Canadian humour! |
Thanks a lot smartie pants........I'm going to have to remember that one...........
If she told me she had worms..
Noting since I'm single lol lol lol.
What would send me running ? Not much, I guess it depends on how she would treat me at first. I would try my very best to be very extremely patient and so if she get's on my nervous I guess and starts agreeing with everything my mom or sister might have to say.. then that right there might make me run out and or say something rude enough to make her run out. Don't know since I've never dated. |
Last "dump" date I was on the "lady" asked if I found Jesus.My response was, He's missing! Crap dial 911 and I'll start looking!Out the door I go!
a woman who can't keep up a conversation
a woman who just gives short answers like aha, ok, yes, no, etc. |
A man who is too drunk to walk a straight line.
A man who is extremely vulgar. Picks a fight with someone else or ME. Nasty to the wait people, loud. Can't hold a conversation. Has to stand on a street corner with a sign to get money to pay the bill. |
When he jonesing from not getting his crack!!!
Gypsy coming to bed in her toilet outfit
lmaoooooooo hey you bought me with that toilet outfit on!!!!! besides all men want a potty mouth in bed!!!!
Potty mouth is fine, but the outfit needs to come off. i don't need a swirly before i can have my fun
that's not what you told me last night!!!! jk
her cutting sausage in bed!!!
but you were so good I didn't want to spoil the moment
cutting sausages???? What about cutting pickles instead??? Would that be acceptable on a first date???
no cutting of my pickle
ok what about on the second date then???? Hmmmmm I havent dated in so long I don't even know what would send me about I just stay home in my cave????
nah, come out and play Gypsy.
hmmmmm but its safer here....I don't have to worry about the crazy people!!!