Topic: Difference of men coming from UK and USA
ladyvenus's photo
Fri 03/25/11 05:05 PM

I have talk to men coming from USA and I'm already adjusted to way of life and culture. But seldom O talked to British one. I did have one encounter here his from England and I find him strict and straight forward and much of ungentleman. I just don't know much of British men in general.

krupa's photo
Fri 03/25/11 05:13 PM
Each person is different Honey.

There are good and not so good men anywhere you look. I know for a Fact that Americans LOVE Fillipeno People....Some of my families best friends ( and lovers) are frome the Phillipenes.

Great foods! Easy smiles. Very nice people. Not all Americans are good but, there are alot who are very good.

Just hang out and chat with everyone here and you will get a better idea of Americans and British...And Australian... and Indian....

It is cool.

no photo
Fri 03/25/11 05:22 PM
I know several British men and that doesn't sound like any of them. So, I wouldn't generalize based on one experience.

msharmony's photo
Fri 03/25/11 05:26 PM

I have talk to men coming from USA and I'm already adjusted to way of life and culture. But seldom O talked to British one. I did have one encounter here his from England and I find him strict and straight forward and much of ungentleman. I just don't know much of British men in general.

I lived in the UK for a year, married a brit. The only general difference I noted is that it seems more acceptable for men to be ,,,,,not so polite. Not to say they didnt act like gentleman when times called for it, but times just seemed to call for it less

I have lived in the USA forty years, and I would say the general difference I noted is that brits are much more likely to know history and geography(as it pertains to the US) than Americans are.

otherwise, like sing said, you can find good and bad in people wherever ya go,,,,men included,,lol

no photo
Fri 03/25/11 05:27 PM

I know several British men and that doesn't sound like any of them. So, I wouldn't generalize based on one experience.

I agree

I occasionally chat on an international site where there really aren't that many Amerikaner and the brits are heaven

and funny as f@ck

no photo
Fri 03/25/11 05:30 PM
Edited by Tribbles on Fri 03/25/11 05:31 PM
This is just a simple case of gettin' ya head out the bit of foliage.

josie68's photo
Fri 03/25/11 05:32 PM
Yep, I have talked to both and both are great, they are both fun and have always been polite.
you just must have met a few drop kicks.

no photo
Fri 03/25/11 05:32 PM
I dated a British guy and work with several. "Strict" and "ungentleman" are certainly not words I'd use to describe them. Straightforward, yes. But, I think that's a good thing.

wux's photo
Fri 03/25/11 05:33 PM
There are weak and strong points to both.

Strong: Britons: an ability to laugh at Albanians. Correction: at all bunions. Amys: smell.

Weak: Britons: their spleens. Amys: International relations and an ability to be willing to see the picture, any picture, however big or small.

wux's photo
Fri 03/25/11 05:36 PM

I dated a British guy and work with several. "Strict" and "ungentleman" are certainly not words I'd use to describe them. Straightforward, yes. But, I think that's a good thing.

I dated one British girl in my entire life. She was both strict and ungentleman. I think that was a good combination. The only improvement possible over that would have been if she had been German.

axl_rose40's photo
Fri 03/25/11 06:59 PM

I have talk to men coming from USA and I'm already adjusted to way of life and culture. But seldom O talked to British one. I did have one encounter here his from England and I find him strict and straight forward and much of ungentleman. I just don't know much of British men in general.

My special someone is coming from the UK. Indeed he is a bit disciplined and outspoken but he is such a gentleman, the very reason I happened to have liked him a lot.

I have friends coming from the US and the reason I befriend them is because they are good individuals. Despite our differences, we've already established mutual respects for each other.

Have met people with not so acceptable traits (when it comes to my standards) from both the UK and US, in fact from different continents as well and have learned to stay away from them.

My point is, you may choose whom you wanna communicate with depending on the qualities that you see in them, but you can never identify them from where they're coming from. Each one is different individually, regardless of the demographic location they belong to. :smile:

no photo
Fri 03/25/11 07:08 PM
well said:thumbsup:

ladyvenus's photo
Fri 03/25/11 10:18 PM

well thanks to all your reply and comments i just hope i will meet more polite and kind British online since i have chatted to most American only. Not so much with Australian and German.

msharmony's photo
Sat 03/26/11 12:22 AM
just to further qualify my previous post

I thought on it further and Brits actually have several distinct cultures,,: welsh, irish, scot, and english

I was exposed to the Welsh,,,and most of them that I met feel the english are snooty and rude, and I only met a couple of those(english) who happened to be both snooty and rude.

Jess642's photo
Sat 03/26/11 01:30 AM
....hmmm...don't be chatting with Australian men, then...noway

For goodness sake!....generalising and categorising people by their country of origin would have me forever in a bikini, surfing, eating shrimp and drinking beer!scared (I'm Australian)

ALL people are diverse, and although there are atypical commonalities in many, it's too over simplified to say southern american men are gentlemen, englishmen are stuck up and pompous, irishmen are drunks and rowdy larrikins, and aussie men are idiots....and say 'Crikey' alot.

Each person you meet arrives with a lifetime of cultural, emotional and experiential accumulations...their character and personality has been honed by external and internal pressures.

As do you.

We are all unique...every single one of us....( I love that oxymoron!)winking

ladyvenus's photo
Sat 03/26/11 01:56 AM

Yes we are all unique. And I'm just hoping I will find a good unique man not the opposite. I'm sure that's what we all want in life. Cheers

dhska's photo
Sat 03/26/11 06:08 AM

For goodness sake!....generalising and categorising people by their country of origin would have me forever in a bikini, surfing, eating shrimp and drinking beer!scared (I'm Australian)

That actually sounds pretty good. If you'd like to spend your days on the country estate with cream teas wearing a bowler hat, then we could swap places ;)

wux's photo
Sat 03/26/11 06:16 AM

just to further qualify my previous post

I thought on it further and Brits actually have several distinct cultures,,: welsh, irish, scot, and english

Those are further subdivided.

Subdiversifications include: Nobility or nobs, grunge, Chancellorian, punks, English roses, walruses or walri, koockney (can't spell without the spell-checker obliterating this), Middlesex (those who do it the righteous way), Essex (the county for the too old and diabetics with ED), triple-secs, musicians, football players, cricket posts, croquettes and ex-croquettes, the Hills Angels types, blonde bombshells, Oxfordians, the Queen and her cronies, torture device manufacturers, the Gringriches, and the list goes on and on and on.