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Topic: Religion has a Negitive Affect to the Society
golden_rod's photo
Sun 03/20/11 01:01 PM
I think people put themselves into groups, and then feel Superior to others. I have seen this time and time again. I urge you to live in the present and forget about your fears. If life your life how you want to, you will be free and true to yourself. This is the only real way to happiness. Please yourself as much as possible and do it without being judged or judging others. Consider this, because religion will die out and new ones will spring up. So decide for yourself, what is good and what is bad. You are a judge just like everyone else. This world is full of hate, share some love.

CowboyGH's photo
Sun 03/20/11 01:12 PM

I think people put themselves into groups, and then feel Superior to others. I have seen this time and time again. I urge you to live in the present and forget about your fears. If life your life how you want to, you will be free and true to yourself. This is the only real way to happiness. Please yourself as much as possible and do it without being judged or judging others. Consider this, because religion will die out and new ones will spring up. So decide for yourself, what is good and what is bad. You are a judge just like everyone else. This world is full of hate, share some love.

Christianity does NOT make one superior to another, nor does it make one feel that way. We are all in the same boat, we all sin and fail God everyday. Again, no one is superior to anyone. God has instructed us to love everyone, including turning the other cheek if someone was to smack you right upside the head.

Kleisto's photo
Sun 03/20/11 01:15 PM

I think people put themselves into groups, and then feel Superior to others. I have seen this time and time again. I urge you to live in the present and forget about your fears. If life your life how you want to, you will be free and true to yourself. This is the only real way to happiness. Please yourself as much as possible and do it without being judged or judging others. Consider this, because religion will die out and new ones will spring up. So decide for yourself, what is good and what is bad. You are a judge just like everyone else. This world is full of hate, share some love.

Christianity does NOT make one superior to another, nor does it make one feel that way. We are all in the same boat, we all sin and fail God everyday. Again, no one is superior to anyone. God has instructed us to love everyone, including turning the other cheek if someone was to smack you right upside the head.

But you act as if you are superior, when you say only YOU have the truth, and anyone who argues against it is wrong.

golden_rod's photo
Sun 03/20/11 01:20 PM
By being the communal and isolated, Christians do feel superior because they feel "they" are going to "heaven" and "others" are NOT. That is the very essence of being unequal. This goes with any religion. Overall, it makes people less open to their own opinion and swayed heavily by the group. I find this as a "control factor", the best way to handle this would be to have individual views open for discussion. I find religious people less open minded, it may be the cause of a "world collapse" because ignorance and unawareness as a whole.

CowboyGH's photo
Sun 03/20/11 01:21 PM

I think people put themselves into groups, and then feel Superior to others. I have seen this time and time again. I urge you to live in the present and forget about your fears. If life your life how you want to, you will be free and true to yourself. This is the only real way to happiness. Please yourself as much as possible and do it without being judged or judging others. Consider this, because religion will die out and new ones will spring up. So decide for yourself, what is good and what is bad. You are a judge just like everyone else. This world is full of hate, share some love.

Christianity does NOT make one superior to another, nor does it make one feel that way. We are all in the same boat, we all sin and fail God everyday. Again, no one is superior to anyone. God has instructed us to love everyone, including turning the other cheek if someone was to smack you right upside the head.

But you act as if you are superior, when you say only YOU have the truth, and anyone who argues against it is wrong.

That statement is almost an oxymoron. When discussing something between two people, one will state it as THEY have the truth as will the other person in the discussion. No one is acting superior or anything, just they feel they know the truth. Why do people take a "discussion" so personal? If one doesn't wish to have a discussion and hear another's side of the story, I would suggest not discussing in a "general" religion forum for you will get discussion from all beliefs.

Kleisto's photo
Sun 03/20/11 01:23 PM

I think people put themselves into groups, and then feel Superior to others. I have seen this time and time again. I urge you to live in the present and forget about your fears. If life your life how you want to, you will be free and true to yourself. This is the only real way to happiness. Please yourself as much as possible and do it without being judged or judging others. Consider this, because religion will die out and new ones will spring up. So decide for yourself, what is good and what is bad. You are a judge just like everyone else. This world is full of hate, share some love.

Christianity does NOT make one superior to another, nor does it make one feel that way. We are all in the same boat, we all sin and fail God everyday. Again, no one is superior to anyone. God has instructed us to love everyone, including turning the other cheek if someone was to smack you right upside the head.

But you act as if you are superior, when you say only YOU have the truth, and anyone who argues against it is wrong.

That statement is almost an oxymoron. When discussing something between two people, one will state it as THEY have the truth as will the other person in the discussion. No one is acting superior or anything, just they feel they know the truth. Why do people take a "discussion" so personal? If one doesn't wish to have a discussion and hear another's side of the story, I would suggest not discussing in a "general" religion forum for you will get discussion from all beliefs.

When you're gonna claim that only you will be saved and others won't? Yeah that's a bit more personal then say......this actor is better than that actor.

CowboyGH's photo
Sun 03/20/11 01:24 PM

By being the communal and isolated, Christians do feel superior because they feel "they" are going to "heaven" and "others" are NOT. That is the very essence of being unequal. This goes with any religion. Overall, it makes people less open to their own opinion and swayed heavily by the group. I find this as a "control factor", the best way to handle this would be to have individual views open for discussion. I find religious people less open minded, it may be the cause of a "world collapse" because ignorance and unawareness as a whole.

Again don't know where you're getting this. Me as a Christian do not know if I will get to heaven or not. I know not of anyone whom will go to heaven, I know not of anyone who will not make it. That is not my place to make such a judgment. Just because someone has taken the belief of a Christian does NOT mean they will make it to heaven. For we will all face a judgment of things we did or didn't do through out our lives.

CowboyGH's photo
Sun 03/20/11 01:25 PM

I think people put themselves into groups, and then feel Superior to others. I have seen this time and time again. I urge you to live in the present and forget about your fears. If life your life how you want to, you will be free and true to yourself. This is the only real way to happiness. Please yourself as much as possible and do it without being judged or judging others. Consider this, because religion will die out and new ones will spring up. So decide for yourself, what is good and what is bad. You are a judge just like everyone else. This world is full of hate, share some love.

Christianity does NOT make one superior to another, nor does it make one feel that way. We are all in the same boat, we all sin and fail God everyday. Again, no one is superior to anyone. God has instructed us to love everyone, including turning the other cheek if someone was to smack you right upside the head.

But you act as if you are superior, when you say only YOU have the truth, and anyone who argues against it is wrong.

That statement is almost an oxymoron. When discussing something between two people, one will state it as THEY have the truth as will the other person in the discussion. No one is acting superior or anything, just they feel they know the truth. Why do people take a "discussion" so personal? If one doesn't wish to have a discussion and hear another's side of the story, I would suggest not discussing in a "general" religion forum for you will get discussion from all beliefs.

When you're gonna claim that only you will be saved and others won't? Yeah that's a bit more personal then say......this actor is better than that actor.

Again, I know not if I will be saved or anyone else will be, I know not if someone will not be saved or anyone else won't be.

golden_rod's photo
Sun 03/20/11 01:31 PM
I would like to be positive and have a world of positive energy, but the environment affects how everyone reacts. If you eliminated all negativity to one another, as "human being", there would be no more racism. I see aggressive groups formed in religion like the kkk, suicide bombers, hitter, recrudesce, and many, many wars. Unnecessary blood was splattered over "opinions" and I do not believe it is right to kill someone because of his/her words.

Overall, it's bad. People just need to learn to love themselves, then they will be in full power to love everything unconditionally. We, as the human race, can do anything if we are united in a common good. We can make the choice to be good to one another, not some supernatural "figure". Miracles are just phenomena in nature or figments of the individuals imagination.

golden_rod's photo
Sun 03/20/11 01:57 PM
I don't discriminate what you believe, I could care less. I don't agree with people urging others into their own beliefs, especially infants. People raise kids to think one way at the beginning of their lives. That's the only way of thinking they know. This is a social problem, people should believe in God based on their own experiences. I see countless amounts of people in religion just because that's what the majority is. People just want to fit in and be loved. But that doesn't require religion at all, just a good-hearted person. Believe what you want to believe, but don't form "unions" or "nations". It sways the democratic fiber of this country.

Just love, and be loved.

Forgive and forget.

The morals that are learned in religion are generally not bad, but the socially causes a "overall" negative energy to other Human Beings.

Example: United States "feels" superior to 3rd World Counties. So businessmen "steal" resources from them. We counteracts what we stand for. (You can catch a fish and feed someone once, or teach them to fish and feed them a lifetime.) These people are willing to work, they just need a little support from the "World Police", "Christian Ran". The hierarchy in the US is religious, and makes for negative events.

Just see people like a brother or sister.

AndyBgood's photo
Sun 03/20/11 03:19 PM
What you are speaking of happens on all levels of society. Religion in itself isn't the problem. It is people and human nature. Most people want to dominate and be on top. But in a world of the strongest survive people will group up with the person they think will increase their chances of survival.

Rome once upon a time was founded on teh very principles America was founded on but like Rome America lost sight of the values adn guidelines we used and changed them and the machine becamne too big and complicated to function correctly. Our leadership grants themselves special privelages and perks while the rest of us struggle for what we have. They live the life of opulence while we want to live opulently but can't afford it. Given credit we run to out live our means. Cliquish behavir starts in school and we are forced to endure its indoctrination into our way of life which I can argue has parallels to Chimapnzees at the root of human civilization.

Another part of the problem is Religion (Christianity especially) has been lying to us all along about evil and where it comes from. Evil is an innate part of us. We can to an extent control it but without it we would be easy prey with no real desire to live. When you look at a sheep as an animal there are a lot of places you will not see them in nature. They tend to live hwere predators do not. Unlike Gazelles which live among their predators sheep have the protection of humans. Without it they are easy pickings for any wolf or any other mid to large size predator where a gazelle actually has half a chance becasue they can RUN like their azzes are on fire when they need to. Sheep can run but not that fast. Sheep like mountains and very hilly terrain. Places where a predator is loath to hunt. But overasll a sheep is not a very surviveable animal. At least not without help. Compare a sheep to a pig. Pigs are gutteral in comaparison BUT how many mountain lions screw with wild pigs? Pigs are extremely surviveable. If anything they are living tanks. The one thing that sets a human apart is the fact we have hands adn the capacity to create and build. Unfortunately this also gives us a capacity to deem ourselves superior to others. On top of all of that mess humans are also fearful creatures. One fear of a social creature is being alone adn people want to fit in somewhere. Ferar is likewise another human evil we don't understand opr appreciate. A little fear keeps us on our toes ansd paying attention for possible bad. Too much and we become paranoid adn xenophobic. And that is where we become irrational, yet another evil!

It is not religion that is a negative influence, it is humanity itself that is the negative influence. Blaming the devil for evil is ludicrous if God created everything. God made evil. IN that God cannot be all good and love. God also has to be evil as well to know what hate and evil are too. A Christian cannot see both sides of the coin becasue they fear the other side. It is SO easy to blame the other guy (the Devil) for personal shortcomings when he cannot defend himself of the accusation.

msharmony's photo
Sun 03/20/11 03:31 PM

By being the communal and isolated, Christians do feel superior because they feel "they" are going to "heaven" and "others" are NOT. That is the very essence of being unequal. This goes with any religion. Overall, it makes people less open to their own opinion and swayed heavily by the group. I find this as a "control factor", the best way to handle this would be to have individual views open for discussion. I find religious people less open minded, it may be the cause of a "world collapse" because ignorance and unawareness as a whole.

Christians are far from isolated being there are billions upon the earth. People feel superior to others sometimes and sometimes they dont,,that would be the case with or without religion. Christians are also sometimes extremely humble, Christians are sometimes extremely loving. Christians sometimes feel they are the only ones going to heaven, but nothing in scripture says that. Christians going by scripture probably feel like only God knows who will go to heaven and who will not and that it will be Gods decision.

I find that 'open minded' is something that most people think they are regardless of their beliefs. By open minded, they mean they will LISTEN to or READ anothers beliefs but it rarely means they will do much more than find what fits their own current beliefs and try to disregard what doesnt. This goes for HUMANS, whether they claim to be christian or not and is no more prevalent in a non christian than a christian.

I agree with everything said about how to live, but all of what was said is also part of being a christian so I dont see where one negates the other.

msharmony's photo
Sun 03/20/11 03:34 PM

I don't discriminate what you believe, I could care less. I don't agree with people urging others into their own beliefs, especially infants. People raise kids to think one way at the beginning of their lives. That's the only way of thinking they know. This is a social problem, people should believe in God based on their own experiences. I see countless amounts of people in religion just because that's what the majority is. People just want to fit in and be loved. But that doesn't require religion at all, just a good-hearted person. Believe what you want to believe, but don't form "unions" or "nations". It sways the democratic fiber of this country.

Just love, and be loved.

Forgive and forget.

The morals that are learned in religion are generally not bad, but the socially causes a "overall" negative energy to other Human Beings.

Example: United States "feels" superior to 3rd World Counties. So businessmen "steal" resources from them. We counteracts what we stand for. (You can catch a fish and feed someone once, or teach them to fish and feed them a lifetime.) These people are willing to work, they just need a little support from the "World Police", "Christian Ran". The hierarchy in the US is religious, and makes for negative events.

Just see people like a brother or sister.

the christians I know do just that, see others as brothers and sisters. As far as raising up children, children are to be GUIDED in some way, that includes raising them up in the way you think is healthiest for them, that is a job of a parent.

Abracadabra's photo
Sun 03/20/11 03:50 PM
AndyBGood wrote:

What you are speaking of happens on all levels of society. Religion in itself isn't the problem. It is people and human nature. Most people want to dominate and be on top. But in a world of the strongest survive people will group up with the person they think will increase their chances of survival.

That may be true, but there's a huge difference between arrogant people who are simply arrogant because of their own views and opinions and arrogant people who act like God supports their arrogance. laugh

If a person is behaving arrogantly, or judgmentally simply because they have an opinion, you can just shrug them off as being an azz.

But when people judge you in the NAME OF GOD, they are then under the pretense that it's not THEM who is doing the "judging" but rather it's God.

"If you refuse to accept Jesus Christ as your savior and support Christianity to the hilt, GOD is going to HATE you. Not lil'ol me" flowerforyou

I love you. smooched I just want to help you. :angel:

God is the one who thinks your are a perverted heathen idiot.

Not me. :angel:

That's the difference Andy.

Arrogance in the name of a mortal ego we can laugh at.

But arrogance in the name of God is truly pathetic. whoa

Abracadabra's photo
Sun 03/20/11 04:10 PM
Cowboy wrote:

Again don't know where you're getting this. Me as a Christian do not know if I will get to heaven or not. I know not of anyone whom will go to heaven, I know not of anyone who will not make it. That is not my place to make such a judgment. Just because someone has taken the belief of a Christian does NOT mean they will make it to heaven. For we will all face a judgment of things we did or didn't do through out our lives.

I thought the Christian belief is that Jesus offers forgiveness for your sins?

Do you not trust him to forgive you?

Why should he be passing judgments on you if he has forgiven you your sins? What would be left to judge?

Unless you are unsure of your own sincerity of heart in accepting Jesus why would you fear that you might not be accepted by Jesus?

I thought that God rejects no one who comes to him?

So why would you fear that God would reject you if you believe that you have sincerely accepted God?

Why do you not have faith in God to accept you?

I have total faith that God will accept me, and I don't even believe that Jesus was the sacrificial lamb of God.

Here you are believing that Jesus was the your sacrificial lamb and you still have no faith that you will be accepted by God.

I can't imagine that too many Christians would want you as a preacher at their church.

All you're doing is conveying to people that you have absolutely no faith in Jesus at all.

CowboyGH's photo
Sun 03/20/11 07:14 PM

Cowboy wrote:

Again don't know where you're getting this. Me as a Christian do not know if I will get to heaven or not. I know not of anyone whom will go to heaven, I know not of anyone who will not make it. That is not my place to make such a judgment. Just because someone has taken the belief of a Christian does NOT mean they will make it to heaven. For we will all face a judgment of things we did or didn't do through out our lives.

I thought the Christian belief is that Jesus offers forgiveness for your sins?

Do you not trust him to forgive you?

Why should he be passing judgments on you if he has forgiven you your sins? What would be left to judge?

Unless you are unsure of your own sincerity of heart in accepting Jesus why would you fear that you might not be accepted by Jesus?

I thought that God rejects no one who comes to him?

So why would you fear that God would reject you if you believe that you have sincerely accepted God?

Why do you not have faith in God to accept you?

I have total faith that God will accept me, and I don't even believe that Jesus was the sacrificial lamb of God.

Here you are believing that Jesus was the your sacrificial lamb and you still have no faith that you will be accepted by God.

I can't imagine that too many Christians would want you as a preacher at their church.

All you're doing is conveying to people that you have absolutely no faith in Jesus at all.

I do trust in the lord. But nevertheless we are JUDGED for our actions we did or didn't take through our lives. We are not God, so we do not know the judgment we will receive. No matter how good YOU think YOU did. The only thing that matters is how good GOD thought YOU did through your life.

no photo
Sun 03/20/11 09:30 PM

AndyBGood wrote:

What you are speaking of happens on all levels of society. Religion in itself isn't the problem. It is people and human nature. Most people want to dominate and be on top. But in a world of the strongest survive people will group up with the person they think will increase their chances of survival.

That may be true, but there's a huge difference between arrogant people who are simply arrogant because of their own views and opinions and arrogant people who act like God supports their arrogance. laugh

If a person is behaving arrogantly, or judgmentally simply because they have an opinion, you can just shrug them off as being an azz.

But when people judge you in the NAME OF GOD, they are then under the pretense that it's not THEM who is doing the "judging" but rather it's God.

"If you refuse to accept Jesus Christ as your savior and support Christianity to the hilt, GOD is going to HATE you. Not lil'ol me" flowerforyou

I love you. smooched I just want to help you. :angel:

God is the one who thinks your are a perverted heathen idiot.

Not me. :angel:

That's the difference Andy.

Arrogance in the name of a mortal ego we can laugh at.

But arrogance in the name of God is truly pathetic. whoa

So I'll just shrug this off...

rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl

Abracadabra's photo
Sun 03/20/11 09:34 PM

Cowboy wrote:

Again don't know where you're getting this. Me as a Christian do not know if I will get to heaven or not. I know not of anyone whom will go to heaven, I know not of anyone who will not make it. That is not my place to make such a judgment. Just because someone has taken the belief of a Christian does NOT mean they will make it to heaven. For we will all face a judgment of things we did or didn't do through out our lives.

I thought the Christian belief is that Jesus offers forgiveness for your sins?

Do you not trust him to forgive you?

Why should he be passing judgments on you if he has forgiven you your sins? What would be left to judge?

Unless you are unsure of your own sincerity of heart in accepting Jesus why would you fear that you might not be accepted by Jesus?

I thought that God rejects no one who comes to him?

So why would you fear that God would reject you if you believe that you have sincerely accepted God?

Why do you not have faith in God to accept you?

I have total faith that God will accept me, and I don't even believe that Jesus was the sacrificial lamb of God.

Here you are believing that Jesus was the your sacrificial lamb and you still have no faith that you will be accepted by God.

I can't imagine that too many Christians would want you as a preacher at their church.

All you're doing is conveying to people that you have absolutely no faith in Jesus at all.

I do trust in the lord. But nevertheless we are JUDGED for our actions we did or didn't take through our lives. We are not God, so we do not know the judgment we will receive. No matter how good YOU think YOU did. The only thing that matters is how good GOD thought YOU did through your life.

How can you be so utterly ignorant of your own religion?

Do you have a CLUE what "FORGIVENESS" means?

If you have been FORGIVEN your sins, you will not be JUDGED for them because they have been FORGIVEN.

Here let me quote from your very own LORD:

Attributed to Jesus: "Judge not, and ye shall not be judged: condemn not, and ye shall not be condemned: forgive, and ye shall be forgiven:"

So unless you're feeling seriously guilty about judging others, and condemning others, and refusing to forgive others, why would you question your own salvation?

Do you not TRUST your Jesus to be true to his WORD? huh

Personally Cowboy, I think even as a non-Christian I have far more faith in Jesus than you do. Even though I see Jesus as a Mahayana Buddhist Bodhisattva, I still accept many of his spiritual teachings far more than you evidently do.

I think you can RELAX!

Maybe this is your problem. You seem to be so afraid that you won't live up to God's expectations that you have become an obsessive evangelist in the hopes that it might win you some brownie points or something.

That's all I can figure.

CowboyGH's photo
Sun 03/20/11 09:45 PM

Cowboy wrote:

Again don't know where you're getting this. Me as a Christian do not know if I will get to heaven or not. I know not of anyone whom will go to heaven, I know not of anyone who will not make it. That is not my place to make such a judgment. Just because someone has taken the belief of a Christian does NOT mean they will make it to heaven. For we will all face a judgment of things we did or didn't do through out our lives.

I thought the Christian belief is that Jesus offers forgiveness for your sins?

Do you not trust him to forgive you?

Why should he be passing judgments on you if he has forgiven you your sins? What would be left to judge?

Unless you are unsure of your own sincerity of heart in accepting Jesus why would you fear that you might not be accepted by Jesus?

I thought that God rejects no one who comes to him?

So why would you fear that God would reject you if you believe that you have sincerely accepted God?

Why do you not have faith in God to accept you?

I have total faith that God will accept me, and I don't even believe that Jesus was the sacrificial lamb of God.

Here you are believing that Jesus was the your sacrificial lamb and you still have no faith that you will be accepted by God.

I can't imagine that too many Christians would want you as a preacher at their church.

All you're doing is conveying to people that you have absolutely no faith in Jesus at all.

I do trust in the lord. But nevertheless we are JUDGED for our actions we did or didn't take through our lives. We are not God, so we do not know the judgment we will receive. No matter how good YOU think YOU did. The only thing that matters is how good GOD thought YOU did through your life.

How can you be so utterly ignorant of your own religion?

Do you have a CLUE what "FORGIVENESS" means?

If you have been FORGIVEN your sins, you will not be JUDGED for them because they have been FORGIVEN.

Here let me quote from your very own LORD:

Attributed to Jesus: "Judge not, and ye shall not be judged: condemn not, and ye shall not be condemned: forgive, and ye shall be forgiven:"

So unless you're feeling seriously guilty about judging others, and condemning others, and refusing to forgive others, why would you question your own salvation?

Do you not TRUST your Jesus to be true to his WORD? huh

Personally Cowboy, I think even as a non-Christian I have far more faith in Jesus than you do. Even though I see Jesus as a Mahayana Buddhist Bodhisattva, I still accept many of his spiritual teachings far more than you evidently do.

I think you can RELAX!

Maybe this is your problem. You seem to be so afraid that you won't live up to God's expectations that you have become an obsessive evangelist in the hopes that it might win you some brownie points or something.

That's all I can figure.

Not ignorant nor afraid of anything. But would one not have to be judged to see if they can be forgiven? We're talking about a judgment, not a sentencing or anything of such. Would it not have to be judged on weather one repented from the action they asked for forgiveness of? Or would you think it's as simple as "or lord sorry, please forgive me for killing that guy". Then the next week you kill another "oh lord sorry, please forgive me for killing that guy. We will still face a "judgment" in determining if our seeking was sincere or in vein. We will be judged on our sincerity in our asking for forgiveness.

no photo
Sun 03/20/11 10:15 PM

I think people put themselves into groups, and then feel Superior to others. I have seen this time and time again. I urge you to live in the present and forget about your fears. If life your life how you want to, you will be free and true to yourself. This is the only real way to happiness. Please yourself as much as possible and do it without being judged or judging others. Consider this, because religion will die out and new ones will spring up. So decide for yourself, what is good and what is bad. You are a judge just like everyone else. This world is full of hate, share some love.

you may not be thinking this out fully. if everyone decided for themselves what is good or bad, then someone may decide sleeping with someone else's wife is good (because it would be pleasing to them and i'm sure that they wouldn't judge the husband for getting mad). that is chaos. the world is disciplined my friend, and people conform to many different laws (civil, religious, etc.) and men have found many other laws (natural laws, scientific laws, laws of motion, laws of thermodynamics, etc.) and even if you were not to believe in those laws, they would still exist and you would conform to many of them, even unwillingly if you choose not to believe in such. if you believe that a higher power has set all these things in motion to act and interact with everything else and you want to praise such, cool. if not cool. but no matter if you believe or not the discipline has gone on way before, happens now, and may continue to go on well after you are gone

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