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Topic: Religion has a Negitive Affect to the Society
mylifetoday's photo
Sun 03/20/11 11:23 PM
I find it very interesting.

Generally what I hear is when someone says something like Golden_Rod's opinion, it is generally saying we should all love one another and get along. But if you have faith in something, especially Christianity, you are not welcome and you are wrong.

We should all hug, but lets beat down the Christians because they are just mean. They don't understand what acceptance and love is about because they have a notion of what is right and wrong that is different from mine and restrict me from doing what I want to do.

That reminds me of a news story I heard back in the 80s. There was a Priest that had a lot of youth excited about their faith and they had a lot of fun celebrating their faith in fun ways. Everyone of the teens they interviewed were really happy with it. Except one girl.

She said, "I shouldn't be made to feel bad for doing what I want to do."

That is the essence of Golden_Rod's argument. It isn't fair to be told what I am doing is bad because it feels good to me and makes me happy. As Ese says, that is chaos. His example of sleeping with another man's wife is an excellent example.

So, the question is, who is correct about what is right and what is wrong. Christians believe they know. Every other faith believes they know. And those that don't have faith believe that society in general makes those rules but they can be changed given the complexities of modern life. History is replete with examples of human societies that try to make rules to live by that fail when they start doing what makes them happy.

We are our own worst stewards. Proven by gathering 10 people at random and have them agree on rules of society. Throw abortion and same sex marriage in the question and you will quickly find a divided heated argument where there will be no settlement.

There is one right and one wrong side to every question. And that does not change just because our society gets more "open minded."

Being human, we know we have things wrong. No person is perfect, which means no set of rules created by humans can be perfect. No group, whether Christian, Hindu, Muslim or Secular is correct on everything. I believe the reverse is also true. No group is wrong about everything either. We just need to listen as there is truth in what everyone believes, just as their is wrong in them as well.

freakyshiki2009's photo
Mon 03/21/11 08:37 AM
For what it is worth, as a Christian, I do not feel superior to anybody. I am grateful that God has given me grace to make His presence known to me. I am so thankful that I will be spending eternity with Him.

CowboyGH's photo
Mon 03/21/11 08:39 AM

For what it is worth, as a Christian, I do not feel superior to anybody. I am grateful that God has given me grace to make His presence known to me. I am so thankful that I will be spending eternity with Him.

AMEN!! We all have our faults. But Jesus offers forgiveness and strength to overcome any obstacle.

ShiningArmour's photo
Mon 03/21/11 09:20 AM
I think everyone has a belief. We see it every day.

Politics! The republicans believe one thing and the democrats believe another. Both sides think they are right. And the other is wrong.

It's the same way with Christians and atheists (Or other religions) The Christians say that they are right and the only way to heaven is to follow the rules put forth by the owner of heaven (God)

The other guys think something else entirely.

Just like in politics when one side says the other is wrong, it creates one of two things, Whining about how the accusing side is a meanie and a bully (Which is really just a cop out) OR Arguing about how they are right and the accuser is wrong.

In the end as far as message boards go, it's best to stay on topic and keep opinions to yourself! (No offense)

If the thread is about satanic worship and you are say a christian then you have no place in that thread. And your argument will start only problems.

Just like the satanic worshiper should stay out of the christian thread. And Both of them should stay out of the Buddhist thread.

When you get down to it. All arguing does is re inforce the idea that You are right and the other guy is wrong.

Example: Guy one: God is fake!
Guy 2: No he is not!

Now guy 2 has just told himself and the other guy God is real. He has reinforced in his own mind that God is real and that he is right. By this logic this argument will never end.

Unless we introduce undeniable proof that yes God is real or NO he is not. We have to proof for either. So this argument will never stop.

Which is why its better to keep out of threads that you will argue against :wink:

mylifetoday's photo
Mon 03/21/11 11:15 AM

I think everyone has a belief. We see it every day.

Politics! The republicans believe one thing and the democrats believe another. Both sides think they are right. And the other is wrong.

It's the same way with Christians and atheists (Or other religions) The Christians say that they are right and the only way to heaven is to follow the rules put forth by the owner of heaven (God)

The other guys think something else entirely.

Just like in politics when one side says the other is wrong, it creates one of two things, Whining about how the accusing side is a meanie and a bully (Which is really just a cop out) OR Arguing about how they are right and the accuser is wrong.

In the end as far as message boards go, it's best to stay on topic and keep opinions to yourself! (No offense)

If the thread is about satanic worship and you are say a christian then you have no place in that thread. And your argument will start only problems.

Just like the satanic worshiper should stay out of the christian thread. And Both of them should stay out of the Buddhist thread.

When you get down to it. All arguing does is re inforce the idea that You are right and the other guy is wrong.

Example: Guy one: God is fake!
Guy 2: No he is not!

Now guy 2 has just told himself and the other guy God is real. He has reinforced in his own mind that God is real and that he is right. By this logic this argument will never end.

Unless we introduce undeniable proof that yes God is real or NO he is not. We have to proof for either. So this argument will never stop.

Which is why its better to keep out of threads that you will argue against :wink:

I agree totally.

I am a Christian and have a very strong faith.

I learned a long time ago that it is pointless to argue with someone that does not believe. They will refuse to believe regardless of what you say. And the more you insist you are right, the more convinced they are that they are right.

Live by example. You can put the word out and point out obvious wrongs (such as Jesus is a zombie) but any more than that is pointless. Say your piece and get out. Don't get tempted into a never ending debate. The argument will just become more heated which is contrary to the Christian faith.

Just remember one thing. "Pearls before swine."

He never says don't talk. But He does say walk away when they won't listen.

And in this thread, the focus is on how religion is bad and should and will become obsolete. I don't see that ever happening. Even if all other religions in the world disappear, read up on the Muslim faith. That will never go away.

So whose rules do we want to live by in general? Because make no mistake, people run government. What they believe will always have an impact on their decisions.

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