Topic: The Lesson Of Japans Disaster
Dragoness's photo
Sat 03/19/11 08:47 PM
The lessons learned so far are nothing new. Nuclear power is suicide to us humans but we already knew this. Mother nature ain't no joke and we already knew that too.

Personally, living close to the ocean seems to be a bit dangerous is one I learned so far.

Hopefully the Japanese will either learn and share the capability to control these plants in all situations. Since we can't seem to stop trying to kill ourselves with radiation.

s1owhand's photo
Sat 03/19/11 11:01 PM

The lessons learned so far are nothing new. Nuclear power is suicide to us humans but we already knew this. Mother nature ain't no joke and we already knew that too.

Personally, living close to the ocean seems to be a bit dangerous is one I learned so far.

Hopefully the Japanese will either learn and share the capability to control these plants in all situations. Since we can't seem to stop trying to kill ourselves with radiation.

Nuclear power is hardly suicide. You might as well say that driving
a car is suicide or that eating food is suicide since much more people
die every day from automobiles or food poisioning than have died from
nuclear power in total since the discovery of nuclear fission!


Living near the ocean is dangerous but so is living in Phoenix. How
about that smog and skin cancer due to sun?


How about those tornadoes in OK and in the midwest?


We live with risk all the time. Fact is that the odds of being hit
by lightning are far greater than being killed by nuclear power.
So stop the hysteria and panic and be realistic about the dangers
we face. If you don't want to live near the shore then that is

But if you decide to lock yourself in a home-made 1950's era
fallout shelter and stop going outside to avoid sun exposure or
the risk of lightning or automobiles then you will have finally
discovered the joy of the paranoia of Howard Hughes. I'd expect that
you wear rubber gloves, wash compulsively and have kleenex boxes
on your feet to protect against contamination with e. coli & MRSA...

Is that you, Howard?!?


Atlantis75's photo
Sat 03/19/11 11:12 PM
The lesson to be learned is don't trust corrupt people with nuclear reactors:

Fukushima nuclear plant owner falsified inspection records

The second lesson to be learned is, listen to scientists:

Fukushima: Mark 1 Nuclear Reactor Design Caused GE Scientist To Quit In Protest (35 years ago)

s1owhand's photo
Sat 03/19/11 11:17 PM

The lesson to be learned is don't trust corrupt people with nuclear reactors:

Fukushima nuclear plant owner falsified inspection records

The second lesson to be learned is, listen to scientists:

Fukushima: Mark 1 Nuclear Reactor Design Caused GE Scientist To Quit In Protest (35 years ago)

You are closer with these two. Except - these lessons were already
learned BEFORE this disaster.


The design flaws which were protested by that GE scientist were
already corrected by a retrofit of the Mark I reactors years ago.

The TEPCO mismanagement was already aired and prosecuted in Japan
so they were not trusted.


There are lessons of course. But not those. They had already been


Atlantis75's photo
Sat 03/19/11 11:23 PM
almost forgot.

How about

Not building nuclear plants on faulty lines and the most earthquake prone country on the entire planet? Japan has a horrible record with earthquakes, that's why they used to make their houses out of paper and balsa.

s1owhand's photo
Sat 03/19/11 11:30 PM
Edited by s1owhand on Sat 03/19/11 11:37 PM

almost forgot.

How about

Not building nuclear plants on faulty lines and the most earthquake prone country on the entire planet? Japan has a horrible record with earthquakes, that's why they used to make their houses out of paper and balsa.

Knew that one already too BEFORE the latest earthquake and tsunami.
Check out the 869 Sanriku Tsunami....yep...9th century and documented.

Chazster's photo
Sun 03/20/11 01:58 AM

almost forgot.

How about

Not building nuclear plants on faulty lines and the most earthquake prone country on the entire planet? Japan has a horrible record with earthquakes, that's why they used to make their houses out of paper and balsa.

Lets see, maybe because most of the Earthquakes in Japan are not strong enough to damage the reactors. I mean this earthquake was only the most powerful in Japans history. It was also the 7th most powerful in the history of the world.

elias_gentleman's photo
Sun 03/20/11 06:19 AM
personaly think that US made this incident with Harp (you can find out more about it with googling HARP)to deflect the mines from events of meadle east specially bahrain and libya. now a real tragedic incident is hppening in bahrain. saudi arabia's army with order of US is killing a lot of bahrainies and all the western medias are silent.
US government do it's best to save it's benefits in meadle east. specially he want prevent Iran to have more active role in ME.for this goal even he is ready to kill japanese ,bahrainies and libians.

willing2's photo
Sun 03/20/11 09:29 AM

almost forgot.

How about

Not building nuclear plants on faulty lines and the most earthquake prone country on the entire planet? Japan has a horrible record with earthquakes, that's why they used to make their houses out of paper and balsa.

I know of 2 that are on or very close to fault lines.
Hanford in Wa. and one on a man-made island just a few feet off the coast in So. Cal

Bestinshow's photo
Sun 03/20/11 09:50 AM

The lessons learned so far are nothing new. Nuclear power is suicide to us humans but we already knew this. Mother nature ain't no joke and we already knew that too.

Personally, living close to the ocean seems to be a bit dangerous is one I learned so far.

Hopefully the Japanese will either learn and share the capability to control these plants in all situations. Since we can't seem to stop trying to kill ourselves with radiation.

Nuclear power is hardly suicide. You might as well say that driving
a car is suicide or that eating food is suicide since much more people
die every day from automobiles or food poisioning than have died from
nuclear power in total since the discovery of nuclear fission!


Living near the ocean is dangerous but so is living in Phoenix. How
about that smog and skin cancer due to sun?


How about those tornadoes in OK and in the midwest?


We live with risk all the time. Fact is that the odds of being hit
by lightning are far greater than being killed by nuclear power.
So stop the hysteria and panic and be realistic about the dangers
we face. If you don't want to live near the shore then that is

But if you decide to lock yourself in a home-made 1950's era
fallout shelter and stop going outside to avoid sun exposure or
the risk of lightning or automobiles then you will have finally
discovered the joy of the paranoia of Howard Hughes. I'd expect that
you wear rubber gloves, wash compulsively and have kleenex boxes
on your feet to protect against contamination with e. coli & MRSA...

Is that you, Howard?!?


Funny I said the same thing about terrorism yet we are fighting wars and subjecting ourselves to virtual stripdowns at the air ports, etc etc. We are a nation of rubes.

willing2's photo
Sun 03/20/11 10:16 AM

Funny I said the same thing about terrorism yet we are fighting wars and subjecting ourselves to virtual stripdowns at the air ports, etc etc. We are a nation of rubes.

You've posed the situation.
What solution do you bring?

Mena54's photo
Sun 03/20/11 12:04 PM
Hello, it is funny that you do not look at the charieties such as the red cross and others even starbucks who have sent 1 million to aid. the giovernment is mostly in the way making sure their territory is not compromised while the people are aided by big corportions setting up phone lines aid in all of the catagories that is needed. quietly with out the press but look close and you will see them. go to that tv channel shows the effort. Big government is YOUR friend so how have they helped you? I am open to learn. Just a thoughtlove

Mena54's photo
Sun 03/20/11 12:07 PM
Wheigh the good this low cost abundant electricity for how many years to the cost. everything has costs, as we move to the future all advances have come with a prioce, doing without to avoid cost has a cost as well. how about loss of life due to the lack of innovation?love

willing2's photo
Sun 03/20/11 01:01 PM

Wheigh the good this low cost abundant electricity for how many years to the cost. everything has costs, as we move to the future all advances have come with a prioce, doing without to avoid cost has a cost as well. how about loss of life due to the lack of innovation?love

When it comes down to it, there could be free power. The Gov. would find a way to tax and make a profit off it.

Japan is in some deep doo-doo.

Again, everything I've ever had that was stamped "Made in Japan" was junk.

Bestinshow's photo
Sun 03/20/11 04:41 PM
Edited by Bestinshow on Sun 03/20/11 04:46 PM

Funny I said the same thing about terrorism yet we are fighting wars and subjecting ourselves to virtual stripdowns at the air ports, etc etc. We are a nation of rubes.

You've posed the situation.
What solution do you bring?
I think 911 should have been investigated for the crime it was and not an act of war by another government.

However it being to late for that, we have allready created
hate for america ten fold by our wars in the middle east we now are forced to watch our back present time.

I have to think though that if we turned Bush and Cheney over to the world court and allowed evidence to be presented against them and allowed them to be tried and punished most of the world would forgive us.

s1owhand's photo
Mon 03/21/11 04:58 AM
Edited by s1owhand on Mon 03/21/11 05:00 AM

Funny I said the same thing about terrorism yet we are fighting wars and subjecting ourselves to virtual stripdowns at the air ports, etc etc. We are a nation of rubes.

You've posed the situation.
What solution do you bring?
I think 911 should have been investigated for the crime it was and not an act of war by another government.

However it being to late for that, we have allready created
hate for america ten fold by our wars in the middle east we now are forced to watch our back present time.

I have to think though that if we turned Bush and Cheney over to the world court and allowed evidence to be presented against them and allowed them to be tried and punished most of the world would forgive us.

rant oops offtopic

911 was investigated as a crime - but it didn't take too much
investigation to determine the responsible parties as al-Qaida


Again another big militant radical Islamic party to celebrate
the killing of thousands of innocent Americans (and a few other
nationalities of course).


There was never any doubt about who was responsible for the
Al-Qaida 911 attacks. The only question was how best to respond
to thwart any new attacks. The method chosen as a defense was to
rout Al-Qaida and their Taliban hosts and collaborators in
Afghanistan and Pakistan and elsewhere and many of those responsible
have been captured and killed. Is it a costly war? Certainly.
Was it enough? Was it worth it? No one can honestly answer these
questions. However it is clear that to do a lesser job would invite
more heinous attacks by Al-Qaida, Hezbollah and Hamas etc. on this country.

Bestinshow's photo
Mon 03/21/11 03:12 PM

Funny I said the same thing about terrorism yet we are fighting wars and subjecting ourselves to virtual stripdowns at the air ports, etc etc. We are a nation of rubes.

You've posed the situation.
What solution do you bring?
I think 911 should have been investigated for the crime it was and not an act of war by another government.

However it being to late for that, we have allready created
hate for america ten fold by our wars in the middle east we now are forced to watch our back present time.

I have to think though that if we turned Bush and Cheney over to the world court and allowed evidence to be presented against them and allowed them to be tried and punished most of the world would forgive us.

rant oops offtopic

911 was investigated as a crime - but it didn't take too much
investigation to determine the responsible parties as al-Qaida


Again another big militant radical Islamic party to celebrate
the killing of thousands of innocent Americans (and a few other
nationalities of course).


There was never any doubt about who was responsible for the
Al-Qaida 911 attacks. The only question was how best to respond
to thwart any new attacks. The method chosen as a defense was to
rout Al-Qaida and their Taliban hosts and collaborators in
Afghanistan and Pakistan and elsewhere and many of those responsible
have been captured and killed. Is it a costly war? Certainly.
Was it enough? Was it worth it? No one can honestly answer these
questions. However it is clear that to do a lesser job would invite
more heinous attacks by Al-Qaida, Hezbollah and Hamas etc. on this country.

From the FBI "Most Wanted" page:
Usama Bin Laden is wanted in connection with the August 7, 1998, bombings of the United States Embassies in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, and Nairobi, Kenya. These attacks killed over 200 people. In addition, Bin Laden is a suspect in other terrorist attacks throughout the world.

9/11 is curiously absent. The list of charges:

Again, no charges of conspiracy or an attack within the US.
4 years ago Report Abuse Asker's Rating: Asker's Comment: i've never seen anything that even links him to the crime. except that guy dressed up like him taking all the credit. the first osama said he didnt do it

strange isnt it? and of course the topic for a differant thread. H

AdventureBegins's photo
Mon 03/21/11 08:54 PM

Wheigh the good this low cost abundant electricity for how many years to the cost. everything has costs, as we move to the future all advances have come with a prioce, doing without to avoid cost has a cost as well. how about loss of life due to the lack of innovation?love

When it comes down to it, there could be free power. The Gov. would find a way to tax and make a profit off it.

Japan is in some deep doo-doo.

Again, everything I've ever had that was stamped "Made in Japan" was junk.

balderdash... Some of the stuff made in japan you can't even see the label...

Like most of the internal working parts of your cell phone, american made stereos, entertainment systems and other such electronic devices.

Watch as more and more American manufactures are required to shut down or curtail because of lack of parts.

The world is a global thing (whether you like it or not).

Chazster's photo
Mon 03/21/11 10:04 PM
Stuff coming out of Japan junk? Toyotas and Hondas are junk? Sony Nintendo? Junk? Parts for samsung and LG come from Japan. Junk? The list goes on and on.

boi69's photo
Thu 03/24/11 09:50 AM
the lesson to be learned is that we are to dependent on foreign and nuclear energy. Therefore lets keep that research steady on alternative energies.