Topic: The Lesson Of Japans Disaster
heavenlyboy34's photo
Sat 03/12/11 09:16 PM

Free market is constrained by the need to maintain a margin of profit to stay in business... DUH!

Government is not... and can therefore step into such a situation. (watch that bottom line though... Government can only provide so much and still take care of its responsibilities to its citizens)

Charitable acts are an individual action.
Why DUH? I don't think you read the original point of this thread. We all agree, I think. You, me and Bestinshow.

You missed the point of his post. The government can only "help" to the extent that it robs others of wealth that would have been more effective in the help effort. This is because government bureaucracy and waste dilute the value of said aid. (not to mention the government planners are among the most incompetent people in any given society)

AdventureBegins's photo
Sat 03/12/11 09:28 PM
you missed the point.

Japan has had a disaster.

It really does not matter what 'political' agenda you have.

God is greater.

Pitch in and help.

or watch the news.

But stop trying to use the situation to further 'political' bullpucky.

heavenlyboy34's photo
Sat 03/12/11 09:45 PM

you missed the point.

Japan has had a disaster.

It really does not matter what 'political' agenda you have.

God is greater.

Pitch in and help.

or watch the news.

But stop trying to use the situation to further 'political' bullpucky.

This is a good point, too. ^^ drinker

no photo
Sat 03/12/11 10:45 PM
I think the earthquake and tsunami that happened in the Indian Ocean is common knowledge.
Since when is it the function of the United States Government to provide for the general welfare of a foreign country? . . . haha.

United States Government- $950 million
Charitable donation - $1,875 billion
Free market - $0.00

But stop trying to use the situation to further 'political' bullpucky.

Japan is not in the Indian Ocean.
You should probably not be in these political forums during this time of your personal grief.

You missed the point of his post.
I think you need to read his post more carefully.
Free market is constrained by the need to maintain a margin of profit to stay in business... DUH!

Government is not... and can therefore step into such a situation. (watch that bottom line though... Government can only provide so much and still take care of its responsibilities to its citizens)
You need to work on your reading comprehension.
Japan has had a disaster.

It really does not matter what 'political' agenda you have.

God is greater.
I am an atheist. This is gibberish to me.

Bestinshow's photo
Sun 03/13/11 02:52 PM
Edited by Bestinshow on Sun 03/13/11 02:58 PM
I can just picture some of these tax cutting folks sitting on a roof of a building while flood waters rise around them wondering why no one is there to help and after years of defunding the government by refuseing to tax the most afluent among us blame the defunded government for its lack of aid.

heavenlyboy34's photo
Sun 03/13/11 02:57 PM
Edited by heavenlyboy34 on Sun 03/13/11 03:01 PM

I can just picture some of these tax cutting folks sitting on a roof of a building while flood waters rise around them wondering why no one is there to help them and after years of defunding the government by refuseing to tax the most afluent among us blame the defunded government for its lack of aid.

Taxing the "affluent" doesn't improve the regime's ability to provide aid. It only misallocates resources. As the nobel-winning F.A. Hayek demonstrated, central planners always fail in such tasks. (read especially closely Hayek's "The Road To Serfdom")

Bestinshow's photo
Sun 03/13/11 03:08 PM

I can just picture some of these tax cutting folks sitting on a roof of a building while flood waters rise around them wondering why no one is there to help them and after years of defunding the government by refuseing to tax the most afluent among us blame the defunded government for its lack of aid.

Taxing the "affluent" doesn't improve the regime's ability to provide aid. It only misallocates resources. As the nobel-winning F.A. Hayek demonstrated, central planners always fail in such tasks.
Oh come on you can do better than that. How about the TVA? How about ww2? Even tha Atomic Bomb was created by central planners. Seriously there is a financial crisis and it is our unwillingness to tax the wealthy that created it. They have gained the most from our society and its only fair and equitable to ask them to pay their fair share. It is the honest and patriotic thing to do. everyone else is forced to sacrafice except the guy in the private jet with a dozen vacation homes or the Paris Hiltons of the world.

damnitscloudy's photo
Sun 03/13/11 04:16 PM
I'm tempted to donate money to Japan just to piss everyone off in this thread. The lack of sympathy Here is scary

no photo
Sun 03/13/11 04:21 PM
I guess all political discourse is suppose to stop whenever there is a tragedy somewhere in the world. Why are you in this forum? Don't you have some mourning you should be doing?

Bestinshow's photo
Sun 03/13/11 04:25 PM

I'm tempted to donate money to Japan just to piss everyone off in this thread. The lack of sympathy Here is scary
I allready did. What are you grandstanding about? I purhcased girl scout cookies yesterday on my way to red lobster for dinner and this morning my girlfriend and I stopped at the store again were the girl scouts had a differant troop selling cookies at the door. I told them I purcdhased some yesterday and the young scout said "would you donate to aid the victims in Japan?" I pulled out a five.

Bestinshow's photo
Sun 03/13/11 05:26 PM
Edited by Bestinshow on Sun 03/13/11 05:27 PM

I guess all political discourse is suppose to stop whenever there is a tragedy somewhere in the world. Why are you in this forum? Don't you have some mourning you should be doing?
Its almost pointless to debate with most people. The republicans have defunded public eduaction for so long most people are too ignorant to even understand what is happening to them.

Dict8's photo
Sun 03/13/11 05:45 PM
Edited by Dict8 on Sun 03/13/11 05:52 PM
I hardly ever post in the politics forum. Mostly because I am not political, and also because I hate the whole hidden agenda, break down point-by -point thing that goes on in here. That said....all I want to say is.......Why? Why must people try to point blame for everything that happens? THIS disaster is a case in point. Trying to place blame on somebody for a natural disaster of un-preceedentd proportion. C'mon, folks...... I've been reading these posts and I just shake my head........ It's a NATURAL disater! Blame the Earth if you feel the need to blame something....O.K.?

Bestinshow's photo
Sun 03/13/11 05:52 PM

I hardly ever post in the politics forum. Mostly because I am not political, and also because I hate the whole hidden agenda, break down point-by -point thing that goes on in here. That said....all I want to say is.......Why? Why must people try to point blame at everything that happens? THIS disaster is a case in point. Trying to place blame on somebody for a natural disaster of un-preceedentd proportion. C'mon, folks...... I've been reading these posts and I just shake my head........ It's a NATURAL disater! Blame the Earth if you feel the need to blame something....O.K.?
No one is blameing anyone points are being made that disasers are normal and that only a well funded government can plan and prepare for them. Yes the topic has taken some turns but if you cant understand the topics or simpy wont understand them you should follow your own instincts and avoid makeing uninformed comments.

Dict8's photo
Sun 03/13/11 05:56 PM

I hardly ever post in the politics forum. Mostly because I am not political, and also because I hate the whole hidden agenda, break down point-by -point thing that goes on in here. That said....all I want to say is.......Why? Why must people try to point blame at everything that happens? THIS disaster is a case in point. Trying to place blame on somebody for a natural disaster of un-preceedentd proportion. C'mon, folks...... I've been reading these posts and I just shake my head........ It's a NATURAL disater! Blame the Earth if you feel the need to blame something....O.K.?
No one is blameing anyone points are being made that disasers are normal and that only a well funded government can plan and prepare for them. Yes the topic has taken some turns but if you cant understand the topics or simpy wont understand them you should follow your own instincts and avoid makeing uninformed comments.
Oh that yr way of implying that I might not be worthy of yr higher way of thinking? See? ANOTHER case in point..... Man, I am just as capable of analyzing what I see and hear as you are O.K.? Quit trying to be so freakin' SUPERIOR, man!!!!!!

Dict8's photo
Sun 03/13/11 05:58 PM
If YOU have all the solutions, for office or something.....smokin Using this disaster to platform yr agenda is just wrong......

no photo
Sun 03/13/11 06:12 PM
Edited by artlo on Sun 03/13/11 06:13 PM
Why are you here? The Japanese disaster hasn't even been mentioned since 2 pages back.

Dict8's photo
Sun 03/13/11 06:14 PM

Why are you here?
Cuz' what I feel I have a right to be....just as much as you do, man.

Dict8's photo
Sun 03/13/11 06:19 PM
...and, uh....correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't this thread called Lessons Of Japan Disaster?

no photo
Sun 03/13/11 06:22 PM
Sanctimonious people really give me a pain.

Dict8's photo
Sun 03/13/11 06:25 PM

Sanctimonious people really give me a pain.
Well....then you know how I feel. :wink: