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Topic: Are Atheists Open for a Chat?
wux's photo
Thu 03/31/11 03:19 PM

I wonder where the concept that the biblical lessons on SIN applied to animals and plants comes from?


Funny you say that. People don't dictate how animals should live in the wild. Christians don't tell the Hindi how to worship, and don't tell the Taoists how to live, before baptism. Muslims don't care what the Aboriginese in Papua/New Guinea are doing before converting to Islam.

But there is one religion that teaches the unbelievers how to live according to their god's will. They don't tell them to convert, but they do tell them how to live and what's expected of them.

Can you guess which religion it is? It is a world-class one, not a cult or a sect or a sort of Native worship with their little gods.

Im pondering,, teaches UNBELIEVERS how to live according to their GODS will....what what

what God would an unbeliever have? money?
is it,, capitalism?

Oh, dear!

Hint: this is a theist religion that tells the non-same-god believers how to act.

Jess642's photo
Thu 03/31/11 03:24 PM
25 years ago my then husband, and one year old son moved out of the bustling metropolis of Sydney to an amazing 5250 acre property with the intention of being self sufficient, or as close as we could get.

We raised our own stock, grew our own fruit, herbs and vegetables, and grains that were suitable to the area.

We had a big flock of geese, ducks, turkeys, chooks...(chickens), goats, meat, fleece and dairy goats, a pig, rabbits...and yes we did all our own butchery.

The country was only ok for cattle, so didn't raise many of them, ever...instead we swapped different meats with other people on properties in our neighbourhood.

I found the kills quite challenging, and difficult to justify humaneness...stoopid word!...although it was done.

I didn't eat meat, by choice, long before this period in my life, however, my children as they grew chose to, as well as my husband.

Minimising the violence and fear for the animal, surrounding the intentional killing of the animal, was the closest I could get to reconciling my personal feelings.

Kills were done at night, as quietly and gently as possible, in that the herds were not disturbed, a quick and efficient 22 shot, and a quiet removal of the body, with all butchering, dressing out of the animal done in the cool of the night.

Doesn't justify the killing....it was the most comfortable reconciling I could do to minimise the fear, and pain for the animal.

wux's photo
Thu 03/31/11 03:25 PM

this is like playing who wants to be a millionaire

why do they always make you wait so long for the correct answer tears tears tears sad frustrated

Okay. You guys can't stend suspense. You are chicken. You were hand-raised, and you snuggled up to your mamas' and papas' palms.

So here is the answer:

Judaism. In the talmud (not the torah, but the talmud which is the 28000 pages guide to the torah, teaching how to exactly interpret the laws) it is prescribed for the Gentile how to act and behave. The gentiles are asked, not commanded, to heed to the set of very neatly written out instructions.

Jewish theologians and religious philosophers figured that the Lord must have had SOME purpose in creating Gentiles, and therefore they owed the courtesy to pay homage to God too, for creating them, and this, the Gentile are told, can be achieved by following the rules for them written or pronounced by G-d to His scribes.

wux's photo
Thu 03/31/11 03:30 PM
Edited by wux on Thu 03/31/11 03:31 PM

I have wanted to raise some chickens for some time, but I have six cats and I would have to build a secure place for them. I would probably raise them for the eggs and make pets out of them. If I did that I doubt if I would be able to kill and eat any of them.

"It takes so totally more strength and courage to be cruel than to be nice." -- Dr. No, Mr. Evil, whatever his name was (Dr. Ho?) in "Enter the Dragon". It was actually probably the screenplay writer whose words these were.

My sister raised rabbits and chickens and she had to kill them herself after her husband left. She had little choice because that was her food. She also raises pigs and sells and eats pork. It does take a lot of guts and strength to do the killing, but if it is done right, and quickly, it is not "cruel."

What it takes to be cruel is a sicko. laugh

I agree. The hardest part of killing an animal is dealing with all those guts. They are all over the place once they start spilling. If a little amount sticks out -- Don't pull!!!!! -- it's like pulling a thread in a knit sweater.

Signed: Sicko

P.s. I hear humans are not different. My uncle Balint was a vampire, he knew.

Redykeulous's photo
Thu 03/31/11 03:31 PM

Be sure to thank your food.

Before, or after, you kill it? flowerforyou


I always thank my food just before I eat it.
After all, it died so that I could live.

Truely - do you know there are some Native American tribes that invoked a ritual after a kill. It was to honor the beast and to thank it for giving up its life so that others could lived. They greived its death becasue they believed that it died honorable and without waste.

Any guess how much meat we waste (throw away) in the U.S.? Sad but when you feel like a god because you have the power to allow life so that the taking of it is at your desire, it becomes easier to understand how some humans can care so little about this planet.

wux's photo
Thu 03/31/11 03:38 PM

Be sure to thank your food.

Before, or after, you kill it? flowerforyou


I always thank my food just before I eat it.
After all, it died so that I could live.

Truely - do you know there are some Native American tribes that invoked a ritual after a kill. It was to honor the beast and to thank it for giving up its life so that others could lived. They greived its death becasue they believed that it died honorable and without waste.

Any guess how much meat we waste (throw away) in the U.S.? Sad but when you feel like a god because you have the power to allow life so that the taking of it is at your desire, it becomes easier to understand how some humans can care so little about this planet.

I wouldn't knock people for wasting food.

I saw once a snapping turtle feasting on a small guppie in an aquarium. The turtle snapped at the middle part of the fish, tore the part off the rest of the fish, which was two distinct parts now, the third distinct part, the mid-section, being in the mouth of the turtle, and the two end pieces fell to the bottom of the acquarium. There's waste: only one-sixths of the fish went to biologically good use. The other parts were wasted - not by man, but by animal.

Grass- and other plant feeding animals are also guilty of waste. Hampsters, for instance, will waste grain. They hoard the grain in their underground silos, and the grain goes bad. A hampter can collect several million times its own bodyweight in grain. I remember the story in my grade four reader, that they found a one-ounce hampster with two hundred kilograms of grain in his humongous storage hole. Most of the grain had rotted.

Redykeulous's photo
Thu 03/31/11 03:39 PM

balance is key
in biblical days food wasnt mass produced, it was EARNED

someone grew it or hunted it for their family or their village, it wasnt a globally managed commodity

so while killing animals is QUITE different from killing humans, the manner and balance involved is something to consider

animals KILL and eat each other, that is their natural end, to be eaten and to be killed, this MUST happen for the survival of animals

humans do not need to kill each other or eat each other for survival, it is much less their NATURAL end

Nicely put. Meat should not be a mainstay in our diet, we are better equipped to digest and utilize fruits and vegetables. Meat is the most minor part of our diet, and because it was for so long, it became a status symbol. If you ate bacon and hamhocks, or oxtail your were poor - everyone wanted steak. Now the number one cause of death in the U.S., in many developed countries is cariovascular disease causing heart attack. The body doesn't know what to do with all that animal fat, so it uses it to repair damage to the arteries. But if we don't give it all that fat, most people just develop very very thin layers of scar tissue.

Figured I use this moment to spread a little knowledge.

no photo
Thu 03/31/11 03:40 PM

Be sure to thank your food.

Before, or after, you kill it? flowerforyou


I always thank my food just before I eat it.
After all, it died so that I could live.

Truely - do you know there are some Native American tribes that invoked a ritual after a kill. It was to honor the beast and to thank it for giving up its life so that others could lived. They greived its death becasue they believed that it died honorable and without waste.

Any guess how much meat we waste (throw away) in the U.S.? Sad but when you feel like a god because you have the power to allow life so that the taking of it is at your desire, it becomes easier to understand how some humans can care so little about this planet.

I began doing this "thanking" one day while eating a lobster. It was so delicious and I dipped it into melted butter. YUM! I pictured the creature crawling along the bottom of the ocean. I was sad for a moment... then I closed my eyes and gave thanks to that delicious creature for being there for me to eat and for giving its life. .... and for being so delicious. :cry: :banana:

Redykeulous's photo
Thu 03/31/11 03:55 PM


If I hunt a man with the intent of killing him and I do so I will have commited murder.

If a man come at me with the intent of killing me or my children and I defend myself or my children so that he dies...

I have killed.

Thou shalt not commit murder is righteous (murder is done in anger or revenge).

but to kill in defense of ones children or family is self defense (defense of ones family is done because it must be).

We have been told to turn the other cheek though. So killing in "self defense" is still murder.

I have a questions.

In the bible there are laws about what kind of animal can be eaten and how it is to be killed and prepared. So hunting and fishing was obviously condoned.

But do you think that god would approve of breeding animals and keeping them in pens thier whole life, even force feeding them to make them fatter sooner and then sending them to mass slaughter without knowing how much waste there will be with this kind of action. And how much harm is done to the environment.

Wouldn't that be murder?

And what about hunting for sport? Isn't that murder or do you think that's the kind of fun god intended us to have with the 'other' creatures he's been given credit for creating?

Abracadabra's photo
Thu 03/31/11 04:00 PM
I confess that I'm a carnivore and I love eating meat.

I will also reveal that I consider it to be one of my greatest "sins".

It being a "sin" in the sense that I personally do not actually condone it.

You might ask, "Well if you don't personally condone it, then why do you do it you azz-whole!" laugh

We'll there are several reasons. One is that I was raised eating meat and didn't really give it much thought at that time. So I became used to it. After all I was raised as a Christian and it's the Christian belief that God provided the animals specifically for us to domesticate and eat. So I was originally taught that this was "God idea" not man's. (I was naive enough to buy into that back then)

Later, I began to study yoga, and I did indeed convert to a 'vegetarian'. Not a complete vegan. In fact, I grew all my own food in gardens. I even made my own flour from grain. But I did buy milk products and cheese. I also had chickens and ate eggs. I had no roosters so the eggs were infertile anyway. But I confess that I would cull a chicken on occasion too. So I wasn't truly dedicated to being a total vegetarian.

In any case, I ended up going to college and I could not longer live that self-sufficiency lifestyle, and I also found myself eating at fast-food joints. Try finding "meatless" dinners there. It's pretty darn difficult so I just resigned myself to eating what "society serves".

I've been back on meat ever since. Eating meat is also the lazy way out. It's just easier because you really need to go out of your way to try to become a vegetarian and even more so if you want to become a vegan.

My sister has been a vegetarian most of her life, and has recently become a full-fledged vegan. She even now gives up things like milk and cheese, etc.

In fact, she doesn't even eat any SOLID food anymore at all. None whatsoever. She DRINKS what she called "Green Smoothies". Basically taking vegetable products and blending them in a blender with fruit juices until it comes out in an ugly green slime.

That's all she lives on now. She won't "eat" anything else.

I feel like a horrible sinner in comparison. I deserve everlasting punishment for my evil carnivoristic ways. pitchfork

I really should start working toward the "Green Smoothie" thing.

In fact, I've been buying a lot of V8 vegetable juice lately in an effort to try to wean myself off the meat.

My sister thinks V8 vegetable juice is garbage and she won't touch it with a 10-foot pole. laugh

She has to have FRESHLY pulverize vegetable slime to be happy. happy

I like solid foods. I asked her if maybe I could just eat the veggies before she puts them in the blender?

But she says it's not as good for you that way because you stomach can't really break down the nutrients as easily.

So she's a GREEN SLIME proselytizer. laugh

Anything else is blaspheme! pitchfork

Redykeulous's photo
Thu 03/31/11 04:03 PM

Yesterday I held a new born chick in the palm of my hand. It looked at me with trust as if it thought I were its parent. It cuddled in the palm of my hand and went to sleep.

I think of that and wonder if I will see that next time I try to eat a chicken sandwich. :cry:

JB....I have raised all our hens from day old, and they are still as trusting as your gorgeous day old chicken. i walk into the pen and all my girls rush up...not for me, hahaha that would be egotistical!, obviously for their food, however, once their appetite is satiated, if I am squatted down, I have a number of hens that hop into my lap for a pat, brush up against me, and when I open their gate for them to forage, they tend to follow me around, scratching for bugs at my findertips in the garden, or around my feet.

The hens we keep, are for bug reduction, mulchers of the most voracious kind, eggs for my children...(unfertilised, we don't keep a rooster), and the best fertiliser available to us, in a suburban yard.

Their very simple trust swells my heart...and for me, I choose not to eat animals, certainly not for any biblical sinful reasons, or non biblical non-sinful reasons.happy

I have wanted to raise some chickens for some time, but I have six cats and I would have to build a secure place for them. I would probably raise them for the eggs and make pets out of them. If I did that I doubt if I would be able to kill and eat any of them.

JB - you can raise them. I live in inner city 'Indianapolis'. Just a block away, one of the neighbors built a terrific hen house. Looks about 8 foot tall and I never see the hens looking crowded at all. Mostly a fencing material but a very large wood coop on one side to get out of the weather and nest. So I know it can be done with little space.

Redykeulous's photo
Thu 03/31/11 04:08 PM

I have wanted to raise some chickens for some time, but I have six cats and I would have to build a secure place for them. I would probably raise them for the eggs and make pets out of them. If I did that I doubt if I would be able to kill and eat any of them.

I have 4 cats, and a fox terrier dog....9 hens...in an open topped pen, with a raised/elevated little hen house/coop.

I have one cat that is my shadow, he is fascinated by the hens, but has never touched them. As tiny newly hatched chickens they start their little safe life in a cat carrier cage on my back deck, (to protect them from snakes), then they progress to a 'chook tractor'...which is a contained, meshfloored cage..(kind of like a guinea pig/rabbit hutch), on rear wheels, which I wheel each day to a new patch for them to nibble on and scratch around in.

Once they are big enough to fight the pecking order of the main pen, they progress to there..

So rewarding, and so helpful with new gardens, they turn the earth for you, whilst fertilising it, eat all the little bugs around, and once plants are matured lightly prine the undersides...all whilst providing fresh organic eggs.

That is so awsome. My neighbors with the chickens must be environmentalists, a good portion of their yard next to the coop is garden, and they rigged for rain water salvage. I just moved here, and every day I pass their house I look for someone outside - so I can meet them and maybe exchange a few tips or more likely just get some.

Jess642's photo
Thu 03/31/11 04:10 PM

I have wanted to raise some chickens for some time, but I have six cats and I would have to build a secure place for them. I would probably raise them for the eggs and make pets out of them. If I did that I doubt if I would be able to kill and eat any of them.

"It takes so totally more strength and courage to be cruel than to be nice." -- Dr. No, Mr. Evil, whatever his name was (Dr. Ho?) in "Enter the Dragon". It was actually probably the screenplay writer whose words these were.

My sister raised rabbits and chickens and she had to kill them herself after her husband left. She had little choice because that was her food. She also raises pigs and sells and eats pork. It does take a lot of guts and strength to do the killing, but if it is done right, and quickly, it is not "cruel."

What it takes to be cruel is a sicko. laugh

I agree. The hardest part of killing an animal is dealing with all those guts. They are all over the place once they start spilling. If a little amount sticks out -- Don't pull!!!!! -- it's like pulling a thread in a knit sweater.

Signed: Sicko

P.s. I hear humans are not different. My uncle Balint was a vampire, he knew.

huh Is that condescension passed off as sarcasm?...or humour?

Completely baffled.. I am.

As to disposal of entrails, etc... dig a hole prior to the kill, and have the A frame, block and tackle, or hooks set up over the hole..

after the animal is bled out,the skinning and gutting is done, the hole is covered and a tree planted on it...

it isn't a huge messy situation, unless you have no idea what you are doing....simply a rather distasteful part of the process.

Jess642's photo
Thu 03/31/11 04:14 PM

I have wanted to raise some chickens for some time, but I have six cats and I would have to build a secure place for them. I would probably raise them for the eggs and make pets out of them. If I did that I doubt if I would be able to kill and eat any of them.

I have 4 cats, and a fox terrier dog....9 hens...in an open topped pen, with a raised/elevated little hen house/coop.

I have one cat that is my shadow, he is fascinated by the hens, but has never touched them. As tiny newly hatched chickens they start their little safe life in a cat carrier cage on my back deck, (to protect them from snakes), then they progress to a 'chook tractor'...which is a contained, meshfloored cage..(kind of like a guinea pig/rabbit hutch), on rear wheels, which I wheel each day to a new patch for them to nibble on and scratch around in.

Once they are big enough to fight the pecking order of the main pen, they progress to there..

So rewarding, and so helpful with new gardens, they turn the earth for you, whilst fertilising it, eat all the little bugs around, and once plants are matured lightly prine the undersides...all whilst providing fresh organic eggs.

That is so awsome. My neighbors with the chickens must be environmentalists, a good portion of their yard next to the coop is garden, and they rigged for rain water salvage. I just moved here, and every day I pass their house I look for someone outside - so I can meet them and maybe exchange a few tips or more likely just get some.

Hi Red....we have to have rain water catchment and storage in many parts of Australia....and although this council tells us we are not able to drink the pristine, fresh, chemical free, (in comparison) water, but can only SAFELY drink the treated underground, full of chlorine and flourides water...the contained/caught/stored rainwater is apparently only safe for our washing machines, toilets, and MUST not be used to drink...

and of course, we all comply to these regulations....(NOT)

Redykeulous's photo
Thu 03/31/11 04:34 PM
Edited by Redykeulous on Thu 03/31/11 04:38 PM

I confess that I'm a carnivore and I love eating meat.

I will also reveal that I consider it to be one of my greatest "sins".

It being a "sin" in the sense that I personally do not actually condone it.

You might ask, "Well if you don't personally condone it, then why do you do it you azz-whole!" laugh

We'll there are several reasons. One is that I was raised eating meat and didn't really give it much thought at that time. So I became used to it. After all I was raised as a Christian and it's the Christian belief that God provided the animals specifically for us to domesticate and eat. So I was originally taught that this was "God idea" not man's. (I was naive enough to buy into that back then)

Later, I began to study yoga, and I did indeed convert to a 'vegetarian'. Not a complete vegan. In fact, I grew all my own food in gardens. I even made my own flour from grain. But I did buy milk products and cheese. I also had chickens and ate eggs. I had no roosters so the eggs were infertile anyway. But I confess that I would cull a chicken on occasion too. So I wasn't truly dedicated to being a total vegetarian.

In any case, I ended up going to college and I could not longer live that self-sufficiency lifestyle, and I also found myself eating at fast-food joints. Try finding "meatless" dinners there. It's pretty darn difficult so I just resigned myself to eating what "society serves".

I've been back on meat ever since. Eating meat is also the lazy way out. It's just easier because you really need to go out of your way to try to become a vegetarian and even more so if you want to become a vegan.

My sister has been a vegetarian most of her life, and has recently become a full-fledged vegan. She even now gives up things like milk and cheese, etc.

In fact, she doesn't even eat any SOLID food anymore at all. None whatsoever. She DRINKS what she called "Green Smoothies". Basically taking vegetable products and blending them in a blender with fruit juices until it comes out in an ugly green slime.

That's all she lives on now. She won't "eat" anything else.

I feel like a horrible sinner in comparison. I deserve everlasting punishment for my evil carnivoristic ways. pitchfork

I really should start working toward the "Green Smoothie" thing.

In fact, I've been buying a lot of V8 vegetable juice lately in an effort to try to wean myself off the meat.

My sister thinks V8 vegetable juice is garbage and she won't touch it with a 10-foot pole. laugh

She has to have FRESHLY pulverize vegetable slime to be happy. happy

I like solid foods. I asked her if maybe I could just eat the veggies before she puts them in the blender?

But she says it's not as good for you that way because you stomach can't really break down the nutrients as easily.

So she's a GREEN SLIME proselytizer. laugh

Anything else is blaspheme! pitchfork

Abra, there are certain kinds of fats we HAVE to have. We also require a certain amount of protein which CAN come from the right combination of fruits and veggies so I can only assume your sister has that information (I hope). We also need fiber because excess oils and fats stick to it and it absorbs enough water to prevent constipation which is a concern with that kind of diet.

I've heard of these kind of liquid diets as cures for diseases, like cancers. Becasue the immune system is not functioning correctly, it is a good idea to put the food in the most digestable form - but that's pretty temporary. Tell you sister to get a ton information - especially about biology and the how the system digests and utilzes the food we give it.

- oh - edit here, I forgot to tell you about my aunt. She decided to follow a juicer regiment. She did some damage to her teeth (gum disease - we need to chew). She discovered that a few months after she stopped the liquid diet when the doctor told her that it was why she was loosing her hair.

Redykeulous's photo
Thu 03/31/11 04:55 PM

I have wanted to raise some chickens for some time, but I have six cats and I would have to build a secure place for them. I would probably raise them for the eggs and make pets out of them. If I did that I doubt if I would be able to kill and eat any of them.

I have 4 cats, and a fox terrier dog....9 hens...in an open topped pen, with a raised/elevated little hen house/coop.

I have one cat that is my shadow, he is fascinated by the hens, but has never touched them. As tiny newly hatched chickens they start their little safe life in a cat carrier cage on my back deck, (to protect them from snakes), then they progress to a 'chook tractor'...which is a contained, meshfloored cage..(kind of like a guinea pig/rabbit hutch), on rear wheels, which I wheel each day to a new patch for them to nibble on and scratch around in.

Once they are big enough to fight the pecking order of the main pen, they progress to there..

So rewarding, and so helpful with new gardens, they turn the earth for you, whilst fertilising it, eat all the little bugs around, and once plants are matured lightly prine the undersides...all whilst providing fresh organic eggs.

That is so awsome. My neighbors with the chickens must be environmentalists, a good portion of their yard next to the coop is garden, and they rigged for rain water salvage. I just moved here, and every day I pass their house I look for someone outside - so I can meet them and maybe exchange a few tips or more likely just get some.

Hi Red....we have to have rain water catchment and storage in many parts of Australia....and although this council tells us we are not able to drink the pristine, fresh, chemical free, (in comparison) water, but can only SAFELY drink the treated underground, full of chlorine and flourides water...the contained/caught/stored rainwater is apparently only safe for our washing machines, toilets, and MUST not be used to drink...

and of course, we all comply to these regulations....(NOT)

That's sad. Twenty years ago I had about an acre of land - not much but it was busy. I had a rack of purple grapes (made the best jelly), strawberries, several apple trees, two pears and a peach tree oh, and raspberry bushes. I grew some veggies in the summer and there were tons of flowers.

Several years after I moved I caught up with one of the neighbors. She admitted to me that they (the neighbors) use to laugh about me all the time and still talked about how I collected rain water and saved my dish water and wash water for the back yard. Not all the wash water, I did use some soap but if you soak dishes in scalding water they are just as clean as soap gets them and anything that was on the dishes was good fertilizer.

When I have some time, I'm going to look into a worm farm - the dirt is fabulously furtilized and all organic - great for my veggies.

wux's photo
Thu 03/31/11 05:27 PM
Edited by wux on Thu 03/31/11 05:31 PM

I have wanted to raise some chickens for some time, but I have six cats and I would have to build a secure place for them. I would probably raise them for the eggs and make pets out of them. If I did that I doubt if I would be able to kill and eat any of them.

"It takes so totally more strength and courage to be cruel than to be nice." -- Dr. No, Mr. Evil, whatever his name was (Dr. Ho?) in "Enter the Dragon". It was actually probably the screenplay writer whose words these were.

My sister raised rabbits and chickens and she had to kill them herself after her husband left. She had little choice because that was her food. She also raises pigs and sells and eats pork. It does take a lot of guts and strength to do the killing, but if it is done right, and quickly, it is not "cruel."

What it takes to be cruel is a sicko. laugh

I agree. The hardest part of killing an animal is dealing with all those guts. They are all over the place once they start spilling. If a little amount sticks out -- Don't pull!!!!! -- it's like pulling a thread in a knit sweater.

Signed: Sicko

P.s. I hear humans are not different. My uncle Balint was a vampire, he knew.

huh Is that condescension passed off as sarcasm?...or humour?

Completely baffled.. I am.

As to disposal of entrails, etc... dig a hole prior to the kill, and have the A frame, block and tackle, or hooks set up over the hole..

after the animal is bled out,the skinning and gutting is done, the hole is covered and a tree planted on it...

it isn't a huge messy situation, unless you have no idea what you are doing....simply a rather distasteful part of the process.

No harmful intentions... honest.

It was a runaway boyish "badness" that made me say these things.

But I'll stop from here on. I promise. I can't handle being misunderstood, for the words, for the intention.

Sorry. You are the second one this week who gives me hell while I felt I was doing "fun". What a rude awakening for me.

The only way I can be taken as not evil or cruel or boorish is if I don't say anything. I can't do that, however. Saying something is the only joy left in life for me.

The best I can do is select whom to talk to. Will that do for you? Because if you ask me to change my tone or subject matter, I will be at a loss as to identifying the thing that you ask of me.

no photo
Thu 03/31/11 05:30 PM
Wux's inner psyche's are a weird bunch... can't know when to take them seriously sometimes.laugh :wink:

AdventureBegins's photo
Thu 03/31/11 05:30 PM


If I hunt a man with the intent of killing him and I do so I will have commited murder.

If a man come at me with the intent of killing me or my children and I defend myself or my children so that he dies...

I have killed.

Thou shalt not commit murder is righteous (murder is done in anger or revenge).

but to kill in defense of ones children or family is self defense (defense of ones family is done because it must be).

We have been told to turn the other cheek though. So killing in "self defense" is still murder.

Turn the other cheek is for when a man slaps or strikes out... If he does so with a knife you bet I will do my best to feed it to him.

Turn the other cheek does not apply when someone is trying to KILL YOU.

I seriously do not understand how it is that this quote comes up so often as though it means a man must be a wimp...

There is a time for 'turning of the cheek' and a time for 'weilding of the sword'.

One you do when confronted by low level violence that the violence will not grow.

One you do so that your family will be safe.

msharmony's photo
Thu 03/31/11 06:13 PM


If I hunt a man with the intent of killing him and I do so I will have commited murder.

If a man come at me with the intent of killing me or my children and I defend myself or my children so that he dies...

I have killed.

Thou shalt not commit murder is righteous (murder is done in anger or revenge).

but to kill in defense of ones children or family is self defense (defense of ones family is done because it must be).

We have been told to turn the other cheek though. So killing in "self defense" is still murder.

I have a questions.

In the bible there are laws about what kind of animal can be eaten and how it is to be killed and prepared. So hunting and fishing was obviously condoned.

But do you think that god would approve of breeding animals and keeping them in pens thier whole life, even force feeding them to make them fatter sooner and then sending them to mass slaughter without knowing how much waste there will be with this kind of action. And how much harm is done to the environment.

Wouldn't that be murder?

And what about hunting for sport? Isn't that murder or do you think that's the kind of fun god intended us to have with the 'other' creatures he's been given credit for creating?

Honestly, I only equate MURDER with humans as it implies to me an intent to kill for killings sake and I believe animals are only instinctual and kill only for survival with no other MORAL dilemmas to consider.

hunting for sport, would be closest to murder IMHO because of the intent to do something that hurts without ANY survival value whatsoever.

I do believe God gave man rule over animals and plants though, so as much as I detest sports hunting, I also dont put it on quite the same bar as Murder of a human being.

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