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Sun 03/06/11 09:23 PM

scttggry81's photo
Sun 03/06/11 09:28 PM
Coming from a man's point of view...

If you're looking for perfection, stop looking. You'll never find it.

markc48's photo
Sun 03/06/11 09:32 PM
No. But I would a woman

IndnPrncs's photo
Sun 03/06/11 09:38 PM
Edited by IndnPrncs on Sun 03/06/11 09:38 PM
Teeth, good or bad are a preference... If you prefer blonde men over brunette men it's your choice and not for anyone else to say..

In my opinion it's not looking for perfection to want to date what you're attracted to... Unless of course you have an unrealistic list of what preferences..

And NO I wouldn't...

msharmony's photo
Sun 03/06/11 09:47 PM


probably not, its one area where I am pretty shallow

if IM gonna DATE ya, I probably need to want to kiss ya, and I cant see myself kissing a mush mouth

if they were open to repairing their mouth, however, the possiblity would be there that we could 'date'

scttggry81's photo
Sun 03/06/11 09:49 PM
It may be a point of preference, but teeth? REALLY? Some people can't afford to get their teeth fixed. Some people are born with abnormal teeth. Is that their fault and should it be used against them as a person? I'm lucky, I happen to be in the military and get dental work done for free. But then again, realignment and whitening and what have you, unless done for the physical structure of the teeth is considered cosmetic and not covered in the military. I don't know about you, but if I had misaligned teeth or had a disease that caused me to lose them, I'm not going to go out and spend thousands of dollars on getting my grill up to a woman's superficial standards. Hell there is even a disease out there that causes your teeth to rot out of your head from the day your born. I find it rather pathetic that somebody would hold something that is pretty much out of a person's control against them.

People wonder what the hell is wrong with this world, one of the things is people are to damn caught up on looks. What the hell you gonna do when you get old and wrinkly, kill yourself because you're not perfect anymore. Anybody focused that much on looks should save the gene pool and not pursue a relationship.

IndnPrncs's photo
Sun 03/06/11 09:55 PM

It may be a point of preference, but teeth? REALLY? Some people can't afford to get their teeth fixed. Some people are born with abnormal teeth. Is that their fault and should it be used against them as a person? I'm lucky, I happen to be in the military and get dental work done for free. But then again, realignment and whitening and what have you, unless done for the physical structure of the teeth is considered cosmetic and not covered in the military. I don't know about you, but if I had misaligned teeth or had a disease that caused me to lose them, I'm not going to go out and spend thousands of dollars on getting my grill up to a woman's superficial standards. Hell there is even a disease out there that causes your teeth to rot out of your head from the day your born. I find it rather pathetic that somebody would hold something that is pretty much out of a person's control against them.

People wonder what the hell is wrong with this world, one of the things is people are to damn caught up on looks. What the hell you gonna do when you get old and wrinkly, kill yourself because you're not perfect anymore. Anybody focused that much on looks should save the gene pool and not pursue a relationship.

You know scttggry81, it's fine if you want to date a woman with any kind of teeth or genetic makeup but it's NOT your place to decide that everyone should feel the same.. I put a lot of money and care into my teeth and while I don't expect perfection in a male counterpart I do expect to be attracted to him and WHATEVER it is about him or his teeth that attracts me or not is MY preference and has NOTHING to do with the STATE of the world today..

I'm thinking it's obvious you know nothing about reproduction of our ancestors b/c they chose people based on HEALTH! It's a lot of psych reading and understanding but it's been scientifically researched...

scttggry81's photo
Sun 03/06/11 09:59 PM
I'm not deciding what other people should do. I'm answering a damn question. Part of that answer is the fact that some people are way too superficial.

Be attracted to what you want, but if somebody is going to push somebody away for something out of their control then I guess they will find something wrong with everybody they meet. Too them I say, have fun being alone.

IndnPrncs's photo
Sun 03/06/11 10:01 PM
Edited by IndnPrncs on Sun 03/06/11 10:02 PM
I'm not sure the topic is about having something wrong with everyone you/we/she meets... It was about bad teeth... That is a preference... Not all preferences but one...

scttggry81's photo
Sun 03/06/11 10:02 PM
As a point of reference, I won't date a woman that is out of shape. That is something they can control, and it is a sign of character. If you cannot care about your own health and fitness it is irrational to think that they can care about me.

We all have preferences, but I don't base mine on things that are out of the realm of personal choice.

IndnPrncs's photo
Sun 03/06/11 10:05 PM
That is understandable but then again some people are not "shapely" b/c of genetices.. As is taking care of your teeth is the same.. Some just don't and you're right some are just born with crappy genetics... But should on ask "are you teeth shitty b/c you didn't floss or b/c you were born with bad genes?"

msharmony's photo
Sun 03/06/11 10:07 PM
Edited by msharmony on Sun 03/06/11 10:08 PM

I'm not deciding what other people should do. I'm answering a damn question. Part of that answer is the fact that some people are way too superficial.

Be attracted to what you want, but if somebody is going to push somebody away for something out of their control then I guess they will find something wrong with everybody they meet. Too them I say, have fun being alone.

bad teeth is not so common as to really be an issue, but it is enough of a turn off for me not to feel physical comfort

its very similar to bad breath

I dont SEE myself being able to stomach kissing someone under such a condition,,,rather it is their 'fault' or not, doesnt change what makes my stomach turn,,,

its not shallow, because I said nothing about not being able to be friends with or even care for them, its just going to be something that bars the PHYSICAL part,,,,

scttggry81's photo
Sun 03/06/11 10:10 PM
Fitness and health is beyond genetics. Anybody can be in shape, they just choose to do the work, make the effort, do what they have to to overcome what genetics doesn't hand them, or they don't. I'm not saying I want Halle Berry, I'm saying that I want a woman that is of the norm. Somebody who doesn't spend her whole day sitting on the couch eating nachos and watching Soaps. Teeth, you can take care of them as much as you want, but sometimes you just don't have control over it. One of my ex's had a daughter that's teeth are all going to fall out before she reaches adulthood, because her body doesn't produce enamel. She has no choice in the matter. No control. She will end up with implants because her mother's medical will cover the replacements.

IndnPrncs's photo
Sun 03/06/11 10:14 PM
I understand where you're coming from but did you ever stop to think that some people have to work out constantly to stay in shape and if they have demanding jobs they might not be able to? I have family members that are huge.. Why b/c it's in their genetics (step-family), I know if you don't know anyone in the situation you can't usually empathize but I've seen it so I can say it's not always about choosing to work out and eat healthy...

scttggry81's photo
Sun 03/06/11 10:20 PM
Edited by scttggry81 on Sun 03/06/11 10:22 PM
My mother has genetics against her, but she is out of shape because she always quits working out. Willpower. Genetics are against me, but I overcome them. I work 40 hours a week, and 90% of the time I would rather just sit on the couch and watch tv all night. But I make the effort, get off my ***, and workout. As I said, I'm in the military, so I am kind of required to stay in shape, but it is also a point of health. Staying in shape keeps you healthier.

There are millions of workout programs out there. Some you can do sitting in front of a computer screen at work. The problem I see with some people is they try to say "I'm big boned" "I don't have time to work out" The key to being fit and healthy is staying active, keeping that metabolism up, and giving a crap about it. You can come up with any excuse in the world as to why you're not in shape, but that is exactly what it is, an excuse. The reason is you don't want to find a way to overcome the excuse.

IndnPrncs's photo
Sun 03/06/11 10:22 PM
You're not wrong but not 100% right just like you don't think that teeth are all about flossing, being in shape is not all about making yourself workout...

msharmony's photo
Sun 03/06/11 10:24 PM

My mother has genetics against her, but she is out of shape because she always quits working out. Willpower. Genetics are against me, but I overcome them. I work 40 hours a week, and 90% of the time I would rather just sit on the couch and watch tv all night. But I make the effort, get off my ***, and workout. As I said, I'm in the military, so I am kind of required to stay in shape, but it is also a point of health. Staying in shape keeps you healthier.

There are millions of workout programs out there. Some you can do sitting in front of a computer screen at work. The problem I see with some people is they try to say "I'm big boned" "I don't have time to work out" The key to being fit and healthy is staying active, keeping that metabolism up, and giving a crap about it. You can come up with any excuse in the world as to why you're not in shape, but that is exactly what it is, an excuse. The reason is you don't want to find a way to overcome the excuse.

where there is a will there is a way , if it is true of physical health, it is true of dental health as well

scttggry81's photo
Sun 03/06/11 10:30 PM
Edited by scttggry81 on Sun 03/06/11 10:33 PM
How is it not? You sit on your butt all day, all your life, you're gonna be sitting in the doctor's office at some point. Any genetic fault, when it comes to fitness, can be overcome. Did you know that you can actually be a couch potato and be skinny? Carlos Mencia said it best, "The reason you're fat is because you got more going in your mouth than is coming out the other end." So, when somebody is sitting on the couch for 4 hours a night, watching TV and eating snacks, then turn around and complain that they don't have time to workout, I laugh at them.

I work out and hour a day, 6 days a week. I do it in my living room, using DVDs and some resistance bands. I don't go out and go to the gym, I don't do any special diets. But I pass my PT test with a 91.7%. All while working a 40 hour week, sometimes 56 hours a week. I sure as hell don't want to spend my limited free time burning 400-600 calories a night, but I do it anyways.

You find me one genetic trait, when it comes to fitness, that forces a person to be overweight and unhealthy and I'll eat my words. But every genetic trait, in terms of fitness, in this world can be overcome in one way or another, a person just has to choose to make the effort.

After that one is figured out, go tell my ex's 7 year old daughter she's gonna be unwanted because she has a genetic trait that she cannot overcome.

IndnPrncs's photo
Sun 03/06/11 10:33 PM
Sitting on the couch eating snacks for 4 hrs a night? WHO does that?? Really?

I'll find you the genetic trait. Being that we have BILLIONS of people in this world that won't be that hard..

As far as your exes child, that is not for me to tell her and quite unrealistic of you to even suggest...

Perhaps you can get past your tunnel vision to see BOTH sides rather than just your side... Just a thought....

msharmony's photo
Sun 03/06/11 10:36 PM
Edited by msharmony on Sun 03/06/11 10:37 PM

How is it not? You sit on your butt all day, all your life, you're gonna be sitting in the doctor's office at some point. Any genetic fault, when it comes to fitness, can be overcome. Did you know that you can actually be a couch potato and be skinny? Carlos Mencia said it best, "The reason you're fat is because you got more going in your mouth than is coming out the other end." So, when somebody is sitting on the couch for 4 hours a night, watching TV and eating snacks, then turn around and complain that they don't have time to workout, I laugh at them.

I work out and hour a day, 6 days a week. I do it in my living room, using DVDs and some resistance bands. I don't go out and go to the gym, I don't do any special diets. But I pass my PT test with a 91.7%. All while working a 40 hour week, sometimes 56 hours a week. I sure as hell don't want to spend my limited free time burning 400-600 calories a night, but I do it anyways.

You find me one genetic trait, when it comes to fitness, that forces a person to be overweight and unhealthy and I'll eat my words. But every genetic trait, in terms of fitness, in this world can be overcome in one way or another, a person just has to choose to make the effort.

After that one is figured out, go tell my ex's 7 year old daughter she's gonna be unwanted because she has a genetic trait that she cannot overcome.

she wont be unwanted, she will have prosthetic teeth in their place, which is much better than a mouth full of ROTTEN teeth,,,

people need strong healthy teeth to EAT and live, so IM SURE there are other alternatives for those with genetic issues so that they can still have a mouth that is healthy enough to chew and eat their food,,,

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