Topic: Religion and taking a life
quietman_arise's photo
Tue 03/08/11 04:40 PM
turns out that "Thou Shalt not Kill" is a mistranslation

what it really say is "Thou Shalt not Murder"

no photo
Tue 03/08/11 04:51 PM

turns out that "Thou Shalt not Kill" is a mistranslation

what it really say is "Thou Shalt not Murder"

Blah Blah Blah I've heard before..

Turns out there are a lot of mis-translations in the Bible.

What is usually considered is the context in which a person kills another person whether it is considered "right or wrong."

Abracadabra's photo
Tue 03/08/11 05:16 PM

turns out that "Thou Shalt not Kill" is a mistranslation

what it really say is "Thou Shalt not Murder"

Well, that opens up the whole can of worms of now deciding whether euthanasia for the elderly and ailing would be considered "murder".

Maybe Dr. Kevorkian was a misunderstood saint?

On the subject of the pet. If the pet is in pain I would allow it to pass on to the great beyond. What's the point in allowing it to suffer? I fully support euthanasia, certainly for pets, and even for humans who request it as well.

But of course, it's always going to be a tough decision. Especially for an animal that can't speak it's own thoughts on the matter.

Gwendolyn2009's photo
Wed 03/09/11 07:52 PM

turns out that "Thou Shalt not Kill" is a mistranslation

what it really say is "Thou Shalt not Murder"

Who decides what is "murder" and what is simply "killing"? When the Hebrews left Egypt and went into the land of Canaan and wholesale slaughtered the people there, I am sure the Jews didn't think it was murder, but I bet the other people did.

When Hitler massacred 6 million Jews, Gypsies, mentally and physically handicapped individuals and other ethnicities, I doubt that he thought of it as "murder," but that isn't what millions of other people thought.

no photo
Wed 03/09/11 10:26 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Wed 03/09/11 10:27 PM

turns out that "Thou Shalt not Kill" is a mistranslation

what it really say is "Thou Shalt not Murder"

Who decides what is "murder" and what is simply "killing"? When the Hebrews left Egypt and went into the land of Canaan and wholesale slaughtered the people there, I am sure the Jews didn't think it was murder, but I bet the other people did.

When Hitler massacred 6 million Jews, Gypsies, mentally and physically handicapped individuals and other ethnicities, I doubt that he thought of it as "murder," but that isn't what millions of other people thought.

Well this is what I have been told. The people in the land of Canaan were "evil." They had the audacity to worship a different god.

For Hitler, he was trying to create a superior blond haired blue eyed race, and the religious Jews were taking over Germany's economy and ruining the country. He was told this stuff by an alien from the 4th dimension.

Everybody is insane. Thats the truth.

markumX's photo
Sat 03/12/11 09:04 PM
The Bible in twitter form. "don't kill unless i tell you to then it's ok"

wux's photo
Sat 03/12/11 09:28 PM

turns out that "Thou Shalt not Kill" is a mistranslation

what it really say is "Thou Shalt not Murder"

it does not say even that, I am afraid.

It says, quite clearly and inambiguously if you are conversant in ancient Arameic,

"thou shalt not kilt."

which means that wearing skirts by men is a sin against the will of god.

This is why western cultural development steered men from wearing skirts and forced them into pants.

This move also created male dominance over the ages and over women, in economic and social matters, since it is automatically the men who wear the pants in the house. The first acheivement of the Women's movement was to enable women to wear a "pantie", which is a diminutive version of the "pants". Very small, very brief, a laughable imitation of the real thing, but as a first step, it was a giant leap.

The second huge step of Biblical proportions in women's movement was to be able to pull down the panties. (Puns are not supposed to be explained, but think of some of the other things that the word "movement" can mean.)

wux's photo
Sat 03/12/11 09:31 PM

The Bible in twitter form. "don't kill unless i tell you to then it's ok"

MarkumX, I want your girlfriend on the picture.

I'll trade you my xBox and my Bingo card collection for her.

no photo
Sat 03/12/11 09:35 PM
Kilts are sexy. Men don't wear underwear under there. Now, if women would do that... just think how convenient that would be.

buttons's photo
Fri 03/18/11 08:45 AM

turns out that "Thou Shalt not Kill" is a mistranslation

what it really say is "Thou Shalt not Murder"

it does not say even that, I am afraid.

It says, quite clearly and inambiguously if you are conversant in ancient Arameic,

"thou shalt not kilt."

which means that wearing skirts by men is a sin against the will of god.

This is why western cultural development steered men from wearing skirts and forced them into pants.

This move also created male dominance over the ages and over women, in economic and social matters, since it is automatically the men who wear the pants in the house. The first acheivement of the Women's movement was to enable women to wear a "pantie", which is a diminutive version of the "pants". Very small, very brief, a laughable imitation of the real thing, but as a first step, it was a giant leap.

The second huge step of Biblical proportions in women's movement was to be able to pull down the panties. (Puns are not supposed to be explained, but think of some of the other things that the word "movement" can mean.)
ok so what does men wearing panties or skirts have to do with anything? my dog is female and she doesnt wear a skirt.. if she were wearing pants i highly doubt that would have a thing to do with her liver disease..

freakyshiki2009's photo
Fri 03/18/11 08:56 AM
Hey, Buttons:

From a Christian perspective, putting an animal to sleep is morally acceptable as animals, unlike Humans, were given to us for our pleasure and usefulness. However, we are to treat these animals with love and respect. So, to abuse an animal is wrong. However, if we choose the "putting the animal to sleep" route, nothing in the Bible contradicts this. On the other hand, there is nothing morally wrong with not putting the animal to sleep. So, in this case, you have to go with your gut.

Hope this helps. God bless.

buttons's photo
Fri 03/18/11 09:14 AM
now for the rest of you.. see i do understand that everyone does perceives things a bit differently. even people within the same religions.. i have long come to that conclusion! thus is why i said any religion.. i wanted to know points of views here when one thought of the beliefs from whatever they believe.. this thread has been of great help.. i want to thank you all. i am not so depressed with the situation anymore.. do i have my answers humm not sure really but for now i do..i dont know what will arise.

i took the dog back for her apt last friday. the vet asked.. so how is she.. i told her that she is the same really. that i just came to do the blood tests to do all i could possibly do for her and to know that i did. she said if i did not notice a difference there is no point in doing the blood tests. i was ok with this now, for the fact if she was saying that <with her knowledge> and yes i do have trust.. not my old vet though! that i still did everything i could for my dog.

as far as her being in pain, ill say this again.. i dont know she is such a good dog and is not a whiner. i did ask my vet this she said she is not in pain, and you can tell by her face because she has such lively hood in her face. she does go in and out but i can tell what she is talking about. sometimes my dog looks depressed and she is tired a lot.

part of the liver test blood work that was done before the range was to be 5-130 .. well my dogs was 2626.. way above..
she has been taken off the liver pills and there was only one dog tested before on a theroy< which i will not type totally made sense to me im surprised i even understood it myself> well this one dog got better <comfort> my dog will be the second to test the theory.. the underlying issues for the cause of the cushings disease could be different.the other dogs hair grew back and the bloat went away.. this dog i speak of had the cushings disease test and was also on the cushings drugs. the cushings drugs failed on this dog twice anyhow this is getting too long
in the end here. i believe that people should be giving,helpful and do what they do not regret. i have chose to put my dog on this experiment for the simple purpose that my dog is dying that this drug will not hurt my dog, and it may help other dogs and pet owners in the future..for here is where i find my peace.. also i know my vet will not let my dog be in pain so i will not have to be alone.
futher more im going to go a step further im going to find out that after she passes if they need to do studies on this her body will donated <she will already be dead> i saved my dog from being put to sleep when i got her, gave her a good loving life<that she did not have from the previous owner> i am sure that my dog would like to give back as well.. nothing different than being a donor as a person like i am..

buttons's photo
Fri 03/18/11 09:26 AM

Hey, Buttons:

From a Christian perspective, putting an animal to sleep is morally acceptable as animals, unlike Humans, were given to us for our pleasure and usefulness. However, we are to treat these animals with love and respect. So, to abuse an animal is wrong. However, if we choose the "putting the animal to sleep" route, nothing in the Bible contradicts this. On the other hand, there is nothing morally wrong with not putting the animal to sleep. So, in this case, you have to go with your gut.

Hope this helps. God bless.

nice to see youflowerforyou and there is a lot of things left out of the bible in my eyes.. a lot has been left for a guessing game. just as how two good people can read one phrase in the bible and get a different meaning of it. also with the bible being written by so many different people and pieced together. i can only assume that each were individuals and perceived the very same incidents differently as well. after God has given each of us individual brains and bodies he wanted us to be unique.

no photo
Fri 03/18/11 11:47 AM

Hey, Buttons:

From a Christian perspective, putting an animal to sleep is morally acceptable as animals, unlike Humans, were given to us for our pleasure and usefulness.

That's very debatable. huh

However, we are to treat these animals with love and respect. So, to abuse an animal is wrong. However, if we choose the "putting the animal to sleep" route, nothing in the Bible contradicts this. On the other hand, there is nothing morally wrong with not putting the animal to sleep. So, in this case, you have to go with your gut.

Hope this helps. God bless.

Call it what it is. You are not "putting the animal to sleep." You are "putting him to death."

freakyshiki2009's photo
Mon 03/21/11 08:16 AM
Hot Buttons writes:

"nice to see youflowerforyou and there is a lot of things left out of the bible in my eyes.. a lot has been left for a guessing game. just as how two good people can read one phrase in the bible and get a different meaning of it."

That is the beauty of the Bible. Take ANY good piece of literature. Take, for example, Shakespeare, when Desdemona is told to "put out the light, and then, put out the light." Which lights are she to put out? Physical light? Her life? Her essence of living?

"I can only assume that each were individuals and perceived the very same incidents differently as well. after God has given each of us individual brains and bodies he wanted us to be unique."

But, the Bible, unlike any other book, is spiritually inspired.

no photo
Mon 03/21/11 10:29 AM
But, the Bible, unlike any other book, is spiritually inspired.

Who says so?

You have no way of knowing that no other book is spiritually inspired. The Bible is many books, all of which were once separate. There were many scriptures that were forbidden from being part of the Bible. Guess who decided what scripture was allowed and what scripture was not allowed? ...Government of the time. People were killed over it. How can any man know what was "spiritually inspired" or not?


freakyshiki2009's photo
Mon 03/21/11 11:16 AM
Edited by freakyshiki2009 on Mon 03/21/11 11:16 AM
Jeanniebean, who is quite attractive, states:

"Who says so?"
I say so. [you asked]

"You have no way of knowing that no other book is spiritually inspired."
You have no way of knowing they are NOT spiritually inspired. So, we are at an impasse here.

"The Bible is many books, all of which were once separate."
And are now together.

"There were many scriptures that were forbidden from being part of the Bible. Guess who decided what scripture was allowed and what scripture was not allowed? ...Government of the time."
Actually, after many years of discussion, it was determined at the Councils which books were not consistent with Christ's view.

"People were killed over it. How can any man know what was "spiritually inspired" or not?"

People were killed, and that is a sad part of our Christian history. It is truthful, but sad, nonetheless.

no photo
Mon 03/21/11 02:44 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Mon 03/21/11 02:45 PM

Jeanniebean, who is quite attractive, states:

"Who says so?"
I say so. [you asked]

"You have no way of knowing that no other book is spiritually inspired."

You have no way of knowing they are NOT spiritually inspired. So, we are at an impasse here.

No we are not.
I never made the statement that any book is not inspired.
Every single book in existence may well be inspired.
I have no way of knowing, therefore I have not made that statement.

When you make a statement as fact, it is your burden to prove, or else confess that it is your opinion.

People were killed, and that is a sad part of our Christian history. It is truthful, but sad, nonetheless.

There are a lot of sad and horrible facts about the history of the Christian religion. How can anything good come out of something so corrupt? I don't think it has changed much. People are still being killed over religions.

msharmony's photo
Mon 03/21/11 02:49 PM

Hey, Buttons:

From a Christian perspective, putting an animal to sleep is morally acceptable as animals, unlike Humans, were given to us for our pleasure and usefulness. However, we are to treat these animals with love and respect. So, to abuse an animal is wrong. However, if we choose the "putting the animal to sleep" route, nothing in the Bible contradicts this. On the other hand, there is nothing morally wrong with not putting the animal to sleep. So, in this case, you have to go with your gut.

Hope this helps. God bless.

even from a logical standpoint, looking at things relatively, animals exist and die, they kill each other and eat each other for food,,, this is their destiny, at the end, to be used in the food chain

what we give dogs is a more human quality to their destiny, we bury them, we pamper them, we protect them,,,MORE than they would get in their 'natural' environment

so I do hold us accountable for being HUMANE to animals but I dont see the 'wrongness' in implementing what would be their natural endm save the threat of being EATEN, in order to save them from pain,,,

no photo
Mon 03/21/11 03:51 PM
I'm not sure dogs have a "natural" environment. Unless you are talking about the wild dingos or dogs in Africa and Australia.

Then there are the wolves where most of our dogs are related to.