Topic: Are Black Holes Really Black?
newarkjw's photo
Fri 02/25/11 10:48 PM
Sorry I just really wanted to start a black hole thread........smokin

no photo
Fri 02/25/11 10:56 PM
Edited by esebulldog on Fri 02/25/11 10:59 PM
black hole sun


omgazombie's photo
Fri 02/25/11 11:08 PM
Are holes really holes? Or are they invisible extensions of the object you think has a hole.. =/

AndyBgood's photo
Fri 02/25/11 11:17 PM
how can nothing be black? A black hole seems to either be a gravity well that is like a blister on the side of the fabric of the universe or a hole that "Falls" to a white hole where matter spews out.

One other possibility based on Einsteinian physics is that a black hole is a regression in the flow if time so matter goes backwards in time. Once matter is at the speed of light time stops but if matter goes faster than light which is quite possible in a black hole then by Einstein time would reverse! For all intents and purposes a black hole is "Infinite mass" at the point of its existence.

newarkjw's photo
Fri 02/25/11 11:22 PM

how can nothing be black? A black hole seems to either be a gravity well that is like a blister on the side of the fabric of the universe or a hole that "Falls" to a white hole where matter spews out.

One other possibility based on Einsteinian physics is that a black hole is a regression in the flow if time so matter goes backwards in time. Once matter is at the speed of light time stops but if matter goes faster than light which is quite possible in a black hole then by Einstein time would reverse! For all intents and purposes a black hole is "Infinite mass" at the point of its existence.

So your just bullchittin me. You have no idea..........smokin

no photo
Fri 02/25/11 11:26 PM
Edited by serendipetey on Fri 02/25/11 11:27 PM
technically, yes they are black as the gravity is so strong not even light can escape. Since black holes absorb ALL light, they must be black.

BflippRed's photo
Fri 02/25/11 11:28 PM
a black hole is NOT black. it only apears so. there is no color, no light escaping it. Truthfully, you can't even see a black hole.


newarkjw's photo
Fri 02/25/11 11:37 PM
What if you had one of those miner helmets and you were in this black hole. That should light that hole up like the 4th of July...........smokin

Source: I'm just full of chit.

AndyBgood's photo
Fri 02/25/11 11:44 PM

how can nothing be black? A black hole seems to either be a gravity well that is like a blister on the side of the fabric of the universe or a hole that "Falls" to a white hole where matter spews out.

One other possibility based on Einsteinian physics is that a black hole is a regression in the flow if time so matter goes backwards in time. Once matter is at the speed of light time stops but if matter goes faster than light which is quite possible in a black hole then by Einstein time would reverse! For all intents and purposes a black hole is "Infinite mass" at the point of its existence.

So your just bullchittin me. You have no idea..........smokin

I can say I know this, a black hole is so small you cannot see it! People think it is like a ball. No, it is small, very very small. Think atom in size if that. While it was not consuming matter all you would see is a fish eyed warp from light that did pass by it, A.K.A. light bending. While it was feeding all you would see is blinding light. The matter getting sucked in would become invisible too BUT not the excitation field around it!

newarkjw's photo
Fri 02/25/11 11:54 PM
Sorta like getting your picture taken with those old cameras with those big bulbs. See now your starting to make sense...........smokin

ajagirl's photo
Sat 02/26/11 05:52 AM
I don't know I haven't seen one, but I guess only black at the beginning but bright at the end..

Dan99's photo
Sat 02/26/11 07:24 AM
Is anything really black? have you ever seen a black person?

soufiehere's photo
Sat 02/26/11 07:32 AM
I have heard it stated by scientists, that we
know SO little about Black Holes, that our
entire universe could be inside one, we have
no way of telling.
They say the laws of physics do not apply to
Black Holes.
I think, there are more laws to be discovered
inside them.
The density of them absorba all light, rendering
the darkness, and the name.

That is interesting Andy, about the size.

no photo
Sat 02/26/11 01:14 PM

how can nothing be black? A black hole seems to either be a gravity well that is like a blister on the side of the fabric of the universe or a hole that "Falls" to a white hole where matter spews out.

One other possibility based on Einsteinian physics is that a black hole is a regression in the flow if time so matter goes backwards in time. Once matter is at the speed of light time stops but if matter goes faster than light which is quite possible in a black hole then by Einstein time would reverse! For all intents and purposes a black hole is "Infinite mass" at the point of its existence.

So your just bullchittin me. You have no idea..........smokin

hey I think it's just that we can't see what it is for some reason - like maybe it's a cloaked Romulan Warbird and we're just too stupid to figure it out:wink: