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Topic: Do you think that....
Dragoness's photo
Fri 01/07/11 08:20 PM
Fearmongering is not cool either.

There is nothing more that can happen then is already happening now.

More people will have more equal rights, which is always good.

It is just too bad people have to fight for equal rights that should be given automatically. It is a waste of valuable time in people's lives.

Thomas3474's photo
Fri 01/07/11 08:21 PM
It would seem that people who have practiced incest far more outnumber the practicing homosexuals.


Pevalence is difficult to generalize, but research has estimated 10-15% of the general population as having at least one incest experience, with less than 2% involving intercourse or attempted intercourse.[5] Among women, research by Russell (1986) and Wyatt (1985) has yielded estimates as high as twenty percent.[4]

With those facts know we can assume if gay marriage was thrown out because of morality issues you would have nothing to prevent people from marrying family members.You can speak about birth defects but from what I have read there is around a 2-3% chance or birth defects for incest couples which is also about the same percentage for normal couples.If sure women over 40 who wish to become pregnant are for more likely to experience birth defects then Incest couples who have children.

I am not defending Incest in any way shape or form and I am strongly against it.But if I was forced to make a vote on marriage for Incest couples or marriage for gay couples I would pick Incest because there is less problems associating with it.

Someone said earlier that women do anal sex also.Women doing anal sex isn't any more safer then two men doing it or is it less disgusting.Women doing anal are rolling the dice with a increase in STD's the same way men are with...

Anal Cancer
Chlamydia trachomatis
Giardia lamblia
Herpes simplex virus
Human immunodeficiency virus
Human papilloma virus
Isospora belli
Viral hepatitis types B & C

Dragoness's photo
Fri 01/07/11 08:28 PM

It would seem that people who have practiced incest far more outnumber the practicing homosexuals.


Pevalence is difficult to generalize, but research has estimated 10-15% of the general population as having at least one incest experience, with less than 2% involving intercourse or attempted intercourse.[5] Among women, research by Russell (1986) and Wyatt (1985) has yielded estimates as high as twenty percent.[4]

With those facts know we can assume if gay marriage was thrown out because of morality issues you would have nothing to prevent people from marrying family members.You can speak about birth defects but from what I have read there is around a 2-3% chance or birth defects for incest couples which is also about the same percentage for normal couples.If sure women over 40 who wish to become pregnant are for more likely to experience birth defects then Incest couples who have children.

I am not defending Incest in any way shape or form and I am strongly against it.But if I was forced to make a vote on marriage for Incest couples or marriage for gay couples I would pick Incest because there is less problems associating with it.

Someone said earlier that women do anal sex also.Women doing anal sex isn't any more safer then two men doing it or is it less disgusting.Women doing anal are rolling the dice with a increase in STD's the same way men are with...

Anal Cancer
Chlamydia trachomatis
Giardia lamblia
Herpes simplex virus
Human immunodeficiency virus
Human papilloma virus
Isospora belli
Viral hepatitis types B & C

Considering that this isn't accurate.....

Dragoness's photo
Fri 01/07/11 08:32 PM
There is more of a possibility of bacterial infection with anal sex no matter who is doing it.

And Hiv can be spread more easily with anal sex and vaginal sex because of the possibility of the skin getting a lesion in it during sex. If a small scratch happens in the skin HIV can spread easier.

Also men deposit into whoever they have sex with so their gay partners or women are at a risk because of the depositing of fluids.

creativesoul's photo
Fri 01/07/11 09:54 PM

Mmm Mmm good.


creativesoul's photo
Fri 01/07/11 10:00 PM
Bend over...

I'm cummin' in.


creativesoul's photo
Sat 01/08/11 02:29 PM
Edited by creativesoul on Sat 01/08/11 02:38 PM

I have said this many times in here gay marriage is not a right.Gays and others have ever right and American has.Put a gay American next to a straight American and tell me who has more rights under the Constitution and the bill of rights. The answer is they are both equal.

Priveleges or rights - whatever you wish to call them, it does not matter to the argument that I am putting forth. They are all afforded. They are not equally afforded. My argument is against the discrimination that underwrites such inequality. The gay/lesbian community cannot obtain the benefits that accompany being legally married, because they are not being afforded to them based upon gender discrimination in the laws, and sexual preference discrimination in public. That is denying them the benefits that go along with privelege of being married based upon gender discrimination and sexual orientation discrimination.

So this whole gay marriage issue isn't about rights at all because nobody including the gays are having their rights violated.

Priveleges then. What's it matter? They're all afforded to straights, not all to gays - and it is all discrimination.

So what this whole issue revolves around(much like the majority of the millions of laws in the United states)is...

1.)What the people want.
2.)If this is good for society?
3.)How many pros vs cons.
4.)Is it morally acceptable?
5.)Who it will effect and how much it will cost.
6.)Who stands to benefit the most.

This is rubbish. I could write a Masters' thesis on 4 alone which would show how 5 clearly contradicts both, the principles of freedom and morality. Not to mention the fact that 5 goes against American ideology to begin with, as clearly shown by the following...

"Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"

I don't think promoting any lifestyle gay or straight that is raising Aids cases in the United states should be promoted. It is common sense that if you keep promoting homosexuality as good, normal, and something that should be embraced you are going to have more homosexuals and more Aids cases.

This makes no sense. Here are the facts of the matter...

1. It is neither the gay nor the straight lifestyle that is causing the number of AIDS cases to rise.
2. It is unsafe sexual practices.
3. It is much less likely for a woman to contract AIDS from another woman.
4. The largest increase is among black heterosexual women.

So again, it seems your reasoning here is flawed from being based upon falsehood. I am curious though - based upon the facts, would you say that we should discriminate against black heterosexual women because of the fact that the most rapid increase in AIDS cases is among them? I mean, that was your reasoning.

Is adding more homosexuals to our society making our society better or worse?

Right there is the aforementioned underlying irrational fear regarding 'adding more gays'. I suspected that it would not take very long before it began creeping out from under all of this. It is irrational. I have no idea how you have arrived at the notion that stopping discrimination is somehow equivalent to "adding more homosexuals". People are not going to suddenly decide to become gay because we discontinue discrimination. Neither will such a thing happen if we rightfully extend the gay/lesbian community the privelege and benefits that go along with being legally married.

People do not decide to be gay, but WHAT IF THEY COULD? Again, it is not by virtue of being gay, that one contracts std's, that one is promiscuous, or any of the other 'dangerous' reasons why we should not accept/promote gay lifestyle that you've put forth thus far.

I think all the statistics and research has shown they have higher suicide rates, far more STD's, much higher AIDS cases, more likely to use illegal drugs, more likely to have a high number of sexual partners, have a average lifespan of 20 years less, and are far more likely to be murdered or beat then your average citizen. If this was a group of people that were not homosexuals then should we promote them? This doesn't sounds like it is benefiting society only taking away from it.

All gays do not committ suicide. All gays do not have an STD. All gays do not have AIDS. All gays do not use illegal drugs. All gays are not promiscuous. All gays are not the same except for the fact that they are gay.

The claim about being murdered is rather interesting, though. I would be willing to bet that most of the gays who are murdered, are murdered by straight people. If that is the case, then why is the idea that gays are more prone to be murdered put forth to be a strike against gays?

Which brings me to the next point.You seem to think that everyone has a right to do anything they want and we all have to accept it.

Nothing in my argument supports this contrived falsehood. Like some others, it seems you think that you're somehow privy to my mental activities. Please, base the responses to me based upon what I do write - not what you think that I think. It's a part of what constitutes being reasonable. I'm confident that we can all agree here.

I think bringing McDonalds and people who drink alcohol into this debate is just trying to stray away from the main topic.People can eat McDonalds and burger king every day and live to be 80.

Again, let's use the example provided here that justifies accepting the dangers inherent in McDonalds in order to show that for the same reasons, we should accept the inherent dangers in having anal sex during homosexual discourse. People can be gay, live a gay lifestyle with a single lifelong partner, never committ a crime, never get a ticket, have anal sex every day, never contract an STD, and still live to be 80.

You brought up the health 'danger', claiming that because those dangers exist we are justified in discrimination against gay lifestyle. Further saying that we should not promote gay lifestyle BECAUSE of those 'dangers'. The example of McDonalds clearly shows the fault in that kind of thinking by using the same 'reasoning'. If our establishing known danger constitutes justifying the decision to not promote the dangerous thing, then that also rightfully applies to much more than a gay lifestyle, including but not limited to, the well-known dangers of fast food and alchohol consumption.

If this kind of thinking seems rediculous, that's because IT IS. On a more obvious note, by your standards here the known deadly side-effects of most new medicines would justify not promoting them.

I understand that people die from clogged arteries but this is not something that happened from a one time exposure,something that is incurable,and something that is extremely expensive to treat.If people have high Cholesterol they can simply stop eating bad foods and reverse it.Eating McDonalds also does not infect others with a sexual transmitted disease they didn't want.

Gay sex does not have any more inherent danger to contract AIDS than straight sex. The danger is unprotected sex. You have no ground here Thomas. The argument of dangerous std's like AIDS works both ways... pardon the pun. blushing

So if a group of people are costing the American tax payers dollars by constantly doing harmful things to society then take away their rights.This could be anyone from bank robbers,child molesters,scam artists,and anyone else you can think of.

This is an unjustifiable attempt to claim that the gay community somehow causes more quantifiable harm to society than the straight community does. If the gay/lesbian community is costing the American taxpayer more money than the straight community - then show it. If the gay/lesbian community is 'doing harmful things to society' than the straight community - then show it.

If you want more research on the percentage of homosexuals who practice unsafe sex with strangers,know they have Aids but don't tell anyone about it,how homosexuals are having a increase of Aids and STDS,how they have a far more higher number of sexual partners,and how they engage in risky behavior this is likely to contract Aids and STD's I will gladly post it.

I'd like to see an unbiased resource which shows exactly how many people in the US with AIDS are gay, and how many are straight. I'm just curious.

Finally I would like to say I can't believe how hypocritical some of you are.The issue has been brought up many times about brothers marrying their sisters,fathers marrying their daughters,and people who love animals as they do a real person and have sexual contact with them.

I would have a lot more respect for you homosexual supporters if you would also allow family members to marry as well.Because you claim you don't support it out of morality issues.What a joke!The Christians can't object to something out of morality for them but for you it's fine.For gays it's a basic human right to marry but for brother and sister they have no rights.Your no different than the Christians.You just object to them because you hate them and this is a good way to find a excuse to beat down on them.

Imagination is a curiously interesting thing.

I can only hope one day we have a member here who wants to marry their brother or sister and you can debate them about morality issues and why you object to it. Then I can grab some popcorn and laugh and see how funny it is to watch a two faced complete hypocrite use his own words against him.

Hope away. It'll never happen. This is a product of the imagination. Imagining yourself to be in another set of circumstances does not improve the position you hold and are arguing for in the actual ones.


msharmony's photo
Sat 01/08/11 04:22 PM
Unprotected anal sex carries more risk than unprotected vaginal sex which carries more risk than unprotected oral sex. ....

to think otherwise is to be a bit naive

all behaviors above are risky , but some are DEFINITELY riskier than others

Redykeulous's photo
Sat 01/08/11 07:37 PM


What do those 'stats' really say?

Gay men do things in their home that you don't like. Gay men committ crimes. Gay men are more prone to contract HIV.


What does any of that have to do with their getting the privelege to be legally married and be afforded the same benefits from that marriage that straight couples are afforded?

You're making my case for me.

What those people do, the sexual practices that they are involved in, the crimes that they committ(questionable 'studies') are very good reason for you to not agree with them. Your not agreeing with them, however, is not good reason to deny them the same rights/priveleges that come along with being legally married.

It is also unreasonable, assuming your stats are correct, to hold all gays accountable for the ones who do committ crimes, and the like.

So what it boils down to, as I've suspected and claimed all along, is that you do not agree with their lifestyle. Based upon your own moral belief/convictions you wish to impeded the pursuit of happiness, not only of the ones who may be guilty of the accusations put forth, but also of the ones who may follow your own standard all the way through except for having a homosexual partner. Some are faithful and law-abiding citizens.

Your logic is faulty Thomas. Just like we do not impede the rights of most straight, because most federal inmates are straight, we also should not impede the rights of gay men simply because some partake in these activities which you find offensive, or because some have HIV, or because some break the law.

Some Christian preachers have been found guilty of scamming, imbezzlement, and the like. We should not hold all Christian preachers under the gum because of that either.

Your attempting to punish the many on account of the crimes of the few.

No what it is saying is society is being pushed into believing a lifestyle is not destrustive to our society when it is.

That is why these studies the evening news never reports on them.

Smoking is all over the news as the culprit for canser. We tell our kids that they should not smoke it will kill them very possibly yet in reality people smoke all thier lives and never develope canser.


another pollically correct statement to appease the people when our govt.

so we say 2nd hand smoke causes canser when people get canser who have never been around smoking people.

Homosexuality will destroy us and is by devide and conquer.. thats the real reason our powers to be want this in the main frame of our news.

we say everyone needs a second chance and a murder can get out of prison and move next door to you and unless you do alot of checking you may never know thier crime.

Yet a 19 yo young man cab get caught and then marry his 16 or 17 yo girlfriend and he has become a sex offender.

Thats called Legalized Hate.. and we are all for Legalized hate when it comes to a sex offender nomatter what the crime was. lives ruined.

They never tell you that only 3.2% of them after serving jail time ever do such a thing again.

But our movies will have you to believe they are ravenging wolves waiting for attack.

Same with Homosexuality except in the oppisite mode. anyone who does not accept this as normal is a bigot and Hates.

So we have the vote of the people overthrown because they are to stupid to understand life.

Since they do not want to call this a religion we teach alternative lifestyles in school to children who we say do not have the mental capabilities to make a good choice when having sex esp when it comes to having it with some one over 18 years of age.

Then we must deduse most of our grandparents are Haters, sex offenders and must be monitored because they are ravenging wolves.


so I suggest that everyone go tell thier grandparents how Bigoted they are and need to be in a secure place and monitired the rest of thier lives because they are not to smart.

Yea Thats it yea know I got it.. shalom...Miles

Well then Miles, it seems to me what we need it better education - begining in high-school when so many kids are beginning to experiement with sex.

That means we need to teach the dangers of homosexual sex and how to avoid them - JUST LIKE WE DO FOR HETEROSEXUALS, and I'm talking about abstinance because we all know that is not going to happen. So we NEED to prepare our young poeple with the information they need to be as safe as possible. RIGHT?

Ignoring the issues don't make them go away. Denying marriage to gays doesn't make them stop having sex.

Redykeulous's photo
Sat 01/08/11 07:55 PM
The challenge that Creative issued to those who insist that gays are not the only ones who cannot marry, was to find out WHY those who cannot legally marry in any state are barred from doing so and then we can determine if any of those reasons also apply to gays and lesbians.

If you are so concerned about those other issues and that they too may come up for reconsideration in some future date, then I would suggest you find out why those prohibitions exit in the first place.

And NO, it is not because society is disgusted by the idea - sorry but just because that's the reason people don't like the idea of gay marriage, doesn't mean that's the reason others are prohibitied from being married.

Until you can find something about those other prohibitions (minors, mentally incompetant, incest, & polygomy)that also extend to gays and lesbians then there is nothing similar between them all.

I could save you a lot of time and tell you, some of the best legal minds in the country have been arguing this issue (in Supreme Courts) for well over a year (Prop 8) and not one of the issues stated above have EVER come up. The only one that has even been mentioned had to do with interracial.

That should tell you that there are sufficient 'reasonings' for the other prohibitions AND that reasoning does NOT apply to gays and lesbians.

But don't take my word for it - if you are indeed concerned and if your bias allows you to do the research, you will never bring up those unrelated arguments again. Because I and everyone else who reads this thread will know that you are not interested in equality but only in supporting the bias of your own unsubstantiated opinions.

Milesoftheusa's photo
Sat 01/08/11 07:56 PM
Edited by Milesoftheusa on Sat 01/08/11 07:57 PM


What do those 'stats' really say?

Gay men do things in their home that you don't like. Gay men committ crimes. Gay men are more prone to contract HIV.


What does any of that have to do with their getting the privelege to be legally married and be afforded the same benefits from that marriage that straight couples are afforded?

You're making my case for me.

What those people do, the sexual practices that they are involved in, the crimes that they committ(questionable 'studies') are very good reason for you to not agree with them. Your not agreeing with them, however, is not good reason to deny them the same rights/priveleges that come along with being legally married.

It is also unreasonable, assuming your stats are correct, to hold all gays accountable for the ones who do committ crimes, and the like.

So what it boils down to, as I've suspected and claimed all along, is that you do not agree with their lifestyle. Based upon your own moral belief/convictions you wish to impeded the pursuit of happiness, not only of the ones who may be guilty of the accusations put forth, but also of the ones who may follow your own standard all the way through except for having a homosexual partner. Some are faithful and law-abiding citizens.

Your logic is faulty Thomas. Just like we do not impede the rights of most straight, because most federal inmates are straight, we also should not impede the rights of gay men simply because some partake in these activities which you find offensive, or because some have HIV, or because some break the law.

Some Christian preachers have been found guilty of scamming, imbezzlement, and the like. We should not hold all Christian preachers under the gum because of that either.

Your attempting to punish the many on account of the crimes of the few.

No what it is saying is society is being pushed into believing a lifestyle is not destrustive to our society when it is.

That is why these studies the evening news never reports on them.

Smoking is all over the news as the culprit for canser. We tell our kids that they should not smoke it will kill them very possibly yet in reality people smoke all thier lives and never develope canser.


another pollically correct statement to appease the people when our govt.

so we say 2nd hand smoke causes canser when people get canser who have never been around smoking people.

Homosexuality will destroy us and is by devide and conquer.. thats the real reason our powers to be want this in the main frame of our news.

we say everyone needs a second chance and a murder can get out of prison and move next door to you and unless you do alot of checking you may never know thier crime.

Yet a 19 yo young man cab get caught and then marry his 16 or 17 yo girlfriend and he has become a sex offender.

Thats called Legalized Hate.. and we are all for Legalized hate when it comes to a sex offender nomatter what the crime was. lives ruined.

They never tell you that only 3.2% of them after serving jail time ever do such a thing again.

But our movies will have you to believe they are ravenging wolves waiting for attack.

Same with Homosexuality except in the oppisite mode. anyone who does not accept this as normal is a bigot and Hates.

So we have the vote of the people overthrown because they are to stupid to understand life.

Since they do not want to call this a religion we teach alternative lifestyles in school to children who we say do not have the mental capabilities to make a good choice when having sex esp when it comes to having it with some one over 18 years of age.

Then we must deduse most of our grandparents are Haters, sex offenders and must be monitored because they are ravenging wolves.


so I suggest that everyone go tell thier grandparents how Bigoted they are and need to be in a secure place and monitired the rest of thier lives because they are not to smart.

Yea Thats it yea know I got it.. shalom...Miles

Well then Miles, it seems to me what we need it better education - begining in high-school when so many kids are beginning to experiement with sex.

That means we need to teach the dangers of homosexual sex and how to avoid them - JUST LIKE WE DO FOR HETEROSEXUALS, and I'm talking about abstinance because we all know that is not going to happen. So we NEED to prepare our young poeple with the information they need to be as safe as possible. RIGHT?

Ignoring the issues don't make them go away. Denying marriage to gays doesn't make them stop having sex.

I thought since sex education came into the school system that teenage sexual tendencies has went up not down.

Sex is a on the job experience that should be only between 2 people forever.

If we made adultry a crime our sexual crimes would go down i believe at least and marraiges whoever it may be 2 would be more than a breakup dating sence of the word. sex and dating are the norm.

we say one thing in this country and do another. like I said its a ramped tutering of the masse to control them. Devide and conquer and we become slaves.. more to it than sex though. But thats another topic.. Blessings Red...Miles

Redykeulous's photo
Sat 01/08/11 08:11 PM

Ms. Harmony:

this argument, to me, is weak,,,,because it gives others the RIGHT to impose what they believe 'reasonable' onto others

Not true. Gays are fighting for their rights, not to deny yours. Opposition to gay marriage is a fight to deny gays the rightd that they have been afforded by being citizens of the US.

Let me ask you this... Do you think that it is "reasonable" for straight couples to be denied the ability to get married based upon the opinions, belief, lifestyle, and moral convictions of homosexuals, bisexuals, and transgenders? Would you say that that is reasonable? Would you object to such a thing?

I would hope that you would object to such a thing, and I would agree. I also do not blame gays for objecting upon those same grounds, and you by virtue of applying the same principle should not blame them either. Likewise, I would also guess that you cherish the principle of self-direction and uphold the idea that we be allowed to pursue our own happiness, as long as such a pursuit does not cause unnecessary harm to others. The age of consent for sex and/or marriage takes this into consideration. Likewise for the mentally challenged and cases of adult/child incest.

As the situation has it, those kinds of things have been rejected based upon considerations of human rights, American principles of freedom, and opinion logically grounded in knowledge/fact. There is just cause for holding fact above opinion when talking about ethical concerns. The ground for objecting to anothers freedom of action must be strong. Among other things, ethical concerns in the US involve the principles of freedom and unnecessary harm - including harming another by way of impeding one's self-direction. If it were not that way, we would still have slavery. Women would not be able to vote. The civil rights movement would have never gotten off the ground.

All this being said, I could be in error regarding your opinion on the earlier scenarios. Give me one good reason why one group of citizens should be able to deny another group the same rights/priveleges that they themselves hold, and we'll see if that reason applies to same sex marriages.

the ONE reason is a common value , just as the reason for not permitting those considered legally to be 'minors' or the reason , just as the reason for not permitting siblings to marry, just as the reason for not permitting polygamy

perhaps one day people will fight for their right/privilege to incestual marriage, or for minor marriage, or for polygamy,,,and I imagine that those ideas will be opposed as well for reasons just as valid to those opposing as the reasonable objections sited for same sex marriage

Except the reasons are not valid at all for opposing same sex marriage. Personally polygamy is not an issue for me either. Let them marry they have to live with each other, not me.

But there is no comparison to gay marriage and underage marriage or incest. That is not a valid analogy.

Gay does not mean illegal nor does it mean mentally unwell.

in the opinions of SOME, for years the APA would disagree, until politics changed their position

we dont want to see siblings marry, hopefully because we realize the unbalanced result of parents becoming aunts and uncles to their own kids

similarly, gay marriage is an unbalanced equation, where there is no 'compliment' biologically between the two parties

I think you have to explain that one better? Are you saying, in the case of incest, that it would be too confusing to know how to relate to your relatives? OR is the confustion in how your ARE related to your relatives? Is that why you think it's prohibited?

And exactly how do you relate that to two fathers - two mothers - or adoption cases?

Redykeulous's photo
Sat 01/08/11 08:23 PM

Gross overgeneralization is to take a portion and unjustifiably apply it to a whole. I contend that that is what is going on here.

p1. A certain percentage of gays break the law.
p2. Breaking the law is destructive to our society.
C. Therefore, gays break the law and are destructive to our society.

Now the above reflects the thinking expressed thus far, and there are many things wrong with it besides just being a gross overgeneralization, but I digress...not all gays break the law, and seeing how the act of breaking the law has yet to have destroyed our society, I suggest that this is an argument from irrational fear as well among other things.

Fear of the gay population increasing, that is.

Racism often takes the form of a gross overgeneralization. Just because I have met a few whites whom I dislike for reason X(a personality feature), does not mean that I can take X from that specific case and apply it to all whites. All whites may not have that feature. Now if reason X is the fact that they are white, it is clearly a matter of racism. That is, to apply a negative label upon a particular group of people based soley upon their common denominator(race) is to be racist.

One is allowed to be racist in their own beliefs, because we have freedom of belief. It is only a problem if behavior stemming from that belief infringes upon the rights of a person of that race. In other words, a person's personal freedom of belief does not supercede another's inalienable rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

That's just the way it is.


I ask that you justify the claim that gay/lesbian lifestyle is destructive to our society.

Its really quite simple. Aids did not come about into the human race from Hetersexual couples.

If then it was not introduced to our population by them then wherever it was introduced from is from destruction.. Shalom...Miles

Actually, Miles - there is no absolute certainty as to how AIDS began, HOWEVER, if you follow it to it earliest appearance in Africa, you will notice entire HETEROSEXUAL villages completely wiped out by AIDS. How it got spread from there we cannot be certain.

However, the fact remains that HIV/AIDS invades all sectors of the United States and in the world. Continueing to judge only one group of people who have the syndrome (today)while holding all others who have the syndrome as innocents is not logical. It is a disease and if exposed to it, regardless of how that exposure came about, anyone can get it.

creativesoul's photo
Sat 01/08/11 08:28 PM
I just wish one of 'em would justify their claim.

It's only reasonable. Di makes a good point here as well. If one researches the actual reasons that some of these red herring examples are denied the privelege of marriage, it becomes obvious that those reasons do no apply to gay marriage.

I've already offered the ones that I am aware of regarding mentally challenged people.

Redykeulous's photo
Sat 01/08/11 08:31 PM
Edited by Redykeulous on Sat 01/08/11 08:34 PM

Ms. Harmony:

this argument, to me, is weak,,,,because it gives others the RIGHT to impose what they believe 'reasonable' onto others

Not true. Gays are fighting for their rights, not to deny yours. Opposition to gay marriage is a fight to deny gays the rightd that they have been afforded by being citizens of the US.

Let me ask you this... Do you think that it is "reasonable" for straight couples to be denied the ability to get married based upon the opinions, belief, lifestyle, and moral convictions of homosexuals, bisexuals, and transgenders? Would you say that that is reasonable? Would you object to such a thing?

I would hope that you would object to such a thing, and I would agree. I also do not blame gays for objecting upon those same grounds, and you by virtue of applying the same principle should not blame them either. Likewise, I would also guess that you cherish the principle of self-direction and uphold the idea that we be allowed to pursue our own happiness, as long as such a pursuit does not cause unnecessary harm to others. The age of consent for sex and/or marriage takes this into consideration. Likewise for the mentally challenged and cases of adult/child incest.

As the situation has it, those kinds of things have been rejected based upon considerations of human rights, American principles of freedom, and opinion logically grounded in knowledge/fact. There is just cause for holding fact above opinion when talking about ethical concerns. The ground for objecting to anothers freedom of action must be strong. Among other things, ethical concerns in the US involve the principles of freedom and unnecessary harm - including harming another by way of impeding one's self-direction. If it were not that way, we would still have slavery. Women would not be able to vote. The civil rights movement would have never gotten off the ground.

All this being said, I could be in error regarding your opinion on the earlier scenarios. Give me one good reason why one group of citizens should be able to deny another group the same rights/priveleges that they themselves hold, and we'll see if that reason applies to same sex marriages.

the ONE reason is a common value , just as the reason for not permitting those considered legally to be 'minors' or the reason , just as the reason for not permitting siblings to marry, just as the reason for not permitting polygamy

perhaps one day people will fight for their right/privilege to incestual marriage, or for minor marriage, or for polygamy,,,and I imagine that those ideas will be opposed as well for reasons just as valid to those opposing as the reasonable objections sited for same sex marriage

Except the reasons are not valid at all for opposing same sex marriage. Personally polygamy is not an issue for me either. Let them marry they have to live with each other, not me.

But there is no comparison to gay marriage and underage marriage or incest. That is not a valid analogy.

Gay does not mean illegal nor does it mean mentally unwell.

in the opinions of SOME, for years the APA would disagree, until politics changed their position

we dont want to see siblings marry, hopefully because we realize the unbalanced result of parents becoming aunts and uncles to their own kids

similarly, gay marriage is an unbalanced equation, where there is no 'compliment' biologically between the two parties

Too bad that isn't true cause then you might be right but alas, not.

what was untrue? or do we believe the EXIT was meant to be an entrance in reality?.....although it doesnt have the biological components to protect it upon entry that the vaginal walls do,,,,

perhaps there are those who believe it is MEANT as a compliment for a penis,,,


maybe we should just go to not recognizing ANY Marriage, let people have 'relationships' with no guidelines beyond consent and no mention or recognition of whether there is a SEXUAL bonding taking place

Id support that before supporting a national referendum to SUPPORT or ENCOURAGE homosexual activity

Once upon a time the Catholic Church said it was a sin for a married couple to have sex any way other than missionary style. It was a MAJOR sin to do so and a woman was considered a whore if her husband wanted an annulment based on her "unnatural" desires to have sex any other way.

Look it up - it's true.

So now because you don't like the way SOME poeple like to have sex, you want to stop all of them from entering your thoughts in that way.

Well, I have news for you - not ALL gay guys have anal sex - and not all heterosexuals only do it missionary style. Some married (heterosexual) couples are big time into S&M - it's actually quite interesting, well at least from the perspective of having some interesting role playing in the bedroom (or anywhere in the house).

Perhaps all of that is offensive to you as well, but you don't want to prevent heterosexuals who enjoy those things from being married - so why only homosexuals?

Also, you are misplacing the value - the value is on equality and the fact that our Constitution is about equality NOT ABOUT YOU encouraging or supporting someone elses sexual passions, but about YOU encouraging or supporting the ideal of equality.

creativesoul's photo
Sat 01/08/11 08:32 PM
"It's a gay disease" was/is a caustic and bigoted meme that perpetuates irrational fear and hatred.

Redykeulous's photo
Sat 01/08/11 08:38 PM

oh come now, it is very similar. INcest does not ALWAYS cause mutations, wasnt that the argument about someone concern with hiv?

why punish the many for the few, was the argument as I remember

not all sibling couplings will result in 'mutated' children,,, so why then should tney not have the marital 'right' of all other citizens then....?

Then what is similar between incenstuous marriage and homosexual marriage - why do you keep relating them to each other?

Milesoftheusa's photo
Sat 01/08/11 08:40 PM
You all really do not get what I have always said.. its a devide and conquer subject and we are the butt end of it..haha.. sorry could not resistlaugh

If you look at everything as a hole in our society we are led just where they want us.. its way more than homosexual thing.. just llok around at these boards and its an attack on all of us not in real power.. just look outside the box.. Shalom..Miles

Redykeulous's photo
Sat 01/08/11 09:01 PM
now, if all rights are going to be equal, and marriage is going to be a right,, than siblings should have the 'right' to be married unless or until the laws no longer allow unrelated couples with the potential to conceive sick children to be married

so long as unrelated people who might pass on some illness can marry, so should related people be able to

what do ya think?

But there is no major movement underway for incestuous marriage – we are discussing same-sex marriage.

or perhaps, we can allow one partner to agree to being 'fixed' so no offspring can be created, and allow all consentual partners to marry with that condition?

If the issue of incestuous marriage becomes as looming as SS marriage, then your question might be considered. But it has nothing to do with the equality that marriage affords SS couples today.

sure everyone would be fine with daddy boffing his daughter so long as they were grown and promised not to create any mutations?

If you think that’s the only reason such marriages are disallowed, then perhaps you should research it a little more – begin with a psychological view. There have been some great advances in that field in the last hundred years – psychology as a biology is only one of them.

under the logic proposed here, that would be fair and just and thats how I see us swinging if we dont wake up

one day even incest will have to be accepted as equally significant to any other relationship and any still left with a conscious to say otherwise will be called bigots, haters, or perhaps INCESTOPHOBES,.,..

That is a fear for another day – today we are dealing with allowing same sex couples to marry.

Otherwise, I would suggest that every fast food restaurant be banned from the U.S. and that only fresh, frozen, or dried, organic whole foods would be sold in every store (pasteurized when necessary).

But that has nothing to do with the issue at hand and neither does your future fear.

You cannot base a question of one groups equality on a future hypothetical ‘what if’ question to something unrelated to the issue at hand.

The only relationship you have been able to show between incest and same sex marriage is that they are both currently disallowed by most states. Have you anything else?

Redykeulous's photo
Sat 01/08/11 09:12 PM
Edited by Redykeulous on Sat 01/08/11 09:14 PM

Stats on HIV were that minority women were the fastest growing group for lack of using condoms. Hiv is actually not a gay issue like it used to be.

The mutations can happen even to the grandchildren. It is not healthy.

But gay shouldn't be compared to incest as it is not in the same catagory. It is not anymore unhealthy then hetero sex is.

Demonizing gay relationships doesn't make the arguer any points.

I beg to differ. when comparing the risks of sibling couplings with that of the mainstream , the difference is VERY similar to that when you compare the risks of homosexual activity to those of the mainstream

go to cdc and read any of the articles on homosexuality, it isnt JUST aids that makes homosexual activity much riskier and much more unhealthy than others,,,

Homosexual couple cannot produce children between them, and unless you believe that there is some DNA component inherant to homosexuals, then there is little risk of either (as seed or sperm) in adding more homosexuals to the population.

I would also like to note that genetic determinants are no longer the main concern surrounding close insectuous encounters. So this point is irrelevant.

As far as homosexual relationships being more unhealthy - I would ask how would that affect you.

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