Topic: Lead a better life.
Abracadabra's photo
Sun 01/02/11 10:59 PM

Another interesting question might be whose definition of better will be measured and how it will weigh in on what happens AFTER this life.

Well, that kind of thinking is thoughts of a reward or possible punishment. And that kind of thinking would be in vain.

You need to think of this life only, you can't be basing your behavior on thoughts of rewards or punishments. That would be false morals.

Especially if you were basing those idea on ancient fables.

Corazone's photo
Sun 01/02/11 11:29 PM
I understand that she too would hate the sin not the sinner but i do know that if he didnt some how change himself(impossible)or live a total lie that she would disown him. love him in her heart...but disown him for religion sake:cry: :cry: so sad:cry:

msharmony's photo
Sun 01/02/11 11:31 PM

Another interesting question might be whose definition of better will be measured and how it will weigh in on what happens AFTER this life.

Well, that kind of thinking is thoughts of a reward or possible punishment. And that kind of thinking would be in vain.

You need to think of this life only, you can't be basing your behavior on thoughts of rewards or punishments. That would be false morals.

Especially if you were basing those idea on ancient fables.

I disagree, I make choices daily while considering consequences

that I believe in a continuation of life after a mortal life leads to my consideration of the consequences later in that life as well..

msharmony's photo
Sun 01/02/11 11:32 PM

I understand that she too would hate the sin not the sinner but i do know that if he didnt some how change himself(impossible)or live a total lie that she would disown him. love him in her heart...but disown him for religion sake:cry: :cry: so sad:cry:

how do you mean disown then?

Thomas3474's photo
Mon 01/03/11 12:11 AM

Are you theist or atheist?
Who do you think leads a better life,theist or atheist?what

One thing I have learned about atheists is they rarely are proud of being a atheist.From my experience with atheists I have come to the conclusion that they are some of the worst people personality wise on the planet.Some common traits I have found with atheist are....

Rarely if ever leave a tip at a restaurant.
Typically are anti marriage,no children.
Never vote or care about local and political issues.
Don't care about important issues such as Genocide,Wars,poverty,and other issues.
Usually could care less about our military or our country.
Thinks Christians and Jews are brain dead idiots.
Not very motivated.
Has little or no morals.

I have said this before in here but your atheist charities are nearly non existent.If there is some sort of so called atheist charity it typically involves some sort of agenda such as removing religion from the planet.

You hardly have to look too far into the mind of a atheist even in this place.Just look at the topics started in the General religion section of this website and see who is attacking who,who is slandering who,and who is insulting who.It isn't the people who believe in God.It is the Atheist.99% of the time you can tell if a person is a Atheist with even knowing just by the topics they are starting.

I think it is easy to see why most Americans put atheists on the bottom of the pile for respect.Atheists don't fight for anything,believe in anything,stand up for anything,or really do anything except attack and slander the Christians.

Who leads a better life???Hard to say.A better question would probably be who spends the majority of their life making the world a better place,bringing peace,helping others,giving to charities,etc.

Corazone's photo
Mon 01/03/11 12:35 AM
Well that was very Christian rant of bull. the self righteousness of some people is amazing. you dont have a clue about what atheists do in their private lives anymore than you know what a chrisian does. it scares you that you cant tell us from your kind...and why is that?? because we to carry out our lives with dignity and pride. beleiving in god does not guarantee purity of heart...there are good and bad in every sector of life and that includes christians. take about u just did it.. further more ihave been debating religion for a couple of days now and have not once disrespected or been disrespected...until youflowerforyou

Corazone's photo
Mon 01/03/11 12:54 AM
MAN do you think that there is some conspiracy among atheists to get religion drummed out?? we dont hate you like you do us...we live our lives to better the world for ourselves.. our families...our country and yes even you. judging is not our thing..its YOURS. So what if we celebrate xmas just for fun...we still put change in the pot for the less kids are very well behaved and well is a teacher and is very much a christian. we love her anywayhappy The point is..if we can tolerate you being a believer then why cant you tolerate us nonbelievers.relax no one is trying to take over

Thomas3474's photo
Mon 01/03/11 01:40 AM

Well that was very Christian rant of bull. the self righteousness of some people is amazing. you dont have a clue about what atheists do in their private lives anymore than you know what a chrisian does. it scares you that you cant tell us from your kind...and why is that?? because we to carry out our lives with dignity and pride. beleiving in god does not guarantee purity of heart...there are good and bad in every sector of life and that includes christians. take about u just did it.. further more ihave been debating religion for a couple of days now and have not once disrespected or been disrespected...until youflowerforyou

Of course here it comes.I can't possible have my own opinion on Atheism because I am some Nazi,bigoted,homophobic,hate everything,judge everyone,disrespectful,Christian who needs to be thrown in jail right?

Maybe just maybe,since you don't know the slightest thing about me I am speaking about my personal relationship with Atheists over the years.Could it be the possibility I lived in the Atheist capital of America(Seattle)for 13 years?Could it be the possibility I have family members who are atheist?Maybe it could have been my experience with dating a Atheist women for nearly 4 years?You think that my best friend who is a Atheist and has a darwin fish on his car has anything to do with it?

So if you want to talk about judging you might want to take a look in the mirror.You already assumed I was a Christian,think I have no idea what Atheist are like,and I am starting a attacking campaign against you.Nice start to a reply.

You asked me for my opinion and I gave it.If all you want to hear is positive,atheism is wonderful,atheist are the best then your delusional.I know what I know because I have spent a major part of my life associating with Atheist.They all have typical traits and personalties that if anything are predictable.If dating a Atheist woman for nearly 4 years,having family members who are Atheist,and living in the Atheist capital of America is not enough to understand the mind of a Atheists then I don't know what is.

laugh I had a good laugh when you refereed to me as "your kind".Wow I have been called a lot of things in here but now I am in the "your kind" category.

All this post has done is further my point that it is impossible for Atheist to accept the fact that anyone who does not share their vision of no religion is a horrible person.That is why there is hundreds of nauseating posts in the General religion chat with 98% of them towards slandering Christianity.This one is going to be no different.

Thomas3474's photo
Mon 01/03/11 02:24 AM

MAN do you think that there is some conspiracy among atheists to get religion drummed out?? we dont hate you like you do us...we live our lives to better the world for ourselves.. our families...our country and yes even you. judging is not our thing..its YOURS. So what if we celebrate xmas just for fun...we still put change in the pot for the less kids are very well behaved and well is a teacher and is very much a christian. we love her anywayhappy The point is..if we can tolerate you being a believer then why cant you tolerate us nonbelievers.relax no one is trying to take over

I don't hate anyone.Hate comes from Satan and I don't embrace Satan I rebuke him.That still doesn't change the facts about how I feel about Atheist.You want me to sit here and lie through my teeth and say everything I have experienced with Atheists is delusional.

Atheist don't judge???Are you kidding me?You have probably several hundred anti-Christian/anti-religion websites run by Atheist calling Christians every name in the book,making fun of their bible,saying what they are doing is wrong and stupid,to people they have never even met.You think Atheists just have this live and let live and tolerate Christians? laugh What a joke!How many anti-Atheist websites are run by Christian groups slandering,making fun of,and demanding they cease to exist?

Atheist sue every chance they get.They sue over everything from wearing a cross to work to praying in a college.Atheist in other countries ban religion and in many countries will get you killed if they find you practicing it.Atheist give Christians more problems and cause more trouble then anyone else on Earth.

You think this place is any different?

How many negative posts in here are started by Muslims towards Christians?None
How many negative posts in here are started by Hindus towards Christians?None
How many negative posts in here are started by Buddhist towards Christians?None
How many negative posts in here are started by any other religions towards Christians?None

How many negative posts in here are started by Atheists towards Christians?Nearly all of them.

Christians don't tolerate Atheist?Maybe you can post some news articles to back that statement up.I can't seem to remember in my life ever reading stories of Christians suing Atheist for what they believe.I can't remember ever reading a bunch of Christians demanding we pass laws against Atheism,demanding that Atheism is not taught in public schools,and demanding that Atheist can not talk about Atheism in Federal buildings.All of these things have been slapped on Christians and many more.

You Atheist complain about nothing.Christians are the most prosecuted people in the World right now and it is only getting worse.We can't even pray in a public place with out getting a lawsuit slapped on us.In third World countries Christians are massacred on a daily basis.When was the last time a bunch of Atheist were massacred because they didn't believe in anything?

So excuse me for defending my religion when I read about daily massacres and then come to this place to read nauseating,hateful,posts towards Christians,get called every name in the book,and then have some Atheist say I need to be tolerant.

Corazone's photo
Mon 01/03/11 02:29 AM
Holy Cowlaugh you have some real anger issues!! I didnt say all those things about you being a nazi etc. You are right though i dont know you and just assumed you were a christian. My mistake! im sorry that all of your experiences with atheists have not been good ones as you said. in the quote i said there are good and bad in all sectors of life..atheist or christian. you shouldnt judge all by just a few. i must say though...if your not a must be really pissed off at yourself.laugh

ShiningArmour's photo
Mon 01/03/11 07:01 AM
Sorry but I've got to agree with thomas on this one.

It only takes one thread started by an upstanding christian to get every atheist in the forum to jump in and start the verbal beatdown.

ShiningArmour's photo
Mon 01/03/11 07:06 AM

Holy Cowlaugh you have some real anger issues!! I didnt say all those things about you being a nazi etc. You are right though i dont know you and just assumed you were a christian. My mistake! im sorry that all of your experiences with atheists have not been good ones as you said. in the quote i said there are good and bad in all sectors of life..atheist or christian. you shouldnt judge all by just a few. i must say though...if your not a must be really pissed off at yourself.laugh

He does not have anger issues he's defending himself.

Though I think he should back up his thinking with some website links or news articles

barun1959's photo
Mon 01/03/11 08:04 AM

Are you theist or atheist?
Who do you think leads a better life,theist or atheist?what
Praying to 'GOD' gives me enough mental strength to do some good work. Without going to the controversial question of existance of 'GOD' if we sincerely pray to 'GOD'for some good cause, generally it happens. There may be some scientific reason!:heart:

Corazone's photo
Mon 01/03/11 08:55 AM
Edited by Corazone on Mon 01/03/11 09:03 AM

Sorry but I've got to agree with thomas on this one.

It only takes one thread started by an upstanding christian to get every atheist in the forum to jump in and start the verbal beatdown.

if you go back and actually read my posts you will see that i have not attacked anyone...only defended MY right to be an upstanding non believer and YOUR right to be a christian. i came to this sight to debate a subject maturely and without malice but this is nutsfrustrated have a great day peoplenoway

no photo
Mon 01/03/11 09:03 AM

Sorry but I've got to agree with thomas on this one.

It only takes one thread started by an upstanding christian to get every atheist in the forum to jump in and start the verbal beatdown.

if you go back and actually read my posts you will see that i have not attacked anyone...only defended MY right to be an upstanding non believer and YOUR right to be a christian.

Actually you claimed to know what "believers" think...
sorry not buying it..atheists live life for life itself in all its glory. believers live a life of fear...fear of being alone...fear of your own heart...fear of being judged...fear of hell fires...fear of not being loved...fear of not obeying...

Care to change that statement?

ShiningArmour's photo
Mon 01/03/11 09:03 AM

Sorry but I've got to agree with thomas on this one.

It only takes one thread started by an upstanding christian to get every atheist in the forum to jump in and start the verbal beatdown.

if you go back and actually read my posts you will see that i have not attacked anyone...only defended MY right to be an upstanding non believer and YOUR right to be a christian.

I din't attack you. I simply voiced my support for the man that I agree with.

Corazone's photo
Mon 01/03/11 09:15 AM

Sorry but I've got to agree with thomas on this one.

It only takes one thread started by an upstanding christian to get every atheist in the forum to jump in and start the verbal beatdown.

if you go back and actually read my posts you will see that i have not attacked anyone...only defended MY right to be an upstanding non believer and YOUR right to be a christian.

I din't attack you. I simply voiced my support for the man that I agree with.

well if you agree with all of that unfounded ranting then you both have issues. my statements were based on experiences with SOME believers not all...but by supporting those blanket anti atheist stabs without looking at individual people its just wrong and not what Jesus would do!

ShiningArmour's photo
Mon 01/03/11 09:23 AM

Sorry but I've got to agree with thomas on this one.

It only takes one thread started by an upstanding christian to get every atheist in the forum to jump in and start the verbal beatdown.

if you go back and actually read my posts you will see that i have not attacked anyone...only defended MY right to be an upstanding non believer and YOUR right to be a christian.

I din't attack you. I simply voiced my support for the man that I agree with.

well if you agree with all of that unfounded ranting then you both have issues. my statements were based on experiences with SOME believers not all...but by supporting those blanket anti atheist stabs without looking at individual people its just wrong and not what Jesus would do!

Um excuse me? We have issues? I believe you just broke a forum rule and attacked a forum user! 2 of us! If I report this post I could get you in some serious trouble. Please don't let this happen again.

I would not report a fellow christian but I have no quams about reporting an atheist. Please keep this in mind. happy

Now as I said earlier I think people should have proof!

Do you have any proof that Jesus. The son of God, would NOT stand up for his own teachings?

Jesus defended himself against pharisees who claimed to be on the christian side.

Anti-athesist stabs? What!? As I said before he was simply defending his side and I was agreeing with him. Is that really so wrong?

Corazone's photo
Mon 01/03/11 09:35 AM

Sorry but I've got to agree with thomas on this one.

It only takes one thread started by an upstanding christian to get every atheist in the forum to jump in and start the verbal beatdown.

if you go back and actually read my posts you will see that i have not attacked anyone...only defended MY right to be an upstanding non believer and YOUR right to be a christian.

I din't attack you. I simply voiced my support for the man that I agree with.

well if you agree with all of that unfounded ranting then you both have issues. my statements were based on experiences with SOME believers not all...but by supporting those blanket anti atheist stabs without looking at individual people its just wrong and not what Jesus would do!

Um excuse me? We have issues? I believe you just broke a forum rule and attacked a forum user! 2 of us! If I report this post I could get you in some serious trouble. Please don't let this happen again.

I would not report a fellow christian but I have no quams about reporting an atheist. Please keep this in mind. happy

Now as I said earlier I think people should have proof!

Do you have any proof that Jesus. The son of God, would NOT stand up for his own teachings?

Jesus defended himself against pharisees who claimed to be on the christian side.

Anti-athesist stabs? What!? As I said before he was simply defending his side and I was agreeing with him. Is that really so wrong?

have atter with your report "the record will show" ....there was nothing to defend..i did not attack him in any order to debate a subject one must be able to express an opinion...i did that in a respectful,calm way and received rantings in return. This is supposed to be interesting and fun..IT IS NEITHER!! frustrated frustrated frustrated

Dragoness's photo
Mon 01/03/11 09:44 AM
Edited by Dragoness on Mon 01/03/11 09:48 AM

Are you theist or atheist?
Who do you think leads a better life,theist or atheist?what

One thing I have learned about atheists is they rarely are proud of being a atheist.From my experience with atheists I have come to the conclusion that they are some of the worst people personality wise on the planet.Some common traits I have found with atheist are....

Rarely if ever leave a tip at a restaurant.
Typically are anti marriage,no children.
Never vote or care about local and political issues.
Don't care about important issues such as Genocide,Wars,poverty,and other issues.
Usually could care less about our military or our country.
Thinks Christians and Jews are brain dead idiots.
Not very motivated.
Has little or no morals.

I have said this before in here but your atheist charities are nearly non existent.If there is some sort of so called atheist charity it typically involves some sort of agenda such as removing religion from the planet.

You hardly have to look too far into the mind of a atheist even in this place.Just look at the topics started in the General religion section of this website and see who is attacking who,who is slandering who,and who is insulting who.It isn't the people who believe in God.It is the Atheist.99% of the time you can tell if a person is a Atheist with even knowing just by the topics they are starting.

I think it is easy to see why most Americans put atheists on the bottom of the pile for respect.Atheists don't fight for anything,believe in anything,stand up for anything,or really do anything except attack and slander the Christians.

Who leads a better life???Hard to say.A better question would probably be who spends the majority of their life making the world a better place,bringing peace,helping others,giving to charities,etc.

noway noway noway noway noway slaphead slaphead slaphead slaphead slaphead slaphead slaphead slaphead slaphead rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl

slaphead Not!!!slaphead

and I am not even an atheist or so the atheists told me.