Topic: Does anyone really want truth? | |
natural human inclination is far more to want to FEEL good.
than to care about something called honesty or truth. "the feelings" shape the "truth" some speak of as truth. so, with each word spoken, another is simply spewing back how those words "made them feel"... so, needless to say, another's "words" teach self NOTHING ABOUT THIS OTHER PERSON, so they don't actually KNOW ANOTHER PERSON TOTALLY... they only know HOW THIS OTHER "MAKES THEM FEEL"... and then wonder why other people go away from them... because they KNOW YOU DON'T CARE ABOUT THEM, ONLY HOW THEY MAKE YOU FEEL ABOUT YOURSELF. thats not EVEN FRIENDSHIP. sure, anybody can make it about anything they want to call it. there are infinity words for any to use to describe what is of VALUE to them. call it truth, or care, or love, or kindness, or smart, or wise, or sexy, or on and on and on to infinity. but one thing for sure... that which lives it's life but trying to defend itself from any words that gives itself "negative" feelings, will live in utter unhapppiness GIEVN DUE time, but all along, declare it's own happiness, TO NOT FEEL BAD ABOUT ITSELF. the very essence of DEFINING what words mean based upon ONE'S OWN FEELINGS, is to learn nothing except how those words make self feel. which is to learn nothing about understanding OTHER PEOPLE. and no knowing of them except for "their kind", their nice, their sweet, their loving, their cool, their a dumbass, their an idiot... all words JUST DESCIBING SELF FEELINGS, SO ALL ABOUT ONESELF. HAS NOTHING DO TO WITH WHO THAT OTHER PERSON TRULY IS. and believing such as TRUTH, is what creates ALL unhappiness to begin with. for someone to sit there, and be with someone, and moan, and whine, and not LEAVE. not change anything. for their whole course of action, IS BUT REALLY TO TRY TO GET THIS OTHER TO SPEAK AND DO AS SELF WISHES AND SOON COMMANDS. huh... find somebody that speaks and does as SELF WANTS, WITH SELF NOT TELLING THEM WHAT ONESELF "WANTS"... of course, THEN THE WORDS AND ACTIONS WILL NOT BE "HONEST", they just did and spoke those things, BECAUSE THEY WANTED TO MAKE YOU HAPPY, TO GET "WHAT THEY WANTED FROM YOU", THE SAME. tell me no evil about myself, and i shall tell you none. and this is love. and this is friendship. and this is lasting connection? but a prison for both. and why one will leave. it is but to live in illusions. how shall accept ITSELF, AND ALL ITSELF IS, THE GOOD AND THE BAD, UNLESS ANOTHER CAN SPEAK IT, AND IT DOSEN'T HURT. of course, no true love till then. so, opt for the GOOD WORDS, and live for these, and wonder why there is no love self can find for itself. in the end, the only happy, and free, is to find how all words are good, for they but tell who and what and how another "feels" about you. does not say who and what you are, LEST YOU HAVE NO VALUE WITHOUT PRAISE AND KIND WORDS. those that live but to find and tell how all words offend them, are but barely alive. zombies. words simply zooming at them from all places, and them just holding up their hands and begging mercy for themself, from these terrible, horrific words... feeling sorry for oneself, totally created THAT CREATES A VORTEX OF SELF UNHAPPINESS, from fearing any unkind words about oneself. and no doubt, feelings sorry for self, must first exist, before one moans as if these words are enough to reduce them to worthlessness, and so, they feel and allow them to become more worthless each day, but living for a pat on the head from another... the more pats, the less they can be happy by themself. so, people are just "no self lonely" objects. give me sex objects. speak nice to me objects, like let me tell you all the words off limit, or i shall crumble. because they first allowed words to DEFINE THEIR OWN VALUE. so, of course, since ALL WANT TO "FEEL" VALUED, they only ever looked for how WORDS DEVALUE THEM. a little tiny word. letters. formed into words. and those one shall allow to DEFINE ONESELF. only if one walks thru life like an inspector gadet, a sleuth of what be "harmful words to self". if one says oneself is a fat obese loser, happy says hell yea, i know... the words will be heard less and less each day then. for as soon as self realizes that is precisly what itself is, and accepts it, it SHALL DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT, and live for true happiness, which is WHAT SELF CAN ACHIEVE, NOT HOW MANY IND WORDS SELF CAN FIND FOR ITSELF. if somebody dosen't talk like oneself likes, than that ONLY HELPS SELF, not hurts self, BY SHOWING SELF WHO SPEAKS THE WAY SELF LIKES? so, why any anger to another who dosen't suite one's feelings in their speech? wouldbe dictators, that think they are actually going to find another that says no words that hurt their feelings. of course, if words can make ONESELF UNHAPPY, than there can be NO TOTAL HAPPINESS, UNTIL ONESELF DOES NOT ALLOW THEM TO CONTROL SELF, TO MAKE ONESELF FEEL LIKE ****, WHICH IS TO "NOT EMBRACE" HURT FEELINGS ABOUT WORDS FOR ONESELF... but rather to intentionally, make oneself tuffer, and more think "bring it on". soon, no words will EVER STEAL HAPPINESS. those that embrace HURT FEELINGS FOR THEMSELF, just MAKE themself more and more sensitve to words each day... these are soon the UNPLEASEABLES... the wacks jobs in extreme cases, that allowed words to make them want to shoot other workers, who were not KIND TO THEM. THE ENDLESS BLACK HOLES WHO DON'T KNOW HOW TO ESCAPE THEIR OWN UNHAPPINESS. no amount of kind words can make these happy, even kissing their feet each day as they walk. and each kind word, actually drives them more into their own self created prison. as they believe more each day the ENTIRE WORLD OWE'S THEM KIND WORDS. gentle words. AND NOT JUST GENTLE, BUT ONLY SELF PRAISING, SELF AS AWESOME, SELF AS TOTALLY THE SHITZ, confused that such shall make them FEEL LOVE... never. just the opposite. nothing can love until no words can hurt it's feelings. extreme words is the only thing that make's one no longer AFRAID OF WORDS, OR PLACE IT'S OWN VALUE OF ITSELF ON WORDS, OR ACTIONS OF ANOTHER. why do you think kids can say all manner of mean things, and still like each other. and call each other ho's and ******* and bastards and nigga and smile about it... and be FAST FRIENDS. protect one another to the death. because it FREES THEM from "fear of words" TO DO SO. BUT STUPID CONTROLLING ADULTS, THAT MAKE IT ALL ABOUT THEIR "OWN FEEINGS", will only try to make them stop doing such. make no mimstake, who makes oneself free from negative words, will be who self will be most drawn to, and who you will thank with all gratitude in the end of self pain. grown ups just somewhere along the way, forgot they were supposed to come to be able to not be able to be CONTROLLED by words, or allow them to steal happy. so, get over it. find funny in words. stop defining them as ATTACKS ON SELF. or self shall ALWAYS FEEL ATTACKED. ALWAYS DIMEANED. ALWAYS DEGRADED. just one idiotic rant. run with it as your mind see fit to run. i know... hell of a long rant. just important TO THIS ONE IDIOT. |
pardon? note i had to edit cause it just cut and paste the ugh persons? that i quoted?.. did not let me say pardon! anyhow............... I dont know what your problem is... i said nothing for you or anyone to attack me! uhhh you said you liked blunt so I shot the first blunt comment that went through my head lol hence the the question " shovel? " becuase you said you dig blunt..dig being the operative word there..therefore as blunt as the comment was I thought you might need a shovel ... dig get it?? you dig with a shovel??? oh well Ill go attack someone else.. lol See that you do not attack anyone, Thanks. Didnt attack anyone...I was only kidding...thought it was easy to tell.. guess I was wrong... gimme a break ..can you even read??? guess you didn't know that was a mod, lol... |
If people demand honesty from their potential new partner, best they practise it also? I not only want it, require it and need it....I demand it! Reap what you sow....and yep am brutally honest in how I think and what I perceive....tough sh *te if you can't handle aren't the person for me. Oh yeah? Where is that $7 you owe me? hehehehehe :) It's sitting here on my kitchen counter awaiting your collection of it, big fella. |
Edited by
Wed 12/22/10 07:53 PM
There are also times when people mistake honesty for a lie. They read too deep into things: body language, pauses, slow speech, fumbling words... Sometimes you want to tell the truth, but have trouble finding the right way to express the thoughts in your head. Because it can take a while to sort out how you want to phrase it, people can be quick to assume just about anything. "Oh, you didn't like it?" Or, "Can't you give me a straight answer?" Some people are so bent on hearing only what they want to hear that if it doesn't happen right away, they focus on what you're doing rather than what you're saying. If honesty is subjective or relative, then so are lies. It's a matter of how someone else perceives it. Some accept lies as truth, other accept lies to escape the truth, and vice versa. Ahhh...Lynx...the internal soon as you begin to edit your thoughts, and what you choose to convey, you are moving from YOUR pure truth, and into a sanitised version... so many people over think before they speak...if what you have to say is going to hurt someone's's their problem not yours...grown up are responsible for their own feelings, no-one else. |
There are also times when people mistake honesty for a lie. They read too deep into things: body language, pauses, slow speech, fumbling words... Sometimes you want to tell the truth, but have trouble finding the right way to express the thoughts in your head. Because it can take a while to sort out how you want to phrase it, people can be quick to assume just about anything. "Oh, you didn't like it?" Or, "Can't you give me a straight answer?" Some people are so bent on hearing only what they want to hear that if it doesn't happen right away, they focus on what you're doing rather than what you're saying. If honesty is subjective or relative, then so are lies. It's a matter of how someone else perceives it. Some accept lies as truth, other accept lies to escape the truth, and vice versa. Ahhh...Lynx...the internal soon as you begin to edit your thoughts, and what you choose to convey, you are moving from YOUR pure truth, and into a sanitised version... so many people over think before they speak...if what you have to say is going to hurt someone's's their problem not yours...grown up are responsible for their own feelings, no-one else. Welcome to Northeastern USA, the most uptight, wound-up, stick-up-the-butt portion of this big, great country. Blunt honesty is an expensive luxury as I learned by age 16. Do I like it? Hell no. Do I adapt? Hell yeah. Do I want it to rule my life? **** NO!!! That's why I like my babe. I can be honest with her at least 95%^ of the time. If she thinks I'm sugar-coating or avoiding, she'll call me out on it. She wants what I want, but sometimes you need a little communication first to be comfortable with it. I love my babe because she let's me be myself, and she loves me for it. |
Everybody want the truth but not all truth are to be told because not everybody use the appropriate channel, tone, manner, time,... . Lies or honesty are both needed sometimes to create fiction (a fantastic world), to create a smile, a hope. It is the intention that makes the difference, but never forget "to lie is evil" viva la vida