Topic: Does age matter in Mariage & love. | |
Does age matter in love or intimate relation..
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Tue 10/26/10 09:59 AM
sometimes it's just a question of mind over matter. if she doesn't mind than age doesn't matter.
It doesn't matter with age and realising that is helping me to stay out of the front office. I used to have trouble with women because they didn't like me. But the reverse can get you into trouble, too. "Here comes trouble" can be a good tee shirt to wear.
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It all depends. But really it doesn't as lnog as the two people are truly compatible.
hey Rainbow.....sometimes people can be in trouble when one does not move according to people....this could be a point of dislikes. Be your self ..
hey Rainbow.....sometimes people can be in trouble when one does not move according to people....this could be a point of dislikes. Be your self .. That is good advice. I have tried being other people and it just didn't work for me. ![]() |
One of the things I enjoyed reading was about was Lou Ferigno and Bill Bixby. Lou had admirers and so did Bill. But when you watch the show you are led to believe they are the same person. Lou admitted that he wished he was like Bill but Bill admitted that he wished he was like Lou.
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I think its up to the two people involved. Really, its thier business between two consenting adults. However, I see a lot of older dudes ego tripping with young Mexican girls in Vallarta and I always think to myself...theres no fool like an old fool.
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Edited by
Tue 10/26/10 10:44 AM
Does age matter in love or intimate relation.. Let me explain how this topic goes, okay? 50% of people will say yes, and the other 50% will say no. Religion has a strong anchor in marriage, and in some religions age gaps aren't frowned upon while in others they are. Some people were brought up with a mathmatical equation in their head to how young/old their partner should be, usually this equation consists of nonsensical numbers that almost seem like they were randomly placed because the person doing the math was bored. It goes like this: Your age divided by two, plus seven equals the acceptable age range. I always look at this equation like this: Two drunk people are sitting in a bar, one of them is dating a significantly older person the other a significantly younger person so they start doing math on the bar napkin and come up with an obviously ridiculous equation...and for some reason it has carried on for many years, while the equation for stuff like the distance to the moon or number of pi it takes to circumnavigate the world are often ignored. Math - It used to be somewhat important, now it is just flooded by useless knowledge. |
there is a need for many to put everything into neat little categories and label it. i prefer to be more open minded and just let two willing adults go where the wind takes them.
I'd like to add one statement from The HOLY "BIBLE".....when you were young, you dressed yourself and went where you wanted to go. when you are older some else dress you and lead where you do not wanna go..
I'd like to add one statement from The HOLY "BIBLE".....when you were young, you dressed yourself and went where you wanted to go. when you are older some else dress you and lead where you do not wanna go.. Close, but a bit off...interpretation is funny like that...*cough*bible*/cough* |
Its also what you feel comfortable with.. I don't feel comfortable dating or having a relationship with guys younger than my children..just me..
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emotional and intellectual compatibility is what matters
some fifty year olds are emotionally and intellectually compatible with a twenty year old it just depends upon the individuals involved |
there is a huge double standard here...older man/younger woman is totally acceptable while older woman/younger man is not, mostly because an older woman who is beyond child bearing years is typically seen as no longer "useful".
Depending on the culture, the pressure to form a "normal" relationship (meaning one that will produce off-spring,) is tremendous and there is little if any support for the older female/younger male relationship, regardless of how much love the couple may have for each can be very difficult and stressful. |
wont date any young enough to be my daughter,
or old enough to be my mom |
Does age matter in love or intimate relation.. only if diapers are involved.. |
Does age matter in love or intimate relation.. only if diapers are involved.. lol ![]() ![]() |
Does age matter in love or intimate relation.. Yes it does matter. Two people must first know who they are before they give themselves to someone else and truethfully no one knows who "they are" going to be befor the age 26, but dont let this detour you because every experiance is worth learning from. |
yupit does