Topic: Will The Rapture rid the Earth of Christianity | |
Seems to me that you(Arcamedees) have not made one good point yet that would be helpful to anyone except for yourself. I want readers to keep this in mind as they go through your ridiculous posts of HATE. People need to be loving each other-not hating each other. I think that any 2 year old with a brain could figure that one out. LMAO! I have been patiently waiting for someone else to call him out on that besides me, since I called his BS in the other thread! Ha ha ha ha ha! Oh no! The Dingleberry and the Burnout are teaming up against me! Whatever will I do? hmmm...The Dingleberry and the Burnout....sounds like a new action packed drama from Fox... And pray thee tell me, what is this "BS" of which you speak? |
Seems to me that you(Arcamedees) have not made one good point yet that would be helpful to anyone except for yourself. I want readers to keep this in mind as they go through your ridiculous posts of HATE. People need to be loving each other-not hating each other. I think that any 2 year old with a brain could figure that one out. LMAO! I have been patiently waiting for someone else to call him out on that besides me, since I called his BS in the other thread! Ha ha ha ha ha! "People need to be loving each other-not hating each other" The Bible on: Love? "I will also send wild beasts among you, which shall rob you of your children." (Leviticus 26:22) "Now kill all the boys. And kill every woman who has slept with a man, but save for yourself every girl who has never slept with a man." (Numbers 31:17-18) "The Lord commands: "... slay old men outright, young men and maidens, little children and women" (Ezechial 9:4-6) "When the Lord delivers it into your hand, put to the sword all the males .... As for the women, the children, the livestock and everything else in the city, you may take these as plunder for yourselves." (Deuteronomy 20:13-14) "You will eat the fruit of the womb, the flesh of the sons and daughters the Lord your God has given you." (Deuteronomy 28:53) "The Lord said to Joshua [...] 'you are to hamstring their horses.' " (Exceedingly cruel.) (Joshua 11:6) "... Go and smite the inhabitants of Jabesh-gilead with the edge of the sword and; also the women and little ones.... every male and every woman that has lain with a male you shall utterly destroy." (Judges 21:10-12) "This is what the Lord says: Now go and smite Amalek, and utterly destroy all that they have; do not spare them, but kill both man and woman, infant and suckling, ox and sheep, camel and *** .... And Saul ... utterly destroyed all the people with the edge of the sword." (1 Samuel 15:3,7-8) "The people of Samaria must bear their guilt, because they have rebelled against their God. They will fall by the sword; their little ones will be dashed to the ground, their women with child ripped open." (Hosea 13:16) "A curse on him who is lax in doing the LORD's work! A curse on him who keeps his sword from bloodshed!" (Jeremiah 48:10) Is this really the "word of God" or the cruel thoughts of Bronze age warriors? Did you know this was in the bible? If not then are you shocked? If you did know it was there then is Christianity really about a healthy loving relationship or is it a case of the Stockholm syndrome?" Considering that yall's "love" of Hitler did enough damage...wait, then you guys supported the Dippic into office giving us this disaster we live in today...a million Arabs killed. Thousands of our soldiers die for a lie...ALL for your "love" I guess it's all about LIES. And BS. Don't forget the BS. Maybe that's the BS Dingleberry oft doth write... |
Yet... you are so guilty of these acts yourselves. I never persecuted anyone in the name of Jesus Christ Almighty or in the name of Satan. You spew meaningless and unsupportable accusations at people just to support a mythology that truly is guilty of inciting madness in people. What Cowboy is doing is attempting to proselytize HIS VERSION and interpretation of these ancient myths. Cowboy cannot claim to "Speak for Jesus" anymore than anyone else. Anymore than me, in fact! There mere fact that Cowboy fell for this ancient mythology does not grant him any special authority on them. A lot of people fell for these myths and used them in entirely different ways. I think the Malleus Maleficarum is the perfect example of precisely how dangerous these religious myths can be. We're talking about two very serious and high-ranking Christian monks who certainly out-rank Cowboy in terms of being devout religious clergy. Yet this is the kind of superstitious and hideous thing they come up with. In fact, look at YOU! You say: What YOU are doing is more characteristic of satan Even today in these modern times even you are perpetuating the same kind of fears about some Satanic demon that caused the Christian Monks centuries ago to write the Malleus Maleficarum. If you were living in a highly Christian society where even the government (or King) was a devout Christian, you could very well be the person who starts writing similar books on how to expose Heathens who are "Possessed by Satan". You're already suggesting as much! Accusing people have having the characteristics of Satan. It's the same old medieval superstitions being proselytized today in the name of Jesus the Christ Almighty. I'm not impressed in the least. These superstitious bigoted religions with their jealous God are dangerous. There can be no doubt about it. Disbelievers are quickly labeled as "Acting on behalf of Satan!" When are these ancient ignorant superstitions going to end? Everyone who refuses to believe that Jesus was a bigot who hates heathens is automatically labeled as a heathen who Jesus hates. Surely you have not convinced yourself that only Christians can be bigoted... for you yourself show extreme traits of intolerance toward Christianity, all the while twisting scriptures with tempestuous rantings. You have zero tolerance for the convictions of Christians. You go as far as to brutally bash and blaspheme the Name of the very God who cradled you from birth. (As you were raised in a Christian home.) Rebelliously, you just wish it would all go away (depising your beginnings). Your so-called college education has lifted you above your former associations. You search and search all other religions to find a replacement for the one that you abandoned. Ok, so now you have bought the lies and sold your soul to become the step-child of spirituality and reason... Ever learning and never coming to the knowledge of the truth. The proverbial "dog chasing its tail". If you run fast enough, do you think you might catch it? As for comparing your characteristics to those of satan, not many would chance the response of a sovereign God, to give such an exhibition. Except one who believed his fate has already been decided upon. Tell the truth, you're doing this on your phone, right? |
Surely you have not convinced yourself that only Christians can be bigoted...for you yourself show extreme traits of intolerance toward Christianity, all the while twisting scriptures with tempestuous rantings. What you say here is totally incorrect simply because you mistake the very idea of WHO the Christians were. The followers of this mythology are not the Christians. The Christians are the people who actually wrote it. The followers simply call themselves "Christians". Most modern Christians don't even fully realize what the Bible actually says, much less believe it. The doctrine demands religious bigotry. Can you deny that? According to this doctrine to reject these stories as the "Word of God" is an "unforgivable sin". According to John, to fail to recognize that Jesus is the only begotten son of God is cause for condemnation. These aren't my ideas. Moreover, let's get perfectly straight what true bigotry actually consists of. These original Christians who wrote the Bible, as well as the authors who wrote the Torah, or Old Testament, are saying that anyone who refuses to believe in their writings is a heathen who is against God. It claims right in the scriptures that no good can come from a heathen. Heathens have been branded as "enemies of God", and have been judged to be condemned. Not to mention the obvious fact, that having been branded as such anything they say or do will automatically be dismissed as unwise and possible even an act of Satan. Now when have I ever claimed that people who don't believe like me are 'heathens' or that God will reject them, or that they must be up to no good? I haven't. So accusing me of such religious bigotry is nonsense. I don't condemn "Christians" (In this case I'm actually referring to the people who claim to follow this religion). But I do point out the fact that they are spreading and perpetuating a religiously bigoted doctrine. I believe that God loves everyone. Where's the bigotry in that? You have zero tolerance for the convictions of Christians. You go as far as to brutally bash and blaspheme the Name of the very God who cradled you from birth. (As you were raised in a Christian home.) I have zero tolerance for the constant proseyltizing of Christians who demand that an ancient ignorant and clearly violent and unwise fable is the "Word of God". Hey, if they want to believe that for themselves, then more power to them. But they can't do that. They are out to proselytize and evangelize this morbid stuff onto everyone else. And they also judge everyone who refuses to accept this morbid stuff to be "rejecting God". Just as you are suggesting that I'm doing in your very post. Have I ever accused you of rejecting God? I do feel that you seem to be bent on insulting God by demanding that these ancient Hebrew myths speak for God. But insulting God is not the same as rejecting Her. She forgives you for you know not what you do. Rebelliously, you just wish it would all go away (depising your beginnings). I see these Abrahamic myths as a spiritual cancer on humanity, yes. What do you mean by, "despising my beginnings". So these brainwashing scheme of the ancient Hebrews didn't take on me. So what? As I became older, wiser, and more mature, I realized that it's all a bunch of lies made up by a society that didn't even have decent moral values to begin with. Your so-called college education has lifted you above your former associations.
College has nothing to do with it whatsoever. I started to recognize the fallacies of the Biblical stories while I was still in High School. Moreover, several of my uncles were preachers and they often came over for dinner. I watched them discussing religion between themselves and realized first-hand that even preachers of the very same denomination don't agree on everything. And sometimes disagree on major points. It doesn't take a genius to recognize that globally the same thing has occurred in all off-shoots from these original myths. The Jews who had the original myth didn't even buy into the idea that Jesus was "The Christ". Islam is an off-shoot of these same Abrahamic tales. Catholicism is the only "True Christianity" as far as I can see. The protestants are the rebellious ones who protested against the "body of Christ" (i.e. the church) and ran off to form their own personal opinions. They have since been dubbed to be "Paper Popes", because they are nothing more than opinionated men who are attempting to come up with their own interpretations of the ancient scriptures. And clearly the protestants have fallen into many various groups. Look at the Amish. They reject technology altogether as being "evil" in the name of this doctrine. So it's not merely my opinion that the religion is nothing more than just a bunch of people's opinions. It's historically been verified to be precisely that. Moreover you accuse me of being "rebellious" but what about all those protesting protestants who "rebelled" against the original form of Christianity? Protestants have no room to be calling anyone else "rebellious". I just took Protestantism to the ultimate level. I read the scriptures for myself and came to my own conclusions. My conclusion is that the Old Testament has no more merit than Greek mythology and the New Testament are rumors about a mortal man who actually taught against the very unwise moral values of the false Old Testament. The idea that Jesus could be the "Son" of the original fabled God is utterly absurd, IMHO. That's a valid position and assessment to take. Poor Jesus was trying to teach people better morals and ended up becoming a victim of the very mythology he was renouncing. Jesus wasn't a God, he was a victim. You search and search all other religions to find a replacement for the one that you abandoned.
No, you're totally incorrect in this. I don't need a replacement mythology. I don't need to have a particular mythology in order to believe in a spiritual existence to reality. However, having said that, I find it interesting to study the ideas, thoughts, and traditions of other humans on Planet Earth. It's interesting to see what the commonalities are. I do tend to believe in the power of shamanism and shamanic journey work. Simply because it was used and recognized by so many cultures. In fact, even many of the Biblical stories have "god" speaking to men through visions and dreams. That's shamanism. This my come as a complete and utter shock to you, but I actually believe that many of the shamanic experiences described by the authors of the Bible probably were indeed "divine inspiration". However, that doesn't automatically make every word of ever story the absolute infallible word of some Zeus-like Godhead. Ok, so now you have bought the lies and sold your soul to become the step-child of spirituality and reason... What are you doing here? Attempting to insult me with your Christian Bigotry again? Ever learning and never coming to the knowledge of the truth. The proverbial "dog chasing its tail". If you run fast enough, do you think you might catch it? You cling to a mythology created by a very unwise and patriarchal male-chauvinistic society. A doctrine that clearly states that Women should not speak out on important social matters and especially not on religion. That would be the word of YOUR God. Yet you don't seem to care much for your LORD's wishes. As for comparing your characteristics to those of satan, not many would chance the response of a sovereign God, to give such an exhibition. Except one who believed his fate has already been decided upon. I absolutely believe that my fate has been decided. And I'm quite happy about. The difference between you and I is that I actually trust God and you don't. I trust my creator to be truly wise, truly intelligent, and truly righteous. And that's all I need. As long as my creator truly possesses these qualities then my fate is sealed. I'll go straight to "Seventh Heaven" when I die (to use a common human expression) There's no question about it. I have nothing to be 'saved' from other than from the people who are trying to get me to belittle God by joining an organized bigotry wagon that they use to condemn everyone who refuses to climb aboard. Have I condemned you? Most certainly not. I have absolutely no idea what your fate might be. I know nothing of you. However, I TRUST GOD enough to believe that She will be fair and just with you. So if you are a fair and just person I see no reason why She won't treat you as such. And no, I don't truly believe that God is a woman. No more than I believe he's a man. God is spirit. I am spirit. God and I are one. This I know. Yes, it's true, the Eastern Mystics have also recognized this same basic truth and this is why I point to them as having the wisest of all philosophies. But I don't believe this because they say it's true. I believe it because I know it to be true in the core of my being. I believe like Jesus believed. I and "the Father" or "the Mother" are one. However you want to think of it. I am that I am. That's what Jesus taught, and that's also what I believe. I agree with Jesus. So you should be tickled pink. There is no arrogant egotistical male-chauvinistic pig that you have to cower down to in order to be 'saved' from his wrath. That would be worse than atheism. Jesus said, "Ye are gods", he also said, "Whatever you do to the least of your brothern you do unto me", because he knew the truth. We are god. Each and every one of us. So have a little faith and try trusting God instead of fearing God. got your dander up a bit, huh. Go Abra go! |
not complaining, just stating a fact that not all religious people fall into his category, and my first post said nothing remotely close to a complaint, I just answered your question. As far as I am concerned, I spoke my peace and am done. I think the problems start when people read into others statements, the main question was do you think rapture will end christianity, not do you believe in God the father and Jesus His son, or who can twist more words around for them to say what I want them too, right? So there is alot of off topic debat going on and there will be no winner today, wether because of my faith or because of the finality of death one day each of us will know the answers we look for, and everyone has a right to their own beliefs, I can end by saying that sometimes you just know that you know, I wasn't there the day Jesus was crucified, or with Mary when she went to his empty tomb, but I was there the moment I asked Jesus to come in my life and make me His own. And no one ever said believeing in God would be easy, just worth it. I have a joy in my heart and testimony to share from the grace God has shown me. Today it is my decision to praise the Lord a conscous decision I make every moment of my life, I sin, and I fall short everyday, I don't seek perfection, I seek the best I can do. In my faith I am suppose to outwardly acknowledge Christ, with words and works, at the end of today I will lay down in my bed in my apartment, and have to be accountable for my day, I have told you what I believe, not made judgements on you or what you believe, and I am o.k. with that. It is not my job as a follower of Christ to brain wash you or try and make you think my way is a better way to believe, it is just to show you there is another option, so like my brother before you says, on the day of judgement you cannot point to me and say..."but Jennifer never told me, I never knew"..... By your own religious dogma, anyone who hears "the word" and rejects it goes to Hell. So, by telling non-believers about "the word" and not convincing them that it's true and correct, aren't you condemning them to Hell, via "the word"? No, for it is still their own free will to either believe or not. The person spreading the word can not literally change that. It has to be done willingly by the person it is given to. So...what happens if someone is born, lives and dies, with out hearing "the word"? Romans 2 You just want me to dust off my bible, don't you? |
not complaining, just stating a fact that not all religious people fall into his category, and my first post said nothing remotely close to a complaint, I just answered your question. As far as I am concerned, I spoke my peace and am done. I think the problems start when people read into others statements, the main question was do you think rapture will end christianity, not do you believe in God the father and Jesus His son, or who can twist more words around for them to say what I want them too, right? So there is alot of off topic debat going on and there will be no winner today, wether because of my faith or because of the finality of death one day each of us will know the answers we look for, and everyone has a right to their own beliefs, I can end by saying that sometimes you just know that you know, I wasn't there the day Jesus was crucified, or with Mary when she went to his empty tomb, but I was there the moment I asked Jesus to come in my life and make me His own. And no one ever said believeing in God would be easy, just worth it. I have a joy in my heart and testimony to share from the grace God has shown me. Today it is my decision to praise the Lord a conscous decision I make every moment of my life, I sin, and I fall short everyday, I don't seek perfection, I seek the best I can do. In my faith I am suppose to outwardly acknowledge Christ, with words and works, at the end of today I will lay down in my bed in my apartment, and have to be accountable for my day, I have told you what I believe, not made judgements on you or what you believe, and I am o.k. with that. It is not my job as a follower of Christ to brain wash you or try and make you think my way is a better way to believe, it is just to show you there is another option, so like my brother before you says, on the day of judgement you cannot point to me and say..."but Jennifer never told me, I never knew"..... By your own religious dogma, anyone who hears "the word" and rejects it goes to Hell. So, by telling non-believers about "the word" and not convincing them that it's true and correct, aren't you condemning them to Hell, via "the word"? No, for it is still their own free will to either believe or not. The person spreading the word can not literally change that. It has to be done willingly by the person it is given to. So...what happens if someone is born, lives and dies, with out hearing "the word"? Romans 2 You just want me to dust off my bible, don't you? No, I want your kitchen table to wobble... |
I've never been too good at explaining myself using words, so instead, I will prove myself using the so-called hard research that I preach. Here are a few videos to get you started on this journey.
Mushrooms and spirituality(scientific study) Proof Jesus was a mushroom (12 part 2 hour series) Proof our country is satanic in nature (10 part 100 minute series) and here is a bonus... Knowledge of Ascension (Dr. Delbert Blair) Let's see you outargue that proof with your little dark-humorous and ridicule-soaked comments, Arcamedees. Anyone that watches those videos will be changed forever... guaranteed. That's magic for you. Anyways, thank you for giving me the motivation to reenforce my point. I have this problem...... I can't stop winning arguments! I don't get it!!! Someone tell me whyyyy!!!!!!!! |
got your dander up a bit, huh. Go Abra go! Absolutely. These religious people are horrible. They condemn everyone who refuses to climb aboard their bigotry wagon as being an ungodly heathens who have turned against God and have clearly aligned with a demon. In short, they are using this gruesome ugly tale of the Hebrews to pass judgment on the souls of decent people. Yet they simultaneously and hypocritically claim that they don't judge others. That's all these people ever do. They use their dead rubber Jesus doll to beat everyone over the head with in judgment. It's so uncouth. They buy into it hook line and sinker. Paul erroneously and falsely claimed in his writings that non-believers are "without excuse" for not believing. That's hogwash right there. There are tons of legitimate and sane reasons for rejecting the very rantings of people like Paul himself. Not to mention all the other absurdities in the Hebrew cannon of fables. In fact, the particular set of fables that we currently refer to as "The Bible" weren't even canonized by the Hebrews. These particular myths were selected by King James in the 1600's. The "Bible" as we know it today wasn't truly even created until a thousand and six hundred years had passed since the time that this man Jesus supposedly lived. There's more than legitimate "excuses" for not accepting this stuff as the "Word of God". In fact, it's far more sane and reasonable to reject it altogether as nothing more than the opinionated rumors of mortal men. |
I've never been too good at explaining myself using words, so instead, I will prove myself using the so-called hard research that I preach. Here are a few videos to get you started on this journey. Mushrooms and spirituality(scientific study) Proof Jesus was a mushroom (12 part 2 hour series) Proof our country is satanic in nature (10 part 100 minute series) and here is a bonus... Knowledge of Ascension (Dr. Delbert Blair) Let's see you outargue that proof with your little dark-humorous and ridicule-soaked comments, Arcamedees. Anyone that watches those videos will be changed forever... guaranteed. That's magic for you. Anyways, thank you for giving me the motivation to reenforce my point. I have this problem...... I can't stop winning arguments! I don't get it!!! Someone tell me whyyyy!!!!!!!! These sound like interesting presentations. Unfortunately being on dial-up I can't view them. I'd like to watch the one called "Proof that Jesus was a mushroom" |
got your dander up a bit, huh. Go Abra go! Absolutely. These religious people are horrible. They condemn everyone who refuses to climb aboard their bigotry wagon as being an ungodly heathens who have turned against God and have clearly aligned with a demon. In short, they are using this gruesome ugly tale of the Hebrews to pass judgment on the souls of decent people. Yet they simultaneously and hypocritically claim that they don't judge others. That's all these people ever do. They use their dead rubber Jesus doll to beat everyone over the head with in judgment. It's so uncouth. They buy into it hook line and sinker. Paul erroneously and falsely claimed in his writings that non-believers are "without excuse" for not believing. That's hogwash right there. There are tons of legitimate and sane reasons for rejecting the very rantings of people like Paul himself. Not to mention all the other absurdities in the Hebrew cannon of fables. In fact, the particular set of fables that we currently refer to as "The Bible" weren't even canonized by the Hebrews. These particular myths were selected by King James in the 1600's. The "Bible" as we know it today wasn't truly even created until a thousand and six hundred years had passed since the time that this man Jesus supposedly lived. There's more than legitimate "excuses" for not accepting this stuff as the "Word of God". In fact, it's far more sane and reasonable to reject it altogether as nothing more than the opinionated rumors of mortal men. No, there's no judgement going on. Abra lol, i would see you as the same person if you even claimed to be Christian. Not saying you're gonna burn in the lake of fire, not saying our father hates you, not saying any of that. So may i ask why you feel guilty to the aspect that we're judging you? |
Arcamedees wrote:
By your own religious dogma, anyone who hears "the word" and rejects it goes to Hell. So, by telling non-believers about "the word" and not convincing them that it's true and correct, aren't you condemning them to Hell, via "the word"? Peter Pan wrote"
No, for it is still their own free will to either believe or not. The person spreading the word can not literally change that. It has to be done willingly by the person it is given to. Arcamedees wrote:
So...what happens if someone is born, lives and dies, with out hearing "the word"? Peter Pan wrote:
Romans 2 Just because someone heard this tail is no reason why they should believe it. Romans was written by Paul. He made the claim that there is 'no excuse' for not believing. But that claim is erroneous in TWO WAYS. First off, he wasn't making the claim that there is no excuse for believing in the Biblical stories. In fact, the "BIBLE" as an officially recognized collection of stories didn't even exist when Paul wrote this! Therefore Paul could not possibly have been referring to the Bible. What Paul was referring to was the idea that God exists at all. Period. He thought it should be "Obvious", just look around at the world and realize that all of this couldn't have just happened for no reason. That was his argument. So in his mind, there is "no excuse" for not believing in a spiritual existence to life, which for Paul, automatically meant to believe in the "God" that he had been raised to believe in. In a very real sense Paul himself had an extremely narrow point of view of life. Just like many other people. He felt that either the stories of God he had been taught by his parents and culture must either be true, or there must not be any God at all. Since he was convinced that some sort of God must exist, then he simplemindedly concluded that it must mean that the picture of God that his culture believes in must then be true. In that SENSE he was attempting to claim that there is 'no excuse' for not believing in God. He was just a man with an opinion, and all he's truly doing is confessing what he personally believes and why he believes what he believes. He's no different from a modern day poster on a religious forum. His views and opinions aren't any better than the views and opinions of anyone else. But now the Christians try to hold this up to mean that "The Bible Teaches" that there is "no excuse" for not believing that the Bible is the "Word of God". But that wasn't even what Paul was saying to begin with. All Paul was truely saying is the following: 1. I'm convinced that there must be a God. 2. I was taught to believe in the God of Abraham. 3. Therefore I conclude that the God of Abraham must be the correct picture of God. That's all Paul was truly saying. He was simply giving his own personal views and beliefs. He wasn't speaking FOR GOD, on the contrary, he was clearly attempting to give his own personal reasons why he personally believes in a God. So reading the book of Romans is to just get an opinion of a mortal man who clearly was speaking for HIMSELF and not for any God. I've read Romans, and to be quite frank about it, I'm not impressed with the writings of Paul at all. He was clearly a very desperate man who personally felt a great need for "Salvation". He desperately needed to believe in something, and when people become desperate to believe in something they tend to try to convince others that it's true as well. That's a common thing that humans do. Ask any psychologist. Paul was just doing what emotionally desperate people do. He was trying to convince himself by attempting to convince other people what he needed to believe. |
Edited by
Fri 10/15/10 07:54 AM
No, there's no judgement going on. Abra lol, i would see you as the same person if you even claimed to be Christian. Not saying you're gonna burn in the lake of fire, not saying our father hates you, not saying any of that. So may i ask why you feel guilty to the aspect that we're judging you? I wasn't talking about you and your make-believe Cowboyanity. I was responding to the posting of CeriseRose and her comments about have 'no excuse' to not believe, and her implications that my behavior is akin to that of Satan. Those are judgments aimed at judging the soul of another person. I also don't feel "guilty" about anything. Where do you get that idea? Besides, it's the doctrine of Christianity that does the judging. Therefore if you support the doctrine as the "Word of God" then you'd be a liar to claim that you don't support its judgments as being the judgments of God. So by supporting the doctrine as the "Word of God" you automatically support everything that's in it. The doctrine clearly states that there is no such thing as a righteous heathen (i.e. nonbeliever) The doctrine clearly states that if a person fails to recognize and acknowledge that Jesus was the only begotten son of God, then they are condemned. The doctrine clearly states that there is 'no excuse' to not believe in this God (although that's an erroneous claim as I have just pointed out in my previous post anyway). Therefore, if you support this doctrine as the "Word of God" and refuse to support its religious bigotry then you are rejecting the "Word of God" yourself. You're trying to have-your-cake-and-eat-it-too. You want to passionately demand that the Bible is the "Word of God", yet at the same time you want to remove yourself from any responsibility for supporting what the doctrine actually has to say. That's an oxymoron. You either support what the doctrine says, or you renounce it. Make up your mind. I made up mine. I reject the doctrine as being totally unrealistic lies. I don't believe in a mean nasty God who solves all his problems with violence and who would condemn people for simply not believing in unsubstantiated and clearly outrageous rumors. But clearly you DO! You support this doctrine vehemently and passionately demanding that it's the "Only True Word of God". Yet when it comes down to the wire, you don't want to have to actually agree with it when all is said and done. The more we talk the more it appears to me that even you realize just how utterly absurd the claims are that are being made within these ancient fables. |
No, there's no judgement going on. Abra lol, i would see you as the same person if you even claimed to be Christian. Not saying you're gonna burn in the lake of fire, not saying our father hates you, not saying any of that. So may i ask why you feel guilty to the aspect that we're judging you? I wasn't talking about you and your make-believe Cowboyanity. I was responding to the posting of CeriseRose and her comments about have 'no excuse' to not believe, and her implications that my behavior is akin to that of Satan. Those are judgments aimed and judging the soul of another person. I also don't feel "guilty" about anything. Where do you get that idea? Besides, it's the doctrine of Christianity that does the judging. Therefore if you support the doctrine as the "Word of God" then you'd be a liar to claim that you don't support its judgments as being the judgments of God. So by supporting the doctrine as the "Word of God" you automatically support everything that's in it. The doctrine clearly states that there is no such thing as a righteous heathen (i.e. nonbeliever) The doctrine clearly states that if a person fails to recognize and acknowledge that Jesus was the only begotten son of God, then they are condemned. The doctrine clearly states that there is 'no excuse' to not believe in this God (although that's an erroneous claim as I have just pointed out in my previous post anyway). Therefore, if you support this doctrine as the "Word of God" and refuse to support its religious bigotry then you are rejecting the "Word of God" yourself. You're trying to have-your-cake-and-eat-it-too. You want to passionately demand that the Bible is the "Word of God", yet at the some time you want to remove yourself from any responsibility for supporting what the doctrine actually has to say. That's an oxymoron. You either support what the doctrine says, or you renounce it. Make up your mind. I made up mine. I reject the doctrine as being totally unrealistic lies. I don't believe in a mean nasty God who solves all his problems with violence and who would condemn people for simply not believing in unsubstantiated and clearly outrageous rumors. But clearly you DO! You support this doctrine vehemently and passionately demanding that it's the "Only True Word of God". Yet when it comes down to the wire, you don't want to have to actually agree with it when all is said and done. The more we talk the more it appears to me that even you realize just how utterly absurd the claims are that are being made within these ancient fables. ======================================== I was responding to the posting of CeriseRose and her comments about have 'no excuse' to not believe, and her implications that my behavior is akin to that of Satan. Those are judgments aimed and judging the soul of another person. ========================================== Was it specifically said "You, Abracadabra are going to burn in hell"? -------------------------------------------------- =========================================== Besides, it's the doctrine of Christianity that does the judging. Therefore if you support the doctrine as the "Word of God" then you'd be a liar to claim that you don't support its judgments as being the judgments of God. =========================================== The book we call the bible does not do the judging. The only one to do the judging is the word, Jesus Christ. ----------------------------------------------------- =========================================== Yet when it comes down to the wire, you don't want to have to actually agree with it when all is said and done. =========================================== I agree with it completely. But nevertheless, it's not me or anyone else that can judge you and or will judge you when the time comes. Only Jesus Christ can and will do that. No one has or should say "Abracadabra, you will burn in hell for not believing in the word of God, or you will burn in hell for your actions" And if they do, don't worry about it. Just turn and walk away for we will all be judged also with the same measure we judge others if and when we do. I stay as far away as i can when it comes to making a judgement. Only saying what the bible states. And if the bible states deny me before man and i will deny you before the father, this shouldn't bother you for the book is fokelore, remember? I see frustration in the way you talk. Only reason i bring this up on why you get so bent on it.... if it doesn't matter why say anything then? Why not just ignore and move on, for you know if you say anything someone will reply to that. And this is ment not just on this forum, in real life as well, off the net. |
No, there's no judgement going on. Abra lol, i would see you as the same person if you even claimed to be Christian. Not saying you're gonna burn in the lake of fire, not saying our father hates you, not saying any of that. So may i ask why you feel guilty to the aspect that we're judging you? I wasn't talking about you and your make-believe Cowboyanity. I was responding to the posting of CeriseRose and her comments about have 'no excuse' to not believe, and her implications that my behavior is akin to that of Satan. Those are judgments aimed and judging the soul of another person. I also don't feel "guilty" about anything. Where do you get that idea? Besides, it's the doctrine of Christianity that does the judging. Therefore if you support the doctrine as the "Word of God" then you'd be a liar to claim that you don't support its judgments as being the judgments of God. So by supporting the doctrine as the "Word of God" you automatically support everything that's in it. The doctrine clearly states that there is no such thing as a righteous heathen (i.e. nonbeliever) The doctrine clearly states that if a person fails to recognize and acknowledge that Jesus was the only begotten son of God, then they are condemned. The doctrine clearly states that there is 'no excuse' to not believe in this God (although that's an erroneous claim as I have just pointed out in my previous post anyway). Therefore, if you support this doctrine as the "Word of God" and refuse to support its religious bigotry then you are rejecting the "Word of God" yourself. You're trying to have-your-cake-and-eat-it-too. You want to passionately demand that the Bible is the "Word of God", yet at the some time you want to remove yourself from any responsibility for supporting what the doctrine actually has to say. That's an oxymoron. You either support what the doctrine says, or you renounce it. Make up your mind. I made up mine. I reject the doctrine as being totally unrealistic lies. I don't believe in a mean nasty God who solves all his problems with violence and who would condemn people for simply not believing in unsubstantiated and clearly outrageous rumors. But clearly you DO! You support this doctrine vehemently and passionately demanding that it's the "Only True Word of God". Yet when it comes down to the wire, you don't want to have to actually agree with it when all is said and done. The more we talk the more it appears to me that even you realize just how utterly absurd the claims are that are being made within these ancient fables. ======================================== I was responding to the posting of CeriseRose and her comments about have 'no excuse' to not believe, and her implications that my behavior is akin to that of Satan. Those are judgments aimed and judging the soul of another person. ========================================== Was it specifically said "You, Abracadabra are going to burn in hell"? -------------------------------------------------- =========================================== Besides, it's the doctrine of Christianity that does the judging. Therefore if you support the doctrine as the "Word of God" then you'd be a liar to claim that you don't support its judgments as being the judgments of God. =========================================== The book we call the bible does not do the judging. The only one to do the judging is the word, Jesus Christ. ----------------------------------------------------- =========================================== Yet when it comes down to the wire, you don't want to have to actually agree with it when all is said and done. =========================================== I agree with it completely. But nevertheless, it's not me or anyone else that can judge you and or will judge you when the time comes. Only Jesus Christ can and will do that. No one has or should say "Abracadabra, you will burn in hell for not believing in the word of God, or you will burn in hell for your actions" And if they do, don't worry about it. Just turn and walk away for we will all be judged also with the same measure we judge others if and when we do. I stay as far away as i can when it comes to making a judgement. Only saying what the bible states. And if the bible states deny me before man and i will deny you before the father, this shouldn't bother you for the book is folklore, remember? I see frustration in the way you talk. Only reason i bring this up on why you get so bent on it.... if it doesn't matter why say anything then? Why not just ignore and move on, for you know if you say anything someone will reply to that. And this is ment not just on this forum, in real life as well, off the net. Reason i know you take it personal is because in discussions insults of any sort are not generally used. But you continuously state this folklore or this make believe ect ect. So i see you take personal what is said in the bible about sins. I was only curious as to why. |
Was it specifically said "You, Abracadabra are going to burn in hell"? That's your mentality, not mine. I'm not the least bit concerned about personal salvation. I'm addressing a far greater issue. The simple fact that these Abrahamic religions with their jealous God cause religious bigotry throughout the world on a global scale and this clearly has an adverse affect on humanity as a whole. These religions are a cancer on humanity. As soon as someone refuses to bow down and worship them they are proclaimed to be a 'heathen who is rejecting God'. And then they do precisely the underhanded crap that you are attempting to do here. They start accusing the person on an individual level of having guilt feelings about not wanting to be "judged" by God and all that bull crap. Reason i know you take it personal is because in discussions insults of any sort are not generally used. But you continuously state this folklore or this make believe ect ect. So i see you take personal what is said in the bible about sins. I was only curious as to why. See? This exactly the sewer where this always ends up. You're the one who is demanding that what the Bible says about sins should be taken personally, because you are the one who is demanding that the Bible is the "Word of God". Not me. |
Was it specifically said "You, Abracadabra are going to burn in hell"? That's your mentality, not mine. I'm not the least bit concerned about personal salvation. I'm addressing a far greater issue. The simple fact that these Abrahamic religions with their jealous God cause religious bigotry throughout the world on a global scale and this clearly has an adverse affect on humanity as a whole. These religions are a cancer on humanity. As soon as someone refuses to bow down and worship them they are proclaimed to be a 'heathen who is rejecting God'. And then they do precisely the underhanded crap that you are attempting to do here. They start accusing the person on an individual level of having guilt feelings about not wanting to be "judged" by God and all that bull crap. Reason i know you take it personal is because in discussions insults of any sort are not generally used. But you continuously state this folklore or this make believe ect ect. So i see you take personal what is said in the bible about sins. I was only curious as to why. See? This exactly the sewer where this always ends up. You're the one who is demanding that what the Bible says about sins should be taken personally, because you are the one who is demanding that the Bible is the "Word of God". Not me. ================================= You're the one who is demanding that what the Bible says about sins should be taken personally, because you are the one who is demanding that the Bible is the "Word of God". ================================= No I did no such claim of it "should" be taken personally. You're the one that seems to take it personally. What terror or negative thing comes of believing in God. Weather you do or not, what negative thing comes of someone else believing in such? God only teaches us to be loving, regardless of their beliefs, we are not to treat anyone differently then anyone. We are treat EVERYONE with love, care, and compassion. ---------------------------------------------------- ================================== I'm addressing a far greater issue. The simple fact that these Abrahamic religions with their jealous God cause religious bigotry throughout the world on a global scale and this clearly has an adverse affect on humanity as a whole. =================================== Again Christianity teaches us to love EVERYONE and treat EVERYONE with respect. No segregation or favorism or anything. So how does that have adverse effect on the world? |
not complaining, just stating a fact that not all religious people fall into his category, and my first post said nothing remotely close to a complaint, I just answered your question. As far as I am concerned, I spoke my peace and am done. I think the problems start when people read into others statements, the main question was do you think rapture will end christianity, not do you believe in God the father and Jesus His son, or who can twist more words around for them to say what I want them too, right? So there is alot of off topic debat going on and there will be no winner today, wether because of my faith or because of the finality of death one day each of us will know the answers we look for, and everyone has a right to their own beliefs, I can end by saying that sometimes you just know that you know, I wasn't there the day Jesus was crucified, or with Mary when she went to his empty tomb, but I was there the moment I asked Jesus to come in my life and make me His own. And no one ever said believeing in God would be easy, just worth it. I have a joy in my heart and testimony to share from the grace God has shown me. Today it is my decision to praise the Lord a conscous decision I make every moment of my life, I sin, and I fall short everyday, I don't seek perfection, I seek the best I can do. In my faith I am suppose to outwardly acknowledge Christ, with words and works, at the end of today I will lay down in my bed in my apartment, and have to be accountable for my day, I have told you what I believe, not made judgements on you or what you believe, and I am o.k. with that. It is not my job as a follower of Christ to brain wash you or try and make you think my way is a better way to believe, it is just to show you there is another option, so like my brother before you says, on the day of judgement you cannot point to me and say..."but Jennifer never told me, I never knew"..... By your own religious dogma, anyone who hears "the word" and rejects it goes to Hell. So, by telling non-believers about "the word" and not convincing them that it's true and correct, aren't you condemning them to Hell, via "the word"? No, for it is still their own free will to either believe or not. The person spreading the word can not literally change that. It has to be done willingly by the person it is given to. So...what happens if someone is born, lives and dies, with out hearing "the word"? Romans 2 You just want me to dust off my bible, don't you? No, I want your kitchen table to wobble... |
I've never been too good at explaining myself using words, so instead, I will prove myself using the so-called hard research that I preach. Here are a few videos to get you started on this journey. Mushrooms and spirituality(scientific study) Proof Jesus was a mushroom (12 part 2 hour series) Proof our country is satanic in nature (10 part 100 minute series) and here is a bonus... Knowledge of Ascension (Dr. Delbert Blair) Let's see you outargue that proof with your little dark-humorous and ridicule-soaked comments, Arcamedees. Anyone that watches those videos will be changed forever... guaranteed. That's magic for you. Anyways, thank you for giving me the motivation to reenforce my point. I have this problem...... I can't stop winning arguments! I don't get it!!! Someone tell me whyyyy!!!!!!!! Thanks for proving my point about hallucinogens causing insanity and the loss of the ability to differentiate between reality and fantasy. |
got your dander up a bit, huh. Go Abra go! Absolutely. These religious people are horrible. They condemn everyone who refuses to climb aboard their bigotry wagon as being an ungodly heathens who have turned against God and have clearly aligned with a demon. In short, they are using this gruesome ugly tale of the Hebrews to pass judgment on the souls of decent people. Yet they simultaneously and hypocritically claim that they don't judge others. That's all these people ever do. They use their dead rubber Jesus doll to beat everyone over the head with in judgment. It's so uncouth. They buy into it hook line and sinker. Paul erroneously and falsely claimed in his writings that non-believers are "without excuse" for not believing. That's hogwash right there. There are tons of legitimate and sane reasons for rejecting the very rantings of people like Paul himself. Not to mention all the other absurdities in the Hebrew cannon of fables. In fact, the particular set of fables that we currently refer to as "The Bible" weren't even canonized by the Hebrews. These particular myths were selected by King James in the 1600's. The "Bible" as we know it today wasn't truly even created until a thousand and six hundred years had passed since the time that this man Jesus supposedly lived. There's more than legitimate "excuses" for not accepting this stuff as the "Word of God". In fact, it's far more sane and reasonable to reject it altogether as nothing more than the opinionated rumors of mortal men. Indeed. |
got your dander up a bit, huh. Go Abra go! Absolutely. These religious people are horrible. They condemn everyone who refuses to climb aboard their bigotry wagon as being an ungodly heathens who have turned against God and have clearly aligned with a demon. In short, they are using this gruesome ugly tale of the Hebrews to pass judgment on the souls of decent people. Yet they simultaneously and hypocritically claim that they don't judge others. That's all these people ever do. They use their dead rubber Jesus doll to beat everyone over the head with in judgment. It's so uncouth. They buy into it hook line and sinker. Paul erroneously and falsely claimed in his writings that non-believers are "without excuse" for not believing. That's hogwash right there. There are tons of legitimate and sane reasons for rejecting the very rantings of people like Paul himself. Not to mention all the other absurdities in the Hebrew cannon of fables. In fact, the particular set of fables that we currently refer to as "The Bible" weren't even canonized by the Hebrews. These particular myths were selected by King James in the 1600's. The "Bible" as we know it today wasn't truly even created until a thousand and six hundred years had passed since the time that this man Jesus supposedly lived. There's more than legitimate "excuses" for not accepting this stuff as the "Word of God". In fact, it's far more sane and reasonable to reject it altogether as nothing more than the opinionated rumors of mortal men. Indeed. It is these individuals actions that judge you, not the Christian faith in general. It specifically tells us to not judge anyone. So if they are judging you, they are being just as disobedient as you or someone else. Two wrongs don't make a right. And in no way does Christianity tell us to behave as such, so again therefore it is that person's actions, not a reflection of the law itself. |