Topic: Will The Rapture rid the Earth of Christianity | |
They won't be killed. The only way to die is by not receiving the gift of heaven. They will be taken home. And yes it will be an immense disaster to those left, that's what it's about. Punishment for their disobedience. They will seek death and fail to find it. jeez...enough of this stuff that people don't get killed.....sit in a tub of water with a live electric plug and see if you are right ... Yes I would then die, for that would be suicide and suicide is a one way ticket to no where. and that is the same thing that Jesus did ...he placed himself into a position to die which is the same as you did in the bath tub that would mean that Jesus is dead two totally different things. Jesus sacrificed every waking second of his life for us and in the end sacrificed his mortal life up for us. That is why we don't have to sacrifice things to show our repentance for the sacrifice of Jesus was the ultimate sacrifice. You just have to accept this sacrifice and it will be a sacrifice for you as well. I would be doing nothing but destroy myself, no sacrifice, nothing. were sacrificing yourself to prove to mankind that people can die.....isn't suicide a self sacrifice ...Jesus mission was to get himself kill...even you commented in one of your posts that Jesus used his "Free Will" to do so...and that is the same thing you did in the bath tub with the live electric wire I'm nothing special to be sacrificing. And beyond that people already know someone would die in such an incident so what is there to prove? Reason it is looked as a sacrifice is cause before that was done to Jesus people had to sacrifice something worthy to them in showing of love which was done because actions speak louder then words. You can no lie about being sorry when you sacrificed something worthy to you. And killing myself is a straight ticket to no where. So how is that a pleasing sacrifice to our father when it is something against his will and word? Again reason it is called a sacrifice what Jesus did is not because it was suicide, because it wasn't. He didn't have to live the life he lived which was what got him put on the cross. He could have lived a normal joe life. But no he SACRIFICED his entire life teaching us of the word. Again he could have just went on his marry little way and didn't tell people the way to receive the gift. What would have been greater? Someone spreading the good news of the gift of heaven and how to receive it regardless of what might happen to you in the process? Or just living your life as any other normal person and never sharing the good news, therefore everyone would end up parishing and never receiving the gift of heaven for they would not have known how to receive such a gift. feeling that you are not special is generally why people committ suicide ...they feel that they have nothing to live for...this is probably the mind frame that Jesus was in |
Edited by
Wed 10/13/10 01:50 PM
They won't be killed. The only way to die is by not receiving the gift of heaven. They will be taken home. And yes it will be an immense disaster to those left, that's what it's about. Punishment for their disobedience. They will seek death and fail to find it. jeez...enough of this stuff that people don't get killed.....sit in a tub of water with a live electric plug and see if you are right ... Yes I would then die, for that would be suicide and suicide is a one way ticket to no where. and that is the same thing that Jesus did ...he placed himself into a position to die which is the same as you did in the bath tub that would mean that Jesus is dead two totally different things. Jesus sacrificed every waking second of his life for us and in the end sacrificed his mortal life up for us. That is why we don't have to sacrifice things to show our repentance for the sacrifice of Jesus was the ultimate sacrifice. You just have to accept this sacrifice and it will be a sacrifice for you as well. I would be doing nothing but destroy myself, no sacrifice, nothing. were sacrificing yourself to prove to mankind that people can die.....isn't suicide a self sacrifice ...Jesus mission was to get himself kill...even you commented in one of your posts that Jesus used his "Free Will" to do so...and that is the same thing you did in the bath tub with the live electric wire I'm nothing special to be sacrificing. And beyond that people already know someone would die in such an incident so what is there to prove? Reason it is looked as a sacrifice is cause before that was done to Jesus people had to sacrifice something worthy to them in showing of love which was done because actions speak louder then words. You can no lie about being sorry when you sacrificed something worthy to you. And killing myself is a straight ticket to no where. So how is that a pleasing sacrifice to our father when it is something against his will and word? Again reason it is called a sacrifice what Jesus did is not because it was suicide, because it wasn't. He didn't have to live the life he lived which was what got him put on the cross. He could have lived a normal joe life. But no he SACRIFICED his entire life teaching us of the word. Again he could have just went on his marry little way and didn't tell people the way to receive the gift. What would have been greater? Someone spreading the good news of the gift of heaven and how to receive it regardless of what might happen to you in the process? Or just living your life as any other normal person and never sharing the good news, therefore everyone would end up parishing and never receiving the gift of heaven for they would not have known how to receive such a gift. feeling that you are not special is generally why people committ suicide ...they feel that they have nothing to live for...this is probably the mind frame that Jesus was in No it wasn't lol, Jesus DID NOT commit suicide. Jesus was crucified for spreading what those people seen as blasphemy. Which was in reality the truth and the new covenant between people and our father. |
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Wed 10/13/10 02:27 PM
anyone human with even the slightest caring for other human's, or of what humanity has named "moral fiber", would never consider another dying on their account as "good news"?
so perhaps it only be those not proud of their own deeds, that carry the guilt of their own deeds, that seek abolution for THEMSELF, that would embrace such definition's of written words as "good news"? what that love other's as equal to itself, consider it good new's that another suffered for them? sounds like a sociopathic mentality any way one slices it? such be the mentality of only what accept belief, to make itself feel better about itself? such be the mentality of the greedy that accept belief to aquire good for themself alone most? such be the mentality of one on a sinking ship, that clamour to rescue itself, whilst it's own fellow man persih? such be the mentality of the back stabbber, whom would watch it's own flesh and blood suffer, and deem it because god punisheth them? such be the mentality of the one on the cross, that relished in the suffering of "jesus" as it was told, but some dumb *** thief, whom had more honor, even being a thief, did not wish for another to suffer, and so was told HE would be in paradise? how can it not be seen, that the interpretation's dosed out by greedy human's, and self serving human's, and self centerted human's, and dictaterous human's, are the definition's that have become as accepted as GOOD? please... for it seem's it was spoken, so written, that love of god was love that wanted good for all, not just for oneself? lol... oh how the self declared mouthpieces of god declare their own vile self centered motive's, seeking to save themself from peril, whilst even their own professed guide, the "good ole book", declare there be no greater love, than one that be willing to lay down it's life for a friend? those that would do such, could care less about a belief, as people are more important than a belief, are they not? a belief is taken first by one that WANTS FOR ITSELF? or nothing would have had need for a belief? this seems to be the opposite of all having been thus far characterized as of god, or what represent good? and it somehow is glossed over, that belief create SELF BIAS, that belief in itself is the natural inclination of human's to make amends to something besides what they harmed, as this BE THE EASIER WAY OUT OF ACCOUNTABILITY FOR ONESELF? only the feeble minded, led by their own vain self wants as supreme, led blindly by their own guilt and fear for themself, the opposite of caring about other's, would ever fall prey to such folly of belief that is being embraced and offered within the global networks of the so called religious truth speaker's. such be the very most false representation that could ever be found or known to mortal mankind as good and creating goodwill and unity and peace amoung all as equal, and such is touted as solution? only to a blind man, that love itself most. |
anyone human with even the slightest caring for other human's, or of what humanity has named "moral fiber", would never consider another dying on their account as "good news"? so perhaps it only be those not proud of their own deeds, that carry the guilt of their own deeds, that seek abolution for THEMSELF, that would embrace such definition's of written words as "good news"? what that love other's as equal to itself, consider it good new's that another suffered for them? sounds like a sociopathic mentality any way one slices it? such be the mentality of only what accept belief, to make itself feel better about itself? such be the mentality of the greedy that accept belief to aquire good for themself alone most? such be the mentality of one on a sinking ship, that clamour to rescue itself, whilst it's own fellow man persih? such be the mentality of the back stabbber, whom would watch it's own flesh and blood suffer, and deem it because god punisheth them? such be the mentality of the one on the cross, that relished in the suffering of "jesus" as it was told, but some dumb *** thief, whom had more honor, even being a thief, did not wish for another to suffer, and so was told HE would be in paradise? how can it not be seen, that the interpretation's dosed out by greedy human's, and self serving human's, and self centerted human's, and dictaterous human's, are the definition's that have become as accepted as GOOD? please... for it seem's it was spoken, so written, that love of god was love that wanted good for all, not just for oneself? lol... oh how the self declared mouthpieces of god declare their own vile self centered motive's, seeking to save themself from peril, whilst even their own professed guide, the "good ole book", declare there be no greater love, than one that be willing to lay down it's life for a friend? those that would do such, could care less about a belief, as people are more important than a belief, are they not? a belief is taken first by one that WANTS FOR ITSELF? or nothing would have had need for a belief? this seems to be the opposite of all having been thus far characterized as of god, or what represent good? and it somehow is glossed over, that belief create SELF BIAS, that belief in itself is the natural inclination of human's to make amends to something besides what they harmed, as this BE THE EASIER WAY OUT OF ACCOUNTABILITY FOR ONESELF? only the feeble minded, led by their own vain self wants as supreme, led blindly by their own guilt and fear for themself, the opposite of caring about other's, would ever fall prey to such folly of belief that is being embraced and offered within the global networks of the so called religious truth speaker's. such be the very most false representation that could ever be found or known to mortal mankind as good and creating goodwill and unity and peace amoung all as equal, and such is touted as solution? only to a blind man, that love itself most. Following our father's word isn't about bettering oneself. It's about being loving and caring for the people of the world to make it a better place. A good dead done in vein becomes null, has no positive meaning or reward. Helping someone and or making someone feel loved is the greatest gift you could give someone. Everything else will perish away with time, will rot and decay. A smile and the emotion that came with that smile lasts for ever. |
nothing is of the father, lest the father himself decend and declare unto all, such be a son? can any mortal decide within itself, that it be aire to the throne of god? can any mortal, that hath not created any other, not even itself, decide that itself speak for who created all? only what be filled with self vanity run amock doth so? truly not knowing nor possessing one stitch of wisdom of what actully hath the power to create grand good. anyone can announce and declare god as their father, yea indeed, but only the fool in it's heart say it interpret the mind and knowing of god unto it's fellow man? do you purport as well to know the feelings of god, and the how of god, and the intelligence of god, and the prowess of god, and the wisdom of god, and the stealth of god, and the power of god? a son must have the power of god, to deem itself a son, or the father hath not recognized such as the most truth? just because many around you fall prey to the same practice's, is in no way good reason to reduce onself to such notion's. for was it not written, that the father indeed would return to the scene, and judge all that declare themself as children, telling these to depart from him, for nothing that truly be of the father, declare itself such things, and so the meek that claim nothing of their own intelligence nor wisdom, shall inherit the earth, not the boastful and proud, that dare reckon themself as equal so speaking for god. lol...sheer debauchery it seems... so, does that mean i can declare what my god reveal unto me, me being an ignorant and foolish and undone one? hum... my father hath told me you speak words that sow seeds of hatred and bitterness amoung your brethern, deeming yourself as more glorious and righteous than your own fellow man, having the motive to prove to yourself and other's that you are supreme and in the know, and thus putting yourself into authority to translate the tale and wisdom of god within humanity? so that's what my god say's. what doth your god say to me in return? perhaps a duel of the god's be in order, lol... for ye have reckoned yourself as a god, quoting what the one called jesus did speak, ye are all gods? but any mortal, find folly, lest it as well take the rest of the written words, for it was also written all come into the world speaking lie's, and lie's were written to be of the wicked one satan, so lest one first prove itself as wicked as satan, it hath no foundation to declare itself a god, or of god? for no mortal that hath actually met god face to face, as is the requirement of all that translate and speak of the divine sacred truths of the cosmos, would ever dare to describe itself as a son, lol... for all in the realms of the divine know that this is exceedingly unwise, and unprofitable to the unity of the human species as one, lest ye forget that such be the sole motive of the divine realm? and so ye bear false witness as well, the very profession of oneself as a christian, and know it not, lol... the planet you have taken your knowing from son, hath misguided you, and preyed upon your self pride and wish for self protection and fears, convincing to accept wishes as favor's for yourself as from god be as good? did the one called jesus accept any favor from god? did the herald jesus beg or ask any mercy for himself? than why is this touted and declared as the way? god hath not any favor to give to none, for none be more righteous than another, for each was sent to your planet to act out a specific role, to increase the intelligence of humanity itself. hath ye not yet recognized, you would not know kind in your mortal mind, lest ye had seen and experienced unkind? so the unkind deed was needed? how would you know evil, lest you had been sent to earth to see it first hand? so, if one see evil, and hath pity on the evil, for the self anguish they bear while still mortal, these hath wisdom of the realms. if one wish not to do evil itself, than it only be because one did not pick the more difficult roles to act out on earth, for the betterment and creation of intelligence for all mankind. perhaps the gods should inspire the professed believer's to perpetrate some evil, so that they no longer fall prey to raising themself in their own mind above the value of other mortals, deeming themself as the judge of the meanings of the words of god? oh, but have you not noticed yet, thus is being already completed all around you? hast thee not noticed the great, and the self declared mouthpiece's of god, being toppled in disgrace, so to learn the greatest lesson of human existence, that oneself be equal to all other's, and to never fall prey to beleiving oneself be better, for such be the reason for all that planet earth call karma? god is written to be all powerful, and to have complete and total control over all human action's on planet earth? how do you presume to know god, when you deny the very power of god, to create grand good out of all that hath transpired upon the face of the earth, and not see that each mortal be used to create grand purpose, to create the kingdom of unity, where all embrace equal rather than self greatness? so what part of an all powerful god do you not understand? if you think jesus was god, then think again, for he was but a translator, a mouthpiece of the divine, as many other are and have been down thru time. but doth one even purport to hold place, to deem jesus as your father, lol... for the same father of jesus be the father of all humanity. if any deem itself to even be reckoned with jesus, would it not as well but preach to love thy enemey, and no longer fall prey to the ignorance of defining who the enemey is unto other's? how will this not create the will and motive to fight? none that speak that have born the suffering of their fellow man in love, shall be first, but rather the last to see the bliss of unity, as the cosmos pull back the curtain's before the eye's of all mortals. do you presume you think as large as god? relieve yourself of every belief you carry, and use as a stick to strike your neighbor's heads, and then you will be fit to be made privy to the secrets of the divine power's of just and good that govern all worlds and realms. this is what my god say to me about you, since you wished to share your insight with me of your god, and duly appreciated it be. please i pray thee now, do tell me what your god incline your heart to speak unto me, for the words i do await. if one deem itself translater for god, in days such as these the end days of the current cycle of humanity, it be most prudent to be sure itself hath the power's of god at it's disposal as well, lest one presume with folly what was always thought be the most to be known, lol... hum... if there be a god, who be wise, would this one live afar off, as off site, and not lead by example, and live within the very environment he created for other's to live within? would this god be far removed, or be living amoungst his own creation, walking to and fro across the planet, making sure all that was created and purposed was transpiring perfectly? hum... |
No it wasn't lol, Jesus DID NOT commit suicide. Jesus was crucified for spreading what those people seen as blasphemy. Which was in reality the truth and the new covenant between people and our father. so John 3:16 is wrong?....God didn't give the world his only begotton son? |
You know what I find so interesting? For the most part, it is the same group of "nonbelievers" posting questions and thoughts on Christianity and its principles, in an attempt to "dissuade" us believers from our faith or "prove us wrong". I wonder why you "nonbelivers" make this your goal. Perhaps it is because, deep down under the surface, you are all seeking to learn the truth about God because something in your lives is lacking. Because you are curious about Him and wonder why we can believe something that seems so impossible. Ultimately, I think it's because you're struggling with things in your personal life and are seeking guidance and truth. My heart goes out to you all! How difficult it must be to be worried about your impending futures and so much more afraid to even admit it! I will pray for your guidance and understanding of God's truth and not the world's skewed perception of truth! Oh please. You can't be serious. The very simple fact of the matter is that Christianity is a highly proselytizing religion. It's the Christians who are constantly trying to argue with everyone that the Bible is the "Word of God". If Christianity wasn't such an ignorant and belligerent religion in he first place it wouldn't find itself in such a 'defensive' position. I have no sympathy for any religion that is so arrogant that it insults everyone who refuses to believe in it. When it comes to Christianity who's truly casting the FIRST stone? Answer HONESTLY, if you can. From your argument, it sounds as if you have encountered a person who has tried to force you into Christianity and if so, I am sorry. Nobody should ever take that approach to leading someone to truth. I would like to ask though, why is it you assume that all Christians are like the person you consider an attacker? We are all not the same person and Christianity as a whole did NOT do that to you, or anyone else. I am sure there are some over-zealous preachers and such out there, but you are judging all of us by these few people. I am not casting any stones. I am just saying that your belief system, however you acquired it, has misled you in the wrong direction. On a side note, what a sad and disturbing photo attempting humor. I wonder if this site would tolerate a Believer posting a Homosexual taking a Big Stick and banging it over a Believers head. I BET NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Shalom....Miles why not? ...they can use a picture of Pastor Eddie Long...but the problem is one would know if his picture is being used to display the homosexual or the believer |
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Wed 10/13/10 04:56 PM
Don't you understand why there are terminal illnesses and bad things in this world, because of sin, Sweetie. Perhaps those folks don't understand why they are suffering. I have no idea why some people suffer more than others on Earth. I do know that God has a grand plan in it all. I cannot make any of you see or understand that, but I know it exists nonetheless. Present your evidence. Obviously, your beliefs work for you, and paraphrasing Thomas Jefferson, those beliefs "...neither pick my pocket or break my legs." But, you're going to have to be far more persuasive and base your arguments on more solid constructs than Christian theology if I'm going to invest myself in those beliefs. I've already been there, and they didn't work for me. I can't unlearn what I've seen on lab instruments or witnessed by rubbing shoulders with people who even now are unravelling the mysteries of life on this planet. For example, have you ever heard of Henrietta Lacks? She died of an extremely virulent form of cancer in the middle of the last century. Yet, some of her cells live on in the laboratory. Were you to look at those cells under a microscope, you couldn't possibly see sin. And I doubt you could find any particle of a soul in them. My skepticism, intellectual curiosity, thirst for knowledge and readiness to discard the unproven has served me well over the period of my lifetime. I can no more give them up than you can your faith. -Kerry O. |
No it wasn't lol, Jesus DID NOT commit suicide. Jesus was crucified for spreading what those people seen as blasphemy. Which was in reality the truth and the new covenant between people and our father. so John 3:16 is wrong?....God didn't give the world his only begotton son? Yes, God sent his only begotten son so whosever believes in shall not parish but have ever lasting life. Does not say God sent his only begotten son to be hung on a cross. God sent Jesus to teach us of the new covenant. |
Don't you understand why there are terminal illnesses and bad things in this world, because of sin, Sweetie. Perhaps those folks don't understand why they are suffering. I have no idea why some people suffer more than others on Earth. I do know that God has a grand plan in it all. I cannot make any of you see or understand that, but I know it exists nonetheless. Present your evidence. Obviously, your beliefs work for you, and paraphrasing Thomas Jefferson, those beliefs "...neither pick my pocket or break my legs." But, you're going to have to far more persuasive and base your arguments on more sollid constructs than Christian theology if I'm going to invest myself in those beliefs. I've already been there, and they didn't work for me. I can't unlearn what I've seen on lab instruments or witnessed by rubbing shoulders with people who even now are unravelling the mysteries of life on this planet. For example, have you ever heard of Henrietta Lacks? She died of an extremely virulent form of cancer in the middle of the last century. Yet, some of her cells live on in the laboratory. Were you to look at those cells under a microscope, you couldn't possibly see sin. And I doubt you could find any particle of a soul in them. My skepticism, intellectual curiosity, thirst for knowledge and readiness to discard the unproven has served me well over the period of my lifetime. I can no more give them up than you can your faith. -Kerry O. ditto's to proof. for what actually hath honor, seeing that all things create the course of humanity into all that exist, leave's nothing to faith, seeing that truly knowing anything, eliminate any need for faith. for it is all too oft, that faith be touted as the reason to accept what be proven as not worthy to believe. |
No it wasn't lol, Jesus DID NOT commit suicide. Jesus was crucified for spreading what those people seen as blasphemy. Which was in reality the truth and the new covenant between people and our father. so John 3:16 is wrong?....God didn't give the world his only begotton son? Yes, God sent his only begotten son so whosever believes in shall not parish but have ever lasting life. Does not say God sent his only begotten son to be hung on a cross. God sent Jesus to teach us of the new covenant. ok..since every bible I've ever seen specifically states that God "gave" his only begotton all you have to do is point out which bible states that God "sent" his only begotton son |
No it wasn't lol, Jesus DID NOT commit suicide. Jesus was crucified for spreading what those people seen as blasphemy. Which was in reality the truth and the new covenant between people and our father. so John 3:16 is wrong?....God didn't give the world his only begotton son? Yes, God sent his only begotten son so whosever believes in shall not parish but have ever lasting life. Does not say God sent his only begotten son to be hung on a cross. God sent Jesus to teach us of the new covenant. ok..since every bible I've ever seen specifically states that God "gave" his only begotton all you have to do is point out which bible states that God "sent" his only begotton son Gave and sent are not synonyms for crucified nor mean anything of the same. |
Every bible-worshipper here owes it to his or herself to look closely into the Dead Sea Scrolls(The Old Testament) and Ancient Sumerian text which both predate the bible to understand Christianity. I would recommend looking into John Marco Allegro, author of more than 10 books, whom was highly unappreciated. He was a top-notch Manchester University scholar that was appointed by the pope to translate the Dead Sea Scrolls found in Jordan in the 50's. He was the only agnostic on the team, for the rest were Catholic priests. His findings may startle you. Problem is, you would have to able to read Aramaic to accurately follow the entire argument, for only a handful of people actually had a chance to translate this Sumerian textual document.. Here is a good video to see his findings... I recommend that everyone in this thread checks out this important information which very well could debunk the entire Christian religion. You owe it to yourself to look into this research. Don't be scurred of new information. This information leads to a whole new way of thinking regarding religion in general combining teaching from around the globe.
I would also look into Professor Dr. John Rush for more information regarding these subjects. More good people to hear are Terrence McKenna, Judith Anne Brown, and Bill Hicks. |
Every bible-worshipper here owes it to his or herself to look closely into the Dead Sea Scrolls(The Old Testament) and Ancient Sumerian text which both predate the bible to understand Christianity. I would recommend looking into John Marco Allegro, author of more than 10 books, whom was highly unappreciated. He was a top-notch Manchester University scholar that was appointed by the pope to translate the Dead Sea Scrolls found in Jordan in the 50's. He was the only agnostic on the team, for the rest were Catholic priests. His findings may startle you. Problem is, you would have to able to read Aramaic to accurately follow the entire argument, for only a handful of people actually had a chance to translate this Sumerian textual document.. Here is a good video to see his findings... I recommend that everyone in this thread checks out this important information which very well could debunk the entire Christian religion. You owe it to yourself to look into this research. Don't be scurred of new information. This information leads to a whole new way of thinking regarding religion in general combining teaching from around the globe. I would also look into Professor Dr. John Rush for more information regarding these subjects. More good people to hear are Terrence McKenna, Judith Anne Brown, and Bill Hicks. LoL nice job and good try at trying to say Jesus was on drugs. More or less this is what you're proclaiming for that site was centered around that. I needed a good chuckle for the night, thanks. |
Edited by
Wed 10/13/10 08:13 PM
Confusion is present.
I have searched as many versions of the book of man called the 'bible'. I have yet to find this 'rapture' mentioned in one. Not only that but the timelines mentioned by 'scholars' of this book (the bible) do not fit the scientific facts. It will be at least 4 billion more years before the earth 'falls' into the lake of fire (or is 'flung' into the abyss). By that time MY decendants will be watching from the stars. Life moves allways forward. only mankind keeps dragging its feet. |
Did you know that Paul Stamets(mycologist) has proven that human beings are genetically related to the mushroom?
Well, there is the link for ya. Also, did you know that the mycelium fungus makes up 25% of the Earth's crust? Therefore, are you saying that the very thing that we as humans are genetically related to is a drug? Did you know that psilocybin is a DMT compound? Furthermore, did you know that when you are in deep sleep, your brain releases 4 different kinds of LSD/DMT(article from Boston Globe) allowing you to dream? The only thing psilocybin mushrooms allow you to do is to dream while you are consciously awake. So, it is not a drug sir... It is a natural substance that was used by ancient shamans for thousands of years in order to have visions of the past, present and future. Reality is only a matter of perception, but to become aware to this fact is extremely difficult unless you have ingested this magical substance yourself. Only then can you be aware of the point of this message without applying judgement and ridicule. |
Did you know that Paul Stamets(mycologist) has proven that human beings are genetically related to the mushroom? Well, there is the link for ya. Also, did you know that the mycelium fungus makes up 25% of the Earth's crust? Therefore, are you saying that the very thing that we as humans are genetically related to is a drug? Did you know that psilocybin is a DMT compound? Furthermore, did you know that when you are in deep sleep, your brain releases 4 different kinds of LSD/DMT(article from Boston Globe) allowing you to dream? The only thing psilocybin mushrooms allow you to do is to dream while you are consciously awake. So, it is not a drug sir... It is a natural substance that was used by ancient shamans for thousands of years in order to have visions of the past, present and future. Reality is only a matter of perception, but to become aware to this fact is extremely difficult unless you have ingested this magical substance yourself. Only then can you be aware of the point of this message without applying judgement and ridicule. Yes and did you know that marijuana would make one of the strongest ropes? These substances used for "drugs" are very useful if not used to smoke, snort, inject, or other. If these drugs or things used to make drugs were used for their purposes they would be very useful and not destructive as they are. |
Confusion is present. I have searched as many versions of the book of man called the 'bible'. I have yet to find this 'rapture' mentioned in one. Not only that but the timelines mentioned by 'scholars' of this book (the bible) do not fit the scientific facts. It will be at least 4 billion more years before the earth 'falls' into the lake of fire (or is 'flung' into the abyss). By that time MY decendants will be watching from the stars. Life moves allways forward. only mankind keeps dragging its feet. The bible may not use the word rapture but it does indeed tell of the rapture. Here's one of the area's in which it's spoke of. I tell of more if needed. 1 Thessalonians 4:16-18 16For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: 17Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord. 18Wherefore comfort one another with these words. |
Did you know that Paul Stamets(mycologist) has proven that human beings are genetically related to the mushroom? Well, there is the link for ya. Also, did you know that the mycelium fungus makes up 25% of the Earth's crust? Therefore, are you saying that the very thing that we as humans are genetically related to is a drug? Did you know that psilocybin is a DMT compound? Furthermore, did you know that when you are in deep sleep, your brain releases 4 different kinds of LSD/DMT(article from Boston Globe) allowing you to dream? The only thing psilocybin mushrooms allow you to do is to dream while you are consciously awake. So, it is not a drug sir... It is a natural substance that was used by ancient shamans for thousands of years in order to have visions of the past, present and future. Reality is only a matter of perception, but to become aware to this fact is extremely difficult unless you have ingested this magical substance yourself. Only then can you be aware of the point of this message without applying judgement and ridicule. Yes we are "related" to everything on the planet in one way or other. We are all one, weather it be with the planet, animals, people around, and so on. We are all made up of the same things, we are all one. |
Don't you understand why there are terminal illnesses and bad things in this world, because of sin, Sweetie. Perhaps those folks don't understand why they are suffering. I have no idea why some people suffer more than others on Earth. I do know that God has a grand plan in it all. I cannot make any of you see or understand that, but I know it exists nonetheless. Present your evidence. Obviously, your beliefs work for you, and paraphrasing Thomas Jefferson, those beliefs "...neither pick my pocket or break my legs." But, you're going to have to be far more persuasive and base your arguments on more solid constructs than Christian theology if I'm going to invest myself in those beliefs. I've already been there, and they didn't work for me. I can't unlearn what I've seen on lab instruments or witnessed by rubbing shoulders with people who even now are unravelling the mysteries of life on this planet. For example, have you ever heard of Henrietta Lacks? She died of an extremely virulent form of cancer in the middle of the last century. Yet, some of her cells live on in the laboratory. Were you to look at those cells under a microscope, you couldn't possibly see sin. And I doubt you could find any particle of a soul in them. My skepticism, intellectual curiosity, thirst for knowledge and readiness to discard the unproven has served me well over the period of my lifetime. I can no more give them up than you can your faith. -Kerry O. Kerry, sin is not in the blood or in cells. Sin is the actions of human beings. It is the things we do wrong and ways we are disobedient. |