Topic: US Military Officers Demand 9-11 Investigation
Lpdon's photo
Mon 10/04/10 06:27 PM

wow...this issue gets weirder and weirder..IMO (for what its worth), I believe that the attack on US soil was definately a foreign conspiracy, but with US backed aid...the US has a LOT of experience helping insurgents...I think it took many, many years to put it together (you dont learn to fly a plane overnite) and yes, I do believe that religious fanatics were willing to sacrifice their lives for what ever cause they believed in...

I think that what ever the original plan was, like Frankenstien´s monster, it got out of the US' hands and turned into the nite mare it became...

..that plan, will never be known...Im sure of it...

Umm they spent over a year training at various flight school's and spent months training at various AQ Terrorist training camps, hell there are even video's of ALL 19 hijackers at these various camps with Bin Laden, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and Ayman al-Zawahiri. Also their martyr videos made with Bin Laden have been released via the internet.

Lpdon's photo
Mon 10/04/10 06:36 PM
Here is a little more on the Major General............

Given this background, and his resulting proximity to the US Government, eyebrows began to be raised in the health freedom community in early 2005 when, along with Rima Laibow, Stubblebine launched the website of the Natural Solutions Foundation and began to promote himself as an expert on Codex Alimentarius.

However, for a man who had previously held several senior posts in US Army Intelligence, and who as such would be acutely aware of the need to ensure accuracy in the gathering of information, it quickly became apparent to experienced health freedom observers that Stubblebine either hadn't done his homework properly, or that he and Laibow were intentionally spreading inaccurate and misleading material on Codex and other related dietary supplement issues via their website and press releases. Moreover, despite repeated concerns being expressed by more experienced health freedom observers, Stubblebine and Laibow continued to disseminate this material, and pointedly ignored requests to remove it from their website.

The inaccuracy of their written output on Codex reached a new high in July 2005, when, following the adoption by the Codex Alimentarius Commission of restrictive new global guidelines for vitamin and mineral supplements, Stubblebine and Laibow announced that a miracle had taken place at the Commission's meeting. While the health freedom community looked on in astonishment, Stubblebine and Laibow went on to claim that during the meeting a World Health Organization (WHO) Under Secretary for Food Safety had spoken "sternly, sharply and scathingly of the fact that little contribution to human health had been made by Codex" and that WHO had stated that "things would be different in the future". Of course, the Dr. Rath Health Foundation later proved, definitively, that these assertions were largely either mistaken or exaggerated; however this unfortunately didn't stem what was by then becoming a growing tide of inaccuracy flowing from Stubblebine and Laibow.

Next, for example, following a meeting of the Codex Committee on Food Labelling that took place in Ottawa, Canada in May 2006, Stubblebine claimed that the meeting's outcome was a "Stunning Victory" for health freedom, despite the fact that such an assertion had absolutely no basis in fact, as proven by the Dr. Rath Health Foundation and confirmed by other experienced observers who were present at the meeting, including even the Natural Solutions Foundation's own legal council.

Perhaps not surprisingly therefore, Stubblebine did not take kindly to being repeatedly exposed in this way, and subsequently confronted Paul Anthony Taylor at the July 2006 meeting of the Codex Alimentarius Commission, in Geneva. Paul's summary of this encounter follows below:

Immediately after the close of the meeting Bert Stubblebine approached me and positioned himself so that I could not easily walk away. His manner was somewhat aggressive, and at one point I had to tell him that there was no need to shout, as his raised voice and threatening manner were beginning to attract the attention of other delegates. He claimed that the subject of his anger was the Foundation's Codex meeting in Ottawa article, as well as the Miracle in Rome? and Be Wary of the Instant Experts articles that had recently been revised to include his and Rima Laibow's names. He asked me whether I wrote these articles, and I answered that the decision to name him in them was taken by the Executive Board of the Dr. Rath Health Foundation. In turn, I asked him whether he disagreed with any of the factual corrections that the Dr. Rath Health Foundation had published regarding the fictional nature of material put out by his organization, and, if so, which ones? "All of them", he answered.

By this point we had been joined by his wife, Rima Laibow, who, seemingly white with anger, proceeded to ask me some of the same questions that Bert had just asked me. I therefore told her that I had just answered these same questions to Bert, and that as such I saw no need to answer them again. Rima then proceeded to ask me "Who are the Executive Board of the Dr. Rath Health Foundation?", and I told her that the relevant names could all be found on the Foundation's website. At this they both about-turned and stormed off, and Rima muttered something whilst they were walking away to the effect that they would find that information very interesting.

The Dr. Rath Health Foundation believes that the health freedom movement now needs to ask several important questions of Stubblebine and the Natural Solutions Foundation:

1.Why are Codex reports issued by the Natural Solutions Foundation increasingly at odds with those of more experienced observers, including even those of its own Legal Counsel?

2.Why does the Natural Solutions Foundation claim that miracles and stunning victories for health freedom have taken place at Codex meetings when in reality no such miracles or stunning victories have taken place?

3.Why does Stubblebine – a man who has held several senior posts in US Army Intelligence and who as such will be acutely aware of the need to ensure accuracy in the gathering of information – continue to permit the National Solutions Foundation's articles and press releases to contain numerous crucial inaccuracies, and why does he refuse to correct them?

4.Was it Stubblebine's intention to try to intimidate Paul Anthony Taylor at the July 2006 meeting of the Codex Alimentarius Commission in Geneva?

5.Given that Stubblebine once admitted in a court of law that his "real expertise is government, primarily intelligence", and, when asked whether he had any other skills, answered "Not particularly", what does he expect the health freedom movement to conclude regarding his spreading of inaccurate and misleading material on Codex and other related dietary supplement issues?

Is Albert Stubblebine "the very model of a modern Major-General"? We'll leave you to make up your own minds on that one, and can only but wonder what Gilbert and Sullivan might have made of him. One thing is for sure however, in that the fictional Major-General in "The Pirates of Penzance", with his "pretty taste for paradox", would probably find a man with a background in the Intelligence Community, but who can't seem to get his facts right, most interesting indeed.

Lpdon's photo
Mon 10/04/10 06:40 PM
In the health freedom’s fight against Codex Alimentarius ring-leaders Dr. Rima Laibow and her husband Maj. General Albert Stubblebine, founders of the Natural Solutions Foundation at, have been revealed as liars, scaremongers and extortionists by Scott Tips, President of the National Health Federation.

Full Article.............

Yea, this General is just so credible. laugh

Lpdon's photo
Mon 10/04/10 06:45 PM
Oh, and a little more on him. He was forced in to retirement. laugh

A key sponsor of the research internally at Fort Meade, MD, MG Stubblebine was convinced of the reality of a wide variety of psychic phenomena. He required that all of his Battalion Commanders learn how to bend spoons a la Uri Geller, and he himself attempted several psychic feats, even attempting to walk through walls. In the early 1980s he was responsible for the United States Army Intelligence and Security Command (INSCOM), during which time the remote viewing project in the US Army began. Some commentators have confused a "Project Jedi", allegedly run by Special Forces primarily out of Fort Bragg, with Stargate. After some controversy involving these experiments and alleged security violations from uncleared civilian psychics working in Sensitive Compartmented Information Facilities (SCIFs), Major General Stubblebine was placed on retirement.

laugh rofl laugh

Seakolony's photo
Tue 10/05/10 05:37 AM
Okay so call the families of the people that died on the flight over PA and the farmer that saw it crash liars........I chose to believe the citizens of the people that died, that reported speaking with them and reported the hijackers on the plane and the events thereafter heard via cell phones on the plane. I need no more proof......but go ahead call their families liars on top of the loss of their loved ones.......this conspiracy theory makes me sick........and if their is no proof let these people and their families RIP until such proof is deliverable in a court aof law and brought before the Senate panels......

no photo
Tue 10/05/10 09:09 AM

Okay so call the families of the people that died on the flight over PA and the farmer that saw it crash liars........I chose to believe the citizens of the people that died, that reported speaking with them and reported the hijackers on the plane and the events thereafter heard via cell phones on the plane. I need no more proof......but go ahead call their families liars on top of the loss of their loved ones.......this conspiracy theory makes me sick........and if their is no proof let these people and their families RIP until such proof is deliverable in a court aof law and brought before the Senate panels......

Im sure there were phone calls from a plane, Im sure there were passengers, Im sure those families will never see their loved ones again...Im sure there was a huge explosion in the sky and a hole in the ground....thats all Im sure of...everything else, is up for examination..

Seakolony's photo
Tue 10/05/10 09:15 AM

Okay so call the families of the people that died on the flight over PA and the farmer that saw it crash liars........I chose to believe the citizens of the people that died, that reported speaking with them and reported the hijackers on the plane and the events thereafter heard via cell phones on the plane. I need no more proof......but go ahead call their families liars on top of the loss of their loved ones.......this conspiracy theory makes me sick........and if their is no proof let these people and their families RIP until such proof is deliverable in a court aof law and brought before the Senate panels......

Im sure there were phone calls from a plane, Im sure there were passengers, Im sure those families will never see their loved ones again...Im sure there was a huge explosion in the sky and a hole in the ground....thats all Im sure of...everything else, is up for examination..

The farmer saw the plane going down saw the plane explode upon impact............I want to know what happens in the Bermuda triangle way more interesting in my opinion......instead of chasing conspiracy theories.......

no photo
Tue 10/05/10 09:19 AM

Okay so call the families of the people that died on the flight over PA and the farmer that saw it crash liars........I chose to believe the citizens of the people that died, that reported speaking with them and reported the hijackers on the plane and the events thereafter heard via cell phones on the plane. I need no more proof......but go ahead call their families liars on top of the loss of their loved ones.......this conspiracy theory makes me sick........and if their is no proof let these people and their families RIP until such proof is deliverable in a court aof law and brought before the Senate panels......

Im sure there were phone calls from a plane, Im sure there were passengers, Im sure those families will never see their loved ones again...Im sure there was a huge explosion in the sky and a hole in the ground....thats all Im sure of...everything else, is up for examination..

The farmer saw the plane going down saw the plane explode upon impact............I want to know what happens in the Bermuda triangle way more interesting in my opinion......instead of chasing conspiracy theories.......

the curious thing about planes is that when they fall out of the sky, they tend to break up into pieces and leave a lot of wreakage around...explosion yes..disintegration no...

mightymoe's photo
Tue 10/05/10 09:24 AM
Edited by mightymoe on Tue 10/05/10 09:27 AM

Okay so call the families of the people that died on the flight over PA and the farmer that saw it crash liars........I chose to believe the citizens of the people that died, that reported speaking with them and reported the hijackers on the plane and the events thereafter heard via cell phones on the plane. I need no more proof......but go ahead call their families liars on top of the loss of their loved ones.......this conspiracy theory makes me sick........and if their is no proof let these people and their families RIP until such proof is deliverable in a court aof law and brought before the Senate panels......

Im sure there were phone calls from a plane, Im sure there were passengers, Im sure those families will never see their loved ones again...Im sure there was a huge explosion in the sky and a hole in the ground....thats all Im sure of...everything else, is up for examination..

The farmer saw the plane going down saw the plane explode upon impact............I want to know what happens in the Bermuda triangle way more interesting in my opinion......instead of chasing conspiracy theories.......

the curious thing about planes is that when they fall out of the sky, they tend to break up into pieces and leave a lot of wreakage around...explosion yes..disintegration no...

thats not the first time a plane has crashed with very little debris
this website shows other crashes that had the same amount of debris.
this plane wasn't trying to land, it nosed dived into the ground at 550 MPH. Most crashes happen when the pilot has some control and is trying to land. the pilots were dead, and the muslim nosedived that plane as a last resort.

Seakolony's photo
Tue 10/05/10 10:29 AM

Okay so call the families of the people that died on the flight over PA and the farmer that saw it crash liars........I chose to believe the citizens of the people that died, that reported speaking with them and reported the hijackers on the plane and the events thereafter heard via cell phones on the plane. I need no more proof......but go ahead call their families liars on top of the loss of their loved ones.......this conspiracy theory makes me sick........and if their is no proof let these people and their families RIP until such proof is deliverable in a court aof law and brought before the Senate panels......

Im sure there were phone calls from a plane, Im sure there were passengers, Im sure those families will never see their loved ones again...Im sure there was a huge explosion in the sky and a hole in the ground....thats all Im sure of...everything else, is up for examination..

The farmer saw the plane going down saw the plane explode upon impact............I want to know what happens in the Bermuda triangle way more interesting in my opinion......instead of chasing conspiracy theories.......

the curious thing about planes is that when they fall out of the sky, they tend to break up into pieces and leave a lot of wreakage around...explosion yes..disintegration no...

thats not the first time a plane has crashed with very little debris
this website shows other crashes that had the same amount of debris.
this plane wasn't trying to land, it nosed dived into the ground at 550 MPH. Most crashes happen when the pilot has some control and is trying to land. the pilots were dead, and the muslim nosedived that plane as a last resort.

Actually planes that they know have gone down have disappeared before or considered disenigrated in the past no reason why in fires that no traces of matter were found....anyways people physically saw the planes fly into the Pentagon and WTC and physically saw the plane in PA crash per citizen reports from farmers family members with phone calls from victims themselves to exactly do you dispute that from different families and people.....or otherwise known as eye just saying the conspiracy theory is out of hand at this point with no proof exept aimed to cast doubt in order for political controversy.......I say put up or shut up....JMO

mightymoe's photo
Tue 10/05/10 10:40 AM

Okay so call the families of the people that died on the flight over PA and the farmer that saw it crash liars........I chose to believe the citizens of the people that died, that reported speaking with them and reported the hijackers on the plane and the events thereafter heard via cell phones on the plane. I need no more proof......but go ahead call their families liars on top of the loss of their loved ones.......this conspiracy theory makes me sick........and if their is no proof let these people and their families RIP until such proof is deliverable in a court aof law and brought before the Senate panels......

Im sure there were phone calls from a plane, Im sure there were passengers, Im sure those families will never see their loved ones again...Im sure there was a huge explosion in the sky and a hole in the ground....thats all Im sure of...everything else, is up for examination..

The farmer saw the plane going down saw the plane explode upon impact............I want to know what happens in the Bermuda triangle way more interesting in my opinion......instead of chasing conspiracy theories.......

the curious thing about planes is that when they fall out of the sky, they tend to break up into pieces and leave a lot of wreakage around...explosion yes..disintegration no...

thats not the first time a plane has crashed with very little debris
this website shows other crashes that had the same amount of debris.
this plane wasn't trying to land, it nosed dived into the ground at 550 MPH. Most crashes happen when the pilot has some control and is trying to land. the pilots were dead, and the muslim nosedived that plane as a last resort.

Actually planes that they know have gone down have disappeared before or considered disenigrated in the past no reason why in fires that no traces of matter were found....anyways people physically saw the planes fly into the Pentagon and WTC and physically saw the plane in PA crash per citizen reports from farmers family members with phone calls from victims themselves to exactly do you dispute that from different families and people.....or otherwise known as eye just saying the conspiracy theory is out of hand at this point with no proof exept aimed to cast doubt in order for political controversy.......I say put up or shut up....JMO

exactly... after 9 years, seems like someone would some kind of evidence by now at least...but afterall, Elvis and hitler are both alive, there were multiple shooters in dallas, and aliens are coming... lots of proof in those cases too...

no photo
Tue 10/05/10 11:40 AM

Okay so call the families of the people that died on the flight over PA and the farmer that saw it crash liars........I chose to believe the citizens of the people that died, that reported speaking with them and reported the hijackers on the plane and the events thereafter heard via cell phones on the plane. I need no more proof......but go ahead call their families liars on top of the loss of their loved ones.......this conspiracy theory makes me sick........and if their is no proof let these people and their families RIP until such proof is deliverable in a court aof law and brought before the Senate panels......

Im sure there were phone calls from a plane, Im sure there were passengers, Im sure those families will never see their loved ones again...Im sure there was a huge explosion in the sky and a hole in the ground....thats all Im sure of...everything else, is up for examination..

The farmer saw the plane going down saw the plane explode upon impact............I want to know what happens in the Bermuda triangle way more interesting in my opinion......instead of chasing conspiracy theories.......

the curious thing about planes is that when they fall out of the sky, they tend to break up into pieces and leave a lot of wreakage around...explosion yes..disintegration no...

thats not the first time a plane has crashed with very little debris
this website shows other crashes that had the same amount of debris.
this plane wasn't trying to land, it nosed dived into the ground at 550 MPH. Most crashes happen when the pilot has some control and is trying to land. the pilots were dead, and the muslim nosedived that plane as a last resort.

Actually planes that they know have gone down have disappeared before or considered disenigrated in the past no reason why in fires that no traces of matter were found....anyways people physically saw the planes fly into the Pentagon and WTC and physically saw the plane in PA crash per citizen reports from farmers family members with phone calls from victims themselves to exactly do you dispute that from different families and people.....or otherwise known as eye just saying the conspiracy theory is out of hand at this point with no proof exept aimed to cast doubt in order for political controversy.......I say put up or shut up....JMO

exactly... after 9 years, seems like someone would some kind of evidence by now at least...but afterall, Elvis and hitler are both alive, there were multiple shooters in dallas, and aliens are coming... lots of proof in those cases too...

Um...Elvis is alive. Didn't you see Bubba Ho-Tep?

s1owhand's photo
Tue 10/05/10 11:51 AM
It was the Russian mafia.

Bestinshow's photo
Tue 10/05/10 12:40 PM
Edited by Bestinshow on Tue 10/05/10 12:41 PM
It takes a great deal of fancifull thinking to suppose a non trained pilot(think jumbo jet) can navigate hundreds of miles at a high speed locate the targets do some fancy maneurving to hit them and when they do they crumble to dust. Expect Norad to do nothing at all to defend the Pentagon even after the twin towers have been hit. Let alone the danceing Israelis captured while filming the whole event... let alone building three falling down as the other two into its own basement. Nothing adds up and most americans agree.

Many adults in the United States believe the current federal government has not been completely forthcoming on the issue of the 9/11 terrorist attacks, according to a poll by the New York Times and CBS News. 53 per cent of respondents think the Bush administration is hiding something, and 28 per cent believe it is lying.

Only 16 per cent of respondents say the government headed by U.S. president George W. Bush is telling the truth on what it knew prior to the terrorist attacks, down five points since May 2002.

Thats right only 16% believe 911 happened as explained by our government. This is about the same number I get discussing this with friends and co workers. a few die hards with kids in the service or complete fanatics in regards to patriotism except it at face value. Heck they spent more money investigateing Clintons sex life than investigating 911. If modern steel framed buildings are prone to total collapse one would think they would at least investigate the reasone. Keep in mind most modern buildings are built the same as the twin towers. They were supposadly built to withstand multiple plane impacts. Lets at least find the engineering flaw.........

Bestinshow's photo
Tue 10/05/10 12:48 PM
1993 after the 1993 World Trade Center bombing, John Skilling said in an interview to the Seattle Times that according to their studies the World Trade Center was strong enough to withstand the impact of a Boeing 707. The only thing they were worried about was, in case of an airplane crash, the dumping of all airfuel into the building which would cause a hazardous fire. The building structure would still be there.

mightymoe's photo
Tue 10/05/10 12:48 PM

It takes a great deal of fancifull thinking to suppose a non trained pilot(think jumbo jet) can navigate hundreds of miles at a high speed locate the targets do some fancy maneurving to hit them and when they do they crumble to dust. Expect Norad to do nothing at all to defend the Pentagon even after the twin towers have been hit. Let alone the danceing Israelis captured while filming the whole event... let alone building three falling down as the other two into its own basement. Nothing adds up and most americans agree.

Many adults in the United States believe the current federal government has not been completely forthcoming on the issue of the 9/11 terrorist attacks, according to a poll by the New York Times and CBS News. 53 per cent of respondents think the Bush administration is hiding something, and 28 per cent believe it is lying.

Only 16 per cent of respondents say the government headed by U.S. president George W. Bush is telling the truth on what it knew prior to the terrorist attacks, down five points since May 2002.

Thats right only 16% believe 911 happened as explained by our government. This is about the same number I get discussing this with friends and co workers. a few die hards with kids in the service or complete fanatics in regards to patriotism except it at face value. Heck they spent more money investigateing Clintons sex life than investigating 911. If modern steel framed buildings are prone to total collapse one would think they would at least investigate the reasone. Keep in mind most modern buildings are built the same as the twin towers. They were supposadly built to withstand multiple plane impacts. Lets at least find the engineering flaw.........

dude... any 10 year old can fly those planes... have you ever herd of the simulation games? those planes can fly themselves... not real hard to turn a steering wheel... and they have investigated these stupid issues yall keep babbling about in every way. you guys just don't wanna see the truth...check the webites for sites confirming 911 for once... maybe you will learn something.

mightymoe's photo
Tue 10/05/10 12:50 PM

1993 after the 1993 World Trade Center bombing, John Skilling said in an interview to the Seattle Times that according to their studies the World Trade Center was strong enough to withstand the impact of a Boeing 707. The only thing they were worried about was, in case of an airplane crash, the dumping of all airfuel into the building which would cause a hazardous fire. The building structure would still be there.

just couldn't be that maybe he was WRONG?...i think he was...since they both fell...

Seakolony's photo
Tue 10/05/10 12:52 PM

It takes a great deal of fancifull thinking to suppose a non trained pilot(think jumbo jet) can navigate hundreds of miles at a high speed locate the targets do some fancy maneurving to hit them and when they do they crumble to dust. Expect Norad to do nothing at all to defend the Pentagon even after the twin towers have been hit. Let alone the danceing Israelis captured while filming the whole event... let alone building three falling down as the other two into its own basement. Nothing adds up and most americans agree.

Many adults in the United States believe the current federal government has not been completely forthcoming on the issue of the 9/11 terrorist attacks, according to a poll by the New York Times and CBS News. 53 per cent of respondents think the Bush administration is hiding something, and 28 per cent believe it is lying.

Only 16 per cent of respondents say the government headed by U.S. president George W. Bush is telling the truth on what it knew prior to the terrorist attacks, down five points since May 2002.

Thats right only 16% believe 911 happened as explained by our government. This is about the same number I get discussing this with friends and co workers. a few die hards with kids in the service or complete fanatics in regards to patriotism except it at face value. Heck they spent more money investigateing Clintons sex life than investigating 911. If modern steel framed buildings are prone to total collapse one would think they would at least investigate the reasone. Keep in mind most modern buildings are built the same as the twin towers. They were supposadly built to withstand multiple plane impacts. Lets at least find the engineering flaw.........

Actually that is only 16% of people polled believe it is the truth.......the polls are supposed to be reflective of the US but you cannot reflect the US beliefs through polls.......especially without knowing who was polled how many.....the only true poll would be if everyone in the US answered........polls are ridiculously and infamously wrong......and can be the figures can be directed and pushed anyway the pollers wish them to go........unless you do a complete poll its not accurate........

mightymoe's photo
Tue 10/05/10 12:54 PM

It takes a great deal of fancifull thinking to suppose a non trained pilot(think jumbo jet) can navigate hundreds of miles at a high speed locate the targets do some fancy maneurving to hit them and when they do they crumble to dust. Expect Norad to do nothing at all to defend the Pentagon even after the twin towers have been hit. Let alone the danceing Israelis captured while filming the whole event... let alone building three falling down as the other two into its own basement. Nothing adds up and most americans agree.

Many adults in the United States believe the current federal government has not been completely forthcoming on the issue of the 9/11 terrorist attacks, according to a poll by the New York Times and CBS News. 53 per cent of respondents think the Bush administration is hiding something, and 28 per cent believe it is lying.

Only 16 per cent of respondents say the government headed by U.S. president George W. Bush is telling the truth on what it knew prior to the terrorist attacks, down five points since May 2002.

Thats right only 16% believe 911 happened as explained by our government. This is about the same number I get discussing this with friends and co workers. a few die hards with kids in the service or complete fanatics in regards to patriotism except it at face value. Heck they spent more money investigateing Clintons sex life than investigating 911. If modern steel framed buildings are prone to total collapse one would think they would at least investigate the reasone. Keep in mind most modern buildings are built the same as the twin towers. They were supposadly built to withstand multiple plane impacts. Lets at least find the engineering flaw.........

Actually that is only 16% of people polled believe it is the truth.......the polls are supposed to be reflective of the US but you cannot reflect the US beliefs through polls.......especially without knowing who was polled how many.....the only true poll would be if everyone in the US answered........polls are ridiculously and infamously wrong......and can be the figures can be directed and pushed anyway the pollers wish them to go........unless you do a complete poll its not accurate........

it is if they polled everyone at a truther website... then they would get the results they wanted...polls are stupid and meaningless...

Bestinshow's photo
Tue 10/05/10 01:01 PM

1993 after the 1993 World Trade Center bombing, John Skilling said in an interview to the Seattle Times that according to their studies the World Trade Center was strong enough to withstand the impact of a Boeing 707. The only thing they were worried about was, in case of an airplane crash, the dumping of all airfuel into the building which would cause a hazardous fire. The building structure would still be there.

just couldn't be that maybe he was WRONG?...i think he was...since they both fell...
Yea dude if he was wrong maybe the entire engineering community should re- think the way they build sky scrapers. or maybe your wrong? Lets at least investigate!