Topic: US Military Officers Demand 9-11 Investigation
Dragoness's photo
Thu 09/16/10 01:22 PM

I think someone who doesn't understand that air has to go somewhere when it is displaced is mistaking air release for explosions.

I keep telling you there is so little experience with buildings the size of the towers coming down in that situation that it is all speculation anyway.

No, those are obviously explosions...but don't take it from me.

Here's a great site with experts who talk about the attacks.

"1303 verified architectural and engineering professionals
and 9696 other supporters including A&E students
have signed the petition demanding of Congress
a truly independent investigation."

I signed it...I hope others here do as well...if we do NOT expose this crime it may happen again...probably in 2012 before the elections...

I read through all that stuff.

Architects who have not brought charges against anyone for what they know to be certain, doesn't appear to be right does it?

For all the "proof" they have they haven't been able to get a legitimate attorney to file a case?

I am sorry, no offense intended, it just doesn't come out right.

It is too much speculation and innuendo to be legitimate.

Their goal is to get a new investigation on 9-11, a real one this time, they are not there to file charges...that would come after the crimes are exposed. People have filed lawsuits but you can't sue the government*, also they stonewall releasing information about the 70+ videos that would show just what really hit the Pentagon...why not release them and put this issue to bed?

*"Generally, a sovereign government cannot be sued unless it allows itself to be sued."

Question: Why is OBL not wanted for the attacks of 9-11?

And hey, I am no CT nutbag...I am just asking questions and addressing the crazy offense to you either but those were obviously explosions. The news, witnesses as well as the videos prove that fact. watch them again and look for the plumes popping out...that's cement being pulverized into dust...something that is impossible w/o a high charged explosive.

Love you


mightymoe's photo
Thu 09/16/10 01:32 PM

I think someone who doesn't understand that air has to go somewhere when it is displaced is mistaking air release for explosions.

I keep telling you there is so little experience with buildings the size of the towers coming down in that situation that it is all speculation anyway.

No, those are obviously explosions...but don't take it from me.

Here's a great site with experts who talk about the attacks.

"1303 verified architectural and engineering professionals
and 9696 other supporters including A&E students
have signed the petition demanding of Congress
a truly independent investigation."

I signed it...I hope others here do as well...if we do NOT expose this crime it may happen again...probably in 2012 before the elections...

I read through all that stuff.

Architects who have not brought charges against anyone for what they know to be certain, doesn't appear to be right does it?

For all the "proof" they have they haven't been able to get a legitimate attorney to file a case?

I am sorry, no offense intended, it just doesn't come out right.

It is too much speculation and innuendo to be legitimate.

Their goal is to get a new investigation on 9-11, a real one this time, they are not there to file charges...that would come after the crimes are exposed. People have filed lawsuits but you can't sue the government*, also they stonewall releasing information about the 70+ videos that would show just what really hit the Pentagon...why not release them and put this issue to bed?

*"Generally, a sovereign government cannot be sued unless it allows itself to be sued."

Question: Why is OBL not wanted for the attacks of 9-11?

And hey, I am no CT nutbag...I am just asking questions and addressing the crazy offense to you either but those were obviously explosions. The news, witnesses as well as the videos prove that fact. watch them again and look for the plumes popping out...that's cement being pulverized into dust...something that is impossible w/o a high charged explosive.

Love you

maybe you should look up what "impossible" means...
do you understand that concrete does not bend? what happens when 400-500 tons fall on top of it? IT PULVERIZES INTO DUST!!!! then the air rushing out TAKES THE DUST WITH IT!!!... you seem to think that concrete is some sort of super material that never collapses...
and the WTC towers did not fall straight down, one fell to the east, and the other fell to the some studying on this, not just the site...

mightymoe's photo
Thu 09/16/10 01:34 PM

Question: Why is OBL not wanted for the attacks of 9-11?

he is, but for the first attempt when clinton was in office, when a van blew up in the basement...

MiddleEarthling's photo
Fri 09/17/10 04:00 PM
Edited by MiddleEarthling on Fri 09/17/10 04:02 PM

Question: Why is OBL not wanted for the attacks of 9-11?

he is, but for the first attempt when clinton was in office, when a van blew up in the basement...

Pffft...OBL is not wanted for that attack either.

And on the falling WTCs..NO, one section leaned to the left near where the airliner hit, then the rest feel directly, straight down..WTC7 FEEL STRAIGHT DOWN but was NOT hit by an aircraft tho~ had some damage but not enought to make it was imploded...egads how obvious.

These lies cannot stand for long before they free fall into their own footprints too. It's just a matter of time.

WTC demolished with eyewitness accounts...

MiddleEarthling's photo
Sat 09/25/10 06:32 PM

Question: Why is OBL not wanted for the attacks of 9-11?

he is, but for the first attempt when clinton was in office, when a van blew up in the basement...

Pffft...OBL is not wanted for that attack either.

And on the falling WTCs..NO, one section leaned to the left near where the airliner hit, then the rest feel directly, straight down..WTC7 FEEL STRAIGHT DOWN but was NOT hit by an aircraft tho~ had some damage but not enought to make it was imploded...egads how obvious.

These lies cannot stand for long before they free fall into their own footprints too. It's just a matter of time.

WTC demolished with eyewitness accounts...

"It's on"

MiddleEarthling's photo
Wed 09/29/10 07:47 PM
Edited by MiddleEarthling on Wed 09/29/10 07:48 PM

Question: Why is OBL not wanted for the attacks of 9-11?

he is, but for the first attempt when clinton was in office, when a van blew up in the basement...

Just so people know..there's a video that was released that claims OBL admitted to the attacks of 9-11...the only probelem is OBL is left handed and it shows the guy writing with his right hand, also OBL did not wear any jewlery but had a wedding band on...oh then there's this:

That's a still from the video...yeah ok, that's OBL? Really?

See ALL the faked pics of OBL the gubberment fed the US media to use. DUH?

TonkaTruck3's photo
Wed 09/29/10 08:12 PM
9/11 was an inside job, plain & simple. The "official" story from the govt. is pure BS.

damnitscloudy's photo
Wed 09/29/10 09:33 PM
The truthers are too busy chasing their own shadows and thinking people are our to get them, so much so that they never look up and see the facts that it was an attack by terrorists to kill innocent people.

TonkaTruck3's photo
Wed 09/29/10 09:53 PM
It was an attack by the U.S. govt. with a few Islamics thrown in for sensationalized journalism.

damnitscloudy's photo
Wed 09/29/10 10:01 PM
The US govt can barely do anything as is. Much less plan attacks on a large scale without it being leaked. Also the Bush presidency was full of failures so it's obvious that it was not his plan.

TonkaTruck3's photo
Wed 09/29/10 11:42 PM
I dont believe it was Bush's plan, but there are agencies within agencies that can indeed pull off something like that.

Sorry, but the official "facts" dont add up.

Bestinshow's photo
Thu 09/30/10 06:55 PM

I dont believe it was Bush's plan, but there are agencies within agencies that can indeed pull off something like that.

Sorry, but the official "facts" dont add up.
They dont add up at all. No way.

MiddleEarthling's photo
Fri 10/01/10 07:12 PM

The US govt can barely do anything as is. Much less plan attacks on a large scale without it being leaked. Also the Bush presidency was full of failures so it's obvious that it was not his plan.

It could have involved as few as a hundred people, the rest would have just followed orders and told to shut up. Most involved believed it was a just cause...a cause to invade the Middle East and seize CONtrol of the US...and since the attack was so big and audacious they also relied on people to deny it...ridicule it.

The Neocons got their attack but hired the wrong people to follow it through...luckily the GOPers were (are still) so incompentent they screwed it up...even POX news could not carry the lies enough for the Neocons to fully pull it off.

2011 for 9-11 ain't seen nothing yet people.

mightymoe's photo
Fri 10/01/10 07:15 PM

The US govt can barely do anything as is. Much less plan attacks on a large scale without it being leaked. Also the Bush presidency was full of failures so it's obvious that it was not his plan.

It could have involved as few as a hundred people, the rest would have just followed orders and told to shut up. Most involved believed it was a just cause...a cause to invade the Middle East and seize CONtrol of the US...and since the attack was so big and audacious they also relied on people to deny it...ridicule it.

The Neocons got their attack but hired the wrong people to follow it through...luckily the GOPers were (are still) so incompentent they screwed it up...even POX news could not carry the lies enough for the Neocons to fully pull it off.

2011 for 9-11 ain't seen nothing yet people.

there's that straw grasping again...

TonkaTruck3's photo
Sat 10/02/10 12:08 PM
I dont buy all that GOP'er or neocon stuff, but the war was brought about as a side effect to the real agenda....the establishment of the Dept. of Homeland Security.

The American people would never have allowed, much less voted to establish such a wretched agency without some major catastrophy to sway their thoughts. Walla!! 9/11 and the subsequent war!!

no photo
Sat 10/02/10 12:26 PM
I was in the states prior to 9/11 and I remember back then there were two huge storys grabbing everyones attention..Enron pre and post boon and privatizing a portion of Social Security, meaning giving people the options to invest in wall street...

two major hard-ons for wall street investors..the SS issue was close to becomming a reality and then ENRON went belly up leaving thousands of people without a dime and a few insiders filthy rich...

then of course 9/11 and never the two were mentioned again.....

MiddleEarthling's photo
Sat 10/02/10 04:10 PM

I was in the states prior to 9/11 and I remember back then there were two huge storys grabbing everyones attention..Enron pre and post boon and privatizing a portion of Social Security, meaning giving people the options to invest in wall street...

two major hard-ons for wall street investors..the SS issue was close to becomming a reality and then ENRON went belly up leaving thousands of people without a dime and a few insiders filthy rich...

then of course 9/11 and never the two were mentioned again.....

"Rumsfeld Sept 10, 2001: The Pentagon cannot account for $2.3 TRILLION

On Sept. 10, Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld declared war. Not on foreign terrorists, "the adversary's closer to home. It's the Pentagon bureaucracy," he said.

He said money wasted by the military poses a serious threat.

"In fact, it could be said it's a matter of life and death," he said.

Rumsfeld promised change but the next day – Sept. 11-- the world changed and in the rush to fund the war on terrorism, the war on waste seems to have been forgotten"


metalwing's photo
Sat 10/02/10 11:16 PM
BTW. As the towers fell each floor compressed the air in the rooms below the falling floor. The partitions were crushed turning the sheetrock into dust and the compressed air blew it out the windows as the windows failed. Although a lot of concrete dust was created, most of the dust seen is calcium sulfate, i.e., gypsum.

There is absolutely no evidence of actual explosives being used or being needed to cause failure in the twin towers building failure.

And a little fact for non structural people. If explosives were going to be used, they would be used to cut the steel, not the concrete because the building has a steel structure. The concrete is mainly used for soundproofing and fire resistance of the top of each floor and some around the stairwells. Cutting the concrete in the stairwells would not make the building fall. Heating the steel to over one thousand degrees will.

MiddleEarthling's photo
Sun 10/03/10 07:56 AM

BTW. As the towers fell each floor compressed the air in the rooms below the falling floor. The partitions were crushed turning the sheetrock into dust and the compressed air blew it out the windows as the windows failed. Although a lot of concrete dust was created, most of the dust seen is calcium sulfate, i.e., gypsum.

There is absolutely no evidence of actual explosives being used or being needed to cause failure in the twin towers building failure.

And a little fact for non structural people. If explosives were going to be used, they would be used to cut the steel, not the concrete because the building has a steel structure. The concrete is mainly used for soundproofing and fire resistance of the top of each floor and some around the stairwells. Cutting the concrete in the stairwells would not make the building fall. Heating the steel to over one thousand degrees will.


"In trying to come to terms with what actually happened during the collapse of the World Trade Towers, the biggest and most obvious problem that I see is the source of the enormous amount of very fine dust that was generated during the collapses. Even early on, when the tops of the buildings have barely started to move, we see this characteristic fine dust (mixed with larger chunks of debris) being shot out very energetically from the building. During the first few seconds of a gravitational fall nothing is moving very fast, and yet from the outset what appears to be powdered concrete can be seem blowing out to the sides, growing to an immense dust cloud as the collapse progresses.

The floors themselves are quite robust. Each one is 39" thick; the top 4" is a poured concrete slab, with interlocking vertical steel trusses (or spandrel members) underneath. This steel would absorb a lot of kinetic energy by crumpling as one floor fell onto another, at most pulverizing a small amount of concrete where the narrow edges of the trusses strike the floor below. And yet we see a very fine dust being blown very energetically out to the sides as if the entire mass of concrete (about 400,000 cubic yards for the whole building) were being converted to dust. Remember too that the tower fell at almost the speed of a gravitational free-fall, meaning that little energy was expended doing anything other than accelerating the floor slabs.

Considering the amount of concrete in a single floor (~1 acre x 4") and the chemical bond energy to be overcome in order to reduce it to a fine powder, it appears that a very large energy input would be needed. The only source for this, excluding for now external inputs or explosives, is the gravitational potential energy of the building. Any extraction of this energy for the disaggregation of the concrete would decrease the amount available for conversion to kinetic energy, slowing the speed of the falls. Yet we know that the buildings actually fell in about 9 seconds*, only slightly less than an unimpeded free-fall from the same height. This means that very little of the gravitational energy can have gone toward pulverizing the concrete.

Even beyond the question of the energy needed, what possible mechanism exists for pulverizing these vast sheets of concrete? Remember that dust begins to appear in quantity in the very earliest stages of the collapses, when nothing is moving fast relative to anything else in the structure. How then is reinforced concrete turned into dust and ejected laterally from the building at high speed?"

s1owhand's photo
Sun 10/03/10 08:08 AM
Edited by s1owhand on Sun 10/03/10 08:20 AM
Penn and Teller!!

This is pretty much what I think about these inane
conspiracy theories.

Do not make conspiracy theories about this terrorist
attack. The evidence is overwhelming and well analyzed.
There is no proof whatsoever that any of the conspiracy
theories have any basis at all.