Topic: US Military Officers Demand 9-11 Investigation
MiddleEarthling's photo
Sun 10/03/10 08:37 AM

Penn and Teller!!

This is pretty much what I think about these inane
conspiracy theories.

Do not make conspiracy theories about this terrorist
attack. The evidence is overwhelming and well analyzed.
There is no proof whatsoever that any of the conspiracy
theories have any basis at all.; A sophisticated Neocon Propaganda Site Designed To Counteract The 9/11 Truth Movement.

"One has to ask who has paid for this professionally put together and very sophisticated yet transparently propagandising website. Only dedicated neoconservatives with a political agenda of trying to prevent the truth of the events of 9/11 being exposed would go to such great lengths as producing such an obvious propaganda website. One can only assume that those seeking the truth must be on to something for the neocons to put this much effort into trying to prevent the truth from being revealed.

debunking9/ is a very sophisticated, extensive and professionally put together website that clearly has had a lot of expensive expertise poured into it. It goes to extraordinary lengths to attempt to debunk the evidence that has presented itself on the internet over the last seven years as an alternative to the US government’s version of the events of 9/11, but – and this is where the site gives itself away – it doesn’t attempt to debunk just some aspects of the new evidence that has been presented, but it tries to debunk every bit of it. It is that characteristic that defines it as a propaganda site rather than a site that is scientifically objective with its arguments."

Seakolony's photo
Sun 10/03/10 03:56 PM
19 people voluntarily died to start war yeah okay.....

damnitscloudy's photo
Sun 10/03/10 04:18 PM

19 people voluntarily died to start war yeah okay.....

I could believe that part if it were true, but beyond that it goes into tinfoil hat territory. I still stand behind my theory that it was feline aliens who brought the towers down with their mighty laser toy. ;)

MiddleEarthling's photo
Sun 10/03/10 04:37 PM
Edited by MiddleEarthling on Sun 10/03/10 04:38 PM

19 people voluntarily died to start war yeah okay.....

People do weird things for 72 virgins...(not sure my limits on that).

Actually the planes were remote controlled, these guys could not fly...pfft. Anyone else in the class have a decent defense?..oy vey, they never do.

By the steps class.smile2 Pay attention and study the subject hard, they'll be a quiz later.

In Plane Sight - Part ONE

Seakolony's photo
Sun 10/03/10 07:13 PM
So the reports from the family members of the passengers that repoted the hijackers and defended and crashed the plane killing themselves and the hijackers was a lie because that plane was remote controlled.....and the airport reports were an engineered lie.......and the family members that died on those planes a lie and that were all registered passengers.....puhhhhlease!!! Common sense negates it all......

mightymoe's photo
Sun 10/03/10 07:17 PM

So the reports from the family members of the passengers that repoted the hijackers and defended and crashed the plane killing themselves and the hijackers was a lie because that plane was remote controlled.....and the airport reports were an engineered lie.......and the family members that died on those planes a lie and that were all registered passengers.....puhhhhlease!!! Common sense negates it all......

the aliens transported them to another planet because bush asked them too...

Lpdon's photo
Sun 10/03/10 07:52 PM

Major General Albert Stubblebine, U.S. Army (ret) – Former Commanding General of U.S. Army Intelligence and Security Command, 1981 - 1984. Also commanded the U.S. Army’s Electronic Research and Development Command and the U.S. Army’s Intelligence School and Center. Former head of Imagery Interpretation for Scientific and Technical Intelligence. 32-year Army career.

Member, Military Intelligence Hall of Fame.
Video interview 6/28/09:

General Stubblebine: I am Major General Albert Stubblebine. I am retired Army Major-General. In my last assignment -- my last command -- I was responsible for all of the Army's strategic intelligence forces around the world. I had responsibility for the Signals Intelligence, Photo Intelligence, Counter Intelligence, Human Intelligence. They all belonged to me, in my last assignment. …

I was supposed to find out what the enemy was doing, before the enemy did it so that we could take action against the enemy. That's Intelligence, OK, before the fact. So, we always -- always -- rely not on a single piece of data, before we make a statement, but on multiple and the more pieces of data that you have that correlate, the better you know exactly what is going on. …

So I have had a lot of experience looking at photographs. I have looked at many, many different kinds of photographs, from many, many different platforms on many, many different countries, around the world.

Interviewer: OK. So on September the 11th, in 2001, what hit the Pentagon?

General Stubblebine: I don't know exactly what hit it, but I do know, from the photographs that I have analyzed and looked at very, very carefully, it was not an airplane.

Interviewer: What made you believe that?

General Stubblebine: Well, for one thing, if you look at the hole that was made in the Pentagon, the nose penetrated far enough so that there should have been wing marks on the walls of the Pentagon. I have been unable to find those wing marks. So where were they? Did this vessel -- vehicle, or whatever it was -- have wings? Apparently not, because if it had had wings, they would have made marks on the side of the Pentagon.

One person counteracted my theory, and said, "Oh, you've got it all wrong. And the reason that it's wrong is that as the airplane came across, one wing tipped down and hit the ground and broke off." I said, "Fine, that's possible, one wing could have broken off." But if I understand airplanes correctly, most airplanes have two wings. I haven't met an airplane with only one wing. So where was the mark for the second wing? OK, one broke off -- there should have been a mark for the second wing. I could not find that in any of the photographs that I've analyzed. Now I've been very careful to not say what went in there. Why? Because you don't have that evidence. …

I did -- I've never believed that it was an airplane since I've looked at the photographs. Up until the time I looked at the photographs, I accepted what was being said. After I looked at it -- NO WAY! …

We pride ourselves with the "free press." I do not believe the "free press" is free any more. It's very expensive. It's very expensive. And the press is saying what they have been told to say about this.

Now, do I have proof of that? No. But I believe that what is being -- what certainly the -- the stories that were told -- all about 9/11 were false. I mean, you take a look at the buildings falling down. They didn't fall down because airplanes hit them. They fell down because of explosives went off inside. Demolition. Look at Building 7, for God's sake. It didn't fall down to its side. It didn't fall to this direction or that direction; just like the two Towers. …

When you look at the temperatures that you can create with fuel in a gas tank or a fuel tank of an airplane, and then you investigate the amount of heat that would be required to melt -- to melt -- the superstructure of the buildings that came tumbling down, when you put all of that together, the one thing that shows; It does not match the facts. What is it they do not want the public to know?

Video documentary One Nation Under Siege 7/11/06: "One of my experiences in the Army was being in charge of the Army’s Imagery Interpretation for Scientific and Technical Intelligence during the Cold War. I measured pieces of Soviet equipment from photographs. It was my job. I look at the hole in the Pentagon and I look at the size of an airplane that was supposed to have hit the Pentagon. And I said, ‘The plane does not fit in that hole’. So what did hit the Pentagon? What hit it? Where is it? What's going on?"

Editor's note: For more information on the impact at the Pentagon, see Colonel Nelson, Commander Muga, Lt. Col. Kwiatkowski, Lt. Col. Latas, Major Rokke, Capt. Wittenberg, Capt. Davis, Barbara Honegger, April Gallop, Colonel Bunel, and Steve DeChiaro.


laugh Albert Stubblebine also claims he can walk through walls. laugh He is regarded by top military personnel that know him and who have wored with him and for him as a kook.

He features prominently in Jon Ronson's book The Men Who Stare at Goats, where he is described as firmly believing that he himself can walk through walls. slaphead

TonkaTruck3's photo
Sun 10/03/10 07:53 PM

So the reports from the family members of the passengers that repoted the hijackers and defended and crashed the plane killing themselves and the hijackers was a lie because that plane was remote controlled.....and the airport reports were an engineered lie.......and the family members that died on those planes a lie and that were all registered passengers.....puhhhhlease!!! Common sense negates it all......

What passengers??...there were no bodies, or even plane debris recovered from the site, just a big smoking hole in the ground.
So where'd they all go??

damnitscloudy's photo
Sun 10/03/10 09:06 PM
All the people in the planes are with Elvis in a pink flying saucer.

So all the people who lost family members on the planes are liars too? 9/11 theories a joke, like the people who believe them.

Lpdon's photo
Sun 10/03/10 09:12 PM

So the reports from the family members of the passengers that repoted the hijackers and defended and crashed the plane killing themselves and the hijackers was a lie because that plane was remote controlled.....and the airport reports were an engineered lie.......and the family members that died on those planes a lie and that were all registered passengers.....puhhhhlease!!! Common sense negates it all......

What passengers??...there were no bodies, or even plane debris recovered from the site, just a big smoking hole in the ground.
So where'd they all go??

A couple passenges called their loved ones from the plane after it was hijacked and confirmed that there were Hijackers on the plane with box cutters saying they had explosives.

TonkaTruck3's photo
Sun 10/03/10 09:18 PM
Still does'nt explain where they all went!!..or the plane either.

Sorry, but the govt's. explanation does'nt hold water.

Lpdon's photo
Sun 10/03/10 11:05 PM

Still does'nt explain where they all went!!..or the plane either.

Sorry, but the govt's. explanation does'nt hold water.

Yea it does. They did recover bodies, not to mention bodies can get incinerated.

TonkaTruck3's photo
Sun 10/03/10 11:10 PM
But yet their ID's made of plastic are found while the whole plane burns??...dont think so

Seakolony's photo
Mon 10/04/10 04:18 AM

So the reports from the family members of the passengers that repoted the hijackers and defended and crashed the plane killing themselves and the hijackers was a lie because that plane was remote controlled.....and the airport reports were an engineered lie.......and the family members that died on those planes a lie and that were all registered passengers.....puhhhhlease!!! Common sense negates it all......

the aliens transported them to another planet because bush asked them too...

But I thought the democrats were trying to legalize for votes not the republicans did I get it wrong? Or so I thought I read in someone opinion thread somewhere. Total sarcasm LMAO...........shocking

Seakolony's photo
Mon 10/04/10 06:14 AM

So the reports from the family members of the passengers that repoted the hijackers and defended and crashed the plane killing themselves and the hijackers was a lie because that plane was remote controlled.....and the airport reports were an engineered lie.......and the family members that died on those planes a lie and that were all registered passengers.....puhhhhlease!!! Common sense negates it all......

What passengers??...there were no bodies, or even plane debris recovered from the site, just a big smoking hole in the ground.
So where'd they all go??

So the family members of all the people on the plane lied and they will show up any day now. I am so sure their families will be so happy to see them alive and well........

InvictusV's photo
Mon 10/04/10 06:47 AM

So the reports from the family members of the passengers that repoted the hijackers and defended and crashed the plane killing themselves and the hijackers was a lie because that plane was remote controlled.....and the airport reports were an engineered lie.......and the family members that died on those planes a lie and that were all registered passengers.....puhhhhlease!!! Common sense negates it all......

What passengers??...there were no bodies, or even plane debris recovered from the site, just a big smoking hole in the ground.
So where'd they all go??

So the family members of all the people on the plane lied and they will show up any day now. I am so sure their families will be so happy to see them alive and well........

the deal was if they kept quiet the missing would be given a billion dollars of oil revenue from the iraq war and a 1 way ticket to Tahiti. pretty sweet..

MiddleEarthling's photo
Mon 10/04/10 05:44 PM

So the reports from the family members of the passengers that repoted the hijackers and defended and crashed the plane killing themselves and the hijackers was a lie because that plane was remote controlled.....and the airport reports were an engineered lie.......and the family members that died on those planes a lie and that were all registered passengers.....puhhhhlease!!! Common sense negates it all......

What passengers??...there were no bodies, or even plane debris recovered from the site, just a big smoking hole in the ground.
So where'd they all go??

So the family members of all the people on the plane lied and they will show up any day now. I am so sure their families will be so happy to see them alive and well........

the deal was if they kept quiet the missing would be given a billion dollars of oil revenue from the iraq war and a 1 way ticket to Tahiti. pretty sweet..

They killed 3 thousand people in the attacks...what's another few hundred?

Weird that people here defend and support the real criminals...if we fail to expose them then we will have to relive their terror. History 101.

s1owhand's photo
Mon 10/04/10 06:16 PM

All the people in the planes are with Elvis in a pink flying saucer.

So all the people who lost family members on the planes are liars too? 9/11 theories a joke, like the people who believe them.

no photo
Mon 10/04/10 06:23 PM
wow...this issue gets weirder and weirder..IMO (for what its worth), I believe that the attack on US soil was definately a foreign conspiracy, but with US backed aid...the US has a LOT of experience helping insurgents...I think it took many, many years to put it together (you dont learn to fly a plane overnite) and yes, I do believe that religious fanatics were willing to sacrifice their lives for what ever cause they believed in...

I think that what ever the original plan was, like Frankenstien´s monster, it got out of the US' hands and turned into the nite mare it became...

..that plan, will never be known...Im sure of it...

Lpdon's photo
Mon 10/04/10 06:23 PM

So the reports from the family members of the passengers that repoted the hijackers and defended and crashed the plane killing themselves and the hijackers was a lie because that plane was remote controlled.....and the airport reports were an engineered lie.......and the family members that died on those planes a lie and that were all registered passengers.....puhhhhlease!!! Common sense negates it all......

What passengers??...there were no bodies, or even plane debris recovered from the site, just a big smoking hole in the ground.
So where'd they all go??

So the family members of all the people on the plane lied and they will show up any day now. I am so sure their families will be so happy to see them alive and well........

the deal was if they kept quiet the missing would be given a billion dollars of oil revenue from the iraq war and a 1 way ticket to Tahiti. pretty sweet..

They killed 3 thousand people in the attacks...what's another few hundred?

Weird that people here defend and support the real criminals...if we fail to expose them then we will have to relive their terror. History 101.
