Topic: ACTA- The end of the internet and the beginning of something
kittycupcakes's photo
Tue 09/07/10 08:56 PM
ACTA : Anti-Conterfeit Trade Agreement



I'm shocked about how many people don't know about ACTA, it's real and it's gonna happen soon-
I wish I was making this up you guys...
This is basically the beggining of communism everywhere. Countries within the agreement include The U.S., Australia, Canada, the European Union (most of Europe), Japan, Mexico, New Zealand,Korea,and Switzerland. The smaller countries will probably get muscled into the agreement, it's quite sad really.

I could give two rips less about 'democrat' or 'republican' or any party or president crap, anyone can see this is complete BS! Do the hollywood movie stars and producers really need every cent? Also, if you are suspected of having any kind of FREE MUSIC, MOVIES, VIDEOS, SHAREWARE... the government can bust up in your house and take your computer, ipod, etc. We all know we have download free stuff at least once. The Obama, the FBI, and everyone downloads free music.

kittycupcakes's photo
Tue 09/07/10 09:00 PM

ACTA is dangerous because

1. It makes it more difficult to distribute free software; Without file sharing and P2P technologies like BitTorrent, distributing large amounts of free software becomes much harder, and more expensive. BitTorrent is a grassroots protocol that allows everyone to contribute to legally distributing free software.

2. It will make it harder for users of free operating systems, such as Linux-based to play media. Consumers are no longer allowed to buy media without DRM and DRM'ed media cannot be played with free software.

3. It allows your devices to be taken away without any explanation whatsoever as part of random security checks. Devices suspected of including pirated material and/or copyright infringements will also be confiscated and searched. Not only is this an invasion of Privacy, this could mean restricted to people carrying digital equipment. This means that bringing an iPod or a laptop through airport security could cost hours off your time. This is not only restricted to digital device carriers. This extends the time required for the average check-in up to 70%, assuming 1 in 10 people receive a searched media Device.

4. ACTA requires that existing ISPs no longer host free software that has the possibility of including copyrighted media; this would substantially affect many sites that offer free software or host software projects such as SourceForge and Most software we use on our computers are free. Are we to pay the price because of a misleading treaty?

5. Part of the ACTA treaty states that import generic medicine are to be restricted and controlled. This could have disastrous effects that will cost lives, especially in developing countries. The majority of medicinal companies do not supply medicine to third world countries. This is because more profit can be made by selling it to the richer countries where we live. Most medicines received in third world countries are imported by concerned people and charity groups. If ACTA is to be approved, these medicines would be confiscated for "security" reasons (in order to maintain a monopoly). Should these people die because of our current inaction and unwillingness to act against ACTA?

6. If ACTA is implemented, privacy on the internet is no longer a given. Internet Service Providers will be forced to monitor what websites you visit and what you type, search and do. People have a basic right to privacy that this treaty clearly ignores. Are you willing to pay this price?

7. ACTA gives governments and ISP’s the right to block websites deemed “unsuitable” There are no clear guidelines as to what is deemed suitable or unsuitable. Do you honestly believe that this power will not be abused for political and economical gain. China has used the same excuse to censor the internet. Concurrently, China has far banned, and Does this seem like national security?

8. This treaty will not prevent piracy. This is an ineffective and ridiculous agreement that will only harm the common people, not the pirated goods trade. Again, China is an example. Most websites and Peer to Peer networks are blocked. Yet China has one of the most rampant piracy industries in the world. Why? Because piracy will always find another medium. Only we will suffer

no photo
Tue 09/07/10 09:01 PM
Great. Absolutely effing great. Add this on top of 'Net Neutrality' where the Gov't tells the ISPs what they can and can't do regarding traffic and its regulation, and ... VIOLA!, the end of free speech, free thought, freedom of information, etc ... The end of other personal freedoms won't be far behind if these get established - and no one is doing ONE EFFING THING to prevent 'em from happening.

kittycupcakes's photo
Tue 09/07/10 09:03 PM
yeah, basically I'm going to find some tiny country or an island with the internet and live there if this crap goes through...

seximanitus's photo
Tue 09/07/10 09:05 PM
Seriously? This worries you? do you think they are going to bust down every persons door who downloads illegal software or music?No government agency in the world have that kind of manpower,plus they have been watching for years now already. Its kinda like smoking pot, they arent worried about the people getting it they are worried about the people supplying it.

no photo
Tue 09/07/10 09:07 PM
Okay ... keep believing that. Remember 'Napster' ... ?

Thomas3474's photo
Tue 09/07/10 09:21 PM
I'm sure our Government and hundreds of other people have been logging every website we visit,everything we buy online,and watching everything we do on the computer.Even if they don't I always assume someone is watching everything I do.

In the early days of the internet you knew what folders and files were yours.I used to change all my folders to a certain icon so I knew which ones were mine.Now there is so many fricken folders it is impossible to know which ones are mine and someone elses.Even if you want to delete many of the folders there is a second hard drive which just puts them right back in there or wont allow you to delete them.

I don't worry about it too much though.There will always be rogue programmers,pirates,and others who will make software and give instructions on how to block your computer from others.

Or you can just do what I do and give them a bunch of useless information.Nothing from my computer registration,warranty information's,e-mail and other accounts is listed in my real name or address.When they ask I usually tell them my name is "Joe go blow yer self" at 1234 56th St,Texas city,Utah.

seximanitus's photo
Tue 09/07/10 09:23 PM
Exactly you just proved my point! They shut down napster. Did they arrest everyone who took songs from them? Nooooo they took down the supplier! And how long ago was that? How many new sites offer free songs since napster, we the little fish are not in any danger.

kittycupcakes's photo
Tue 09/07/10 09:46 PM

Exactly you just proved my point! They shut down napster. Did they arrest everyone who took songs from them? Nooooo they took down the supplier! And how long ago was that? How many new sites offer free songs since napster, we the little fish are not in any danger.

they sued a little girl for like millions of dollars...

Thomas3474's photo
Tue 09/07/10 09:47 PM
The Copyright law says you can copy anything regardless of what the copyrights are if you are using it for private use and not making a profit from it.Is not everything in a public library copyrighted?Yet there is a copy machine in all of them and you can copy the entire book if you want to.You tube has not been shut down and will probably never be shut down dispite posting millions of copyrighted videos,movies,songs,and everything else you can think of because it is free to watch all these videos.If they were charging people to watch these videos it would probably be a copyright infringement since they are making money off of other peoples works.

Anyone who has ever gone to court and paid a fine for watching or downloading copyrighted music or videos is a idiot.If you are duplicating and making money from it that is another matter.But simply watching it,downloading it,or posting it is not a crime and is legal under "The fair use copyright law".

no photo
Tue 09/07/10 09:52 PM

Exactly you just proved my point! They shut down napster. Did they arrest everyone who took songs from them? Nooooo they took down the supplier! And how long ago was that? How many new sites offer free songs since napster, we the little fish are not in any danger.

Sorry. Do your research. There were many people who got a very unpleasant letter in the mail informing them that it was time for them to 'retain independent counsel' 'cuz they were being sued for millions of dollars. It's called 'making an object lesson of them'. Napster may be 'legal' now, but the 'object lessons' were made - that's one reason it's 'legal'.

Thomas3474's photo
Tue 09/07/10 09:58 PM
It all goes back to giving them a bunch of misinformation?Can they prove you were sitting in your chair in front of your computer downloading music?In order for the court case to stick they either have to prove it really was you(which is nearly impossible unless you were on cam or you were using your credit or debit card)or you have to admit it was you.

If they ever took me to court I would say it was John doe who downloaded the music on my computer since that is the name it is registered under.Go take him to court.I was watching TV downstairs.

msharmony's photo
Wed 09/08/10 01:54 AM

Seriously? This worries you? do you think they are going to bust down every persons door who downloads illegal software or music?No government agency in the world have that kind of manpower,plus they have been watching for years now already. Its kinda like smoking pot, they arent worried about the people getting it they are worried about the people supplying it.

umm, this is a NON MANDATORY extension of TRIPS(effective since 1994) ... I think we will survive to pirate another day,,,

michiganman3's photo
Wed 09/08/10 07:29 AM
If this problem was confined to a handful of people downloading and sharing some lame music from from a bunch of no talent types there would be no need for these types of laws.

What is happening is the theft of intellectual property.
Illegal copies of software defraud the creators of being paid for their work.

How do you propose to pay the people who innovate and create new applications and software if you can't sell it?

How do musicians make money if revenues are not collected for their music?

Would you go to a farmer take the crops off his land and say "the earth belongs to no man, these vegetables, this wheat, these cattle, are here for me to take" ?

You get paid for your work don't you?