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scttrbrain's photo
Tue 06/26/07 08:49 AM
It is estimated that over 300,000 Americans are infected with HIV- Aids
virus. THESE are the ones that don't know they have it!
55 teenagers get infected every single day, and don't know it.
Teenagers, Black women and women in general are contacting the desease
at an alarming rate.
Black men that are infected and don't know it, most of the time will not
seek out testing because of the stigma. Men in general do not think they
are at risk because they are not gay.
It is not a gay desease!
It was brought in by heterosexual men. Heterosexual men are spreading
this desease by way of bi-sexualality,(down under)and menstruation sex,
and iv drug use while sharing needles.
It is harder for a man to get this desease from a woman, and a woman
almost always gets it from a man.(blood in the sperm)
There are FOUR ways to get it.
1. Blood.
2. Seman.
2. Breast milk.
4. Vaginal secretions.

This is a scary and serious problem in our world. We need to get hold of
ourselves and teach our kids more about it and take our own advice.
This desease was slowing down a bit. Now it is on the rise.


BonnyMiss's photo
Tue 06/26/07 08:55 AM
Maybe this should be in the sex and dating forum?.............

flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou

scttrbrain's photo
Tue 06/26/07 08:58 AM
Maybe...I never go into that section.
You can do it if you care to. I wouldn't open it to read any responses.
It gets too dirty over there for me.

HillFolk's photo
Tue 06/26/07 09:05 AM
I first heard of the disease in 1982. I was a plasma donor till that
fear came out. It was reported at that time that disease had came from
Haiti and had spread.

no photo
Tue 06/26/07 09:27 AM

Almost everyone in the US with AIDS (around 85%) is a homosexual man.
It's just the facts. It is also much easier for HIV to pass from a man
to another man. There is a fifth way to get HIV, that is far more
common: by birth.

Droxfo's photo
Tue 06/26/07 10:28 AM
Got a refrence for 85%?

Im seeing almost 46% are men that have sex with men(homosexual and

TwilightsTwin's photo
Tue 06/26/07 10:29 AM
I got testedhappy :wink:

keg_bar's photo
Tue 06/26/07 10:38 AM
i am with spider on this one i really think it is the gay men

scttrbrain's photo
Tue 06/26/07 01:16 PM
Women have been excluded from clinical trials on AIDS because in the
past the majority of AIDS patients were men. That is no longer true.
Women now make up more than half of the 36.1 million adults with HIV
worldwide. In fact, the percentage of US women newly diagnosed with HIV
has doubled in the last ten years, making women the fastest growing
HIV-infected group in the United States. Countries across Europe are
reporting similar findings.

There are now 40 million people living with HIV.
Globally 24.8 million people have died of AIDS since the beginning of
the epidemic.
In 2001 alone, 5 million people became newly infected with HIV.
About 14 000 people become newly infected with HIV every day.
3 million people died of AIDS in 2001.
An estimated 3 million children are living with HIV/AIDS
More than half of those newly infected with HIV today are between 15 and
24 years old. 11.8 million young people (aged 15-24) are living with
HIV/AIDS of whom 7.3 million are young women and 4.5 million are young
14 million children have been orphaned by HIV/AIDS, and the number will
reach 40 million by 2010.

HIV/AIDS is the worst pandemic the world has ever faced. According to
UNAIDS data, AIDS is the world’s leading cause of premature death
among both men and women aged 15-59. In 2005 an estimated 38.6 million
people around the world were living with HIV. 4.1 million people became
newly infected with HIV and the epidemic claimed an estimated 2.8
million lives in 2005.

The predominant mode of transmission is heterosexual. Most newly
diagnosed HIV cases in 2005 for which transmission route was reported
(data missing for 18%) were infected through heterosexual contact
(10,639, 55%). Over a third of cases (6,583, 34%) were among
homo/bisexual men and 10% (1,870) were in injecting drug users. Since
1998, there has been nearly a threefold increase in the number of cases
with a reported heterosexual transmission group (260%), and bisexual men
(65%), whilst there has been a decrease among injecting drug users

AIDS transmission occurs most often through vaginal intercourse.
Sharing cutlery or silverware with an infected person cannot give you

According to Worldwide HIV & AIDS Statistics (published by UNAIDS and
WHO) the people living with HIV worldwide in 2005 was approximately 38.6
million. Adults living with HIV/AIDS in 2005 were 36.3 million. Women
living with HIV/AIDS in 2005 were 17.3 million. Children living with
HIV/AIDS in 2005 were 2.3 million. People newly infected with HIV in
2005 were 4.1 million. AIDS deaths in 2005 were 2.8 million. Also
according to the above data the young people between the age group of 15
to 24 years account for half of all new HIV infections worldwide. As
reported around 6,000 become infected with HIV every day.


ajhagena's photo
Tue 06/26/07 01:35 PM
AIDS smades

we have bigger problems.

scttrbrain's photo
Tue 06/26/07 02:56 PM
Yes, but none killing us, our families, friends and our kids, in such a
way. Millions! Millions!! That's a lot of people.

no photo
Tue 06/26/07 03:21 PM
AIDS is a fake disease with real symtoms that can be cured. This
statement probably outrages many of you, but your grandchildren will
know this as a fact. The actual discoverer of HIV has annouced to the
scientific community that HIV does not cause AIDS. The problem is that
the scientists are terrified to admit that they screwed up and killed
millions of people with a horrific drug like AZT, which was considered
too deadly to even test on rodents. We won't give it to rats, but we
will sure as hell sell it for a profit to sick people, who don't even
realize it's the drug itself that is making them sick. "Got HIV? You
need AZT! Oh, you are feeling sick now? Well then we got you on the
AZT just in time." Good thing that Lukemia isn't considered part of
AIDS. All the people who die of Lukemia after taking AZT...that's just
the side effects. What's funny in an incredibly twisted way is that
they talk and talk about how fewer people die of AIDS if they are on
AZT, but they don't mention the number of people who die of Lukemia from
taking AZT.

MicheleNC's photo
Tue 06/26/07 03:22 PM
Hey, I take my own advice on that one. I'm safe and get tested
annually. My son is too young to worry about transmission. When it is
time for that talk, he will get it from someone who has it and can speak
from experience. Alas, too many loved ones have been infected.

And, Spider, check your facts. It's not a gay disease.

no photo
Tue 06/26/07 03:24 PM

67% of people with AIDS got it from homosexual sex or IDU. Another 20%
of people say that they got AIDS from IDU. I was thinking of these two
statistics combined, which is 87% of men.

no photo
Tue 06/26/07 03:24 PM

I didn't say it was. I just pointed out that most men with AIDS are
gay. It's a fact, sorry if it offends you.

no photo
Tue 06/26/07 03:33 PM

Think about this for a second.

Have you ever had a yeast infection?

Have you ever had cervical cancer?

Here's the deal:
If you are HIV positive and have a yeast infection, you have AIDS.

If you are HIV negative and have a yeast infection, you have a yeast

If you are HIV positive and have cervical cancer, you have AIDS.

If you are HIV negative and have cervical cancer, you have cervical

It's a self diagnosing disease. If you have HIV and any one of about 30
different diseases, then you have AIDS. I thought any woman could get a
yeast infection, how does a doctor know that just because you have HIV
and a yeast infection, that you have full blown AIDS?

How do doctors know if you have HIV? If they find HIV anti-bodies in
strange about that?

Viruses are very simple, they gestate and then attack. If you get a
virus, you will experiance the effects of the virus within a specific
period of time. HIV...we are told can hit in days, months, years or
never. No other disease works like that, but we just accept the HIV
myth hook line and sinker.

AZT is incredibly toxic. I have said this many times here, it is so
toxic that it was never even tested on animals. It is so toxic that if
someone survives "AIDS", they will probably die of Lukemia. All of the
traditional "AIDS" symptoms can be caused in a perfectly healthy person
by giving them AZT.

no photo
Tue 06/26/07 03:47 PM
The problem which Spider is discussing here, about the way the numbers
are collected in the medical industry, applies not only to aids but many
forms of diagnosis.

no photo
Tue 06/26/07 03:47 PM
By itself, this does not invalidate the notion of aids as a legitimate
disease - it only means that the numbers are wrong. Very wrong.

no photo
Tue 06/26/07 03:50 PM
What causes AIDS, if it's not HIV?

AIDS is different in Industrialized countries vs non-industrialized
countries. Completely different symptoms are seem depending on where
you live.

According to Dr Duesberg, AIDS in the US is caused by a combination of
things. Drug use (not just IDU), lack of sleep, poor diet, many sex
partners (especially anal sex), frequent infections and heavy
anti-biotic use. In sex, the receiver (male or female) has foreign
proteins (semen) and potentially bacteria introduced into their body.
Even if the proteins are innert, the body's immune system attacks them
anyways, which reduces the body's ability to respond to actual attacks.
Drug use lowers the bodies ability to fight infection too. The first
people to die of AIDS like symptoms were Herion the late
1900s. During the early 80s, surveys showed that some gay men had
intercourse with as many as 20 men in a single night. This caused an
explosion of STDs and introduced lots of foreign proteins and bacteria
into peoples bodies. Many of those people also used drugs.

In non-industrialized countries, AIDS is caused primarily by parasitic
infections and malnurishment.


HIV is a retro-virus. Everybody has around 40 retro-viruses in their
body at any time. Most of them you inherited from your mother. Imagine
this with me...A harmless retro-virus was declared a killer with many
different symptoms. All a doctor needs to declare you as having "full
blown AIDS" is for you to have HIV (harmless retro-virus) and one of
those symptoms and you are diagnosed. Now say that you don't sleep
much, so you have a weakened immune system. HIV + weakened immune
system = AIDS. Your doctor puts you on AZT. You start losing weight,
you have no energy, you are losing your hair, your teeth are loose in
their sockets, you develope strange markings on your skin. You doctor
says "See, your weakened immune system was just the first symptom, but
now we see all of them. Keep taking the AZT."...but the doctor didn't
tell you have AZT is actually the cause of all your new symptoms. So
someone who has a simple harmless retro-virus, but they don't sleep
enough, is suddenly diagnosed with "full blown AIDS". Five years later,
the HIV is gone, but they die of Lukemia, which was caused by the AZT.
The medical establishment says "He wouldn't have lasted this long
without treatment, at least we were able to give him five more years."
This is a medical tragedy, which will be in all history books within 50

no photo
Tue 06/26/07 03:52 PM
There is no blood in sperm, just thought I'd let you know. Sperm is
almost a half a cell in a sense. Blood would require blood cells. AIDS
is carried in the semen.

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