Topic: Opinion: Who's Being Insensitive About the 'Ground Zero Mosq | |
I think people also need to understand your rights are not absolute and have restrictions.You have the right to free speech but you are restricted such as slander,false accusations,sexual and offensive language in public places such as schools and other buildings,etc.
You have the right to protest but if you are causing others problems such as traffic jams,locking doors in buildings,breaking windows,etc you will be arrested. You have the right to your religion but it also has restrictions.Churches can only be built in certain areas due to traffic,zoning laws,etc.If your religion is promoting violence including death and destruction(such as Islam)you and your followers can be arrested and thrown in jail if the police believe you are serious in planning a attack. Just because you have rights that doesn't mean the general public has to put up with your beliefs no matter what they are.There are limits to everything. |
its not a mosque. its not a church. its a rec center/pre school and its 3 blocks from ground zero. its not okay to have a "mosque" built bc its disrespectful...but its okay for strip clubs to be there? doesnt make much sense to me. strippers didn't kill 2700 people there... muslims did.. and it is a mosque, with some editions... no actually al queda did and they happen to be muslims. just like the oklahoma city bombers who killed lots of people...and happen to be christian, so by that logic there should be no christian church "with editions" built near that ground zero. fact is. u attributing all muslims to killing those people...which is wrong and u know it. its generalizing and completely stupid. "al queda did and they happen to be muslims" ...That just happened to be attacking us based on their religion and Allah. ![]() so u punish all muslims bc of a group of radicals? thats not logical. who is being punished? if the majority of the people in new york says they don't want it there, they should move it...the muslims say it is a symbol of peace and enlightenment, to bring all cultures together, and it is just pissing people off. it has already failed in that respect. if the muslims want peace and enlightenment, they should put it somewhere else. No State refferendum can override the Constitution. Of course the State could declare a certain radius surrounding the center of devastation as some kind of historical ground. But then the State would be responsible for all the laws governing every building, and activies in that areas. Not to mention the State would be responsible for maintaining the grounds per thier guidelines. Talk about an increace in taxes!!!! Not gonna happen. However, I will agree that IF the majority of New Yorkers do not want it there but it is built anyway then the majority will not utilize the fcilities being offered. In a way this could be a self-fulfilling prophecy. If the community center is not utilized it will not serve the purpose for which it was intended. What a shame it would be to miss out on an opportunity to find common ground among people of many religions and of diverse cultures. A shame to miss out on what? Having to drive a little further to another site to experience this common ground? Just move it out of the shadows of where the towers where and all will be good with me. Practice awayyyyyyyyyyyyyy ![]() I can't help thinking what a shame it is to consider the grounds that someone died on as more hallowed or sacred than any ground on which that person WALKED IN LIFE? To memorialize a death site seems somehow very morbid, as if that person had nothing else in their life to be memorialized for. Why not memorialize the things that a person stood for? Create a new law, fund a new wing on a library or hospital, or create a nonprofit foundation in honor of the person, or a website dedicated to the person, write a story about the person or a poem and publish it, - anything else. But to say "this where XX died" does nothing to commemorate or honor the person who is dead. So what is it really, that people are trying to preserve or protect, with this argument over where this Muslim facility ought to be built? What exactly is it that people want to commemorate by memorializing this huge radius (the shadows of those towers)? Are we commemorating an act of terrorism or acts of heroism or simply the untimely demise of people? |
I suppose if every New yorker just minded his or her own busines and got a life they would have nothing to worry about.Until one day they walked by hundreds of women dressed in head to toe burkas,outside a Mosque two blocks from ground zero with a man preaching America deserved 9/11.
Thanks but no thanks.I would rather prefer saying I was part of a resistance movement that stopped people building Islamic churches two blocks from ground zero and set another blow to Islamic nutjobs who hate America and Israel and want them destroyed. |
Hatemongering has never brought anything good and that is what fighting against the Muslim community center is, hatemongering.
If the Muslims did not do 9/11 they shouldn't be held responsible for it. |
I have no discrimination against any American Muslims and I am so tired of hearing about how we are being prejudice and restricting religious freedoms. FACT: The Muslims who attacked us on 9/11 were doing it in the name of "their religion" and "allah". THAT is well documented. IT IS a slap in the face to any american to want to put a Mosque to celebrate "their religion" in the shadow where so many HUMANS died and suffered. FACT: One of the first basic principles in ANY religion is COMPASSION. With the majority of Americans protesting this particular site you would think the Muslims would just put it some where else based on Compassion for other HUMANS. I will say, IF there had been a Mosque there before the attack and they where just remodeling or rebuilding an existing building...There would be less of a problem if any. Where is the compassion in making such a decision. Lets think of this in another scenario... What if a Catholic Church or preist training (idk) set up a building right across from a youth camp of boys. Think about it. ![]() Just my two cents! but its not a mosque Then what is it? I heard now they are portraying it as some kind of community center. Ummm don't care. If they practice the "muslim religion" there...It should NOT be there! its a rec center/pre school or a community center but its always been that. and there are muslims who died in ground zero who werent the attackers. where do u draw the line? bc if u use this logic for this...then u must use it for everything...which we dont. ttherefore its irrational Yes, there were Muslims that died along with other nationalities. Thats why I wrote..."in the shadow where so many HUMANS died and suffered." Still makes no diff. AGAIN, Terrorists attacked us based on this religion and Allah. ![]() Ok and where is your rational ...The center has always been there? Then why all this hoopla. Its because the Muslims wanted to change it somehow to suit their needs, which is fine in theory. BUT not to practice a religion that the same terrorist used. If every religion of terrorist was restricted we wouldn't even have Christian churches. So we have to be fair. If this community center is a problem then we need to start removing some other churches who had terrorists in their midst. |
its not a mosque. its not a church. its a rec center/pre school and its 3 blocks from ground zero. its not okay to have a "mosque" built bc its disrespectful...but its okay for strip clubs to be there? doesnt make much sense to me. strippers didn't kill 2700 people there... muslims did.. and it is a mosque, with some editions... no actually al queda did and they happen to be muslims. just like the oklahoma city bombers who killed lots of people...and happen to be christian, so by that logic there should be no christian church "with editions" built near that ground zero. fact is. u attributing all muslims to killing those people...which is wrong and u know it. its generalizing and completely stupid. "al queda did and they happen to be muslims" ...That just happened to be attacking us based on their religion and Allah. ![]() so u punish all muslims bc of a group of radicals? thats not logical. who is being punished? if the majority of the people in new york says they don't want it there, they should move it...the muslims say it is a symbol of peace and enlightenment, to bring all cultures together, and it is just pissing people off. it has already failed in that respect. if the muslims want peace and enlightenment, they should put it somewhere else. No State refferendum can override the Constitution. Of course the State could declare a certain radius surrounding the center of devastation as some kind of historical ground. But then the State would be responsible for all the laws governing every building, and activies in that areas. Not to mention the State would be responsible for maintaining the grounds per thier guidelines. Talk about an increace in taxes!!!! Not gonna happen. However, I will agree that IF the majority of New Yorkers do not want it there but it is built anyway then the majority will not utilize the fcilities being offered. In a way this could be a self-fulfilling prophecy. If the community center is not utilized it will not serve the purpose for which it was intended. What a shame it would be to miss out on an opportunity to find common ground among people of many religions and of diverse cultures. A shame to miss out on what? Having to drive a little further to another site to experience this common ground? Just move it out of the shadows of where the towers where and all will be good with me. Practice awayyyyyyyyyyyyyy ![]() I can't help thinking what a shame it is to consider the grounds that someone died on as more hallowed or sacred than any ground on which that person WALKED IN LIFE? To memorialize a death site seems somehow very morbid, as if that person had nothing else in their life to be memorialized for. Why not memorialize the things that a person stood for? Create a new law, fund a new wing on a library or hospital, or create a nonprofit foundation in honor of the person, or a website dedicated to the person, write a story about the person or a poem and publish it, - anything else. But to say "this where XX died" does nothing to commemorate or honor the person who is dead. So what is it really, that people are trying to preserve or protect, with this argument over where this Muslim facility ought to be built? What exactly is it that people want to commemorate by memorializing this huge radius (the shadows of those towers)? Are we commemorating an act of terrorism or acts of heroism or simply the untimely demise of people? Are you serious or joking because I can tell the difference?That is one of the weirdest statements I have ever heard in my life. You erase history by erasing the places and people where events like this happend.I suppose had you been around after the Nazi holocaust in Poland you would want Auschwitz leveled to the ground and a golf course built over it?It's ludicrous.Auschwitz is a powerful memorial to those who died and everyone who goes there feels the pain and has a respect for the dead who had to go through that place.They can walk through the buildings,touch the wood beds where the people used to sleep,see the execution walls with bullet holes in them. The twin towers were not only the largest terrorist attack in US history it is also one of only two attacks by a enemy of a foreign nation who declared War against us.People need to be reminded of what can happen if we let out guard down and history must not be repeated. Every site where hundreds of thousands of people died in vain or where murdered should be preserved as a teaching tool and warning to future generations. |
screw the mosque they might as well shove a high rise up our *** without crude oil to lube it up first. Whats wrong with New Jersey, hy cant they go there. Gasturds.
screw the mosque they might as well shove a high rise up our *** without crude oil to lube it up first. Whats wrong with New Jersey, hy cant they go there. Gasturds. |
its not a mosque. its not a church. its a rec center/pre school and its 3 blocks from ground zero. its not okay to have a "mosque" built bc its disrespectful...but its okay for strip clubs to be there? doesnt make much sense to me. strippers didn't kill 2700 people there... muslims did.. and it is a mosque, with some editions... no actually al queda did and they happen to be muslims. just like the oklahoma city bombers who killed lots of people...and happen to be christian, so by that logic there should be no christian church "with editions" built near that ground zero. fact is. u attributing all muslims to killing those people...which is wrong and u know it. its generalizing and completely stupid. "al queda did and they happen to be muslims" ...That just happened to be attacking us based on their religion and Allah. ![]() so u punish all muslims bc of a group of radicals? thats not logical. who is being punished? if the majority of the people in new york says they don't want it there, they should move it...the muslims say it is a symbol of peace and enlightenment, to bring all cultures together, and it is just pissing people off. it has already failed in that respect. if the muslims want peace and enlightenment, they should put it somewhere else. No State refferendum can override the Constitution. Of course the State could declare a certain radius surrounding the center of devastation as some kind of historical ground. But then the State would be responsible for all the laws governing every building, and activies in that areas. Not to mention the State would be responsible for maintaining the grounds per thier guidelines. Talk about an increace in taxes!!!! Not gonna happen. However, I will agree that IF the majority of New Yorkers do not want it there but it is built anyway then the majority will not utilize the fcilities being offered. In a way this could be a self-fulfilling prophecy. If the community center is not utilized it will not serve the purpose for which it was intended. What a shame it would be to miss out on an opportunity to find common ground among people of many religions and of diverse cultures. A shame to miss out on what? Having to drive a little further to another site to experience this common ground? Just move it out of the shadows of where the towers where and all will be good with me. Practice awayyyyyyyyyyyyyy ![]() I can't help thinking what a shame it is to consider the grounds that someone died on as more hallowed or sacred than any ground on which that person WALKED IN LIFE? To memorialize a death site seems somehow very morbid, as if that person had nothing else in their life to be memorialized for. Why not memorialize the things that a person stood for? Create a new law, fund a new wing on a library or hospital, or create a nonprofit foundation in honor of the person, or a website dedicated to the person, write a story about the person or a poem and publish it, - anything else. But to say "this where XX died" does nothing to commemorate or honor the person who is dead. So what is it really, that people are trying to preserve or protect, with this argument over where this Muslim facility ought to be built? What exactly is it that people want to commemorate by memorializing this huge radius (the shadows of those towers)? Are we commemorating an act of terrorism or acts of heroism or simply the untimely demise of people? it's more of the fact they don't need a big trophy to their victory there. |
its not a mosque. its not a church. its a rec center/pre school and its 3 blocks from ground zero. its not okay to have a "mosque" built bc its disrespectful...but its okay for strip clubs to be there? doesnt make much sense to me. strippers didn't kill 2700 people there... muslims did.. and it is a mosque, with some editions... no actually al queda did and they happen to be muslims. just like the oklahoma city bombers who killed lots of people...and happen to be christian, so by that logic there should be no christian church "with editions" built near that ground zero. fact is. u attributing all muslims to killing those people...which is wrong and u know it. its generalizing and completely stupid. "al queda did and they happen to be muslims" ...That just happened to be attacking us based on their religion and Allah. ![]() so u punish all muslims bc of a group of radicals? thats not logical. who is being punished? if the majority of the people in new york says they don't want it there, they should move it...the muslims say it is a symbol of peace and enlightenment, to bring all cultures together, and it is just pissing people off. it has already failed in that respect. if the muslims want peace and enlightenment, they should put it somewhere else. No State refferendum can override the Constitution. Of course the State could declare a certain radius surrounding the center of devastation as some kind of historical ground. But then the State would be responsible for all the laws governing every building, and activies in that areas. Not to mention the State would be responsible for maintaining the grounds per thier guidelines. Talk about an increace in taxes!!!! Not gonna happen. However, I will agree that IF the majority of New Yorkers do not want it there but it is built anyway then the majority will not utilize the fcilities being offered. In a way this could be a self-fulfilling prophecy. If the community center is not utilized it will not serve the purpose for which it was intended. What a shame it would be to miss out on an opportunity to find common ground among people of many religions and of diverse cultures. A shame to miss out on what? Having to drive a little further to another site to experience this common ground? Just move it out of the shadows of where the towers where and all will be good with me. Practice awayyyyyyyyyyyyyy ![]() I can't help thinking what a shame it is to consider the grounds that someone died on as more hallowed or sacred than any ground on which that person WALKED IN LIFE? To memorialize a death site seems somehow very morbid, as if that person had nothing else in their life to be memorialized for. Why not memorialize the things that a person stood for? Create a new law, fund a new wing on a library or hospital, or create a nonprofit foundation in honor of the person, or a website dedicated to the person, write a story about the person or a poem and publish it, - anything else. But to say "this where XX died" does nothing to commemorate or honor the person who is dead. So what is it really, that people are trying to preserve or protect, with this argument over where this Muslim facility ought to be built? What exactly is it that people want to commemorate by memorializing this huge radius (the shadows of those towers)? Are we commemorating an act of terrorism or acts of heroism or simply the untimely demise of people? it's more of the fact they don't need a big trophy to their victory there. That is exactly right.If you look into the history of Islamic warfare you will always find that they built a Mosque at the towns most important or Holy site.I will have to start a topic on that issue along with some history. |
That is exactly right.If you look into the history of Islamic warfare you will always find that they built a Mosque at the towns most important or Holy site.I will have to start a topic on that issue along with some history. Look into the history of any warfare where people of one religion have invaded a people of another and the first thing to be built was a place of worship. Not the best example to use to attempt to prove a point.....but nice spin. |
Hatemongering has never brought anything good and that is what fighting against the Muslim community center is, hatemongering. If the Muslims did not do 9/11 they shouldn't be held responsible for it. Hate mongering who arouses hatred for others. I am offended that you think that because we disagree in values that you think I or anyone else hates the muslims. Not once have I said that. Lets be careful on the name calling. I hate Muslims who use their religion to justify the deaths of so many the men who attacked on 9/11. AGAIN, its not about the Muslims, per say its about practicing the same MUSLIM religion that the terrorist boasted as their reasoning so close to where so many HUMANS died. I agree with one of the other posters in the use of the holocaust. So, basically it would be ok for the germans to put up a church right across from a Jewish community hit the hardest? Thats morally wrong! And BTW my heritage is GERMAN! |
Hatemongering is an action not a name.
Hatemongering is the action of making "a people" less in importance than yourself through spreading of misinformation, targeting them as dangerous, striping them of human respect through actions, etc.... Hatemongering is what is happening over this community center two blocks from ground zero. |
Hatemongering is an action not a name. Hatemongering is the action of making "a people" less in importance than yourself through spreading of misinformation, targeting them as dangerous, striping them of human respect through actions, etc.... Hatemongering is what is happening over this community center two blocks from ground zero. An action certain people have or don't. Apparently us, for disagreeing with you. Justifying such an outright offensive comment is even more offensive. |
Edited by
Sat 08/28/10 03:10 PM
If we are going to prevent this "church" because there are terrorists who believe the same religion then we have to do the same for all other religions because terrorists believe those too.
If we are going to prevent this "church" because their are terrorists who believe the same religion then we have to do the same for all other religions because terrorists believe those too. Its not just about the same religion it is about the terrorist BOASTING that they were doing it because of their religion. HUGE difference. BTW.... LOVE how once again, you skirt an issue when you have no REASONABLE answer (hatemongering). |
Well, none of us wrote the Quar-an. A Pedophile Syphilitic nutcase wrote it. their religion is based on conquest and subjugation of all non Islamics. Like I said, the more I get to know and understand Islam the more I see it as a vile and evil religion that actually needs to either change its bible or prepare for zero tolerance. Also look at how well off most pro-Islamic nations are excepting Saudi Arabia. How about Somalia? How about Indonesia? TOILET NATIONS thanks to Islam. I cannot support tolerance of an intolerant religion no matter how "peaceful" many of their "local" faithful are peaceful. If they preach the sheet that the Quar-an tells them to preach they are not truly people of peace. Tolerance is given where tolerance is offered. I wish religious people would get their own planet.... |
Edited by
Sat 08/28/10 03:16 PM
If we are going to prevent this "church" because their are terrorists who believe the same religion then we have to do the same for all other religions because terrorists believe those too. Its not just about the same religion it is about the terrorist BOASTING that they were doing it because of their religion. HUGE difference. BTW.... LOVE how once again, you skirt an issue when you have no REASONABLE answer (hatemongering). No reasonable answer? I know you are joking there. Anyway, again if we are going to start limiting churches who have terrorist who believe in their religion then we have to start with the Christians and work our way through the list. There are terrorists who are Christian too. |
Hatemongering is an action not a name. Hatemongering is the action of making "a people" less in importance than yourself through spreading of misinformation, targeting them as dangerous, striping them of human respect through actions, etc.... Hatemongering is what is happening over this community center two blocks from ground zero. An action certain people have or don't. Apparently us, for disagreeing with you. Justifying such an outright offensive comment is even more offensive. thats how hypocritical haters work... always trying to turn it around. lets not worry about how much the muslims hate us, just be nice and give them flowers while they plot like cowards to end the US. |
That is exactly right.If you look into the history of Islamic warfare you will always find that they built a Mosque at the towns most important or Holy site.I will have to start a topic on that issue along with some history. Look into the history of any warfare where people of one religion have invaded a people of another and the first thing to be built was a place of worship. Not the best example to use to attempt to prove a point.....but nice spin. actually, you just proved it for him - thank you. |