Topic: Opinion: Who's Being Insensitive About the 'Ground Zero Mosq
AndyBgood's photo
Fri 08/27/10 07:33 PM

ever notice the conflicting strategies used to imply information is irrelevant or a liberal tactic either because there isnt supporting EVIDENCE for the opinion or because there is too much EVIDENCE(copy and pasting) and not enough opinion

I always thought discussion required both information and THEN opinion about the information shared,,,,shrugs

Like everything posted quoting from the Quar-an? Or like the Quar-an isn't evidence enough how dangerous this religion and "way of life" it is to our constitution and our freedoms?

I am sorry but tolerance should only go so far. Bending over backwards to accommodate anyone especially Islam does us as a whole no favors. And defending this faith knowing what they are about makes me think people defending their rights are either Muslim or Anarchistic whack jobs with no clue what the cost of freedom and rights is!

Look at England for crying out loud. If Islamics can drive police out of neighborhoods what next? England is bucking up for a civil war of their own soon. Many people there are seeing Islam in their midst as a serious threat now. Even France is beginning to get the clue something is very wrong. If they start pulling the same shart here they will get their azzes handed to them.

Islam is like Kudzu Vines. If you live in Georgia or Tennessee you will definitely get where I am going with this statement.

Just say NO to Islam!

spkeck's photo
Fri 08/27/10 07:35 PM
its not a mosque. its not a church. its a rec center/pre school and its 3 blocks from ground zero.

its not okay to have a "mosque" built bc its disrespectful...but its okay for strip clubs to be there?

doesnt make much sense to me.

Dragoness's photo
Fri 08/27/10 07:37 PM
No matter what they want to include in it or what they want to call it.

To protest it is saying that all Muslims are responsible for Ground Zero and owe a debt for it.

That isn't right it is hatemongering.

AndyBgood's photo
Fri 08/27/10 07:40 PM
frustrated Oh boy! So many trees! Where is the forest exactly?


mightymoe's photo
Fri 08/27/10 07:43 PM

its not a mosque. its not a church. its a rec center/pre school and its 3 blocks from ground zero.

its not okay to have a "mosque" built bc its disrespectful...but its okay for strip clubs to be there?

doesnt make much sense to me.

strippers didn't kill 2700 people there... muslims did.. and it is a mosque, with some editions...

spkeck's photo
Fri 08/27/10 08:15 PM

its not a mosque. its not a church. its a rec center/pre school and its 3 blocks from ground zero.

its not okay to have a "mosque" built bc its disrespectful...but its okay for strip clubs to be there?

doesnt make much sense to me.

strippers didn't kill 2700 people there... muslims did.. and it is a mosque, with some editions...

no actually al queda did and they happen to be muslims. just like the oklahoma city bombers who killed lots of people...and happen to be christian, so by that logic there should be no christian church "with editions" built near that ground zero.

fact is. u attributing all muslims to killing those people...which is wrong and u know it. its generalizing and completely stupid.

spkeck's photo
Fri 08/27/10 08:18 PM
and it wasnt 2700 people it was 3000. and i know this bc my brother died in it.

yellowrose10's photo
Fri 08/27/10 08:22 PM
Remember everyone,

Keep the personal attacks off of the forums.


spkeck's photo
Fri 08/27/10 08:37 PM
it wasnt 2750/...dont know where ur getting ur facts from. and its not a mosque. sorry. and whether u like it or not its being built there.

but just letting u know u didnt dispute anything i said except a number. lol. u danced around everything i said.

no photo
Fri 08/27/10 08:39 PM
I have no discrimination against any American Muslims and I am so tired of hearing about how we are being prejudice and restricting religious freedoms.

FACT: The Muslims who attacked us on 9/11 were doing it in the name of "their religion" and "allah". THAT is well documented.

IT IS a slap in the face to any american to want to put a Mosque to celebrate "their religion" in the shadow where so many HUMANS died and suffered.

FACT: One of the first basic principles in ANY religion is COMPASSION.

With the majority of Americans protesting this particular site you would think the Muslims would just put it some where else based on Compassion for other HUMANS.

I will say, IF there had been a Mosque there before the attack and they where just remodeling or rebuilding an existing building...There would be less of a problem if any. Where is the compassion in making such a decision.

Lets think of this in another scenario... What if a Catholic Church or preist training (idk) set up a building right across from a youth camp of boys. Think about it.:thumbsup:

Just my two cents!

spkeck's photo
Fri 08/27/10 08:41 PM

not including the people who had a hand in the plot.

spkeck's photo
Fri 08/27/10 08:42 PM

I have no discrimination against any American Muslims and I am so tired of hearing about how we are being prejudice and restricting religious freedoms.

FACT: The Muslims who attacked us on 9/11 were doing it in the name of "their religion" and "allah". THAT is well documented.

IT IS a slap in the face to any american to want to put a Mosque to celebrate "their religion" in the shadow where so many HUMANS died and suffered.

FACT: One of the first basic principles in ANY religion is COMPASSION.

With the majority of Americans protesting this particular site you would think the Muslims would just put it some where else based on Compassion for other HUMANS.

I will say, IF there had been a Mosque there before the attack and they where just remodeling or rebuilding an existing building...There would be less of a problem if any. Where is the compassion in making such a decision.

Lets think of this in another scenario... What if a Catholic Church or preist training (idk) set up a building right across from a youth camp of boys. Think about it.:thumbsup:

Just my two cents!

but its not a mosque

mightymoe's photo
Fri 08/27/10 08:43 PM


not including the people who had a hand in the plot.

thats total, including pentagon and the other airplane...not just new york.

mightymoe's photo
Fri 08/27/10 08:45 PM
i guess we were both wrong...

from wikapedia

There were a total of 2,995 deaths, including the 19 hijackers and 2,976 victims. The victims were distributed as follows: 246 on the four planes (from which there were no survivors), 2,605 in New York City in the towers and on the ground, and 125 at the Pentagon.[41][42] All the deaths in the attacks were civilians except for 55 military personnel killed at the Pentagon.[43]

no photo
Fri 08/27/10 08:47 PM

I have no discrimination against any American Muslims and I am so tired of hearing about how we are being prejudice and restricting religious freedoms.

FACT: The Muslims who attacked us on 9/11 were doing it in the name of "their religion" and "allah". THAT is well documented.

IT IS a slap in the face to any american to want to put a Mosque to celebrate "their religion" in the shadow where so many HUMANS died and suffered.

FACT: One of the first basic principles in ANY religion is COMPASSION.

With the majority of Americans protesting this particular site you would think the Muslims would just put it some where else based on Compassion for other HUMANS.

I will say, IF there had been a Mosque there before the attack and they where just remodeling or rebuilding an existing building...There would be less of a problem if any. Where is the compassion in making such a decision.

Lets think of this in another scenario... What if a Catholic Church or preist training (idk) set up a building right across from a youth camp of boys. Think about it.:thumbsup:

Just my two cents!

but its not a mosque

Then what is it? I heard now they are portraying it as some kind of community center. Ummm don't care. If they practice the "muslim religion" there...It should NOT be there!

spkeck's photo
Fri 08/27/10 08:48 PM


not including the people who had a hand in the plot.

thats total, including pentagon and the other airplane...not just new york.

and new york was 2600 roughly. but not 2750.

spkeck's photo
Fri 08/27/10 08:51 PM

I have no discrimination against any American Muslims and I am so tired of hearing about how we are being prejudice and restricting religious freedoms.

FACT: The Muslims who attacked us on 9/11 were doing it in the name of "their religion" and "allah". THAT is well documented.

IT IS a slap in the face to any american to want to put a Mosque to celebrate "their religion" in the shadow where so many HUMANS died and suffered.

FACT: One of the first basic principles in ANY religion is COMPASSION.

With the majority of Americans protesting this particular site you would think the Muslims would just put it some where else based on Compassion for other HUMANS.

I will say, IF there had been a Mosque there before the attack and they where just remodeling or rebuilding an existing building...There would be less of a problem if any. Where is the compassion in making such a decision.

Lets think of this in another scenario... What if a Catholic Church or preist training (idk) set up a building right across from a youth camp of boys. Think about it.:thumbsup:

Just my two cents!

but its not a mosque

Then what is it? I heard now they are portraying it as some kind of community center. Ummm don't care. If they practice the "muslim religion" there...It should NOT be there!

its a rec center/pre school or a community center but its always been that. and there are muslims who died in ground zero who werent the attackers.

where do u draw the line? bc if u use this logic for this...then u must use it for everything...which we dont. ttherefore its irrational

no photo
Fri 08/27/10 08:51 PM

its not a mosque. its not a church. its a rec center/pre school and its 3 blocks from ground zero.

its not okay to have a "mosque" built bc its disrespectful...but its okay for strip clubs to be there?

doesnt make much sense to me.

strippers didn't kill 2700 people there... muslims did.. and it is a mosque, with some editions...

no actually al queda did and they happen to be muslims. just like the oklahoma city bombers who killed lots of people...and happen to be christian, so by that logic there should be no christian church "with editions" built near that ground zero.

fact is. u attributing all muslims to killing those people...which is wrong and u know it. its generalizing and completely stupid.

"al queda did and they happen to be muslims" ...That just happened to be attacking us based on their religion and Allah. frustrated

mightymoe's photo
Fri 08/27/10 08:52 PM


not including the people who had a hand in the plot.

thats total, including pentagon and the other airplane...not just new york.

and new york was 2600 roughly. but not 2750.


Redykeulous's photo
Fri 08/27/10 08:53 PM

It is understood that the United States gives people the right to practice any religion they want. Freedom of religion is okay. People have the right to purchase private property also. Private property was purchased at ground zero by a company called Soho Properties for the cost of $4.5 million. Although, the business did not have revenues counting half this last year, they had the money to buy the property. The mosque will cost $200 million to build when completed. The $200 million is coming from foreign sources, not Americans or citizens of the United States. Mayor Bloomberg says we as people do not have a right to ask where the funding for this church is coming from. He says as you would not ask the church who put money in the basket at your church. The problem is that the funding for this church is not coming from our American citizens as our local church's funding comes from the local citizens of the church. We all must tell the government where all of our money comes from at the end of each year when we file our taxes or surely, we are committing some kind of crime. It appears we can build something and call it a church to protect us from having to answer to anyone. There are no American born citizens funding this project.

Foreign investment in this country is nothing new, it happens every day. The government even borrows money from foreign governments by issuing Treasury debt. If you’ll notice the $200 million that you’re so concerned about coming from a foreign source is pocket change to what our government borrows from foreign sources.

Something else that is not new in the U.S. – freedom of religion. Again, pay attention to the number of religions that have been brought here from foreign cultures and then established in our country.

The beauty of the Constitution is that it must be maintained to be an all-inclusive policy of human rights because any alternative would endanger the human rights of every person.
It’s an all or nothing proposition – Feel safe and secure that your rights are protected, or deny those same rights to any group and your rights are in danger of suffering the same fate.

in billions of dollars)

China, Mainland 843.7
Japan 803.6
United Kingdom 362.2
Oil Exporters 223.0
Carib Bnkng Ctrs 165.2
Brazil 158.4

Total of All: 4009.2 That’s trillion

There are many other countries on the list but these were the highest. Russia is two places under Brazil on the list presented here.

Department of the Treasury/Federal Reserve Board
August 16, 2010

1/ Estimated foreign holdings of U.S. Treasury marketable and non-marketable bills, bonds, and notes reported under the Treasury International Capital (TIC) reporting system are based on annual
Surveys of Foreign Holdings of U.S. Securities and on monthly data.
2/ United Kingdom includes Channel Islands and Isle of Man.
3/ Oil exporters include Ecuador, Venezuela, Indonesia, Bahrain, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar,Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Algeria, Gabon, Libya, and Nigeria.
4/ Caribbean Banking Centers include Bahamas, Bermuda, Cayman Islands, Netherlands Antilles and Panama.Beginning with new series for June 2006, also includes British Virgin Islands.

NOTE: I thought it was interesting to note the Oil exporters and who they were, so I included that information, directly above, as well.

i'm denying nobody anything... i have said all along i just want them to put it some where else...and i know they have a right, i have heard that before... speaking of rights, the reason i posted that earlier is my wondering why bloomberg is so uppity about putting it there... then he goes on to say it's unamerican to check where they get the money to build the mosque. I believe our whole countries safety is involved here, and that's the most American thing i can think why it should be investigated. Is it ok if the money is being funded by terrorist groups? what if the people that donate the money start demanding favors, like the sleeper cells. i just posted an article about a couple in canada who had something to do with a terrorist plot.

If the funding for this project is coming from foreign sources, do you really think our government does not know the facts? Obama has reinforced the following aspects of the Patriot act:

"ability of law enforcement agencies to search telephone, e-mail communications, medical, financial, and other records; eases restrictions on foreign intelligence gathering within the United States; expands the Secretary of the Treasury’s authority to regulate financial transactions, particularly those involving foreign individuals and entities;"

Maybe now you can rest better.