Topic: Can Your Pet Read Your Mind? | |
Can Your Pet Read Your Mind?
![]() "Many pet owners swear their pets can "read their minds" - but can pets really have psychic abilities? Could your cat know that you are about to come home before you're even in your neighborhood? Does your dog know when you're sad and in need of some affection? There is an ongoing debate about whether an animals' "psychic instinct" is possible or just a coincidental. Most skepticism results from the fact that, well, most believers' claims can't be proven as fact." More... 1.Premonitions: This includes sensing earthquakes before they happen or knowing that a person is about to have an epileptic attack. It's believed that the animal detects a unique scent right before the event, or experiences a sensitivity to magnetic fields, but these theories are just beginning to be identified and understood. 2.Sense of Direction: This refers to an animal that can find the location of a person, whether living or dead. Most of us have heard about the "incredible journey" stories of pets that travel vast distances over unknown territory to find their human companions. There are documented reports of dogs that had previously never left their home or been apart from their owner, but after their master passes away, the pet ends up leaving home to sit beside the beloved master's grave. 3.Telepathy: This is a psychic connection between a pet and its owner. Telepathy is most obviously demonstrated by cats that intently focus on a person's face or jump onto an emotionally stressed owner's lap with what can only be described as a look of concern. Sheldrake suggests that telepathy explains why some animals know when an owner is coming home. While this is an attractive and even sentimental idea, several studies have shown no direct evidence that this is so. Rather, it's believed that this "telepathic" pet may merely be taking clues from familiar sights or sounds, such as the afternoon sun in a window at the time one's master usually arrives home. Other people have claimed that some animals can "talk" to their owners. From a horse in seventeenth-century France that allegedly compute mathematical calculations and keep his master from harm, to birds that can ask for food when hungry, the theory that animals can masterfully use language to achieve a goal is another that is difficult to prove true. Many people have challenged these stories and proposals, but there are still few definitive studies to suggest it is true that pets are telepathic. If you have a pet, you undoubtedly have an opinion already about the way in which you communicate and they understand. And, like most things, just because you can't prove it's true, doesn't mean it's definitely false." Far out! |
Animals are very good at reading emotions. It's how they make their living.
Animals are very good at reading emotions. It's how they make their living. I like a well-educated pet. Except when they read the paper before I get home. |
That is like when your pet hears your vehicle coming. They always meet you in the driveway. Mine when they hear me coming up the road they always tend to sit in the road. And then they always coming running up to you when you park the car. My puppy hes a year old this month. Whenever I open my car door he always sticks his nose in my car and lays his head on my leg. So I talk to him and pet him
They are sensitive to our moods and tone of voice
I've had many experiences where they have detected that I was upset or down then they acted like they were interested in hearing about my
My cat Spot would expect me to come home daily and pull my shoes and socks off, roll up the socks to throw at him...he'd peek around the stairwell daring me to throw them. Tagged him a few times. I once left him for a week (had a friend feed him) and when I got home he refused a can of tuna to instead sat in my lap and purr. I think we have a closer bond to our animal frineds than we sometimes think. |
Yes Dogs are very clever as they are the only animal that looks
at the left side of the face. Other than us humans! They understand pointing and can sense feelings. They also know when a Thunderstorm is coming or it's cold. Dogs listen and if you let them will try to respond by tilting their heads or yawning. They also know where the light comes from the torch. So yes in a way an animal (Dog) can sense how you are feeling. Cool rigt |
I love dogs period!! I have noticed when your sad your dog looks like its sad too. You cant help but give them hugs when they rub their wet noses on you
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Yes. Animals definitely communicate with us in this way. I've experienced this several times.
Even animals that aren't pets can communicate with us. I recently captured a raccoon coming into our house and making a mess in the sink and flipping things over and we couldn't get rid of it. I finally trapped him with a trap-cage and next day I took him somewhere to release him. He was so scared..I was like damn...and I knew exactly it wouldn't try to bite me or attack me or anything..he was just not giving off such thoughts.
Even animals that aren't pets can communicate with us. I recently captured a raccoon coming into our house and making a mess in the sink and flipping things over and we couldn't get rid of it. I finally trapped him with a trap-cage and next day I took him somewhere to release him. He was so scared..I was like damn...and I knew exactly it wouldn't try to bite me or attack me or anything..he was just not giving off such thoughts. All of the wildlife on the property has no issues with us, and they know it. We livetrapped a raccoon a while back, and he just looked at us, flopped over on his belly, and started scratching away, no worries. I've had wild rabbits hop out of the feed container for the goose, move 3 feet away and wait till I topped off. As I walked away, he bounced back in and went back to eating. |
Meh! I dont know...Im sure if it were true, my pets would have tied me up, locked me in the closet, and set about on thier conquest of the planet. Then again, it could be due to a lack of opposable thumbs Hmmmmmm
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Gawd I hope it can't read my thoughts... I tried everything, even shaving it's arse and teaching it to walk backwards
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not since i started wrapping my head in foil paper at nite...bwahahahah...."foiled" him.....
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