no photo
Thu 06/21/07 06:48 AM

Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again expecting a
different result.

iceprincess's photo
Thu 06/21/07 06:49 AM
i think they call that work and in some cases life.LOL

no photo
Thu 06/21/07 06:50 AM
That's also my definition of "marriage."

iceprincess's photo
Thu 06/21/07 06:51 AM
Very Very true

jenn_82's photo
Thu 06/21/07 06:57 AM
Insainty is also where you think you are right about it all and you
think you have it all figured out and you jump in head first and hit
your head on the bottom of an empty pool

no photo
Thu 06/21/07 07:12 AM
WHAT!! No water in the pool?

RainbowTrout's photo
Fri 06/22/07 06:01 AM
Insanity is when you talk to the nuts and they understand where you are
coming from.laugh

no photo
Fri 06/22/07 07:40 AM
insanity is dangerous for me to talk aboutnoway

TheLonelyWalker's photo
Fri 06/22/07 07:42 AM
insanity is the definition of my life nowadays, and for the following 5

no photo
Fri 06/22/07 07:45 AM
well then i tell ya a little trick........

find your best sense of humour!!!laugh laugh laugh bigsmile

TheLonelyWalker's photo
Fri 06/22/07 07:48 AM
believe i do that everyday.
If not I would already be in a mental institution