Topic: Afghan Taliban Hang 7-Year-Old Boy to Punish Family
eklectek's photo
Sun 06/13/10 08:03 PM
andy ma man. good on ya. you are quite right about the climate there. I like to think that being a cunuk im used to many climates. But afghanistan is something else....beautiful land...but trecherous.

Seakolony's photo
Sun 06/13/10 08:07 PM

Taliban, Al Queda, I'm glad I fight them! I wish death for nobody except for the people who try to bring it to me. It makes me glad to be a Canadian soldier allied with the yanks! Don't worry....we WILL win this fight. We are already!! They made the mistake of attacking us, they wanted to provoke the western giants. There's only one problem with their little plan.....IT WORKED!

And my hat goes off to your snipers! DAMN YOU GUYS ARE GOOD SHOTS! THAT'S GUN CONTROL!

And to think how many lives are spared for every one of those rat bastards you put down!

I wish I could send you guys a crate of the really special .50 ammo that goes BANG with a big fireball! I KNOW you would put it to good use!

I thank god there are men and women like you with the resolve to do something about our enemies rather than negotiate with them! I'm pro gun and ALL for what you are doing!

GOOD HUNTING! Want to really make a statement to those turbine headed murderers? When you get to a place where you are getting ready to go into the field... make a big show in front of the locals of killing a pig and bleeding it out. Then in public in front of all of them dip the bullets into the pig blood, load up and go hunting. Even the most two faced locals will see you mean serious business and will be less hesitant to try any backstabbing like they are so fond of!

Those Islamic rat bastards will shart a rock when they realize you are firing at them with bullets that will defile them in a way that will deny them heaven. When word gets to your enemies that you are dipping bullets in pig blood they will not want to face you for any reason.

If you are not familiar with this tactic look up 'General Black Jack Pershing in the Philippines WWI.' He had to deal with Islamic extremists back then pulling the same shart they do now. Using pigs was part of his solution. It worked!

Making an Islamic eat pork is VERY bad to them! They would rather starve to death. Any contact with anything porcine is a defilement that Allah will not stand for in their mind. Unfortunately Obama is a total Pu$$y with no balls to really fight a war so our soldier's hands are tied!

Hopefully this is a solution to the problem we all face your commanders can appreciate!

Ah, World War I. Another stupid, senseless, unnecessary, savage war that could have been avoided with good policy and common sense. ~sigh~ Warmongers never learn! frustrated

please tell me how do you not fight off world domination?

eklectek's photo
Sun 06/13/10 08:10 PM
what do you mean?

Seakolony's photo
Sun 06/13/10 08:16 PM

what do you mean?

he said another sensless war, if we had not entered the world wars, the leaders in opposition would have taken over country by country and created a world domination. No country or people would have been immune, how do we not fight to stop that and how were they an unnecessary wars?

eklectek's photo
Sun 06/13/10 08:18 PM
you are right. Those wars fought for the right reasons. without a doubt! Yes mistakes were made, but quickly fixed. Some of the ppl Dont understand.

Atlantis75's photo
Sun 06/13/10 08:23 PM
Edited by Atlantis75 on Sun 06/13/10 08:24 PM

We need to eradicate the future of terrorism...

In that case, you supposed to glad that they killed a 7 year old.

That's how oxymoron it is to say "let's bomb them".

Aren't you gonna be killing that 7 year old and many others if you bomb the hell out of the place?

"Hey they killed a 7 year old! Let's bomb them away so they won't have anyone left alive there, including the 7 year old's family!"
slaphead slaphead slaphead slaphead slaphead slaphead slaphead slaphead slaphead slaphead slaphead slaphead slaphead

eklectek's photo
Sun 06/13/10 08:31 PM
I'm not even gonna dignify that....

Winx's photo
Sun 06/13/10 08:50 PM

And as for Obama....He is better then both bushs!! I don't know how the yanks elected both of those tards twice!!! Obama is doin ok, remember he has * years to fix a mess that bush created!

I agree.

AndyBgood's photo
Sun 06/13/10 08:51 PM
Edited by AndyBgood on Sun 06/13/10 08:52 PM
Direct from the vault of Common Sense!

Peace for the sake of peace is suicide! To protect your peace you MUST be ready to make war.

That is deterrent force!

Also Peace through Superior firepower is the ONLY THING humans understand!

Now Atlantis, face it, sometimes you need to bomb the hell out of a population! Like I said the Eastern Alliance Is CONSTANTLY getting in the way of peace in Afghanistan as well as the Taliban. IF ANYONE QUALIFIES FOR GETTING BLASTED REAL GOOD THEY DO AS MUCH AS THE TERRORISTS WE ARE FACING!

I think something you are also overlooking in Afghanistan is the fact that KIDS AS YOUNG AS 12 ARE ALSO SHOOTING AT PEOPLE! Ask Russians who had to fight them! Frankly Afghans are not like us intellectually. I am not saying we are smarter. Far from it. They have been invaded so much they are just pissed off all the way around becasue everyone is fighting there! They might learn peace once we get Al Quieda and the Taliban out of there once and for all!

Hell, If you want to know what a REAL armpit of a nation is look at Pakistan! You want a knock off gun of ANY KIND including Anti Aircraft cannons? Go to Pakistan! Man I could go on about that place!

eklectek's photo
Sun 06/13/10 08:52 PM

eklectek's photo
Sun 06/13/10 08:52 PM
amen Andy

Winx's photo
Sun 06/13/10 08:54 PM

Eklectek, there are aspects of the American political situation you admittedly are not aware of but keep your eye on us! The more you see the more you will learn. Obama has no comprehension of Economics. He is a socialist and a racist in disguise. And he is no better than both Bushs.

That is YOUR opinion.

AndyBgood's photo
Sun 06/13/10 08:55 PM
Come to think of it we need to sick these crazy Fuques on the Taliban!

Let them face some real Scumdogs!

eklectek's photo
Sun 06/13/10 08:55 PM
winx....ur awesome

eklectek's photo
Sun 06/13/10 08:56 PM
:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

AndyBgood's photo
Sun 06/13/10 09:01 PM

Eklectek, there are aspects of the American political situation you admittedly are not aware of but keep your eye on us! The more you see the more you will learn. Obama has no comprehension of Economics. He is a socialist and a racist in disguise. And he is no better than both Bushs.

That is YOUR opinion.

BULL EFFING SHART! Evidently you have forgotten what past presidents have done. Tell me how spending money we don't have will fix anything? Tell me how being TRILLIONS of dollars in the red will solve anything? PLEASE Inform me as to how this MANDATORY health care system shoved down our throats is not going to go down the same path as Mandatory Auto Insurance? PLEASE tell me how doing everything in the mirror image of Bush can Obama be any better?

And also how committed is Obama to getting us out of Iraq? Why aren't we committing those assets to putting N Korea in its place? I suppose we are just going to toss kisses and appease them too?

Please don't pull what Dragoness does on other posts! Essentially you are baiting me to make the same snotty comments but instead I will pose questions like these to you so lets see what your answers are. If you are so well informed PLEASE tell me how driving us trillions of dollars in debt will help? Can you even count that high?

eklectek's photo
Sun 06/13/10 09:04 PM

AndyBgood's photo
Sun 06/13/10 09:04 PM
Face it, the Bush's were all about OIL! and they did a damn good job being Industry tools JUST LIKE OBAMA! Obama sold us out to socialized health care and the Insurance industry! Exactly how is he better than the Bush's?

He inherited THEIR problems? If he inherited them why did he AGGRAVATE THEM? Why did he reward the Banks bailouts?

Please fill me in!

eklectek's photo
Sun 06/13/10 09:05 PM
:banana: laugh

Thomas3474's photo
Sun 06/13/10 09:09 PM

We need to eradicate the future of terrorism...

In that case, you supposed to glad that they killed a 7 year old.

That's how oxymoron it is to say "let's bomb them".

Aren't you gonna be killing that 7 year old and many others if you bomb the hell out of the place?

"Hey they killed a 7 year old! Let's bomb them away so they won't have anyone left alive there, including the 7 year old's family!"
slaphead slaphead slaphead slaphead slaphead slaphead slaphead slaphead slaphead slaphead slaphead slaphead slaphead

Because we are not targeting civilians for the sole purpose of blowing them up.The military has gone through great pains to avoid civilian casualties.