Topic: Does anyone else see the hyocrisy in the Arizona immigration
msharmony's photo
Wed 05/26/10 08:05 PM

I live in AZ and all I have to say is, no white or black people are going to work in all the fast food restaurants or do any kind of outdoor work in the summer here. White people have this fake ****ing pride thing going on. Who gives a **** about it being illegal. Politicians break laws, cops break laws, judges and so on. Laws are all bought and paid for by some rich white guy or family or business somewhere. Who gives a ****. These people want to be here so bad. Let them the **** in. They don't bomb our buildings. But wait, white americans do that to america too. WHO ****ING CARES.

Because people break laws, all people should be fine disregarding the laws? I dont agree. I care, because I do NOT break laws. Because I have relatives who would like to come here too, but do not meet the REQUIREMENTS to do so. They dont ignore the laws and do it anyway,,,and if they did, they would expect to face repurcussions if they were ever 'caught'

Dragoness's photo
Wed 05/26/10 08:07 PM

UMMMMMMMMMMMMM! How stupid and Myopic can people get?

Let us have us a little history lesson.

Who was the First people to plunder the New World?

Answer: SPAIN

Who Else plundered the New World?


What happened?

Answer: The colonists then made this a nation separate from Europe.

So who exactly committed Atrocities FIRST???

Answer: SPAIN! They slaughtered the Aztecs and Imposed a dictatorial regime of oppression robbery and brutality. the Mission System ravaged the California Indians LONG before we took the California territory from the Mexicans in the Mexican American war.

France Instigated Indians to attack us and so did the English. What did this get the Indians?


NOW Where does this whole "Population Displacement" crap go on now?

Answer: Tibet, and Palestine

Who are the oppressors?

Answer: China, and Israel.

Are there atrocities associated with these countries?


The world sucks but until you change the human heart itself all of the Good Will Hunting is just like a Pipe Dream! Yeah the Indians got shafted? So what. At least America has been trying to find a way of making good on a serious past mistake. I cannot say the same for China or Israel.

I love how people try to play this whole "America is so evil for what we did to the Indians!"

Hell, once upon a time the South allowed the ownership of slaves! I suppose some of you want to go on a tear about reparations now???

How about what happened to the Japanese citizens of America during WWII?

At least this country tries to fix wrongs instead of being like China who sweeps everything they do under the carpet like Tienanmen Square!

God some people make me gofrustrated !

And this is what has become of our education?noway

P.S. the North had slave ownership, too-which Lincoln did not oppose until it became politically opportune to.

Do you want to get real technical? Our founding fathers also owned slaves!

Lincoln also didn't fight the civil war to free slaves, it was about the south separating from the union. Lincoln was also a racist as well.

On a previous post YES I was making a funny.

Dragoness, you are way too funny for words! I mean seriously now! You must be a hoot at parties!

Your ability to spew rhetoric and flowery saying is just unbridled! You are SO Literate. Why have you not tossed in some Henry David Thoreau? How about John Lennon?

Try this on for size:

Peace for the sake of peace in the midst of belligerent adversaries is suicide!


There is peace in possessing superior fire power.

And this should be a classic:

So many people with the right answer and yet everyone is wrong!

Do you even have any comprehension of how messed up the human psyche is? OH but humans are not animals either I suppose too?

And you are superior to us poor knuckle dragging troglodytes how exactly?

You are one of those idiots who also believes in replacing a car with a new one when it needs a tune up? This is the Congress and President you are promoting here!

And since you like attacking me so much with brief four line litanies of how racist and intolerant I am please allow me to ask just one thing? When did you take common sense and throw it out a five story window?

Did you major in Liberal Arts? It seems like you sure have a way of liberally applying BS all over a topic! Law enforcement is racist?

Let me fill you in on what might just happen here in CA. We are due for elections next month. I AM voting for Meg Whitman. You should look at what she is planning if she becomes Governor! If you think Arizona is bad??? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHA.


Now I know where Libertarians stand and I also know where Liberals stand. Walk like a duck, Quack like a duck, if it leaves little white poo poos next to the pond like a duck? It must be a duck.

You very counter arguments are the same damn thing EXACTLY as the same spew every Liberal uses to make a point. Repeat everything and paraphrase until everyone gets sick of hearing it. Well, get used to the taste of Immigration reform Through Enforcement!!

Tough doo doo if Juan Paco gets busted at a traffic stop for not being here legally! Come back legal or don't come back at all!tongue2

...Ha Ha ha!

Boy am I on a tear tonight or what folks?

You proved nothing here except that you are defensive enough to make everyone sure that I must be on point.

willing2's photo
Wed 05/26/10 08:10 PM

I live in AZ and all I have to say is, no white or black people are going to work in all the fast food restaurants or do any kind of outdoor work in the summer here. White people have this fake ****ing pride thing going on. Who gives a **** about it being illegal. Politicians break laws, cops break laws, judges and so on. Laws are all bought and paid for by some rich white guy or family or business somewhere. Who gives a ****. These people want to be here so bad. Let them the **** in. They don't bomb our buildings. But wait, white americans do that to america too. WHO ****ING CARES.

No puede dicire nunca, chica!

willing2's photo
Wed 05/26/10 08:12 PM

I live in AZ and all I have to say is, no white or black people are going to work in all the fast food restaurants or do any kind of outdoor work in the summer here. White people have this fake ****ing pride thing going on. Who gives a **** about it being illegal. Politicians break laws, cops break laws, judges and so on. Laws are all bought and paid for by some rich white guy or family or business somewhere. Who gives a ****. These people want to be here so bad. Let them the **** in. They don't bomb our buildings. But wait, white americans do that to america too. WHO ****ING CARES.

Because people break laws, all people should be fine disregarding the laws? I dont agree. I care, because I do NOT break laws. Because I have relatives who would like to come here too, but do not meet the REQUIREMENTS to do so. They dont ignore the laws and do it anyway,,,and if they did, they would expect to face repurcussions if they were ever 'caught'

The way it's going, your relatives probably wouldn't have a problem unless they were non-mexican.

Dragoness's photo
Wed 05/26/10 08:12 PM

I live in AZ and all I have to say is, no white or black people are going to work in all the fast food restaurants or do any kind of outdoor work in the summer here. White people have this fake ****ing pride thing going on. Who gives a **** about it being illegal. Politicians break laws, cops break laws, judges and so on. Laws are all bought and paid for by some rich white guy or family or business somewhere. Who gives a ****. These people want to be here so bad. Let them the **** in. They don't bomb our buildings. But wait, white americans do that to america too. WHO ****ING CARES.

I understand your point.

I believe that our borders should have been well guarded from get.

I also believe that any human on the property of the US needs to be treated well.

You are right criminals come in all races and backgrounds. None are more criminal than any others.

The issue is not cut and dried and deportation is not really a feasible answer anyway.

Gotfu's photo
Wed 05/26/10 08:23 PM
I feel like there are bigger issues with the world and it seems americans think the united states is all that matters. We are all going down, the whole ****ing world, if we don't get our **** together.
Doesn't anyone care that OJ got off anymore? Bill clinton stuck a cigar inside a woman and gave it to some chinese dude or some ****, on tv. The funny thing about it is AZ just passed a law where anyone who can get a gun can carry it anywhere. Does that make sense? Let's go to the bar, ok let me pack my 9 first. Come on. Marijuana possession is a felony. Aids is killing people. People are killing people. Children are starving. And all of us sit here and post our unimportant views like any of it matters. :) The whole world needs to wake up. But I'll be a true "American" THEY TOOK OUR JOBS!!!! Doesn't anyone care about this big oil spill? Are we really worried about Mexicans?

Seakolony's photo
Wed 05/26/10 09:36 PM

I feel like there are bigger issues with the world and it seems americans think the united states is all that matters. We are all going down, the whole ****ing world, if we don't get our **** together.
Doesn't anyone care that OJ got off anymore? Bill clinton stuck a cigar inside a woman and gave it to some chinese dude or some ****, on tv. The funny thing about it is AZ just passed a law where anyone who can get a gun can carry it anywhere. Does that make sense? Let's go to the bar, ok let me pack my 9 first. Come on. Marijuana possession is a felony. Aids is killing people. People are killing people. Children are starving. And all of us sit here and post our unimportant views like any of it matters. :) The whole world needs to wake up. But I'll be a true "American" THEY TOOK OUR JOBS!!!! Doesn't anyone care about this big oil spill? Are we really worried about Mexicans?

Yes, I care about my Florida, sea cows killed by boaters, an already dying coral reef, gulf of mexico, and what it can do to natural wildlife from Louisana through Mississippi, and down through Florida. I am ashamed at the industry and the whole dang crap. Think we should all go back to living like the Amish and return to the horse and carriage.

no photo
Wed 05/26/10 09:39 PM
Edited by Kings_Knight on Wed 05/26/10 09:39 PM

I feel like there are bigger issues with the world and it seems americans think the united states is all that matters. We are all going down, the whole ****ing world, if we don't get our **** together.
Doesn't anyone care that OJ got off anymore? Bill clinton stuck a cigar inside a woman and gave it to some chinese dude or some ****, on tv. The funny thing about it is AZ just passed a law where anyone who can get a gun can carry it anywhere. Does that make sense? Let's go to the bar, ok let me pack my 9 first. Come on. Marijuana possession is a felony. Aids is killing people. People are killing people. Children are starving. And all of us sit here and post our unimportant views like any of it matters. :) The whole world needs to wake up. But I'll be a true "American" THEY TOOK OUR JOBS!!!! Doesn't anyone care about this big oil spill? Are we really worried about Mexicans?

See, the trick is, us li'l peons at the bottom of the food chain DO care about stuff like that - INCLUDING illegal Mexicans and OTM ... it's the ones at the TOP of the food chain that don't give a rat's asss about anything but themselves ... Until THAT changes, ain't nuthin' gonna change ...

AndyBgood's photo
Wed 05/26/10 10:00 PM

I live in AZ and all I have to say is, no white or black people are going to work in all the fast food restaurants or do any kind of outdoor work in the summer here. White people have this fake ****ing pride thing going on. Who gives a **** about it being illegal. Politicians break laws, cops break laws, judges and so on. Laws are all bought and paid for by some rich white guy or family or business somewhere. Who gives a ****. These people want to be here so bad. Let them the **** in. They don't bomb our buildings. But wait, white americans do that to america too. WHO ****ING CARES.

Nice blanket generalization there. I'm white, I have dug my share of trenches in the hot sun. Fake pride??? White people? And you are???

Who cares if this is illegal because of their illegal conduct? Nice Slippery slope! So what next? Now I am given license to do as I please because everyone is law breakers? So suddenly I can come to your house, kill you, steal all of your possessions and burn the rest just becasue the politicians break laws and illegal aliens are breaking the laws? Or better yet since there is no law I can just go out and slaughter people becasue everyone else is breaking the law? If you turn your back on every abuse of the law there is NO LAW!

Also according to a lot of crime statistics that are unpopular with your crowd show a significant percentage of all VIOLENT and GANG RELATED crime committed in larger metropolitan districts is perpetrated by ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS!

No they don't bomb us (COUGH COUGH! Yeah right!). They add significantly to a crime problem even with their status of legality not withstanding.

I must compliment you on the application of ******* all over your posts. Real Collegiate material here!

Now for some additional stuff you may not be thinking about. How much water does 12 million people consume? How many children do they have and bring here and then dump on our welfare system? What taxes do they really pay? How about licensing and insurance?

Also if you don't like Arizona's gun laws and zero tolerance? MOVE and quit acting like a dipsh&t. Guns scare you? Come to Los Angeles buddy! People here carry them illegally! I know someone who got his azz shot up by a fully Auto AK47 and lived to talk about it. Who was shooting at him? Mexican Mafia!

Yeah this is a lot more than "they took our Jobs!" GM has plants in Mexico. SO WHAT? That is not the issue. NOW FOR ANOTHER FANTASTIC TIDBIT! This is not just about Mexicans, this is about ALL Illegal aliens.

So what have you done to make the situation any better yourself? You take your little turn on the Catwalk here? Sharpen your kitty claws ion the rest of us with four lettered words? There are members here actually involved in the political process. Be careful about the hatespeak you spew. I personally don't like hypocrisy and slippery slope logic. I also despise that cliche line "do it for the children." Maybe the solution for the rest of the world is to stop breeding like bacteria! America controls its numbers better than China and India!

America does not belong to the rest of the world! period! There are many people here who immigrated legally. And you want to reward illegal activities?


And worst is you come out the gate with Them Black And White people...

I love how you make this an "Us or Them" proposition. I have done work you would NEVER do yourself. Get over yourself please! You sound just like Dragoness. Maybe you two should hook up?

I mean if anything it would be a mingle2 success story if things worked out between you two!

Now for the oil spill! Maybe this will be the one thing that FINALLY gets America to take alternative energy, ESPECIALLY BIO FUELS more seriously. I am so sick of all the buzzwords and GREEN mentality! Greeners are a bunch of know it all MORONS who think their solutions are the only ones!! Instead of promoting alternative energy they support groups who choke and strangle the new energy movement over CARBON! I could go on for a LONG time about the History of Alcohol for vehicle fuel and how it saved us during WWII from domestic critical fuel shortages. I have been a long standing proponent of alternative energies. So do you wish to step on more landmines?

JustAGuy2112's photo
Wed 05/26/10 10:02 PM

Patriotism and ownership views in this country are skewed. Instead of appreciating that they are here because of immigration, that their ancestors felt the same as the immigrants feel today about this country and that this nation may even with all it's problems be one of the greatest nations on the planet, they get caught up in a superiority complex that makes them feel better about themselves when they abuse and perpetrate prejudice ideals of criminality onto a certain race or type of people who are at a disadvantage to themselves.


Just to let you know...

Once again...your argument doesn't hold water.

One thing you might want to actually recognize is the fact that a LOT ( the vast MAJORITY ) of those " immigrants " you keep spouting off about, you know, the ones who BUILT this country, came through Ellis Island LEGALLY. usual...your lack of logic shines through.

The facts are very plain and very simple to understand...except to you of course.

These people that you say aren't harming anyone are here ILLEGALLY. They didn't go through the proper procedure like all those long ago immigrants that you keep trying to use to make your point.

Have you actually bothered to read the law yet??

Oh wait. That's right. You read what you wanted to read. You didn't actually read what the law actually SAYS.

Dragoness's photo
Wed 05/26/10 10:09 PM

Patriotism and ownership views in this country are skewed. Instead of appreciating that they are here because of immigration, that their ancestors felt the same as the immigrants feel today about this country and that this nation may even with all it's problems be one of the greatest nations on the planet, they get caught up in a superiority complex that makes them feel better about themselves when they abuse and perpetrate prejudice ideals of criminality onto a certain race or type of people who are at a disadvantage to themselves.


Just to let you know...

Once again...your argument doesn't hold water.

One thing you might want to actually recognize is the fact that a LOT ( the vast MAJORITY ) of those " immigrants " you keep spouting off about, you know, the ones who BUILT this country, came through Ellis Island LEGALLY. usual...your lack of logic shines through.

The facts are very plain and very simple to understand...except to you of course.

These people that you say aren't harming anyone are here ILLEGALLY. They didn't go through the proper procedure like all those long ago immigrants that you keep trying to use to make your point.

Have you actually bothered to read the law yet??

Oh wait. That's right. You read what you wanted to read. You didn't actually read what the law actually SAYS.

You are wrong.

AndyBgood's photo
Wed 05/26/10 10:20 PM

Patriotism and ownership views in this country are skewed. Instead of appreciating that they are here because of immigration, that their ancestors felt the same as the immigrants feel today about this country and that this nation may even with all it's problems be one of the greatest nations on the planet, they get caught up in a superiority complex that makes them feel better about themselves when they abuse and perpetrate prejudice ideals of criminality onto a certain race or type of people who are at a disadvantage to themselves.


Just to let you know...

Once again...your argument doesn't hold water.

One thing you might want to actually recognize is the fact that a LOT ( the vast MAJORITY ) of those " immigrants " you keep spouting off about, you know, the ones who BUILT this country, came through Ellis Island LEGALLY. usual...your lack of logic shines through.

The facts are very plain and very simple to understand...except to you of course.

These people that you say aren't harming anyone are here ILLEGALLY. They didn't go through the proper procedure like all those long ago immigrants that you keep trying to use to make your point.

Have you actually bothered to read the law yet??

Oh wait. That's right. You read what you wanted to read. You didn't actually read what the law actually SAYS.

You are wrong.

He forgot San Francisco too! But many of the Chinese back then came here legally as well!

Remember, we don't know the REAL history of the United States! I love hoe Patriotism suddenly is bad and evil? Some of these people have no pride in themselves let alone in their country. So hey! Lets all be wrong together? What cha say?

So since we should live in anarchy who's house do I get to burn down first? (Note that this is a sarcastic remark!)

msharmony's photo
Wed 05/26/10 11:12 PM

I feel like there are bigger issues with the world and it seems americans think the united states is all that matters. We are all going down, the whole ****ing world, if we don't get our **** together.
Doesn't anyone care that OJ got off anymore? Bill clinton stuck a cigar inside a woman and gave it to some chinese dude or some ****, on tv. The funny thing about it is AZ just passed a law where anyone who can get a gun can carry it anywhere. Does that make sense? Let's go to the bar, ok let me pack my 9 first. Come on. Marijuana possession is a felony. Aids is killing people. People are killing people. Children are starving. And all of us sit here and post our unimportant views like any of it matters. :) The whole world needs to wake up. But I'll be a true "American" THEY TOOK OUR JOBS!!!! Doesn't anyone care about this big oil spill? Are we really worried about Mexicans?

I dont care about OJ ,, one way or the other,,,and I dont know or care what Clintons sex escapades were, medical marijuana laws actually are reversing some of the felony aspects of marijuana possession, there have always been diseases killing people,

I do care that laws are applied equally,,, dont let others sit at the front of the bus and then tell me I have to wait in the back,,,,essentially thats what illegal immigration is,,some being permitted to just JUMP in front of others,,,

people care, but most of us are limited to discussing only one issue at a time,,,,,,so if I worry about how to get the ketchup stain out of my blouse,, it doesnt mean I dont care that people are starving elsewhere,,,,,people are capable of caring about MANY things at once,,,

JustAGuy2112's photo
Thu 05/27/10 07:42 AM

Patriotism and ownership views in this country are skewed. Instead of appreciating that they are here because of immigration, that their ancestors felt the same as the immigrants feel today about this country and that this nation may even with all it's problems be one of the greatest nations on the planet, they get caught up in a superiority complex that makes them feel better about themselves when they abuse and perpetrate prejudice ideals of criminality onto a certain race or type of people who are at a disadvantage to themselves.


Just to let you know...

Once again...your argument doesn't hold water.

One thing you might want to actually recognize is the fact that a LOT ( the vast MAJORITY ) of those " immigrants " you keep spouting off about, you know, the ones who BUILT this country, came through Ellis Island LEGALLY. usual...your lack of logic shines through.

The facts are very plain and very simple to understand...except to you of course.

These people that you say aren't harming anyone are here ILLEGALLY. They didn't go through the proper procedure like all those long ago immigrants that you keep trying to use to make your point.

Have you actually bothered to read the law yet??

Oh wait. That's right. You read what you wanted to read. You didn't actually read what the law actually SAYS.

You are wrong.

He forgot San Francisco too! But many of the Chinese back then came here legally as well!

Remember, we don't know the REAL history of the United States! I love hoe Patriotism suddenly is bad and evil? Some of these people have no pride in themselves let alone in their country. So hey! Lets all be wrong together? What cha say?

So since we should live in anarchy who's house do I get to burn down first? (Note that this is a sarcastic remark!)

It's utterly hilarious when, faced with actual LOGIC, she ALWAYS falls back to the childish " You are wrong " crap.

No counter point at all.

Just a five year old standing in the corner stomping her feet.

And to think....people like her are the ones who got us where we are today.

Pretty sad.

AndyBgood's photo
Thu 05/27/10 09:55 AM

Patriotism and ownership views in this country are skewed. Instead of appreciating that they are here because of immigration, that their ancestors felt the same as the immigrants feel today about this country and that this nation may even with all it's problems be one of the greatest nations on the planet, they get caught up in a superiority complex that makes them feel better about themselves when they abuse and perpetrate prejudice ideals of criminality onto a certain race or type of people who are at a disadvantage to themselves.


Just to let you know...

Once again...your argument doesn't hold water.

One thing you might want to actually recognize is the fact that a LOT ( the vast MAJORITY ) of those " immigrants " you keep spouting off about, you know, the ones who BUILT this country, came through Ellis Island LEGALLY. usual...your lack of logic shines through.

The facts are very plain and very simple to understand...except to you of course.

These people that you say aren't harming anyone are here ILLEGALLY. They didn't go through the proper procedure like all those long ago immigrants that you keep trying to use to make your point.

Have you actually bothered to read the law yet??

Oh wait. That's right. You read what you wanted to read. You didn't actually read what the law actually SAYS.

You are wrong.

He forgot San Francisco too! But many of the Chinese back then came here legally as well!

Remember, we don't know the REAL history of the United States! I love hoe Patriotism suddenly is bad and evil? Some of these people have no pride in themselves let alone in their country. So hey! Lets all be wrong together? What cha say?

So since we should live in anarchy who's house do I get to burn down first? (Note that this is a sarcastic remark!)

It's utterly hilarious when, faced with actual LOGIC, she ALWAYS falls back to the childish " You are wrong " crap.

No counter point at all.

Just a five year old standing in the corner stomping her feet.

And to think....people like her are the ones who got us where we are today.

Pretty sad.

Actually it is people like her who get into government and ruin everything with their "beliefs" (Feinstein and Boxer are two examples of this!). They let their harts over rule common sense. They want to hold this country to UNREALISTIC standards!

And then they dare call themselves Libertarians!

willing2's photo
Thu 05/27/10 12:23 PM

I dont care about OJ ,, one way or the other,,,and I dont know or care what Clintons sex escapades were, medical marijuana laws actually are reversing some of the felony aspects of marijuana possession, there have always been diseases killing people,

I do care that laws are applied equally,,, dont let others sit at the front of the bus and then tell me I have to wait in the back,,,,essentially thats what illegal immigration is,,some being permitted to just JUMP in front of others,,,

people care, but most of us are limited to discussing only one issue at a time,,,,,,so if I worry about how to get the ketchup stain out of my blouse,, it doesnt mean I dont care that people are starving elsewhere,,,,,people are capable of caring about MANY things at once,,,

drinker drinker drinker love
You so right.

Unlike the other poster, the majority can multi-task, (Lookie, I learned a new internet-speak term.) and for his sake, we can address more than one situation at a time.

markumX's photo
Thu 05/27/10 12:28 PM
"Actually it is people like her who get into government and ruin everything with their "beliefs" (Feinstein and Boxer are two examples of this!). They let their harts over rule common sense. They want to hold this country to UNREALISTIC standards! "

pretty much describes the GOP

Dragoness's photo
Thu 05/27/10 12:29 PM

Patriotism and ownership views in this country are skewed. Instead of appreciating that they are here because of immigration, that their ancestors felt the same as the immigrants feel today about this country and that this nation may even with all it's problems be one of the greatest nations on the planet, they get caught up in a superiority complex that makes them feel better about themselves when they abuse and perpetrate prejudice ideals of criminality onto a certain race or type of people who are at a disadvantage to themselves.


Just to let you know...

Once again...your argument doesn't hold water.

One thing you might want to actually recognize is the fact that a LOT ( the vast MAJORITY ) of those " immigrants " you keep spouting off about, you know, the ones who BUILT this country, came through Ellis Island LEGALLY. usual...your lack of logic shines through.

The facts are very plain and very simple to understand...except to you of course.

These people that you say aren't harming anyone are here ILLEGALLY. They didn't go through the proper procedure like all those long ago immigrants that you keep trying to use to make your point.

Have you actually bothered to read the law yet??

Oh wait. That's right. You read what you wanted to read. You didn't actually read what the law actually SAYS.

You are wrong.

He forgot San Francisco too! But many of the Chinese back then came here legally as well!

Remember, we don't know the REAL history of the United States! I love hoe Patriotism suddenly is bad and evil? Some of these people have no pride in themselves let alone in their country. So hey! Lets all be wrong together? What cha say?

So since we should live in anarchy who's house do I get to burn down first? (Note that this is a sarcastic remark!)

It was more than that that was wrong with his post.

Faux patriotism is always wrong.

Dragoness's photo
Thu 05/27/10 12:31 PM

Patriotism and ownership views in this country are skewed. Instead of appreciating that they are here because of immigration, that their ancestors felt the same as the immigrants feel today about this country and that this nation may even with all it's problems be one of the greatest nations on the planet, they get caught up in a superiority complex that makes them feel better about themselves when they abuse and perpetrate prejudice ideals of criminality onto a certain race or type of people who are at a disadvantage to themselves.


Just to let you know...

Once again...your argument doesn't hold water.

One thing you might want to actually recognize is the fact that a LOT ( the vast MAJORITY ) of those " immigrants " you keep spouting off about, you know, the ones who BUILT this country, came through Ellis Island LEGALLY. usual...your lack of logic shines through.

The facts are very plain and very simple to understand...except to you of course.

These people that you say aren't harming anyone are here ILLEGALLY. They didn't go through the proper procedure like all those long ago immigrants that you keep trying to use to make your point.

Have you actually bothered to read the law yet??

Oh wait. That's right. You read what you wanted to read. You didn't actually read what the law actually SAYS.

You are wrong.

He forgot San Francisco too! But many of the Chinese back then came here legally as well!

Remember, we don't know the REAL history of the United States! I love hoe Patriotism suddenly is bad and evil? Some of these people have no pride in themselves let alone in their country. So hey! Lets all be wrong together? What cha say?

So since we should live in anarchy who's house do I get to burn down first? (Note that this is a sarcastic remark!)

It's utterly hilarious when, faced with actual LOGIC, she ALWAYS falls back to the childish " You are wrong " crap.

No counter point at all.

Just a five year old standing in the corner stomping her feet.

And to think....people like her are the ones who got us where we are today.

Pretty sad.

Not at all.

You are wrong. It it is just that basic.

I don't need to do your homework for you.

It is your job to come right.

Dragoness's photo
Thu 05/27/10 12:32 PM

Patriotism and ownership views in this country are skewed. Instead of appreciating that they are here because of immigration, that their ancestors felt the same as the immigrants feel today about this country and that this nation may even with all it's problems be one of the greatest nations on the planet, they get caught up in a superiority complex that makes them feel better about themselves when they abuse and perpetrate prejudice ideals of criminality onto a certain race or type of people who are at a disadvantage to themselves.


Just to let you know...

Once again...your argument doesn't hold water.

One thing you might want to actually recognize is the fact that a LOT ( the vast MAJORITY ) of those " immigrants " you keep spouting off about, you know, the ones who BUILT this country, came through Ellis Island LEGALLY. usual...your lack of logic shines through.

The facts are very plain and very simple to understand...except to you of course.

These people that you say aren't harming anyone are here ILLEGALLY. They didn't go through the proper procedure like all those long ago immigrants that you keep trying to use to make your point.

Have you actually bothered to read the law yet??

Oh wait. That's right. You read what you wanted to read. You didn't actually read what the law actually SAYS.

You are wrong.

He forgot San Francisco too! But many of the Chinese back then came here legally as well!

Remember, we don't know the REAL history of the United States! I love hoe Patriotism suddenly is bad and evil? Some of these people have no pride in themselves let alone in their country. So hey! Lets all be wrong together? What cha say?

So since we should live in anarchy who's house do I get to burn down first? (Note that this is a sarcastic remark!)

It's utterly hilarious when, faced with actual LOGIC, she ALWAYS falls back to the childish " You are wrong " crap.

No counter point at all.

Just a five year old standing in the corner stomping her feet.

And to think....people like her are the ones who got us where we are today.

Pretty sad.

Actually it is people like her who get into government and ruin everything with their "beliefs" (Feinstein and Boxer are two examples of this!). They let their harts over rule common sense. They want to hold this country to UNREALISTIC standards!

And then they dare call themselves Libertarians!

And you are wrong too.

Again I shouldn't have to do your homework for you either.