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Topic: Er hat die Augen zugemacht...
FearandLoathing's photo
Sun 05/23/10 01:00 PM
"in seinem Blut tobt eine Schlacht
ein Heer marschiert durch seinen Darm
die Eingeweide werden langsam warm."

-He has closed his eyes
a battle rages in his blood
an army marches through his bowel
the intestines become warm slowly-

What have you done in your past that you know will eventually come back and haunt you? Was it something that you did from your soul, or something you did physically? Why did you do it in the first place?

no photo
Sun 05/23/10 01:02 PM
My nephew is fluent in german but he is in tha army now can you make that perv talk?

FearandLoathing's photo
Sun 05/23/10 01:03 PM

My nephew is fluent in german but he is in tha army now can you make that perv talk?

I'm in no way, shape, or form fluent. I know a bit but not enough to talk myself out of a bad situation with a bunch of really big, pissed off Germans, haha.

Phuque2's photo
Sun 05/23/10 01:08 PM
Far to many injuries in my life.....I am tougher than a bag of rats, but those injuries are taking a toll....So maybe in my 80's or 90's I might start feeling the effects.

I think my soul is intact.scared scared

msharmony's photo
Sun 05/23/10 01:13 PM

"in seinem Blut tobt eine Schlacht
ein Heer marschiert durch seinen Darm
die Eingeweide werden langsam warm."

-He has closed his eyes
a battle rages in his blood
an army marches through his bowel
the intestines become warm slowly-

What have you done in your past that you know will eventually come back and haunt you? Was it something that you did from your soul, or something you did physically? Why did you do it in the first place?

only thing I can think of that might be used against me is my sexual openness(within my marriage). Many people assume that due to my faith I should be very strict regarding intimacy. I have been quite the opposite, believing that in a marriage both partners should be focusing on pleasing the other. My ex often throws that in my face now and I am sure if my name ever became well known he would run to someone with the story.

otherwise,, i havent really done anything in life that would warrant controversy ,,, walked a pretty straight path so far

TxsGal3333's photo
Sun 05/23/10 01:16 PM
Nothing hell I told ya all before I was and :angel: hehehe

Honestly I have nothing within my past that could come back and haunt me..........noway hummm well except maybe a ex relationship that might show back up other then that....nothing...whoa

no photo
Sun 05/23/10 01:47 PM

"in seinem Blut tobt eine Schlacht
ein Heer marschiert durch seinen Darm
die Eingeweide werden langsam warm."

-He has closed his eyes
a battle rages in his blood
an army marches through his bowel
the intestines become warm slowly-

What have you done in your past that you know will eventually come back and haunt you? Was it something that you did from your soul, or something you did physically? Why did you do it in the first place?

Nichts mein guter Mannflowerforyou

no photo
Sun 05/23/10 01:51 PM

" ... an army marches through his bowel
the intestines become warm slowly- ... "

No wonder it takes a German to sing the blues ... Bitte, vorbeigehen zum dürfen ... ?

no photo
Sun 05/23/10 02:04 PM
Ich bin moralisch bankrott.

motowndowntown's photo
Sun 05/23/10 02:59 PM
Well there was those tacos I ate last night.

no photo
Sun 05/23/10 03:11 PM

Well there was those tacos I ate last night.
ja hier ist eine wichtige Frage. Warum muss man diesem "Tacos" gegessen? Also, nicht sehr schwer, Ich glaube.

no photo
Sun 05/23/10 03:13 PM

My nephew is fluent in german but he is in tha army now can you make that perv talk?

Kannst du mein ....mein Gott....nein

skydancingA's photo
Sun 05/23/10 03:17 PM

Well there was those tacos I ate last night.

Now who would dare hold those against you today.

Ladylid2012's photo
Sun 05/23/10 03:19 PM

Well there was those tacos I ate last night.

Now who would dare hold those against you today.

except those in the room when he starts farting....

motowndowntown's photo
Sun 05/23/10 03:48 PM
Or a crowded elevator.

skydancingA's photo
Sun 05/23/10 04:18 PM
Unless you got them over the border,
I suspect they will not haunt you all
that long, as the original OP wondered.

If, however, it was after a wild weekend
in Tijuana, I am not sure even an azzhole
transplant would erase the memory.

motowndowntown's photo
Sun 05/23/10 04:44 PM
Ah, but what if I go back for the burritos?

skydancingA's photo
Sun 05/23/10 05:11 PM

Ah, but what if I go back for the burritos?

Like the ones Linda Blair ate just before her
green head spun around?

Ladylid2012's photo
Sun 05/23/10 05:11 PM

Ah, but what if I go back for the burritos?

Like the ones Linda Blair ate just before her
green head spun around?

laugh laugh

I am soooo going to listen to Tubular Bells now!!!!!

motowndowntown's photo
Sun 05/23/10 05:16 PM
I am going to go find a burrito as big as my head.

And some cold beer.

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